Stoney's Luv Shack

I was never big on vinegar until I met my wife, she loves it on a lot of stuff lol.

yeah there was a time when my woman like popcorn... not any more! 😆 😆

:rolleyes: These guys....

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I've been adding the liquid yogurts to my daily lunch smoothies.

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Costco has the big bag of frozen berries but I get the yogurt from work.
Add in two fresh bananas then top off the blender with cold water and blend it on max speed for a few minutes. Super refreshing when it's hot, filling for a lunch, and good for you!

Then after all the feel good happiness you get from a smoothie, go evil and pile on with the kettle cooked chips in G$ pic. I find those at Costco too but it's a huge bag the size of a small kid. Jalapeno or Salt & Black pepper are my go-tos on the kettle cooked chips.

Vinegar is good for killing off the poison ivy in my yard and that's about it 😋

now the sensor is in sun giving me the the middle finger!!! :ROFLMAO:


i love smoothies like that too... sometimes i add a splash of OJ to it but that makes it less healthy.

we even used yogurt in the SV cheesecakes one time because we didn't have cream on hand. couldn't even tell...


kettle cooked peanuts are also bomb!!!!! hot or not... both great!!!!

had to mow the lawn for the first time this year... mower ran good. the ball joint was popping out so i hammered it back on and wrapped a few zip ties around it, held long enough to get the job done... gonna have to buy new ones, it doesn't work well when one tire just turns where it wants to!!! :ROFLMAO:

still didn't get my greenhouse cover on yet!!! slackers!!

had to mow the lawn for the first time this year... mower ran good. the ball joint was popping out so i hammered it back on and wrapped a few zip ties around it, held long enough to get the job done... gonna have to buy new ones, it doesn't work well when one tire just turns where it wants to!!! :ROFLMAO:

still didn't get my greenhouse cover on yet!!! slackers!!

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You call it a lawn. I'd call it a disc golf course. :cool:
Man it would take my little mower two days and about 5-6 battery charge to clear that!!! I think I've mowed my yards at least 8-10 times already. I have native prairie grass that grows all year long except for mid to late Summer goes brown and dies back. But yeah I was mowing in January 🤪
You see the Darlington throwbacks Hendricks has been rolling out the past few days? That #5 and #24 are looking sweet!!
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had to mow the lawn for the first time this year... mower ran good. the ball joint was popping out so i hammered it back on and wrapped a few zip ties around it, held long enough to get the job done... gonna have to buy new ones, it doesn't work well when one tire just turns where it wants to!!! :ROFLMAO:

still didn't get my greenhouse cover on yet!!! slackers!!

View attachment 56400
We don't even have leaves on our trees yet 🤷🏻
I'll mow in like 3 more weeks 😅 I hate mowing the lawn
ou call it a lawn. I'd call it a disc golf course. :cool:

we got that too... with a water hazard!!!


Man it would take my little mower two days and about 5-6 battery charge to clear that!!!

and that's only the front yard... i didn't even touch the back..


You see the Darlington throwbacks Hendricks has been rolling out the past few days? That #5 and #24 are looking sweet!!

i did man, has me wanting to buy a box of frosted flakes!!! i was gonna preorder the diecast but hendricks still hasn't shipped my last order yet and i don't wanna encourage another delay dammit!! i wanna go to that darlington race one year before they change it!!

We don't even have leaves on our trees yet 🤷🏻
I'll mow in like 3 more weeks 😅 I hate mowing the lawn

it's been so hot here the past couple weeks everything is growing bonkers!!!! the woods are practically grown in already. we broke 90* again da fuck today!! that WFMZ local yocal weather guesser needs a swift kick in the nuts!!! 🤪
Only got into the 70s today and the room was 93~!
AC is now on.
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as long as it cools down at night i'm good.. i have a whole house fan with a ridge vent in the roof so i suck in all the cool air at night and button the place up during the day. its sometimes a PITA but keeps more fresh air in the house and you can't even tell i grow here when i have it on!!! hahaha

Wall to wall ganja!!! Stackin' 'em up!!!:love:

So you enjoying monocroping more than perpetual these days?
I know what you mean about having all plants on the same schedule making more room to play with things like light schedules and spectrums. Perpetual just kinda ties your hands when it comes to things like that.
Those big fat hauls are nice too except for figuring out how to store all that pot but you now me man, I'm Texan and we like it big so big fat stashes of pot are up there in our supersized world.

