SSHZ does Dragons Flame "Orange Dreams"..........

Damn, stopped by the GPS website and bought 5 more packs, not fem's- of 5 different things I wanted the genetics of. A lot of Stardog hybrids. Some Apple Fritter stuff. A couple others. These will go into a very deep freeze for the time being.

I'm about to goin here and remove some more leaves. I need more visible bud sites but this side looks terrific.image.jpg
I water and trim less as I gain knowledge of growing cannabis, it's a different animal and learning about the strain/strains is critical to maximize yield,flavor,smell. Cheers
I bought some organic nitrogen, in the form of soy protein- it's like 16-0-0. I feel one of Pure Blend Pro's weakness's is their N can be low for plants that like a lot of it. I'll sprinkle in 1/2 a teaspoon on the topsoil and let it slowly absorb. The left side of the room seems a bit greener than the other side.

I'm going in now to prick off some more leaves..............
you need a whipper snipper . 😉 Got that new filter in there now..i thought you not long changed it out like a yr ago.
I went back to AMAZON and found the purchase.......A year and a few months. I typically try and change it out yearly.
Can you get phresh ones in your area..they seem to b the best ones to get packed with 46mm rh-48 carbon..I think I’m getting close to changing mine out…bought it 2018 but didn’t use it till 2020 /21 .i think the stink permeates through the wall lol
Amazon sells everything.....and delivers within a couple of days with Prime. My daughter is in management with AWS (amazon web services) so I also use her employee discount. I've been running my room at higher humidity levels recently, and that clogs up a filter faster than anything. I used to run 2 filters, one high up and one at floor level. Did that for a couple of years. Didn't notice one bit of difference. Bottom line, the wife complains so i have to "act" like I'm doing something to fix it. lol 68 years old and i've got to play these f*ckin games with her. lol A happy wife, a happy life. lol
3 weeks in flowering tomorrow.....its moving along quickly. One of the shortest strains I've ever grown.
Just as wide as they are tall think your light plays a roll on how tall they get..what has been your tallest under the Gavita..that will get you thinking 😃.this strain must have some % of sativa in them as I’m going 11 weeks the majority of the time.and I get bugger all amber which blows my mind.
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These LED's always keep indica plants short, the more indica- the shorter they usually are. Final stretch was 6-8 inches in some of the plants. 3-4 shorties stretched like 4 inches.
I'm running coffee crisp and dip-n-stix just one plant of each and the dip-n-stix sticks had some lower sacks, I think @GrumpAzz dip-n-stix is doing fine.
I haven't had as much free time this go, but so far so good. Nothing looks like a ballsack but I'll keep my fingers crossed. I'm about halfway through flower now.

She's getting frosty and the fans seem to be rather slender compared to Stoney and Bandit's run.
Tomorrow will be 1 day short of a month in flowering and for the last time, I'll pull everything out for 1 last cleanup........
So.......... I've been seeing some very, very minor mite damage here and there thru the room. I did find one plant that seems to be the problem, and i pulled it out to study it. Just hints of damage on 6-8 leaves but enough that I didn't want to isolate it so i just destroyed it instead. Any other damage in the room on any leaves has been removed so the room still looks great.

But I know they'll find there way back so i ordered Grandevo CG and Venerator CG. These are 100% organic and will arrive on Saturday.

"The active ingredients in VENERATE CG and GRANDEVO CG bioinsecticide/miticides are each new species of non-living bacteria with insecticidal and miticidal properties produced during the fermentation manufacturing process."

There is no residual effect with these so you really need to hit every inch each of the plant to-be effective. Every 7 days. Religiously. Alternate them or use together. I'm still deciding.

The Grandevo used to use a clay-based transport mechanism ( clay was used in the formula) but that was ended in 2022 sometime. Every review from pot growers I've been able to find state it had no affect on taste/quality/yield of the buds it was sprayed with. Remember, all natural.......2 tablespoons per gallon of water.

On Saturday when everything arrives, I'll mix up a batch and then tear down the room, cleaning and spraying everything while I'll also do another defoliation, opening up things one last time. I've been bummed about it, mites always worry me. It's just at the very beginning of an issue- if it was later in flowering I would have just laughed at them.

Interesting that if I wasn't hand watering everything, I may have missed it until much later. Everything is towards the back of the room.
Numerous growers and breeders I respect use the stuff's quite expensive though. . You need to find the 1 lb. size to keep things reasonable.
My longest day in a while. Stomach issues from med's I'm taking, I knew I needed to rip the room out and do a clean up. Started at 11am, finished around 3pm. Took every plant out of the room, cleaned them up, defoliated where necessary, looked for mite damage, any other issues.Then took out tarps and washed them. Vacuumed up the room, and sprayed everything down. Put the plants back 3 at a time, and sprayed Grandevo, literally soaking the plants head to toe.

There was really no visible mite damage, other than 10-12 leaves total that showed signs on some tips. I think things were pretty much contained to the plant I destroyed. Felt like shit doing the work but real happy things were caught very early and I assume the case will be closed now. I'll continue the weekly spraying, adding the Venerater CG too.

Room really looked great tonight, except I have 1 plant that has some LED damage, as it was sitting in the center of the room and received a bit too much. That one was moved to the edge to reduce its light an bit. Other wise, very short plants, fairly uniform in growth. The plants have a deep, dark stank to them and it literally took me using SOS pads on my hands to finally get the resin off, as nothing else (including alcohol) was working. This is not a sticky resin, it's more oil like if you get my drift.

Can't wait to smoke this one....the Chem Valley Kush is fully evident in this strain.
Yeah I’ve noticed with the orange dreams x with celestial dragon there mostly a greasy feel.i had one last nite that was sticky af ,kept gunking the ✂️ up and couldn’t twirl the stem while I was trimming lol.
that gal that doesn’t look trimmed ✂️ Stands out.
She was trimmed up, she was just in good shape already and all the buds were exposed. Remember, I've already removed a lot of leaves in previous defoliations. This is NOT the plant you earlier identified, that was on the other side.

The room seems a little disheveled right now, it's been thru a lot the last couple of days. Things will rebound soon enough. I don't plan on doing anything else except watering and spraying on Saturday nights.
So the Granevo did leave a bit of clay like substance on the leaves……… I guess I didn’t keep shaking the sprayer enough. It won’t harm anything though and we’ll see if the next spraying of Venerate tomorrow changes anything. Otherwise, really starting to see this rooms potential and Max was entirely correct when he mentioned how similar this grow was to the Orange Gasm.
Looking good should enjoy trimming those..i like looking at them at week 6-7 when they have bulked up more.
yields going to b okay mate 🙂.
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