True Confessions of an American Outlaw

My riding lawn mower acted up several years ago so I sent it to the shop.
They had it for like 2 1/2 months~!
My lawn was about 2-3 feet tall by the time I got it back.
When I finally was mowing my lawn people driving by were honking their horns and cheering~!

I like things to be neat but keeping up with the Smiths and Jones does not interest or concern me at all.
I often wonder how this world can be so screwed up with so many perfect lawns.
We work with a lot of HOA’s - worst I’ve heard so far was a customer was fined $500 for having his trash can out by the road to early ! Wtf ! And people sign contracts for that shit , it’s my lawn my trash I’ll take care it ! Leave me the fuck alone ! There that’s my opinion also ! Supposed to be the land of the free ! Pffff…..
Associations are around here too.
They control everything like color of house and roof, beyond the common rules like garbage and visitors parking in the road.
Around here it goes one step further.
We have the Historical Society and they will spend your money like they own your home... They do own your home and you are just a stewart.
I have been to houses that could only have metal or cedar shake roof since that's how they were 100+ years ago..
I am also often confined to use old antiquated details at many locations.
The plans will say replace in kind to original, even if a better detail is known..:rolleyes:
Getting things changed even for the better is often a futile exercise in submittals and change orders.
Me and wife like our butterflies as well even got em on out plates ! Lol that’s my work truck been dented once or twice ! Lol
I kinda think it's inevitable that whenever specailized plates are put on a ride, it's not long before it gets smashed somehow. Every one of my cars with a cool special tag are scrap metal today 😕
we like dandelions in our salads. makes great wine, i've even made few runs of moonshine with it. my chickens love it, the deer eat it... and it all grows free!!!

You had me at dandelion moonshine. 😋 How does that taste?
nosy people ruin everything!! those 200lb fat bitches can walk around in yoga pants and i gotta look at that, meanwhile if ya don't mow your grass and keep everything nice for everyone else to see you get a fine... wtf?!?

our society needs a good swift kick in the ass!! i love these houses full of kids and the owners pay landscapers to take care of it.. fuckin lazy mo fo's!!!!

Reminds me of one of my long time neighbors. She's kinda out there and odd. Only person I've ever known to make blackened catfish and it have no flavor. IDK how that's even possible.
Anyways she has a habit of trying to guilt people into doing chores for her and family. One day she tried to guilt me into mowing her yard while her kid was inside playing Xbox. I was like Hell No you gotta healthy teenage boy right there! Fucking people Man.
My riding lawn mower acted up several years ago so I sent it to the shop.
They had it for like 2 1/2 months~!
My lawn was about 2-3 feet tall by the time I got it back.
When I finally was mowing my lawn people driving by were honking their horns and cheering~!

I like things to be neat but keeping up with the Smiths and Jones does not interest or concern me at all.
I often wonder how this world can be so screwed up with so many perfect lawns.
When the Smiths and Jones look at my yard they don't know what to think. They like things to look the same and pay people to maintain it.
I like Bigfoot and Jackalopes and things to be a little wild

We work with a lot of HOA’s - worst I’ve heard so far was a customer was fined $500 for having his trash can out by the road to early ! Wtf ! And people sign contracts for that shit , it’s my lawn my trash I’ll take care it ! Leave me the fuck alone ! There that’s my opinion also ! Supposed to be the land of the free ! Pffff…..

HOA might as well be a four letter word here. There are a lot of them but not my neighborhood. Some have tried to get one going so they can have teeth to control what their neighbors do with their homes but all the cowboy hippies shut that shit down before it gets started
Coming to you live from the heart of prohibition country where we speak in code, walk between rain drops, and cultivate the grass that grows between the cracks!

Welcome to my personal trichome manufacturing plant! This year however, I'm expanding operations to include peppers, cukes, melons, and fancy flowers not for smoking.

I'm about a month into this project so it's time for some catching up.
Everything is 100% organic so no checking or meddling with pH, EC/TDS or any of that stuff. Soil volume and stripped down water chemistry is all that's required.
Really the only numbers I ever pay any attention to is room temp and RH and read the plants to adjust. I do have a EC meter but I only use it to make sure my RO system is working like it should.
My water is also UV purified, heavily oxygenated, and stored in the room in a 55 gallon barrel.
The room's temp/rh monitor also reads CO2 but it's not like I'm gonna add CO2 tanks or anything like that if the number is low. I prefer fresh air, lots of it, and moving it thru and out very fast. I can probably turn the air over in this room in less than 3 minutes. Also in regards to air, I use so many fans it's like an air blender in there. Bud rot does not stand a chance of setting in with how I run my air.