So going back to our talks about briskets and that one sad packer at your store...It's a holiday weekend here and IDK if there's much Cinco De Mayo celebration out your way but here it's big. Pretty much a Mexican 4th of July so lots of people will be celebrating with bbq cookouts.
There's also the 4th tomorrow, Star Wars Day, May the 4th be with you, so I wanted to go to the big HEB and do some shopping and see what's up.
You might wanna move to Texas after seeing this buddy. But yeah, here's the brisky depot at the big grocery store

To the far left you have tritips. Those are for the Californians and used for profiling purposes. :cool:
Next, moving left to right you have the wagyu, grass fed prime, regular prime, and natural black angus. If I was buying a full size packer here, that angus would be my choice


In the next bin we have the choice cuts and various trims. No market trims today but they do have whole super trims


I ended up finding this dude under the pile and brought it home to stick in the deep freeze for now


Next we have beef ribs. Regular rack style and the mondo sized dino ribs for when you go full tilt Fred Flinstone on the bbq ribs


And lastly for shits and giggles, some holiday cakes. We have taco cakes and May the 4th Be With You cakes🤪



I ended up buying supplies to make fajitas on Sunday. Gonna do beef, chicken, and shrimp with all the fixins and homemade 'tillas.
Cheers Buddy and hope Y'all have a great weekend!!!
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Wall to wall ganja!!! Stackin' 'em up!!!:love:

So you enjoying monocroping more than perpetual these days?
I know what you mean about having all plants on the same schedule making more room to play with things like light schedules and spectrums. Perpetual just kinda ties your hands when it comes to things like that.
Those big fat hauls are nice too except for figuring out how to store all that pot but you now me man, I'm Texan and we like it big so big fat stashes of pot are up there in our supersized world.

So going back to our talks about briskets and that one sad packer at your store...It's a holiday weekend here and IDK if there's much Cinco De Mayo celebration out your way but here it's big. Pretty much a Mexican 4th of July so lots of people will be celebrating with bbq cookouts.
There's also the 4th tomorrow, Star Wars Day, May the 4th be with you, so I wanted to go to the big HEB and do some shopping and see what's up.
You might wanna move to Texas after seeing this buddy. But yeah, here's the brisky depot at the big grocery store

To the far left you have tritips. Those are for the Californians and used for profiling purposes. :cool:
Next, moving left to right you have the wagyu, grass fed prime, regular prime, and natural black angus. If I was buying a full size packer here, that angus would be my choice

View attachment 56478

In the next bin we have the choice cuts and various trims. No market trims today but they do have whole super trims

View attachment 56479

I ended up finding this dude under the pile and brought it home to stick in the deep freeze for now

View attachment 56536

Next we have beef ribs. Regular rack style and the mondo sized dino ribs for when you go full tilt Fred Flinstone on the bbq ribs

View attachment 56480

And lastly for shits and giggles, some holiday cakes. We have taco cakes and May the 4th Be With You cakes🤪

View attachment 56481

View attachment 56482

I ended up buying supplies to make fajitas on Sunday. Gonna do beef, chicken, and shrimp with all the fixins and homemade 'tillas.
Cheers Buddy and hope Y'all have a great weekend!!!

ya know man i've been back and forth on monocropping versus perpetual. they're both great! haha i guess i'm leaning slightly towards the monocrop for the custom lighting and ease of feeding. in a way that i can mix one food for all the plants instead of every getting a small amount of something different. so for that part monocrop is better. about the only plus for perpetual is i would always have bud porn t shoot, with monocrop ya gotta wait sometimes.

i've only used fems so far so i'm not sure about regs and if the perpetual might have an advantage there, instead of males affecting plant count in perpetual they just delay the rhythm but you still end up with the same volume. i have plans to do a reg run in monocrop pretty soon so i guess i'll find out!!!!

