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That should be a monster !!
How long has the one been re vegging?
I have not myself ,but note she is still shooting 3 blades.
Is that common for how long you have been re vegging?
Im hoping i can get more than a pound off her.

Ive only revegged a few plants but the ones i did, it seems they take like 6-10 weeks. I have had this one in a solo cup since i cloned it weeks and weeks ago. I think it would be back to 7 already if it had a bigger root zone. I just need it to get to at least 5 fingers and ill take more cuts and toss this one or flower it in the cup.

Problem is, its like a 15+ week flowering strain so idk if im even gonna keep it.

It was for johnlandy but ya know, i cant get in contact with him anymore.
Ive got things in place for bugs, what im real worried about is mold/mildew. Going to treat weekly with a sulphur based spray and hope the hell i can get her to finish.
By croptober ill have almost a year invested.
I’m a new believer at the church of micronized sulfur. Dirtbag even put it on his sugar leaves to increase terpenes, just keep it away from the pistils or they shrivel up apparently. I might try some on this grow.

I think a UVC wand might be interesting for outdoor growers. Just really dangerous when using. I think that would get bugs and mold in one pass. No chemicals.
I’m a new believer at the church of micronized sulfur. Dirtbag even put it on his sugar leaves to increase terpenes, just keep it away from the pistils or they shrivel up apparently. I might try some on this grow.

I think a UVC wand might be interesting for outdoor growers. Just really dangerous when using. I think that would get bugs and mold in one pass. No chemicals.
I got mildew inside on my flowering plants last fall and i bought Safer Brand fungicide, which is sulfur based. Stinks like shit, but it saved all my plants in veg from getting mildew and i didnt have to start all over again from seed which was nice. So yeah, im on the sulfur bandwagon too, just haved gotten to the powder stuff yet.

I have no clue about this UVC you speak of sir, new to me so ill have to look into it.
I got mildew inside on my flowering plants last fall and i bought Safer Brand fungicide, which is sulfur based. Stinks like shit, but it saved all my plants in veg from getting mildew and i didnt have to start all over again from seed which was nice. So yeah, im on the sulfur bandwagon too, just haved gotten to the powder stuff yet.

I have no clue about this UVC you speak of sir, new to me so ill have to look into it.
Not sure it exists for growers. They use them in hospitals to clean. I was just thinking out loud. Hit the pipe when I got home and my over-engineer brain kicked in.

But yeah if you had this imaginary wand you could treat the whole plant in a few minutes like Luke sky Walker and kill everything with photons.
Not sure it exists for growers. They use them in hospitals to clean. I was just thinking out loud. Hit the pipe when I got home and my over-engineer brain kicked in.

But yeah if you had this imaginary wand you could treat the whole plant in a few minutes like Luke sky Walker and kill everything with photons.
Hah, yeah us growers could use one for sure. Be pretty sick to kill all sorts of shit with the wave of a wand, id feel like a wizard🧙‍♂️🧙‍♂️

Not sure it exists for growers. They use them in hospitals to clean. I was just thinking out loud. Hit the pipe when I got home and my over-engineer brain kicked in.

But yeah if you had this imaginary wand you could treat the whole plant in a few minutes like Luke sky Walker and kill everything with photons.
The real ones aren’t cheao and will be a floro tube. Another option is agromax which has very high levels of UVB just takes longer exposure
Check out my google fu

Check out my google fu

Almost certain that will be UVA. UVC will lill plant’s very quickly. Im betting under a min
Tomorrow will mark 11 weeks from sprout on these Fog Dog autos from Atlas Seeds.

Very little food given. 5tbsp of gaia green 284 and 2 or 3 feedings of botanicare pureblend pro bloom. Going to drop back to 10 or 15ml a gallon on next feeds. 20230518_195945.jpg20230518_195951.jpg20230518_195956.jpg20230518_200001.jpg
Im hoping i can get more than a pound off her.

Ive only revegged a few plants but the ones i did, it seems they take like 6-10 weeks. I have had this one in a solo cup since i cloned it weeks and weeks ago. I think it would be back to 7 already if it had a bigger root zone. I just need it to get to at least 5 fingers and ill take more cuts and toss this one or flower it in the cup.

