do you have a link to the story? Having trouble finding it.
This info came via a video I saw, and a weekend spent with a bunch of Vietnam Vets at a fifty year reunion at a Holiday Inn in Ky. one weekend when I went to powwow. A few weed smokers in that group, but they spoke freely in front of me.
This came up as convos about the G fecking with their minds. The question was, did they see that or was it an equivalent to a pair of virtual reality glasses. The glasses were said to be a strange rose color. Every single one of them saw horrific things. Strangely enough, they all believed they saw Angels and Demons. A mass hallucination? Different copters, different men, different times.
Certainly number one on the list of some strange strange chit.
They also had free reign and was provided Valium, weed and meth on a daily basis. One man told me that the entire time he was there he never saw a single person he shot. Said he came up,out of the foxhole with his weapon above his head every single morning , firing..and he never saw a single one. He believed God gave him that and I get it, a soft soft hearted person named Max.
Best story a fellow named Fred was buying himself and his friends “lady company” cough cough..with Monopoly Money! Piastre was the currency of the period and it changed colors daily. They said Old Fred was a bigggg spender too..until the next morning when the “ladies” “boss” came to visit the CO.. Fred was busted..said they took his monopoly game too!
Ngl after listening to Graham Hancock on the subject, it seems like they have something to do with space/spaceships. There are many Egyptian carvings showing UFO's n such. The technology to construct the pyramids doesn't exist today so they had to have had an ancient forgotten technology.
Pyramid power
It was the first night vision goggles they came up with. The pilots kept shooting each other down and crashing because it made them see demons attacking them. They stopped making them that way after that and scraped the tech. Don't remember where i heard about it.somewhere on the internet.

Dicyanin Goggles!​

This info came via a video I saw, and a weekend spent with a bunch of Vietnam Vets at a fifty year reunion at a Holiday Inn in Ky. one weekend when I went to powwow. A few weed smokers in that group, but they spoke freely in front of me.
This came up as convos about the G fecking with their minds. The question was, did they see that or was it an equivalent to a pair of virtual reality glasses. The glasses were said to be a strange rose color. Every single one of them saw horrific things. Strangely enough, they all believed they saw Angels and Demons. A mass hallucination? Different copters, different men, different times.
Certainly number one on the list of some strange strange chit.
They also had free reign and was provided Valium, weed and meth on a daily basis. One man told me that the entire time he was there he never saw a single person he shot. Said he came up,out of the foxhole with his weapon above his head every single morning , firing..and he never saw a single one. He believed God gave him that and I get it, a soft soft hearted person named Max.
Best story a fellow named Fred was buying himself and his friends “lady company” cough cough..with Monopoly Money! Piastre was the currency of the period and it changed colors daily. They said Old Fred was a bigggg spender too..until the next morning when the “ladies” “boss” came to visit the CO.. Fred was busted..said they took his monopoly game too!
I just watched a video on those glasses. Apparently they were for the gunners on the helicopters. They said that their pupils were fully dilated when using the glasses and they were so terrified that they were firing at these things putting other pilots on risk as they had groups of copters. They said they were always drenched in sweat and said they saw demons everywhere coming after them. Flying and sitting on the tree tops. The program only lasted a month. They then changed the spectrum to green which doesn’t show the unseen. They are now the third gen military night vision. Same tech, different spectrum.

Dicyanin Goggles!​

I just watched a video on those glasses. Apparently they were for the gunners on the helicopters. They said that their pupils were fully dilated when using the glasses and they were so terrified that they were firing at these things putting other pilots on risk as they had groups of copters. They said they were always drenched in sweat and said they saw demons everywhere coming after them. Flying and sitting on the tree tops. The program only lasted a month. They then changed the spectrum to green which doesn’t show the unseen. They are now the third gen military night vision. Same tech, different spectrum.
That is exactly the story shared with me via the gunners. At first I thought they were yanking my chain, but seeing the looks on their faces and the seriousness as they relived their stories led me to believe it was true. Then, they showed me a video. I walked away from all of that seriously confused.