as for harvest i personally haven't noticed a single difference. i'm a very lazy harvester.. the laziest on this site thats for sure!!!!! so by time i would actually jar up a perpetual plant i already had a bunch hanging anyway and it looked the same as it does now, a bunch of plants in the dry cabinet and when i get to it, i get to it.. no rush, no change really.

so yeah honestly other than always having buds ready for harvest to look at and smell i really don't notice much of a difference and have even less of a preference. i could take it or leave it, either way is fine.

it is probably much cheaper for me to monocrop. mainly because i veg with only one 550 and flower with two... i use half the watts in the veg cab and half the fans too. so if nothing is in flower i shut those lights off. plus with monocrop i use the dimmers on the lights and ramp up power over time, when perpetual everything ran 100% all the time.

so if those are really the two main factors, one saves money and one always has stinky stank then i'll take the power savings every time!!!!!!


yeah if i wasn't totally 100% jelly of your brisket availability i sure as fuck am now!!!!!!! no doubt!!!!!!!!!! you have a whole beef rib section... my local store gets beef ribs in twice a year!!!!! <- no joking!!! yeah i could probably drive to BJ's or something (not sure if we have cosco?) i'm sure i could get a better selection but it's also 40minutes drive each way!!! uphill, in the snow!!! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

i'm gonna run down to the store later here in an hour and se what i can find good... i want to get some lamb to make gyros!! i was watching Guga sous vide the meat for gyros and i might give his recipe a try! Opa!!!!

that and i wanna pick up some mushoom and pepperoni for a pizza next week.

i mean i'll cruz by the briskets and look but my hopes are very low!!! i'll just be eating one vicariously through you and your super trimmed brisky!!


and yes sir, may the fourth be with you as well!!!! just last night i loaded up a bunch on my tv hard drive so i probably just start at episode 1 and go from there.. this year i have all the movies downloaded in 4K!!! i've always wanted to watch them in machete format but never have.

how about you?, you gonna have any on this weekend?
ya know man i've been back and forth on monocropping versus perpetual. they're both great! haha i guess i'm leaning slightly towards the monocrop for the custom lighting and ease of feeding. in a way that i can mix one food for all the plants instead of every getting a small amount of something different. so for that part monocrop is better. about the only plus for perpetual is i would always have bud porn t shoot, with monocrop ya gotta wait sometimes.

i've only used fems so far so i'm not sure about regs and if the perpetual might have an advantage there, instead of males affecting plant count in perpetual they just delay the rhythm but you still end up with the same volume. i have plans to do a reg run in monocrop pretty soon so i guess i'll find out!!!!

as for harvest i personally haven't noticed a single difference. i'm a very lazy harvester.. the laziest on this site thats for sure!!!!! so by time i would actually jar up a perpetual plant i already had a bunch hanging anyway and it looked the same as it does now, a bunch of plants in the dry cabinet and when i get to it, i get to it.. no rush, no change really.

so yeah honestly other than always having buds ready for harvest to look at and smell i really don't notice much of a difference and have even less of a preference. i could take it or leave it, either way is fine.

it is probably much cheaper for me to monocrop. mainly because i veg with only one 550 and flower with two... i use half the watts in the veg cab and half the fans too. so if nothing is in flower i shut those lights off. plus with monocrop i use the dimmers on the lights and ramp up power over time, when perpetual everything ran 100% all the time.

so if those are really the two main factors, one saves money and one always has stinky stank then i'll take the power savings every time!!!!!!


yeah if i wasn't totally 100% jelly of your brisket availability i sure as fuck am now!!!!!!! no doubt!!!!!!!!!! you have a whole beef rib section... my local store gets beef ribs in twice a year!!!!! <- no joking!!! yeah i could probably drive to BJ's or something (not sure if we have cosco?) i'm sure i could get a better selection but it's also 40minutes drive each way!!! uphill, in the snow!!! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

i'm gonna run down to the store later here in an hour and se what i can find good... i want to get some lamb to make gyros!! i was watching Guga sous vide the meat for gyros and i might give his recipe a try! Opa!!!!

that and i wanna pick up some mushoom and pepperoni for a pizza next week.

i mean i'll cruz by the briskets and look but my hopes are very low!!! i'll just be eating one vicariously through you and your super trimmed brisky!!


and yes sir, may the fourth be with you as well!!!! just last night i loaded up a bunch on my tv hard drive so i probably just start at episode 1 and go from there.. this year i have all the movies downloaded in 4K!!! i've always wanted to watch them in machete format but never have.

how about you?, you gonna have any on this weekend?