My main focus is always on roots. Focus on roots then everything green comes ez is my motto.
Coiling and compaction are my sworn enemy which is why I use airpots and my new creation..newsprint lined custom made netpots for vegging plants. + with airpots it's nearly impossible to overwater and by week 3 I'm usually watering daily.
Big believer in using microherds and keeping them happy and partying. When it comes time for flower they get upcanned into 7 gallon ribbed containers to ensure a huge gas tank of food for the duration. This operation is about as close to *Just add water* as it gets.

Lights are 3 blurple LED Sun simulators w/ UVB, 4000K, 3100K, & Pure PAR interchangeable supplement lights depending on stage of growth.
Soil is Roots 707 for starting seeds & veg then Roots Lush for flower. The Lush also gets a handful each of Uprising Foundation & Bloom dry blends and my liquid nutes are Liquid Fish and Seaweed and Roots Trinity. Microherds are Mycos+.

Everything for weed is the same for the veggies until it's time for them to go outside. From there they go into Earthboxes loaded with used but reconditioned ganja garden soils and cheaper peat based soils I find at the nursery. The Earthboxes (AKA SIP AKA Sub-Irrigated Planter) are also equipped with autowaterers for set it and forget gardening

The line up

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Command and control

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Sun simulators

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Going vertical

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Appears you are totally in the groove, got a beat and great wall poster image🐏


Need hooks...print hooks🙃




Lobster tea having it's way. This plant is twice it's average size with way bigger flowers after getting fed the lobster compost tea👍


Remember those Cosmos flowers I started along with the ganja indoors? They're doing well and popped their first blooms today!🌼



Blue Sharon is blue and named Sharon💙


peppers in earthboxes🌶️


Cucumber Island🥒




More and more bees are buzzing around the yard lately. Now they have a spot to shack up and stay for the long haul if they want🐝


Rise of the Tomautopot. 👽Had a printer mishap with a clogged nozzle on the bottom screen so that delayed things for a day. Netcups are printing now and I wanna make a 3" riser for the fill tube before planting. Shell gets it's UV protection coating today☀️



Have a great week Y'all!✌️
Jeez dude you are busier than me. I gotta speed up.

I’m going to just get the airpots here. By the time we both fuck around with it it’s a pita.

Do you think I should get 3 gallon or 5 to flower in?

I’m thinking of running a printed tube up a couple of them and injecting O2 just for giggles.

What about best pots to germinate in and will I need to up pot twice?
Jeez dude you are busier than me. I gotta speed up.

I’m going to just get the airpots here. By the time we both fuck around with it it’s a pita.

Do you think I should get 3 gallon or 5 to flower in?

I’m thinking of running a printed tube up a couple of them and injecting O2 just for giggles.

What about best pots to germinate in and will I need to up pot twice?

No problem at all. I have some project ideas with all the air-pots I have but figured I should at least offer.
Now that I have a 3D printer I want to make new screens to create a new size between the red and orange bottom sizes. This grow showed me it's time to get on that. I let these plants veg for about 10 days longer than they should've in the orange bottom size pot and they ran out of gas so I had to feed and water daily until upcan. I think a mid size pot would remedy that if it happens again. And with mulitstrain grows I'm sure it will.

My routine is vertical germination and plant into the 1 gallon or orange bottom air-pot for veg. I upcan the day I flip to flower, give or take a few days but no more than 5 days since I like it to happen all at once.
I don't see a point to using the seed starter size because the 1 gallon is so small I consider it more of a suitable starter pot than the tiny starter size.

I'm not much of a fan of flowering in airpots. Plants become food and water hogs once they fill out the container requiring at least once a day waterings and when it's warm, twice a day.
5 gallon would be the bare minimum I'd flower and I might even come up with a drip irrigation system to keep up with it's demand. It's very hard to over water a plant in an airpot so a steady IV style drip would not be a bad thing.
The 2.4 gallon and 3 gallon sizes are kinda in a no mans land of sizes IMO. Too big to be starter pots and too small for flowering IMO.
If they made a 7 gallon that would be my choice but after 5 it jumps to 10. I'd probably go with the 10 really just because I like a lot of soil for free ranging root travel, insulation, large tank of gas, and more soil equals better pH stability but the 10 is a bit overkill in that goal.

