New Grow - 4 Site RDWC Maiden Voyage

New phone supposed to be here this coming week, we will find out but I am pretty sure it's a very old phone that is responsible. I do think they have more than doubled in versions of iPhones since mine was manufactured. lol

BTW, that photo is nasty, I dunno where you get these but your analogies could use some work 🤣 although secretly, I will say it's a pretty good one🤣🤣🤣
photoshop fail if I ever saw one :eek:
Ok, guys, thanks for the help while I was out of town working!

Been making RSO today so pretty wrapped up in that but in the meantime have had a chance to check out these plants, I think they are looking pretty good and the stretch is on. I need to get in and do some more defoliation soon, trim a bunch of branches. They are showing some pre flowers but no full on pistils or anything resembling flowers yet.

PH has still been on a steady decline although seems more stable than it was yesterday, dropped to 5.9 atm and ppm's sitting at 400. I am going to amend either this evening or tomorrow morning and I recall Moe saying something about cutting back on the N about now so perhaps I want to amend with 100 ppm of brown and pink for early bloom ratios? I don't want to do anything that causes me to have to change out this very large volume of water so this is new and uncharted territory to me to get these ratios out of whack on purpose.

I hope everyone is having a great weekend!
They are sexy duds right now. Look nice hanging there, not really useful.


Not working right for SLG. There is an app to control them, I never had a single issue with it but SLG has had nothing but. Kinda frustrating. This is for sure a weak link on these lights. Until we get this worked out and we understand what went wrong, I would not recommend a purchase.
Lol I would love to have some but until I have a sealed room someday I’ll stick with my hlg Quantum boards - but I can look , - I know I’ve been following and one thing I can say for my hog’s is I had a potentiometer go out and they overnite one no questions asked new dimmer switch and all could not have asked for better customer service ! So I’m prolly a life long customer at this point ! Lmao doesn’t mean I can’t look! And they r still sexy! Lol
OK, so got in and did some work in the 5x5, amended the res where it was about 389 this morning, I bumped that back up to ~510 with 5 gallons worth of week 2 GH ratios of Brown, Green, and Pink, working on bringing the pH slowly up to around 6.0 and let it drop down if it wants. I did see what looked like a slight deficiency this morning on a couple of the fans and this amendment should take care of that if I was reading things correctly. They are drinking roughly 3 gallons of water a day.

I have been raising the height of light every other day or so, also slowly bumping up the intensity, sitting at 70% atm. Gonna start pushing these gals and when my new phone gets here, hopefully tomorrow, I can start to get that thing dialed in with the app as well as any spectrum adjustments that will boost this stage of growth!

Did a bunch of defoliation that needed to be done, got rid of a lot of larfy bud sites and lower fans. A bit of a challenge with these younger two, trying to keep some of them that I normally would hack because those two are not going to have nearly the bud sites or canopy the two in the back have that are ahead by one week....that has been frustrating and I think it will most likely affect the yield of these two plants, is what it is. Perhaps it will give me a good side by side comparison of Moe's pruning techniques with pruned vs less pruned and compare the final buds on the two sets of plants.


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Great job bro, welcome back.

I see some bands of dark, but I get the same thing in my pics under my kush 2. Gonna assume that is just a picture artifact.

Scratch that, yeah last one was a video, no bands.

That video made me download it to watch it. Not sure why.
I've noticed more signs of deficiencies during the day today, thinking I should have amended the res before I left earlier in the week.

They got down to around 380 ppm before I amended on Saturday. I've never had this issue so wondering if this is normal for when a deficiency rears it's head in hydro? Should I expect things to settle down now that I have amended? I know damaged leaves will not recover but I would think the damage should halt fairly soon, surprised to see it continue through today.
I've noticed more signs of deficiencies during the day today, thinking I should have amended the res before I left earlier in the week.

They got down to around 380 ppm before I amended on Saturday. I've never had this issue so wondering if this is normal for when a deficiency rears it's head in hydro? Should I expect things to settle down now that I have amended? I know damaged leaves will not recover but I would think the damage should halt fairly soon, surprised to see it continue through today.
Sweet leaf what light did u have before?
It the light at 100 percent
I've noticed more signs of deficiencies during the day today, thinking I should have amended the res before I left earlier in the week.

