New Grow - 4 Site RDWC Maiden Voyage

I am going to have to get on the phone with support for this bro. I created a new recipe and it's locked too. Not sure what I am doing wrong.

I'm positive it's user error :whistle:
I was able to get in and change the intensity of the light to 30% with my wife's phone and it stuck but I'm not sure how I did it,lol. I'm really not a gadget guy. The locks are all still on the recipe so I am going to try again to call the company about this today. I may have to get a new phone.

Anyhow, these plants look super happy this morning after I fed em. PPm's down around that 500 mark this morning, they are definitely eating and couple of gallons of water a day atm.

I have not flipped yet, want to get this light figured out and I need to get a new flower recipe going soon too. I also want to give them a chance to grow a bit, I want to take a few snips before I flip so want to let them get a bit bigger on some of the branching. Always open to advice though, I don't always have the best ideas! IMG_2613.JPGIMG_2614.JPG🤷‍♂️
I no expert but I dont think you're gonna have any problem filling out that tent my dude. Looking good!
Agree 100%. Time to flip before this gets out of hand.

Since this is your first grow with multiple plants sharing space, I'll just tell you that middle zone is gonna be dense! Highest PPFD and highest plant crossover. Starting to train branches out of there is a good plan.
Agree 100%. Time to flip before this gets out of hand.

I got off the phone with Scynce and we figured that I need a new phone, fna.

One work around I did find is that I can go in the recipe steps and change the sliders there, so looks like a bit of a work around there. I am going to go ahead and duplicate the first recipe I was using and convert that one to 12/12 and adjust the spectrum for flower....see if I can get that to work.

Any advice on where to set the sliders for initial flowering? Presently working the master intensity up by 5% a day and sitting about 6" above the canopy.
Don't get a new phone just yet dude.

Can you select the base flower (no special settings) that is default with the app? I did it on the video above.

If so, please do that, and verify your timing switches to 12/12 tonight. Or go into the settings and set your timers manually.

I might have an old iPhone I can send you, but lets get these on 12/12 now and then work that out. I'm concerned you are going to have a jungle in there.
I tried to follow along, I might have something working. I had to turn the recipe off and just selected the flower did change the spectrum. Here are a couple of screen
shots of the app on the timer side and the spectrum. It is showing as "custom" but only switched to that after I changed the settings in the flower mode.

Screenshot 2023-04-11 at 1.14.59 PM.pngScreenshot 2023-04-11 at 1.15.25 PM.png
Ok let’s break it down to the simplest step and get you set on flower

Log in and get to this page.


Touch flower.

Set intensity to 50.


Touch lights on.

This is what you should see. Your spectrum is displayed.


Now touch flower timer

Choose your preferred selections.

Touch start.

Tell me if yours looks exactly the same.
Had to show off this awesome water pump @steamroller generously gifted to me! I stopped at the hardware store and got the fittings, gonna get this bad Oscar plugged in this weekend. Thanks again SR, awesome bro!


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Had to show off this awesome water pump @steamroller generously gifted to me! I stopped at the hardware store and got the fittings, gonna get this bad Oscar plugged in this weekend. Thanks again SR, awesome bro!

He's such a solid dude, have not seen him much lately hope all is well. I'll bet he is busy with work due to spring.
Gonna get this figured out. I need a new phone anyway, I'm like at iPhone 6, way past time. I will never pay the price for the new phones so perhaps a version 10 or something will do the job.

My beautiful wife has been my defecto light timer while I am out of town, she's doing a great job!
Finally finding time to sit down today, spent the whole day in my garden for the first time. Holy cow, this 4 site system is a lot more work than I am used to!

Anyhow, I was able to pull the two younger plants out of the system using Moe's Cannabis Caddies but because I have been so buried in life, I was unable to get in and do what needed to be done on Thursday, which was defoliating a bunch and changing out the res. Did all that today but as a result, the two older plants root ball was too big to bring out with the Caddies, so had to crawl in and do them the ole fashioned way, lol, shoulda seen me.