Possibly can, replicate pyramid power on small scale and actually "measure" and "test it" and see "differences/results"

Have you seen the electrical frequency scans or w.e it is I'm trying to refer to lol, of the pyramid(s)?

I could try to find it

Possibly can, replicate pyramid power on small scale and actually "measure" and "test it" and see "differences/results"

Have you seen the electrical frequency scans or w.e it is I'm trying to refer to lol, of the pyramid(s)?

I could try to find it
I have. Have you seen the battery found in one of them?
This info came via a video I saw, and a weekend spent with a bunch of Vietnam Vets at a fifty year reunion at a Holiday Inn in Ky. one weekend when I went to powwow. A few weed smokers in that group, but they spoke freely in front of me.
This came up as convos about the G fecking with their minds. The question was, did they see that or was it an equivalent to a pair of virtual reality glasses. The glasses were said to be a strange rose color. Every single one of them saw horrific things. Strangely enough, they all believed they saw Angels and Demons. A mass hallucination? Different copters, different men, different times.
Certainly number one on the list of some strange strange chit.
They also had free reign and was provided Valium, weed and meth on a daily basis. One man told me that the entire time he was there he never saw a single person he shot. Said he came up,out of the foxhole with his weapon above his head every single morning , firing..and he never saw a single one. He believed God gave him that and I get it, a soft soft hearted person named Max.
Best story a fellow named Fred was buying himself and his friends “lady company” cough cough..with Monopoly Money! Piastre was the currency of the period and it changed colors daily. They said Old Fred was a bigggg spender too..until the next morning when the “ladies” “boss” came to visit the CO.. Fred was busted..said they took his monopoly game too!
I have been looking into this and its for sure strange. To think that there are battles of angels and demons in the sky is a tad on the concerning side lol. Im glad I cant see it, but I bet there is some truth to it all. Lots of wierd things have been reported by Vietnam vets, lots of the jungles they covered were so deep and rarely explored lots of accounts of strange animals and occurences. I am glad i didn't have to go to Nam like my Dad, though he went when the US was high tailing it outta there lol.

Dicyanin Goggles!​

I just watched a video on those glasses. Apparently they were for the gunners on the helicopters. They said that their pupils were fully dilated when using the glasses and they were so terrified that they were firing at these things putting other pilots on risk as they had groups of copters. They said they were always drenched in sweat and said they saw demons everywhere coming after them. Flying and sitting on the tree tops. The program only lasted a month. They then changed the spectrum to green which doesn’t show the unseen. They are now the third gen military night vision. Same tech, different spectrum.
I askes my Dad about this. He used to use the starlight scope, nice little bits radiation in those things, different than dicyanin goggles tho. He never heard of this phenomenon with the pilots, but he did mention that some of his buddies who did multiple tours in Vietnam saw ghosts and some claimed to have seen Bigfoot and other kinds of stuff. Yes lots of them were high, but when so many stories show up there is probably something going on.
Baghdad battery?

neat huh, or so i think it is.

history, so much hidden, uncovered, kept secret.
Yeah man we dont know sh!t about the past, only what they left us and thats not much. After the Library of Alexandria was burned, we lost most of the ancient knowledge that could have helped us uncover those secrets of the past. Always been a fan of archaeology and ancient weaponry and textiles, etc. Fricken amazing to think how the world must have been thousands of years ago.
Yeah man we dont know sh!t about the past, only what they left us and thats not much. After the Library of Alexandria was burned, we lost most of the ancient knowledge that could have helped us uncover those secrets of the past. Always been a fan of archaeology and ancient weaponry and textiles, etc. Fricken amazing to think how the world must have been thousands of years ago.
been fascinated with ancient history since my teens, starting with the pyramids.

love it, can only read & read so much before im just waiting to see some shit, or some world-event shit to happen.