Sounds like your place is like the RV in We're The Millers when they get it back from the cartel and every cabinet is packed with a brick of weed. :cool:
I could never get the timing sorted with perpetual. I'd get a backlog of vegging plants waiting for flowering space. By the time I was into the 3rd cycle it would just be chaos so I'd have to stop and restart it all again but that gave me a chance to change up genetics.
The other issue I always had were bugs. Mainly thrips at the time then spider mites and the only way I felt I could really get the upper hand was clearing the room and starting over.
I think now I like the monocrop for the easiness but can do a hybrid perpetual by rolling over crops back to back and stacking harvests. Not every two weeks but instead every ten weeks or so + it gives me a chance to shut down sometimes and take a break or travel without having plants dying while I'm away from home.

Yeah a lot less bud porn but that just leaves room for more food porn 😋

Your pork section is similar to ours. Got the spare ribs, baby back, picnic roast and looks like some pork belly. Add in chops and country style ribs and it's what we have.
I gotta go to Costco for lamb when I want it since it's rarely in the grocery store.
Looks like you do have a Costco over in Allentown. Ez to overspend there though. If you do become a member do the cash back kind. I think it's called Executive Membership. It's twice the price of base membership but every year you get a minimum of the difference between membership back in a shopping voucher but if you outspend the minimum then it accrues a percentage of what you buy back as well. So every year I get a shopping voucher from anywhere between $120 and $300 depending on how much I spent thru the year. Great deal for things like tires, appliances, and furniture which will easily go past the minimum purchase amount and get more money back to you. I always use that voucher for spendy meats like a whole rib roast or tenderloin.

Yeah I've got the Disney+ rolling with the May The 4th action!!!
Started off with the new series they dropped today, Tales of The Darkside. See they also dropped a trailer for a new live action series called the Acolyte. Looks like it's set before the clone wars when the Sith were rising up and started to kill Jedi and it's all about that saga.
Also gonna try to binge watch Ahsoka since I haven't seen that yet. Maybe some Family Guy Star Wars too...Something Something Something Dark Side :ROFLMAO:
Sounds like your place is like the RV in We're The Millers when they get it back from the cartel and every cabinet is packed with a brick of weed. :cool:
I could never get the timing sorted with perpetual. I'd get a backlog of vegging plants waiting for flowering space. By the time I was into the 3rd cycle it would just be chaos so I'd have to stop and restart it all again but that gave me a chance to change up genetics.
The other issue I always had were bugs. Mainly thrips at the time then spider mites and the only way I felt I could really get the upper hand was clearing the room and starting over.
I think now I like the monocrop for the easiness but can do a hybrid perpetual by rolling over crops back to back and stacking harvests. Not every two weeks but instead every ten weeks or so + it gives me a chance to shut down sometimes and take a break or travel without having plants dying while I'm away from home.

Yeah a lot less bud porn but that just leaves room for more food porn 😋

Your pork section is similar to ours. Got the spare ribs, baby back, picnic roast and looks like some pork belly. Add in chops and country style ribs and it's what we have.
I gotta go to Costco for lamb when I want it since it's rarely in the grocery store.
Looks like you do have a Costco over in Allentown. Ez to overspend there though. If you do become a member do the cash back kind. I think it's called Executive Membership. It's twice the price of base membership but every year you get a minimum of the difference between membership back in a shopping voucher but if you outspend the minimum then it accrues a percentage of what you buy back as well. So every year I get a shopping voucher from anywhere between $120 and $300 depending on how much I spent thru the year. Great deal for things like tires, appliances, and furniture which will easily go past the minimum purchase amount and get more money back to you. I always use that voucher for spendy meats like a whole rib roast or tenderloin.