They got down to around 380 ppm before I amended on Saturday. I've never had this issue so wondering if this is normal for when a deficiency rears it's head in hydro? Should I expect things to settle down now that I have amended? I know damaged leaves will not recover but I would think the damage should halt fairly soon, surprised to see it continue through today.
In my grows a drop of 120 ppm for 4 plants in 3 days is a good 3 days.
Hey Anthem, I've been running the same light the whole grow, it's a Raging Kush II by Scynce LED.

It's sitting at 70% right now and been bringing it up by 5% every two days or so. I am thinking I let the ppms get too low because I did not amend the res before I went out of town for a couple of days and when I got back they had dropped to around 380. I amended on Saturday and brought everything up to 500 but still seeing issues and was just wondering if this is normal or not.
Snagged a couple of pics.


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Hey Anthem, I've been running the same light the whole grow, it's a Raging Kush II by Scynce LED.

It's sitting at 70% right now and been bringing it up by 5% every two days or so. I am thinking I let the ppms get too low because I did not amend the res before I went out of town for a couple of days and when I got back they had dropped to around 380. I amended on Saturday and brought everything up to 500 but still seeing issues and was just wondering if this is normal or not.
Why do you say "you let them get too low" there was food for them there and they seem content eating?
Hey Anthem, I've been running the same light the whole grow, it's a Raging Kush II by Scynce LED.

It's sitting at 70% right now and been bringing it up by 5% every two days or so. I am thinking I let the ppms get too low because I did not amend the res before I went out of town for a couple of days and when I got back they had dropped to around 380. I amended on Saturday and brought everything up to 500 but still seeing issues and was just wondering if this is normal or not.
So you used that light on your last grow of Mendal?
Take a look at your plants, I am seeing some things but the pictures could be deceiving. Fist off, you see how some of the new leaf grow has some tip curl. That is a sign of stress. It can be caused by too much light, nutrient problems or temperature problems. it is just an indicator and can mean any one of those things. Some of the leaves seem to have some discolorations but kind of hard to tell by the pictures.
I asked about the light because if you are pushing more light to the plants it can change nutrient uptake needs.
Why do you say "you let them get too low" there was food for them there and they seem content eating?
I think I am seeing signs of deficiencies Smoke so I assumed I let things get too low. Not sure, still learning here.

So you used that light on your last grow of Mendal?
Take a look at your plants, I am seeing some things but the pictures could be deceiving. Fist off, you see how some of the new leaf grow has some tip curl. That is a sign of stress. It can be caused by too much light, nutrient problems or temperature problems. it is just an indicator and can mean any one of those things. Some of the leaves seem to have some discolorations but kind of hard to tell by the pictures.
I asked about the light because if you are pushing more light to the plants it can change nutrient uptake needs.
Oh ok, yea, I used a SE3000 on the Mendel grow and this is the first time I have used this light.

So yea, I have been slowly cranking the light up as I mentioned before, at 70% and raised up higher than the manufacturer recommendation at 8" above the tallest branches. Daytime temps have been in the low 80's, RH sitting about 45% atm.

I could have the light too hot for real, never used this beast before and that is the other thing that has been changing since I am working on raising that intensity. Moe uses these lights so I will be curious what he says after he sees these new photos.

The discolorations in the photos are indicative of what I am seeing. Here is a photo showing the light distance.

I think I am seeing signs of deficiencies Smoke so I assumed I let things get too low. Not sure, still learning here.

Oh ok, yea, I used a SE3000 on the Mendel grow and this is the first time I have used this light.

So yea, I have been slowly cranking the light up as I mentioned before, at 70% and raised up higher than the manufacturer recommendation at 8" above the tallest branches. Daytime temps have been in the low 80's, RH sitting about 45% atm.

I could have the light too hot for real, never used this beast before and that is the other thing that has been changing since I am working on raising that intensity. Moe uses these lights so I will be curious what he says after he sees these new photos.

The discolorations in the photos are indicative of what I am seeing. Here is a photo showing the light distance.

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What is the strain?
I looked back and I think you are in Flower? What day?
I do not run those lights.I have looked at the specs. What percent of blue and red are you using. I thought they have these broken out and switched differently?
The strain is Grape Gas and I am about a week since flipping to 12/12.

I am running the standard flowering recipe from Scynce for the light through the app. I don't have much control over the light atm because I have an old phone that will not properly run this light with the app, getting a new phone which should be here tomorrow. I don't know what the percentages are but I can check in a bit if you think that is important.