There's other types of airpots too. Vevor, Maxx Yields, Rootmaker to name a few. They're thinner and a bit more flimsy compared to the originals made in Scotland but they also offer more choices in sizes
No problem at all. I have some project ideas with all the air-pots I have but figured I should at least offer.
Now that I have a 3D printer I want to make new screens to create a new size between the red and orange bottom sizes. This grow showed me it's time to get on that. I let these plants veg for about 10 days longer than they should've in the orange bottom size pot and they ran out of gas so I had to feed and water daily until upcan. I think a mid size pot would remedy that if it happens again. And with mulitstrain grows I'm sure it will.

My routine is vertical germination and plant into the 1 gallon or orange bottom air-pot for veg. I upcan the day I flip to flower, give or take a few days but no more than 5 days since I like it to happen all at once.
I don't see a point to using the seed starter size because the 1 gallon is so small I consider it more of a suitable starter pot than the tiny starter size.

I'm not much of a fan of flowering in airpots. Plants become food and water hogs once they fill out the container requiring at least once a day waterings and when it's warm, twice a day.
5 gallon would be the bare minimum I'd flower and I might even come up with a drip irrigation system to keep up with it's demand. It's very hard to over water a plant in an airpot so a steady IV style drip would not be a bad thing.
The 2.4 gallon and 3 gallon sizes are kinda in a no mans land of sizes IMO. Too big to be starter pots and too small for flowering IMO.
If they made a 7 gallon that would be my choice but after 5 it jumps to 10. I'd probably go with the 10 really just because I like a lot of soil for free ranging root travel, insulation, large tank of gas, and more soil equals better pH stability but the 10 is a bit overkill in that goal.

There's other types of airpots too. Vevor, Maxx Yields, Rootmaker to name a few. They're thinner and a bit more flimsy compared to the originals made in Scotland but they also offer more choices in sizes
Got it. I'll head to the store at lunch and report back what they have in stock. Thx.
Gettin' some action!



Hot peppers


cotton balls are a poppin' and hybrids are stretching it out



Upgraded my micro brewery with a little table & shelf


And some new ingredients to the surf n turf brew..


This one should probably be shouted from a mountain top but I'm just gonna quietly drop it here 😋 ....

liquid crab meal.jpg

Tea recipe:
4 parts Lobster Compost
2 parts worm castings
1/2 part Uprising Foundation
1/2 part crab meal
Brew for 24 hours minimum

2 hours prior to using brew add in per 10 gallons of tea:
2oz Trinity
2oz liquid crab and lobster meal
1 large scoop Myco+

Optional: apple cider vinegar

I'll be using this recipe as both a soil drench and foliar spray on everything 🤠
Man you are into everything.

The renaissance man right here.
IDK about all that, just a guy with a green thumb trying to bring back this yard and garden to how it was prior to devastating ice storms in two years and finally getting to work on long overdue projects.

I live in a climate that for as ;long as I've been herte has been desert to tropical. Then this happened


Twice in consecutive years. They called them 100 year storms so I guess we got 200 years of this shit in two. Everything tropical and most desert dwellers were obliterated and it's been a lot of work getting some things back. Lost a palm tree I planted as a 1' tall baby. When the ice killed it, it was 35' tall.
This year I'm taking huge steps to get this thing back on track and help everything that lived thru those storms be better and bigger than it was before the storms.

Finally got my picnic bench back today! Other one was crushed by falling tree limbs after ice rotted the wood. This one is steel and plastic.🤘


It's setting up to be a great Summer!!!

I'll have a quart of the neptunes on sunday!!! crazy man, we were just talking about that a few weeks ago. i've never been disappointed with neptunes in the past i'm sure this will be a winner too!!!

slick back saver stand brother!!! no more bending over for tea anymore!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
I'll have a quart of the neptunes on sunday!!! crazy man, we were just talking about that a few weeks ago. i've never been disappointed with neptunes in the past i'm sure this will be a winner too!!!

slick back saver stand brother!!! no more bending over for tea anymore!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

"Ocean Grown" aint just a strain!!! 🧜‍♀️🧜‍♂️

Neptune is nailing it brother. Between them, Aurora/Roots, K4L, and now Coast of Maine, they're my go-tos. It's like they're dialed in and listening to grower demands and not just putting shit in bottles to sell.