Problem is, its like a 15+ week flowering strain so idk if im even gonna keep it.

It was for johnlandy but ya know, i cant get in contact with him anymore.
Yeah I don't think a pound (or 3) will be a problem. 🤣
Yeah I don't think a pound (or 3) will be a problem. 🤣
Im hoping for at least a pound lol. Dont wanna get my hopes up.

Im now down to 2 plants outside, gave the LSD i was growing to my neighbor along with 2 gsc clones, might give him the green crack too. Idk yet. Ive got too much going on to deal with it all lol
Im hoping for at least a pound lol. Dont wanna get my hopes up.

Im now down to 2 plants outside, gave the LSD i was growing to my neighbor along with 2 gsc clones, might give him the green crack too. Idk yet. Ive got too much going on to deal with it all lol
Forget your hopes and prepare to have carpal tunnel by the end of fall from all the trimming you're gonna have. 🤣 That thing is gonna stretch into a literal tree.
Forget your hopes and prepare to have carpal tunnel by the end of fall from all the trimming you're gonna have. 🤣 That thing is gonna stretch into a literal tree.
Thats my plan lol. I want the trunk the size of my fist but not sure itll get there. Its already barky at the base lol.
And yeah definitely gonna have something, prolly arthritis lol.
Thats my plan lol. I want the trunk the size of my fist but not sure itll get there. Its already barky at the base lol.
And yeah definitely gonna have something, prolly arthritis lol.
Uhm, I feel like it will... I had some trunks last year and I started mid March... they have a month minimum before they're gonna flip, probably like 7-8 weeks realistically... to just... grow more. Lol. Hope you have a step ladder. 🤣
Uhm, I feel like it will... I had some trunks last year and I started mid March... they have a month minimum before they're gonna flip, probably like 7-8 weeks realistically... to just... grow more. Lol. Hope you have a step ladder. 🤣
Well, this is my first serious outdoor grow with photos so i wouldnt know lol. And yes, Ive got a 4 footer and an 8 footer. If that doesn't work, i have a 32 foot extension ladder thatll get it done🤣🤣
Well, this is my first serious outdoor grow with photos so i wouldnt know lol. And yes, Ive got a 4 footer and an 8 footer. If that doesn't work, i have a 32 foot extension ladder thatll get it done🤣🤣
A lot is dependent on the strain too, but yeah, they get big outside... especially with proper care.
Well guys and gals, this is what happens when your rushing around and feed 5ml per gallon of Dr. Zymes instead of 5ml calmag🤦🏻🤦🏻🤦🏻🤦🏻
I flushed the shit out of them, put probably 20 gallons through 6 solo cups. They looked worse 4 or 5 days ago when it happened...
I gave the clones i had in my cloner the same water and they were crispy in just 12 hours, the next day the roots were brown and slimy so i tossed them. Trying to save these ones. 20230519_155637.jpg
Those bubbled up and twisted leaves look like what mites do.

Hope they recover for you!
That was my first thought, so ive been keeping an eye on them but so far its just those 6 and i have 7 other plants in there with them that look fine. Ive also scoped them a few times and cant see anything. Doesnt mean they arent there.

It also looks like there may be some N toxicity going on too which is strange since theyre in plain promix, but with giving dr zymes instead of calmag, who know what else ive fkd up recently😤
Gotta stop smoking before plant care.
I can see why you would say Ntox, but I'm not seeing that honestly.

Check where the petiole meets the stalk under magnification.

You could throw down some sulfur just to be sure, plants like it too but mites fuck right off on that stuff. If you put that down and no change, I doubt it is mites.
I can see why you would say Ntox, but I'm not seeing that honestly.

Check where the petiole meets the stalk under magnification.

You could throw down some sulfur just to be sure, plants like it too but mites fuck right off on that stuff. If you put that down and no change, I doubt it is mites.
This is where im getting N tox from. 20230519_161111.jpg
All i have is this stuff but ill spray it on them, it has sulfur in it. 20230519_161204.jpg
Seems like something is either too much or completely missing lol.
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