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Good Morning G$ ~!
They have your real address if they shipped the lights to you also.
I think they are finding out about Logic like many here!
Yep! Full name, address, phone number, signature on contact, whole 9 lol
I mean if they wanna pay to ship it back ill ship it back, im not gonna steal their stuff its just ridiculous cause i shouldnt have to. I was banned over a kindergarten recess fight lol.
Beginnings of a Cal deficiency? Its at the top and bottom of the plant, started at the bottom probably 2 weeks ago, i gave it 3ml calmag per gallon last watering.
Otherwise all this plant has gotten is like 5 tablespoons of gaia green 284.

Trying to get a better grasp on this diagnosis shit. Im absolutely horrible at it, even after 5 years. Just can't wrap my brain around the shit i dont know why.


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Beginnings of a Cal deficiency? Its at the top and bottom of the plant, started at the bottom probably 2 weeks ago, i gave it 3ml calmag per gallon last watering.
Otherwise all this plant has gotten is like 5 tablespoons of gaia green 284.

Trying to get a better grasp on this diagnosis shit. Im absolutely horrible at it, even after 5 years. Just can't wrap my brain around the shit i dont know why.
I didn’t go back and look at the grow - looks to me like it could b overfed ? Locking out the cal? Not sure what ur feeding or how much - dark green leaves for my garden means I’m heavy on nitrogen/grow nutes , that’s my guess with out knowing alot .
I didn’t go back and look at the grow - looks to me like it could b overfed ? Locking out the cal? Not sure what ur feeding or how much - dark green leaves for my garden means I’m heavy on nitrogen/grow nutes , that’s my guess with out knowing alot .
So it sprouted march 3rd.
Its in promix bx with added perlite, at 2 weeks old i gave 2 tablespoons gaia green power bloom 284, and then again 3.5-4 weeks later. About 5 days ago i gave it 3ml per gallon of calmag thats 1-0-0. Finicky ass autoflowers 😑

Oh and with the calmag i gave 10ml of botanicare pureblend bloom. Thats a 1-4-5
I'm with Mosh, it does look like calcium but could be locked out.

I'm not up on Gaia Green, I guess you don't PH anything there, right? Using Tap water? What is your starting PPM?
I'm with Mosh, it does look like calcium but could be locked out.

I'm not up on Gaia Green, I guess you don't PH anything there, right? Using Tap water? What is your starting PPM?
Well... my ppm meter and ph meter are broken so i havent got a clue.
Last time i checked it was like high 300s and 7.2-7.8ph.
My water is treated monthly so i can't imagine it changes very much.

I dont check the ph but maybe the calmag/bloom nutes lowered ph to far and progressed things?

Also, dont have any supplements left to feed the microbes so maybe something there too. Not trying to fix the issue just trying to figure out what and why to try to avoid it next time lol.
Well... my ppm meter and ph meter are broken so i havent got a clue.
Last time i checked it was like high 300s and 7.2-7.8ph.
My water is treated monthly so i can't imagine it changes very much.

I dont check the ph but maybe the calmag/bloom nutes lowered ph to far and progressed things?

Also, dont have any supplements left to feed the microbes so maybe something there too. Not trying to fix the issue just trying to figure out what and why to try to avoid it next time lol.
I'll try to help but take it with a grain of salt.

I don't think you need to PH, just nice to know.
I don't think you need to mess with tap water, but depending on your start point you might have to factor that in.

I have had problems with calcium after the flip many times. Some plants more than others. Seems worse under LED.

I have started upping the calcium prior to the switch to compensate for this. I think if you had plenty of free calcium and were not locked out, you would not have seen the rust spots. Good news is you are OK, flower on. This is minor IMO.
I'll try to help but take it with a grain of salt.

I don't think you need to PH, just nice to know.
I don't think you need to mess with tap water, but depending on your start point you might have to factor that in.

I have had problems with calcium after the flip many times. Some plants more than others. Seems worse under LED.

I have started upping the calcium prior to the switch to compensate for this. I think if you had plenty of free calcium and were not locked out, you would not have seen the rust spots. Good news is you are OK, flower on. This is minor IMO.
Agreed. When I flipped this grow I almost doubled the amount of calcium and magnesium I was giving the girls. They loved it!!

