New Grower, Gifted a Clone, Potted Outdoor - need advice, thanks!


Ganja Guerrilla
Jul 14, 2024
Reaction score

First off, Thank you for being a forum that is welcoming of noobs.

I am seeking the collective wisdom as I have planted a clone in a fabric pot, outdoor. I was gifted the clone - so i'm not sure how old it was when I got it. I planted it in the pot on June 20 and let it get used to outdoors, now it looks pretty happy. As a fan of cali-green on youtube, I'm trying to do living organics.

It looks like it might have been topped once or twice while it was a clone, but I can't tell. It's doing well and I think I have a good grasp on watering and feeding (but I'm not sure). I'm not expecting any mind blowing results, but I hope to keep it alive and get some flower.

I don't know what to do in terms of pruning or topping - or really anything.

I've been using neem oil once a week and ran out of B.T so I need to get some more to do that once a week (Unless people advise spinosad?) My water when it gets dry every 2-3 days, depending on the heat, try not to allow runoff. Spray it once in a while with see weed extract. Watered with compost tea twice now. I'm in northern California.

This strain is called "Rank Bull" which i've never heard of (Maybe a big bull cross?)

Please check photo. Any advice that you think will be helpful is most welcome. Sorry i'm all over the place.

- Annaresti

Thanks again. Just regular 3% hydrogen peroxide from the store? Do you have any good tutorials or can you give me a rundown?
Migrampa has it down.

I had it try to take hold on my outdoor and it stopped it cold. Jilly Bean on my indoor got rot and it stopped it but I got lucky and caught it early. Lost 3 large colas and a chunk out of a fourth.

After harvest no further mold or rot was found. Anything that looked fugly during trimming was removed just in case.

It’s still curing but I’ll report on the end results.

Talked about it with G$. Best guess was I brought something in from the outside vegetable garden as all areas affected were at the same hight. It looks like I noticed it just before it bloomed out. No other plant got infected. Got lucky.
I have some other questions or requests for the materials to read.

As we get into the last fifteen or so days.Is there anything I should be doing other than watching ? Do I water ill more or less? Or the same?

Some of the big leaves are dying, which I understand but also some smaller ones are I guess, fox tailing is what they call it?


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Keep watering as needed.
The plant will use less water but your soil may just soak it up so no real reason to decrease.
Foxtailing is what happens to buds. It is just excessive pistil growth late in the cycle.
Your plant is doing fine in my outdoor opinion.
Are you able to post really close up pictures of your flowers? We're looking for those trichomes to form a mushroom head and then begin to turn cloudy. The number of weeks until harvest isn't an absolute number. Time your harvest so that the majority of those mushrooms are cloudy with a few showing signs of turning red/amber. If the majority are still clear, wait about a week and check again.
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Are you able to post really close up pictures of your flowers? We're looking for those trichomes to form a mushroom head and then begin to turn cloudy. The number of weeks until harvest isn't an absolute number. Time your harvest so that the majority of those mushrooms are cloudy with a few showing signs of turning red/amber. If the majority are still clear, wait about a week and check again.
That's awesome.

Ill keep checking.


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More leaves are curling, it's that normal? Getting close!

Do people make a bucket of pure (3%) hydrogen peroxide? To dip or some kind of further dilution?

I've seen people wet trim a little bit before then dip and dry... then cure. Seems right.


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More leaves are curling, it's that normal? Getting close!

Do people make a bucket of pure (3%) hydrogen peroxide? To dip or some kind of further dilution?

I've seen people wet trim a little bit before then dip and dry... then cure. Seems right.
I don't see anything alarming in how your plants look. Keep in mind, they are coming to their end of life stage so the leaves will start showing signs of fall.

As for how close time-wise? It's hard to tell from those last photos. Post some more closeups like you did the other day. At that time, you still had at least a week or more to go.

I mix a couple ounces of H2O2 in about a gallon of water and then insert my "wet-trimmed" flowers directly in the mixture. I rinse, then repeat in a baking soda water wash, then a lemon juice wash, and finally a pure water wash. Then I remove as much water from the buds with some towels before air drying. This is my method for outdoor flower.

Whether or not you trim wet or dry really comes down to personal preference. My wife and I prefer wet trim ... but others prefer a rough wet trim and then use a silicone pastry brush to dry brush the buds clean. Both methods work just fine.
You're entering the harvest window from what I am seeing. Now, don't go rushing to cut just yet. I'd get several other people's opinion. I'm seeing some amber but I don't see a lot of cloudy ... but that could be due to the brightness of the sun outdoors. Indoors, I usually turn down my lights to their lowest setting before I take those close-up pics. At least with my phone's camera, I can see the detail in dimmer light as opposed to pictures taken in bright sunshine or my LED's running at 100%.
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