Got the res drained out and the new pump from Steam installed, works great, thanks again bud! Started out with ppm of about 100, still not sure what is contaminating my RO tank. I did half strength medium feed from the GH chart with ratios for early bloom, that with the calmag and AgSil16 got me up around 700, a bit more than I would have liked but 600 above the starting water I did not think too bad. I do know they looked super happy before I manually turned off the light tonight. I was also surprised to see that after doing some other work in the garden, a couple of hours later I checked the water level and they had already drank a full gallon in that time, I was pretty surprised to see that! Everyone was praying pretty good when lights went out. I will check in the morning and see if perhaps I may need to dilute the res some, I'm trying to get used to running lower ppms this go around, thanks guys who helped me figure this out!

Looks like my very helpful wife found me an iphone 11 for a pretty good price so once I get that ordered and here, I will finally be able to control this light. For now, I am just doing it manually, 8 and 8 it's gonna be.

Here are some photos from earlier today with a couple of before's. Thinking in 3 or 4 days you won't be able to tell I did anything!IMG_2631.JPGIMG_2632.JPGIMG_2633.JPGIMG_2634.JPGIMG_2635.JPGIMG_2636.JPGIMG_2638.JPGIMG_2639.JPGIMG_2640.JPG
Looking good, if your bothered by the extra work now your going to hate harvest. You just may make it to the 500 club yet.

Edit; which plant is in the white 5 gal bucket?
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Man I really hope the phone works. I never had any of these issues, my lights have been solid from day 1 in every way once I got past the learning curve.

The holes on the twist locks are as big as I can make them on my printer, and they really can’t be much larger and still fit in the lids. There is definitely a point where pulling the plants out will be destructive to the roots. But we had that on the big netpots too.

I think you might have vegged a bit longer than necessary. Damn light app. I hope it’s not too hard to work on the back this go. I hate that too.
Man I really hope the phone works. I never had any of these issues, my lights have been solid from day 1 in every way once I got past the learning curve.

The holes on the twist locks are as big as I can make them on my printer, and they really can’t be much larger and still fit in the lids. There is definitely a point where pulling the plants out will be destructive to the roots. But we had that on the big netpots too.

I think you might have vegged a bit longer than necessary. Damn light app. I hope it’s not too hard to work on the back this go. I hate that too.
One good thing about dirt and pots is I can move the 2 gallon containers anywhere I want! Lol
Hope everyone is having a great day!

I noticed something going on with these plants this morning and curious what ya'all think. I think I might have got a small bit of light burn after I got home on Saturday. I had raised the light more than normal before I left on Thursday because I was going to be gone for two days and anticipated the light would need to be raised and I did not want to trouble MrsSweetLeaf to do more than she was doing for me already. I do think I have the light safely high enough atm.

The discolorations on some of the fans have me a bit concerned and I do not think they are light related...see photos. I changed out the res on Saturday when I got home to week 1 bloom ratios, was riding at about 720 ppms, I diluted that down a bit and now it's sitting at 680. To me, this looks like a deficiency but I wanted to get some more experienced eyes on these and see what gives?

If you look close, you can also see some weird leaf twisting going on too. Wondering if that is related to the light.

I was getting a bit of leaf to leaf transpiration as see in last photo but got another fan in there blowing under the canopy so hopefully that will put an end to that. Going to need to do another defoliation again soon to prevent too much of this.

^^ I was scared to say it^^
Was trying to work up the courage to say something more sophisticated like P or K..
They say calcium uptake is the most in the first 2 weeks of flower?
Right on, you thinking a ml per gallon? When I did the res change, I did 5ml per gallon based on 28 gallons so 140 ml at the res change out.
I would shoot for 100PPM boost, whatever amount that takes.

You are getting up there in PPMS again tho...

Sometimes this is like trying to ride a unicycle on a beach ball.

Personally, I'd dump half the water volume, refill with RO to cut the PPM in half, then bring PPM up 100 with cal mag. Let it suck on that for a day or 2. It won't take long if I am right. But these leaves will not heal, it will just stop new bad spots, primarily on larger fan leaves is where you see this.
BTW - I literally just went thru this same exact thing with my current grow. I was fine 1 day later.

Here is what I’m playing with now



I've got this spot in my tent where these COB lights will turn the bud crystal white. Some folks say it is trichomes on top of trichomes, and that they are desirable and the most potent.

I'm calling bullshit.

So I'm purposefully letting this top cola go white, and I will measure any THC differences between this bud and others. I expect to find none.

But this is the plant that had calcium def. Can't see it now, can you? Just a little edge curl due to light intensity up there.
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