Yeah I've got the Disney+ rolling with the May The 4th action!!!
Started off with the new series they dropped today, Tales of The Darkside. See they also dropped a trailer for a new live action series called the Acolyte. Looks like it's set before the clone wars when the Sith were rising up and started to kill Jedi and it's all about that saga.
Also gonna try to binge watch Ahsoka since I haven't seen that yet. Maybe some Family Guy Star Wars too...Something Something Something Dark Side :ROFLMAO:

i didn't even know there was a cosco out there!!! hahahaha we know some big families that always offer for us to tag along when they go to the bulk stores. maybe we'll take em up on it one day just to check it out. i've never been in a cosco that i can remember, been to a bj's so i assume it's similar. we don't buy many things at bulk, just TP, paper towels, and spices mostly and i just get those from amazon. that cosco in allentown is kinda out of my way, there's not much i go out that way for.. there's a good place for metal roofing right near there, a golf coarse i like, there a place called marks cheesesteaks out that way that might make it worth the ride... they make their own birch beer on site, man they got some killer steak sandwiches!!! you're really twisting my arm now!!! hahaha

thats a really cool area to go to for halloween, there a school out there called kutztown U and they have a really awesome halloween parade that has been epic year after year for longer than i remember. we always stop at Mark's cheesecakes on the way to the parade, it's like a requirement!!


i liked the ahsoka series... for some reason i can't remember how it ended though, i might go back and watch it again. it was one of the shorter spin offs i thought. i still have it saved somewhere....


looks like we get a night race tonight!!! anything's up for grabs when it's under the lights!!!!

Fire Em Up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Scanner is cheating. It's like 5-8 seconds ahead of TV~!
5 is fast~! Keeps passing the hardest car to pass...:cool:
I found myself in an internet NASCAR rumor rabbit hole yesterday. 🤪

Oh what could've been.....SHR wanted Larson to come drive the #14 when he was released from Chip Gnassi Racing. Ford said no and squashed it. Ford did not make the same mistake again with Gragson.

SHR is selling two of it's charters likely to be the #10 and #41 leaving only the #14 and #4 at SHR. It sounds like they would let Gragson go in favor of Berry. Horrible decision if this is true. Berry should be out, not Gragson. Preece is in the final year of his deal and won't be back.
If this happens, RFK and 23X1 would be the front runners to buy those charters. Trackhouse is in play as well.

SHR may also merge with Front Row. All of this is a moving target. Tony Stewart and Gene Haas seem to want out of Cup. There's also something about Stewart looking to pair up with JRM and Chevy if he stays in Cup ownership but Jr is a miser and not wanting to shell out $$ for a Cup team.

Looks like it will take either Chevy or Dodge getting back into Cup for SHR to still be a thing with Honda on the outside but I think this is the last year for SHR.

Hybrid tech will make it's way into Cup series as early as 2026. This is pretty much the big thing that could bring Dodge, Honda, and even Kia into NASCAR and what SHR is banking on for leverage in it's future. The split with Ford is mutual so I doubt we see SHR and Ford together after this year unless it's thru the merger with FRM.

Suarez may not be in Cup next year. He's in the final year of his deal and it's up in the air if he stays or is replaced by Zane Smith or SVG.
Harrison Burton is in the final year of his deal and won't be renewed. #21 will have a new driver next year.
Austin Cindric and Austin Dillon could both be out as well. Cindric has family ties that may keep him around for another year but it don't look good for Dillon in '25.
Is this the year Truex finally hangs it up? Who TF knows!

Lastly, one of the Richmond races next year may be replaced with a race in Mexico City. I wondered about this. Both Richmond and Martinsville and those thin crowds. NASCAR is picking up steam with new fans and will go where the crowds are. Saw it here in Texas where COTA took a spot from TMS and it paid off. Now only if they'd do something else with the Clash in LA.
had to mow the lawn for the first time this year... mower ran good. the ball joint was popping out so i hammered it back on and wrapped a few zip ties around it, held long enough to get the job done... gonna have to buy new ones, it doesn't work well when one tire just turns where it wants to!!! :ROFLMAO:

still didn't get my greenhouse cover on yet!!! slackers!!

