SSHZ does Dragons Flame "Orange Dreams"..........

Looks like at least a 5 or 6 week veg period im guessing.........@Mad Max, what are your thoughts?
I agree 100% with you some enviroment manipulation is needed to get them to stretch out abit.whether through raising the light or try running agood gap between night and day temps…Jeff has mentioned to me when he has the viewed my grow now can see the orange dreams side not throwing down staying short but growing fat buds..I can see what you mean that they are a little behind in size like they need more time but my grows always have 16-20 branches between 34-37 days.plants average 50 110cm tall.this grow is nxt might grow taller.some grows and phenos have some really good spacing between the nodes and you will also get ones that are real squat and need extra defoliation just because the branches and node spacing is close..but like you have said many times the Gavita keeps plants short…even sativas..I think the latter is more suited to your light.your def going to have plenty of branches.that I do know
I'm considering trimming everything down to 8 branches, but i wont know until I get further into it. Just need to give them time, let them do their thing. Night temp differential has been (80-66) about 14 degrees difference but it's been warm here the last few days, that will change again to colder days and nights. Most important for them to stay uniform, the rest i can deal with more easily........
Can’t believe how short they are staying sshz..the hps you mentioned might have been the way to get them to stretch out abit in veg then hit them with the Gavita.
I'll give them 2 more weeks, do a defoliation opening them up a bit and then switch to flowering. I'm not obsessed with plant size as i know i can still get a great yield off shorty's. Removing 4 of the largest sun leaves on each plant will open them up quite a bit.......
Your room is 2 sides right?
How big is the space?
Curious cause I'm getting a 4x8 and wonder how much I can stuff in that thing lol 😆

I know I've read your room details somewhere, just god knows where lol.
The room is 4 x 12 approx., but i keep a 4 ft sq. in the center for the fan, dehumidifier and so i have room to water. The space under each led is 4 x 4 approx.....

Once i spread the plants out more, it will look better and come together to what you are used from me.........
The room is 4 x 12 approx., but i keep a 4 ft sq. in the center for the fan, dehumidifier and so i have room to water. The space under each led is 4 x 4 approx.
Perfect thanks. So my plans of 18-24ish plants in a 4x8 seems totally possible based on what you're running.
My fans clip on the tent poles and my dehu is like 1 plant space so I think I'll get 18 in the summer and 24ish in the winter when the RH drops.
I found tremendous differences in the room running 18 plants vs. 24........temps, humidity, watering all had to be manipulated to get the temps near 80 degrees. Everything is strain specific though, i.e. shorter vs. taller, cal/mag whores vs. not, high ppm levers or not, and on and on.........just watch the room daily for things out of line. I purposely grew this strain knowing it would be more of a challenge than normal.
Yeah my bedroom runs really warm in the summer months so it'll be an adventure for sure. I'm hoping that it'll be an easy one though since my 4x4 and 3x3 were already dialed in for this room, I'm hoping I won't have to play with too much to make it work out in the 4x8
I decided to go in the room and remove 1 set of the largest sun leaves ( 9 blades) on the tallest plants. This will hopefully open up more light to the branches underneath. I'll do the same thing again with one more set before flowering. I'll also move the tallest plant to one side, the shortest to the other. And no topping (obviously) this crop. 10ml Cal/Mag now to offset some of the leave rippling.......
I'll give them 2 more weeks, do a defoliation opening them up a bit and then switch to flowering. I'm not obsessed with plant size as i know i can still get a great yield off shorty's. Removing 4 of the largest sun leaves on each plant will open them up quite a bit.......
I tend to think that shorter in veg is better anyhow, as long as the strain isn't a indica dominant cola monster of some sort. But even those risks can be mitigated with good environment control
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Well, there's short and there's SHORT........these are the later. From those pics i posted above early in the thread, it does not seem to be a large plant anyway. I'll give them 5 weeks veg, but can't go any longer. As always, it will work itself out and things will be fine.
Looks great. One of the strategies I used with situations like that is tucking in the fans daily so your lateral tips are seeing the light of day and not just covered over by the monster fans.

Especially in the middle level area. I can see them starting to stretch out a tad in the updated picture.
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Yes, slowly.......i'll probably switch in another 6-7 days to flowering. On that day, I'll do some limited defoliation to open things up a bit. The smallest plants I hate to remove anything, figuring they need all the help they can get. The bushy girls will be fine. But, I don't see these stretching much in flowering. I want to make sure have enough branches so i get some yield too.
You can probably see why I use stakes in my setup was more to perk those wide branches up so it gives me more room between the plants plus helps those branches when they are loaded up with juicy buds from the 7 week mark onwards.
some of those are pretty big sshz and sorta remind me of the orange gasms girls in a way..
Well, there's short and there's SHORT........these are the later. From those pics i posted above early in the thread, it does not seem to be a large plant anyway. I'll give them 5 weeks veg, but can't go any longer. As always, it will work itself out and things will be fine.
Flip them girls, let em run! I say go flower! SS
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