supposedly the Nazca mummies/aliens are real bodies, just of whom/what ?
been fascinated with ancient history since my teens, starting with the pyramids.

love it, can only read & read so much before im just waiting to see some shit, or some world-event shit to happen.

supposedly the Nazca mummies/aliens are real bodies, just of whom/what ?
or i fuck around and find out with something my self lol
Yeah man we dont know sh!t about the past, only what they left us and thats not much. After the Library of Alexandria was burned, we lost most of the ancient knowledge that could have helped us uncover those secrets of the past. Always been a fan of archaeology and ancient weaponry and textiles, etc. Fricken amazing to think how the world must have been thousands of years ago.
If most people knew a WEE was truly coming it cause a WROL. Which in turn could cause a WEE.

How far back since the last time the world was reset like an etch a sketch? Aren’t we already way overdue? 🤷‍♂️
ok guys

ima/ill/ i can get some Video Evidence for y'all next time it happens, and show you guys what i mean, some crazy-cool-shit, from my DMT Travels.

theres no way to put it besides another Entity, or (NON-HUMAN-INTELLIGENCE) WAS//TRYING to COMMUNICATE to me THROUGH one of our CATs, i FINALLY just LISTENED, and there it was.

it is REAL AS FUCK, and WE ARE not alone, the Universe is Teeming with Consciousness/Life.
ok guys

ima/ill/ i can get some Video Evidence for y'all next time it happens, and show you guys what i mean, some crazy-cool-shit, from my DMT Travels.

theres no way to put it besides another Entity, or (NON-HUMAN-INTELLIGENCE) WAS//TRYING to COMMUNICATE to me THROUGH one of our CATs, i FINALLY just LISTENED, and there it was.

it is REAL AS FUCK, and WE ARE not alone, the Universe is Teeming with Consciousness/Life.
i got information from no-where, like telepathy, very enlightening and eye-opening.

Healing, "Spiritually Awakening".
may sound "woowoo" too some, but cant be close-minded and ignorant like i also was b4 hand.

was too stuck in my own bullshit, alike, a lot of people/society are/is.
ok guys

ima/ill/ i can get some Video Evidence for y'all next time it happens, and show you guys what i mean, some crazy-cool-shit, from my DMT Travels.

theres no way to put it besides another Entity, or (NON-HUMAN-INTELLIGENCE) WAS//TRYING to COMMUNICATE to me THROUGH one of our CATs, i FINALLY just LISTENED, and there it was.

it is REAL AS FUCK, and WE ARE not alone, the Universe is Teeming with Consciousness/Life.
the way the cats/nature/animals come to me when i dive into the Ethereal Experience.

the one cat comes to me and doesnt stop "Talking"

now shes drained and sleeping.

next time i dive in, ill start recording before and after and show the current state of the environment and what/where everyone is/upto/doing.

and see the differences/before and after.

the point and intention is the betterment of Society, the Improvement, the evolution, the technological innovation and betterment of the Human Race, for Everyones Sakes.

For the Truth, For Knowledge, Wisdom and Love.

Peace & Happiness.

its helping me alot, teaching me and showing me things like no other, seeing and learning exactly what i am and where i shine, what i should do, and what i need to do and be.

Master Thy Self.

Perfect Thy Craft.
Yes, we are on a "Journey thru time/space, or whatever. You are a "spirit", you have a soul, and you live in a body." I used LSD and cow shit schrooms to "enlighten" my being as a 20 year old and younger. I don't trust the people anymore to use a substance such as DMT or Extacy or whatever. If you are fine with your Journey more power to you. Do your thing. I always have, Cheers SS