This one is no different. They use a carbon base liquid which I believe is another way to say molasses. Then you have the crab, lobster, and sulfur potash in one product. So you're getting micro herd goodies, calcium for plant health, sulfur for flavors and terps, little bit of N & K, and it's dialed up for aggressive vegging and flowering plants. Sounds like they tuned this shit just for weed bro.
It's a bit sludgy so shake it well. Surprisingly, little odor and actually smells kinda good.


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Plugged in my old ipad and found some old pics for a trip down memory lane

2016....LEC vs LED and mineral based hydro-organics done in a flood and drain system.



Little did I realize at the time this test grow would change everything

some LEC nostalgia right there!!!

so last week when i started those seedlings i put them, on a heat mat, i don't have a thermometer in there so i had ne idea where the temps were, i thought i'm gonna have to pick one up one of these days... then today i get your goodie box. i'm like how did he know??? that funky voodoo....

man your squish is something special!!! i took a few rips from the new seahorse, super clean on the inhale almost no flavor at all. then the exhale explodes with terps and has that unique bandit flavor and the aftertaste is like a honey or something smooth almost like a sweet butter flavor. it's more potent than what i've been smokin, i can feel it in the eyelids.... fuckin dynamite brother!!!

and the jar is in larson blue!!!! that makes it taste even better!!! haha speaking of 5, that sign is uber cool man, i'd love to put t outside but it's too nice for that. thanks so much brother!!!

sorry larson stunk up the show this weekend... he wouldn't let any body else play along. i was so hoping briscoe would have got up there and ran with larson, the 14 was turning some killer laps in the last 40 laps or so.. poor ricky in the 47, larson lapped him four times!!!!

this weekend i'll fall to the rear in the race pool. i have Bowman.

oh yeah, what are these buds man? i can tell the moonrock for mythbusters but what strains are they? man that bleached tip is rock solid!!! they both smell great though!!

but how the hell did you know i needed a thermometer?

some LEC nostalgia right there!!!

so last week when i started those seedlings i put them, on a heat mat, i don't have a thermometer in there so i had ne idea where the temps were, i thought i'm gonna have to pick one up one of these days... then today i get your goodie box. i'm like how did he know??? that funky voodoo....

man your squish is something special!!! i took a few rips from the new seahorse, super clean on the inhale almost no flavor at all. then the exhale explodes with terps and has that unique bandit flavor and the aftertaste is like a honey or something smooth almost like a sweet butter flavor. it's more potent than what i've been smokin, i can feel it in the eyelids.... fuckin dynamite brother!!!

and the jar is in larson blue!!!! that makes it taste even better!!! haha speaking of 5, that sign is uber cool man, i'd love to put t outside but it's too nice for that. thanks so much brother!!!

sorry larson stunk up the show this weekend... he wouldn't let any body else play along. i was so hoping briscoe would have got up there and ran with larson, the 14 was turning some killer laps in the last 40 laps or so.. poor ricky in the 47, larson lapped him four times!!!!

this weekend i'll fall to the rear in the race pool. i have Bowman.

oh yeah, what are these buds man? i can tell the moonrock for mythbusters but what strains are they? man that bleached tip is rock solid!!! they both smell great though!!

but how the hell did you know i needed a thermometer?

All of that is Purple Crash from Greenpoint (Purple Punch x Sundae Driver)
The rosin is mixed nug run of two phenos.
But the nugs are the white pheno, not for the bleached tip, but the lady spit so much resin she turned whiter than any Widow or Wifi I've ever seen and then the hashplant pheno with very little purple punch traits but a whole lotta Sundae Driver traits giving that sweet buttery cream cheesy like flavor. And they're given a lot of time to ripen for that heavy narcotic body high effect I like in my weed.