View attachment 56400
We need a new mower. The fly wheel spring broke and no replacement parts around. When Sears closed so did their parts. Lowes had little to begin with but now that they are gone only Rona sells Craftsman, but not parts. 🤦
Wall to wall ganja!!! Stackin' 'em up!!!:love:

So you enjoying monocroping more than perpetual these days?
I know what you mean about having all plants on the same schedule making more room to play with things like light schedules and spectrums. Perpetual just kinda ties your hands when it comes to things like that.
Those big fat hauls are nice too except for figuring out how to store all that pot but you now me man, I'm Texan and we like it big so big fat stashes of pot are up there in our supersized world.

So going back to our talks about briskets and that one sad packer at your store...It's a holiday weekend here and IDK if there's much Cinco De Mayo celebration out your way but here it's big. Pretty much a Mexican 4th of July so lots of people will be celebrating with bbq cookouts.
There's also the 4th tomorrow, Star Wars Day, May the 4th be with you, so I wanted to go to the big HEB and do some shopping and see what's up.
You might wanna move to Texas after seeing this buddy. But yeah, here's the brisky depot at the big grocery store

To the far left you have tritips. Those are for the Californians and used for profiling purposes. :cool:
Next, moving left to right you have the wagyu, grass fed prime, regular prime, and natural black angus. If I was buying a full size packer here, that angus would be my choice

View attachment 56478

In the next bin we have the choice cuts and various trims. No market trims today but they do have whole super trims

View attachment 56479

I ended up finding this dude under the pile and brought it home to stick in the deep freeze for now

View attachment 56536

Next we have beef ribs. Regular rack style and the mondo sized dino ribs for when you go full tilt Fred Flinstone on the bbq ribs

View attachment 56480

And lastly for shits and giggles, some holiday cakes. We have taco cakes and May the 4th Be With You cakes🤪

View attachment 56481

View attachment 56482

I ended up buying supplies to make fajitas on Sunday. Gonna do beef, chicken, and shrimp with all the fixins and homemade 'tillas.
Cheers Buddy and hope Y'all have a great weekend!!!
Umm, when’s dinner? That looks good! 🤤
I found myself in an internet NASCAR rumor rabbit hole yesterday. 🤪

Oh what could've been.....SHR wanted Larson to come drive the #14 when he was released from Chip Gnassi Racing. Ford said no and squashed it. Ford did not make the same mistake again with Gragson.

SHR is selling two of it's charters likely to be the #10 and #41 leaving only the #14 and #4 at SHR. It sounds like they would let Gragson go in favor of Berry. Horrible decision if this is true. Berry should be out, not Gragson. Preece is in the final year of his deal and won't be back.
If this happens, RFK and 23X1 would be the front runners to buy those charters. Trackhouse is in play as well.

SHR may also merge with Front Row. All of this is a moving target. Tony Stewart and Gene Haas seem to want out of Cup. There's also something about Stewart looking to pair up with JRM and Chevy if he stays in Cup ownership but Jr is a miser and not wanting to shell out $$ for a Cup team.

Looks like it will take either Chevy or Dodge getting back into Cup for SHR to still be a thing with Honda on the outside but I think this is the last year for SHR.

Hybrid tech will make it's way into Cup series as early as 2026. This is pretty much the big thing that could bring Dodge, Honda, and even Kia into NASCAR and what SHR is banking on for leverage in it's future. The split with Ford is mutual so I doubt we see SHR and Ford together after this year unless it's thru the merger with FRM.

Suarez may not be in Cup next year. He's in the final year of his deal and it's up in the air if he stays or is replaced by Zane Smith or SVG.
Harrison Burton is in the final year of his deal and won't be renewed. #21 will have a new driver next year.
Austin Cindric and Austin Dillon could both be out as well. Cindric has family ties that may keep him around for another year but it don't look good for Dillon in '25.
Is this the year Truex finally hangs it up? Who TF knows!