They do have the spectrum adjustments to dial things in for the various stages of growth but I have not tinkered with them aside from the factory flower spectrum.
Hey Anthem and Smoke, did you zoom in on those 3 close up photos? I am curious what you think about the spotting I am seeing, it looks like a deficiency to me.
Looked, i too am still learning, im seeing tip burning on the new growth, probably not nutrient burn at 350 ppm but more a imbalance in nutrients. I see calcium def and stress could be lights which i know nothing about.

If mine i would reset water to what made up your original 500 and add another 50 ppm of calmag. I would turn my hps lights down a notch tooScreenshot_20230423_203728_Samsung Internet.jpg
I'm waiting for lights on this morning to have a look. PH dropped overnight to 5.4 so gonna add some water in a bit and see where it lands and then adjust up. Also going to dial the light back to 50%, perhaps I prematurely cranked it up and that is causing this, just not sure, but it looks like a deficiency to me.
OK, so the deficiency is looking worse today, thinking I might need to up the total ppms? Sitting at 480 and I lowered the intensity of the light to 50%, was at 70% because I had been working it up every couple of days by 5%.

I got my new phone today, having the same damn issues with locked sliders, tried to call Synce and left a message, will be getting with their tech soon, perhaps the light has a problem since it was a refurb.

Going with Cal/mag [ yes actually both] and not scared to say it this time.
You may have a cal/mag hog there.
It was a short fix last time so that is what makes me think the plant is a hog. I believe you only used Ca last time but I would up the Mg also.
That was 1 week ago today.
I see calmag also but i also tip burn on new growth which looks like nute burn. But feeding at 400 ppm how can that be? @Anthem275
Is it a def of cal mag or a imbalance of nutrients including calmag.

Can you take pictures of new growth tops and lower new growth.

Edit, ive read in past that led lights bring out the calmag thing. Is this true?
Thanks guys, I have not done anything yet. I'm wondering how much calcium to add.....shit, I dunno.

I am wondering if I cranked the light up a bit to high and was waiting to see if Moe could confirm or deny that. I had it up to 70% and so I am wondering if what you are seeing Smoke is from that. I'm not really seeing any leaf tip burn.
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I looked closer and the more I think about it, I think it's light burn. @Anthem275 had suggested that was part of the problem and I think he might be right. I had that light pretty low and at 70% and I think it got em. The lower foliage looks fine, no deficiencies at all down low, but every single top looks fried to me. All 3 of those photos are near the top.

I pulled the light way up and letting it ride. Could light burn cause that spotting we're seeing?
Thanks guys, I have not done anything yet. I'm wondering how much calcium to add.....shit, I dunno.

I am wondering if I cranked the light up a bit to high and was waiting to see if Moe could confirm or deny that. I had it up to 70% and so I am wondering if what you are seeing Smoke is from that. I'm not really seeing any leaf tip burn.
The tip burn at the end of the new grow it from pushing light too quick. I am not really seeing Calcium Def. It looks to me like something else. First of all in my experience Calcium Def. follow plant stretch, meaning it shows up the middle to end of week 2. Secondly I have never seen it as what I am seeing as black spots around the whole outside of the leaves. In my experience it is more in the middle of the fingers towards the outer portion of the leaves. Hate to ask this but have you looked at the underside of the leaves for any bugs?
Calcium is a balancing act because it is antagonistic with so many other nutrients. Additionally, I believe it was Moe mentioning it is immobile. I have heard that as well, but I have also read it as being semi-mobile. This is part of the reason why you see it on the fan leaves near the top of the plant. The plant is pulling it from these leaves to the top of the plant.
I am not confident in what the nutrient or plant problem is besides the light being too much too quick.
Sweet leaf think about the additional light in a little different way. If you are at 40 percent and you add 5 percent you are increasing the light the plant is seeing by 12.5 percent. The light problem is probably following the plant problem. Further, PPM's dropping and not following water use it also a concern for me.
I looked closer and the more I think about it, I think it's light burn. @Anthem275 had suggested that was part of the problem and I think he might be right. I had that light pretty low and at 70% and I think it got em. The lower foliage looks fine, no deficiencies at all down low, but every single top looks fried to me. All 3 of those photos are near the top.

I pulled the light way up and letting it ride. Could light burn cause that spotting we're seeing?
See the new growth at the top with light color, that is the start of your problem. The fix for that is to lower the light intensity. What I cannot tell you is what is causing the problem, meaning this. Is it too much light too quick or is it another problem manifesting itself as light burn. I do not have the tools to know the difference.
Yea, I dialed the light back to 50% where it's been and raised it way up till I get this figured out.
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