LOL yeah density is not an issue for me. At all. That's one reason why I upgraded to the Ruck fan and filters all over the place. Density like that demands air flow and lots of it. No way I'll risk bud rot or mold which would happen if not for that air flow and exchange.
The thing I like most about that is there's little to no deflation during the dry. They're not huge buds on the vine...usually around beer bottle size for OGs, Chems, Cookies, etc but they stay that size after drying. I remember growing donkey dick size colas under LEC and they're nice but the way they deflate while drying always made me frown a little. Kinda weird to have bottle size buds actually weigh more than arm size buds but that's what growing under CLWs has done for me and I aint mad about it! 😋

My rosin is definitely different from what's available around here. I'm careful with it and when asked I lie and say I get it from a boutique shop in California. I don't tell anybody that comes from in house and sure don't want anybody asking me to sell it to them.
IDK what's in the rosin on the commercial market here but it's not right. Maybe cut with something IDK. It often has the texture of phlegm and looks weird like it's too white. And then carts are around half as potent and sometimes bunk.
I think my dry ice extract is very comparable to the diamonds you can get but not as clean since I leave the wax in there.
I usually start off at a low temp and climb. First hit or two will be low temp burning terps then it gets into the mishmosh of everything all at once and you get that lung expansion and heavy body high. One thing for sure I don't complain about a sore back smoking that shit hahaha!

Yeah good luck with the mythbuster bud haha! Every time I try to get a conclusion on that the song "DMV" from Primus starts playing in my head, I roll it all together, and say to myself, it's all going to the head anyways and blaze away.

I enjoyed the All Star race man! Glad it wasn't slow like the clash. Larson just did that thing only he can do...He finds a line nobody else can follow and obliterates the field! That might have been the easiest million dollars ever earned in the history of humans dude.
As long as it's not the other Kyle or Bubba or Brad or a Dillion I'm happy. And yeah Brisky ran real well! Dirt track drivers had an advantage for sure. 47 probably felt like he was going backwards hahahaha!!
I loved Gragson getting in there. I voted for him in the fan vote probably a 100 times.
And yeah I think my climb to 3rd in the pool is about as good as I'll get this year. I have Ty Dillion this week. Might as well have Bowman so I'll be going in the wrong direction again this week.
I think the best merch scores are at the races from the team haulers, especially Hendricks. I find stuff there I don't see anywhere like that sign and the straw hat. Also got that Larson Phoenix mini helmet there. Cant wait to see what awaits in Chicago!!!

That is spooky about the thermometer. Hell I just got the funky little Infinity deal and thought hey maybe my man Stoney can use this other one? Sure enough!!! It also reads CO2 so it's all kinds of fancy hahaha!!!🎩
Enjoy Brother and have a great week.🤘
I got some epic shit happening this week! I'll update in coming days :alien:
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2 part update so I can post all these pics today.

Part 1: outdoor projects and compost tea stuff

Some off grid stuff with the Earthbox autowatering tank getting a solar power air pump


The cukes the tank is feeding has gone bonkers.
I'm getting 2 salad cukes per day and now the lemon cukes are popping out



The compost tea brewer is all kinds of baddass now. I pretty much turned it into a food truck😎


And it can go off grid too


Next step is to 3D print a luggage rack for the power pack and maybe a tool rack too.
Speaking of 3D printer stuff....


Back to the garden....






3D printed Tomautopot is online!


The compost tea is working some magic bringing things back to health



The most prolific turnaround is the apple tree. Several weeks ago it looked like Charlie Brown's Xmas tree. Now it's going nuts on the tea



I'm about 8 weeks from dry seed into this project w/ 4-6 to go.
Lights are at 95%.
Watering every other day.
Funny thing I've been watching with the new CO2 monitor...lights off is at 650ppm. Lights on in the canopy is a steady 450ppm. So I guess these 6 plants are sucking 200ppm of CO2 from the air during the lights on period





Nothing makes me happier than early snow. Screaming Cookies has been a bitch but she apparently knows how to make up for the hassles


Some new toys for harvest. Picked up 3 new common ssnips to replace my dulled blades but was also feeling a bit sporty and went in on a pair of carbon steel snips from Japan


And I did it. They finally hooked me and I did it. The Hideout has a new toy on the way...