Aptus agrees!!

nutrient needs in stage.jpg
I'll try to help but take it with a grain of salt.

I don't think you need to PH, just nice to know.
I don't think you need to mess with tap water, but depending on your start point you might have to factor that in.

I have had problems with calcium after the flip many times. Some plants more than others. Seems worse under LED.

I have started upping the calcium prior to the switch to compensate for this. I think if you had plenty of free calcium and were not locked out, you would not have seen the rust spots. Good news is you are OK, flower on. This is minor IMO.
So ive never been one to even use calmag until now. I used it in premixed soil and it caused soo many issues for me so i stopped and things got better.
I just recently went to promix and thats got nothing in it as far as nutrients so i have to dial all my stuff in again which means trial and error for a while lol.

Both autos i have look the same as the one i posted but theyll be done soon im sure.
I love this chart, i always forget i have it saved. I should print it and tape it in my nutrient cabinet.
A while ago GNick tried to help when I asked for index or legend. Told me to consider the top of graph 10 and go down from there.

We were just about to dial things in for the rest of the grow.
Yup! Even a dummy like me can follow it!!! 😄
It’s to ambiguous for me. Not the way I think. To artistic. I used to draw but only in shades of black/white. Colour fucks me up and looks like I was using a colouring book.

I need x/y or values to go with it...but that’s not how bio stuff works I guess.🤷‍♂️
The first couple weeks of flower is when CA and MG are most in demand and as mentioned by Smoke sometimes more than double what you were using prior.
It is a LED and possibly a genetics thing that has evolved or recently been recognized.
I found with my LEDS as crappy as they are that my plants screamed for MG much more than I expected from late veg.
I like LONG vegges...
We Have a section https://budbuilders.org/forums/charts-setpoints-data-lookup.25/ that has many charts[ O like pictures].
All my links have pictures.🤪
I need more than one to diagnose even close to decent.
Thankfully the other 5 who started this forum with me are the most knowledgeable people who remained active way before the demise I read from over there..
Nick knows his stuff for sure also, I was all over his post.
He is in 'my definition' a good German.
It is not the same all over the world and people genetics do play a role in they are.
I am also a good German in my mind, I just keep alot of that shit to myself~! :ROFLMAO:
same here I know not whats going on I posted a private message and that was it, Not sure why just that I can't get in, I made up a new name I got in with it then I lost that one too....I wasn't involved in any fights...I just mentioned this site.....

Okay then I'll make up another profile go on and advise my friends whats up. Maybe they'll join here as well...I hate to lose every thing on my pages but if they're going to fk with us then maybe its time for an alternative site anyways.
#Me too.
Will not run 4 plants in 5 gallon pots in a 3x3 again, this is too much. And if i do, ill only go for a 4 week veg instead of 6 or 7. They have been under the ViparSpectra KS3000 since their second week of life.
Really happy with the way this light performs, only wish it had a smooth dimmer knob instead of a preset 25-50-75-100 20230514_204338.jpg20230514_204600.jpg
Will not run 4 plants in 5 gallon pots in a 3x3 again, this is too much. And if i do, ill only go for a 4 week veg instead of 6 or 7. They have been under the ViparSpectra KS3000 since their second week of life.
Really happy with the way this light performs, only wish it had a smooth dimmer knob instead of a preset 25-50-75-100 View attachment 2610View attachment 2611
They look fed well, nice canopy
Yeah i completely agree. I know what lights you're running.
I cant say i blame you on not looking either. If i had known it was going to flood the forum i wouldve never signed the stupid paper. I figured 2 or 3 people not 20 or 30.

Genetics are definitely #1 grower is #2 and light is #3 imo.
I'd say

1# genes
2# lights

Cause you ain't growing shit without photons.
Hope she gets massive!! 🙏🏼
GSC thats been veggin since January.
Just finished putting her in a 30 gallon tote that i drilled a bunch of 1/2 inch holes in. 20230516_133200.jpg

Before transplant (ignore the one behind it, i just cropped every branch so shes pretty droopy.)

After transplant.

And a photo of her from underneath.

Tomorrow, i will drag her to her final home. Should be fun...
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