Lastly, one of the Richmond races next year may be replaced with a race in Mexico City. I wondered about this. Both Richmond and Martinsville and those thin crowds. NASCAR is picking up steam with new fans and will go where the crowds are. Saw it here in Texas where COTA took a spot from TMS and it paid off. Now only if they'd do something else with the Clash in LA.

wow man that's a lot to digest. it doesn't sound like there is the perfect scenario for SHR and all the employees. it's really tough to see a team dissolve like that. back when i was a ricky rudd fan he had to sell and give up his own team, he was the last driver in nascar to drive and own the team. it really sucked when he folded that up.. he then drove for a few years for the wood bros driving the 21 and retired with them. the wood bros have always been like that. if they feel a driver is worthy they'll give them a ride, it's never a long lasting ride with them. usually 2-3 seasons and they kind of kick ya out of the nest!! haha .. great organization though!!! so it doesn't surprise me to see burton moving on, he's ready!!

that front row motorsports merge could be very interesting...

and this is just me personally and i am 100% biased on this but i would so love to see Mr. chevy himself tony stewart once again have ties to chevrolet!!!

and i'm not upset about losing a richmond race... hopefully it's the day race and not the night race!!!! as for taking it international.. once again i'll be biased and i think that's fuckin stupid! NFL does it and i think that's stupid as well. but hey it ain't my rodeo, they can do whatever they want!

We need a new mower. The fly wheel spring broke and no replacement parts around. When Sears closed so did their parts. Lowes had little to begin with but now that they are gone only Rona sells Craftsman, but not parts. 🤦

man nowers are the worst!!! i fully get why landscapers get $2 a minute around here.. i'm so lucky my john deere is holding up.. i almost gave up on it a few years ago.. my buddy gave me a mower when i was having problems with the john deere smoking and catching fire.. i left it sit outside for two years while i used the one my buddy gave me, that pos was even worse!!! i went back to the john deere and fixed it haven't looked back since!!! it's a 2001 i bought it as a leftover late in the year. still rolling with the factory spindles on deck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and now with the race seat on it it's the most comfortable mower on the planet!!

these new mowers are just shit!!! they look like they'll fall apart in three years and they want $6K!!! fuck that!!!! i'll go get an old simplicity or gravely out of a junk yard and restore it before i pay that much for these new disposable ones!!! i'm sure the newer ones would do ok on a nice residential lawn... yeah i ain't got that!!!!

good luck with it man!!!! i assume you guys don't have mower specific scrap yards like we do to get parts?


a little late to the game but better than never! got the poly tunnel up today!!!! well, lets be fair my good buddy cliffy got my greenhouse cover on. this dude is six foot eight and the strongest person i know. i just kinda helped and tried not to get in the way!!! hahaha

i got rid of all the grow bed dividers and 'm going to flatten everything out (and by me, i mean my chickens!) and lay cardboard down as a free weed block and grow everything in containers. except for the cucumbers, im going to leave my tower in on the end and sow the seeds right under it like i've done a few years now.


it was hot AF today... 87* but the real feel was a buck O eight!!!! inside the poly it had to be 100 easy!!!! it's gonna cool off the next few days so i'll get in there and clean up and probably redo all the auto watering lines, they're like 5 years old now and could be clogged and leaking so i have everything on hand rain drip wise so i'll just revamp it all. :D
i have but not like that^^^^ !!!!!!!!

just a few autos mixed in with the veggies was all. it's right next to my driveway i was always afraid some delivery dude would rat on me, or steal it. it's about the only place on my property that gets good sun and is feasible to get water to.. i tried further away but hauling water became a pita. i don't even have power in mine. i used to when it was next to the pond but the sun sucked.. one day maybe i'll dig a trench and bury a wire out to there.. not today though! hahaha i had an led hanging it back then too.. lit that whole thing up glowing blurple!!! :ROFLMAO:
I need to find a better way to edit on this phone. Lol
man nowers are the worst!!! i fully get why landscapers get $2 a minute around here..

i'm so lucky my john deere is holding up.. i almost gave up on it a few years ago.. my buddy gave me a mower when i was having problems with the john deere smoking and catching fire.. i left it sit outside for two years while i used the one my buddy gave me, that pos was even worse!!! i went back to the john deere and fixed it haven't looked back since!!! it's a 2001 i bought it as a leftover late in the year. still rolling with the factory spindles on deck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and now with the race seat on it it's the most comfortable mower on the planet!!
Cool. I’ll buy once, cry once if I have too. But I prefer best bang for the buck.