The abuse those gorilla carts will take is unbelievable. I got my dad one for Father's day for hauling firewood around up at camp and he loves it too.
damn, tons going on in here! now i don't know if i have a choice but to follow suit -- been thinking about doing some beekeeping myself. figure with the dwindling populations, they can use whatever help we humans can give em.

what are those purple plants around your cosmos? love the stark contrast from the surrounding colors.
damn, tons going on in here! now i don't know if i have a choice but to follow suit -- been thinking about doing some beekeeping myself. figure with the dwindling populations, they can use whatever help we humans can give em.

what are those purple plants around your cosmos? love the stark contrast from the surrounding colors.
I am getting out of bees. I believe you are in the PNW. That might make things much easier. I got a swarm from a friend. Had to requeen it to get the African genetics out of the hive. Everything was going good and I think in February they most have swarmed. Weather got cold second half of February and most of March. I went in there in March and it was brutal. The next week I went in their fully suited up and tape over joint and I pulled the population way down. A couple weeks ago I sealed up the hive and I am waiting for the last few to die. If you do not have to deal with African genetics is can be a lot easier. But when I finally got the truth out of the bee keeper store owner I was like I am not doing that. You pretty much have to go break the hive down every week or 10 days and destroy any queen cells so the hive will not swarm. Taking the hive all the way down to each frame pisses the bees off.
The abuse those gorilla carts will take is unbelievable. I got my dad one for Father's day for hauling firewood around up at camp and he loves it too.
I went to the store for a metal cart but found that one for $30 less and knew it was the right choice. Sturdy AF hauling ten gallons of tea around the yard! I love that it also has a dump truck feature so I can use it to spread compost too
damn, tons going on in here! now i don't know if i have a choice but to follow suit -- been thinking about doing some beekeeping myself. figure with the dwindling populations, they can use whatever help we humans can give em.

what are those purple plants around your cosmos? love the stark contrast from the surrounding colors.
Thanks tobh!
Those plants are called Purple Hearts and are a type of spiderwort. Super ez to grow and they spread like wildfire. They don't even need to be planted. I break some off all the time and just drop it in another spot and it will take off. I use them as ground cover instead of mulch around trees too.
They die back after a freeze but come back stronger than before so now we have a huge carpet of them in several areas.

I'm working on getting the mason bee population up around here. Still not sure about honey bees plus I'm not much of a honey eater so IDK yet but masons seem ideal right now. I picked up a couple attractant plants yesterday to help with that and also sprayed down the bee house with attractant. I have a few vitex trees and they're drawing in all sorts of bees, hummingbirds, and butterflies as they bloom.
I'm seeing more bees on everything now but still use my Be The Bee tool to help pollinate the cukes and peppers. That tool really works and is pretty cool to see it spread a pollen cloud. Might even use it on weed in a breeding project in the near future ;)
Dude just catching up. Everything looks fantastic~!
LOVE that you got the light. Not sorry if I planted the crack seed in your head.
That would/will be my next light if/when I need one and they are not outdated already.
I read all about them and between what they say, the specs, and reading you say how your buds are better with CLW I am sold.
Can't wait! (y)
And as a backup I was looking around what else I could do and found this little gadget called Be The Bee.
I've pollinated pumpkins myself with a qtip... I have bees, but some years they just don't get touched and the flowers are so short lived, we'd just have a sea of vines and like one or no pumpkins... it worked cause we had several that year. Then some years, they're here in droves.
Gonna be hand pollinating to survive if people down wise up and stop spraying chemicals everywhere. 20220901_104214.jpg20210721_103045.jpg
We work with a lot of HOA’s - worst I’ve heard so far was a customer was fined $500 for having his trash can out by the road to early ! Wtf ! And people sign contracts for that shit , it’s my lawn my trash I’ll take care it ! Leave me the fuck alone ! There that’s my opinion also ! Supposed to be the land of the free ! Pffff…..
I could 100% not live somewhere with an HOA because I have a real problem with people telling me what to do... never mind PAYING them to tell me what to do...
in my own house? Yeah you knocked on the wrong door Karen. I'd be one of those people you read stories about that think of new and entertaining ways to fuck with the HOA... like the guy that built a massive bat house... I think it held like 10,000 bats or something ridiculous like that... then once they took up residence, the HOA couldn't force him to take it down because the species of bat was protected. 🤣
@Bandit420 just a little FYI for you because I see your lovely hummingbird feeders and can't help myself... the red dye in the pre-made food is not good for the hummingbirds or bees... or humans, it's banned in most countries but we suck. I make my own with a 4:1 ratio of plain granulated sugar and water. Boil the water for a few minutes to sterilize, add sugar and stir, let cool. Easy peasy. 🥰 They like it just as much if not more.
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