It’s gotten to the point garage sale tools last longer than new ones. Battery ones for construction are almost there, we’ll some anyway. But not residential ones for yard work, imo. Better off with gas or electric still.

John Deere are popular but I have no experience with a riding mower, with or without racing stripes and seat. 🤣 (Picturing Tim the Tool Man and his racing mower.) Families used them on the farm and cottage.

these new mowers are just shit!!! they look like they'll fall apart in three years and they want $6K!!! fuck that!!!! i'll go get an old simplicity or gravely out of a junk yard and restore it before i pay that much for these new disposable ones!!! i'm sure the newer ones would do ok on a nice residential lawn... yeah i ain't got that!!!!
Agreed. And then disagree with the residential.

good luck with it man!!!! i assume you guys don't have mower specific scrap yards like we do to get parts?
Thanks. I’ll try online. See if I can get my son to order one if I find it. Just can’t believe no one really carries part’s anymore. Cars next? Probably e-bikes. Lol

ended week five and now starting week six of 12/12



Imperium X...




Dip n Stix...


straight jacket...


it's gonna be sad to see these veggers go... i'm happy with them and feel i did better than last time!!! i'm gonna give them away in about a week...



I forgot to say no, we don’t have a lawnmower scrap yard. At least not that I’ve ever heard about.

I did have a guy who ran a repair shop that specialized in small engines but higher and higher rent pushed him out just before Covid.

Most just leave old/dead mowers at the curb. Whatever the trash pickers miss the city takes.

My last mower was fine but the deck kept rotting. I’d clean it up and mig weld patches on it to practice and extend its life. I started calling it Frankienmower. 🤣

Plants look fantastic. But what’s with that one brown leaf on the Oreoz?
I forgot to say no, we don’t have a lawnmower scrap yard. At least not that I’ve ever heard about.

I did have a guy who ran a repair shop that specialized in small engines but higher and higher rent pushed him out just before Covid.

Most just leave old/dead mowers at the curb. Whatever the trash pickers miss the city takes.

this is just extremely sad to me and i don't really have anything nice to say about that so i'll keep my comments to myself!
more of the younger generation should be steered by parents to learn small engine repair instead of making meme's!!!

My last mower was fine but the deck kept rotting. I’d clean it up and mig weld patches on it to practice and extend its life. I started calling it Frankienmower. 🤣

i see this being an issue with many mowers. people use the mowers when the grass is wet and never properly dry it off before storage, steel rusts - rust rots!!

a lot of folks use these new hose washer attachments on their decks, only they don't use it properly and just leave even wetter clumps of grass under their deck to rot out.

always mow dry and use a leaf blower to clean the deck. and really clean it, don't just go through the motions.. get under there and look and fell and make sure it's clean. my deck is over 22 years old and still just as strong as the day i got it!!

another mistake that is common is people crank the deck belts ridiculously tight, this just wears out the spindles in two years and wears the belt harder. theres nothing at all wrong with a tiny bit of slip in the belt for when you hit a rock or sticks.

Plants look fantastic. But what’s with that one brown leaf on the Oreoz?

haha you saw that too huh? IDK.. just a dead leaf... don't primp them for photos first so you guys get the fresh out of bed look before makeup!!!!! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

i'm not gonna worry about that one dead one, the rest look well fed and hearty so no biggie... if i remember to pluck it i will though, a dead leaf will cause bud rot if swallowed up by the bud growth. i made that mistake before!!!

overall i'm really happy with the growth. the dip n stix are almost a waste of space with their thin wispy buds. if i harvested all three plants right now i wouldn't even have enough for one doobie! so i hope they pick up the pace but everything else has been trouble free and easy to maintain with little to no effort.
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