It’s Time for U.F.O. Whistle-blowers to Show Their Cards​

Dec. 16, 2023,

By Ross Douthat
Opinion Columnist
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Last week on the Senate floor two senators rose to express disappointment with the House of Representatives. This was by itself routine enough, but the senators, Mike Rounds, Republican of South Dakota, and the New York Democrat and majority leader, Chuck Schumer weren’t complaining about Ukraine funding or border policy. They were complaining that the House was impeding transparency on U.F.O.s.
The back story, for those who don’t follow every twist of what we’re now supposed to call the unidentified anomalous phenomenon (U.A.P.) debate, is that the National Defense Authorization Act, on Schumer’s instigation, included provisions to establish a presidential commission with the power to declassify a broad swath of records related to U.A.P.s, modeled on the panel that did similar work with President John F. Kennedy’s assassination.
But this disclosure effort was watered down by some House Republicans, making it more of a collection effort by the National Archives, with a weaker mandate to declassify and release.
As ever with this issue, the Senate discussion of these developments veered from the banal to the superweird. One moment, Rounds was talking as if the whole legislative effort was just an attempt to “dispel myths and misinformation about U.A.P.s” — sunlight as a disinfectant for conspiracy theories. The next, he was complaining that the House had stripped out a requirement that the government reclaim “any recovered U.A.P. material or biological remains that may have been provided to private entities in the past and thereby hidden from Congress and the American people.” Which is an odd thing to emphasize if you don’t think there’s a possibility that, say, Lockheed Martin is keeping something strange inside its vaults.
My personal hope, as someone fascinated and frustrated by this business ever since the military first started acknowledging that its pilots have seen some weird things in the skies, is that we are nearing a point of real clarity — not necessarily about what U.A.P.s are, but about whether some faction in the government really knows much more about the mystery than what’s in the public record.

The probabilities of extraterrestrial life or nonhuman intelligence aside, the best reason to doubt such secret-keeping is that it would require too much of a government that has let so many major secrets slip over the last 75 years. The deep state let the Soviets steal atomic secrets and the mainstream press publish the Pentagon Papers; it had its Cold War laundry aired by the Church committee; it saw much of its war-on-terror architecture rapidly exposed. So it’s hard to see how it could have kept a lid on programs that study actual extraterrestrial or interdimensional visitors — especially over generations, and especially if we’re supposed to believe that private contractors are part of the cover-up as well.
The counterargument is that there are still things we know that we don’t know in the deep state vault (about, say, the Saudi connections to Sept. 11, 2001), so there might also be things we don’t know that we don’t know. Especially if you imagine a hypothetical U.A.P. program that’s extremely small, walled off from the rest of the national security state, united by a belief that it’s protecting Americans from the cosmic shock of uncontrolled disclosure, and so deeply classified that its functionaries might fear being murdered if they leak.

But that’s what makes the current moment clarifying. We have, in Grusch, a credentialed whistle-blower making public claims on a variety of platforms without being hustled away in a black helicopter. We have an important group of lawmakers expressing strong interest and frustration with obstruction. We have a network of mainstream-adjacent media outlets that are fascinated with the story, and establishment organs (like this one) at least open to the conversation.

There is no better time, in other words, for anyone who has documentary proof to figure out how to be a hero of disclosure and democracy. If you have the goods and you want the public to know more, and if you think the Schumer push for transparency has been fatally wounded (as many U.F.O. believers seem to think), then this is the hour to bring your secrets forward.
If no such revelations occur, it will strengthen my default belief that no multigenerational government cover-up was ever plausible.
Should shocking revelations come — well, honestly, I would still worry about deceptions and misdirection, since the disclosure of a cover-up would make paranoia much more rational.
But that’s no reason not to share the truth if you think you have possession of it — trusting that the American people have a high tolerance for weirdness, and that in the long run only truth will set us free.
Yes, we are on a "Journey thru time/space, or whatever. You are a "spirit", you have a soul, and you live in a body." I used LSD and cow shit schrooms to "enlighten" my being as a 20 year old and younger. I don't trust the people anymore to use a substance such as DMT or Extacy or whatever. If you are fine with your Journey more power to you. Do your thing. I always have, Cheers SS
If you did his thing, as you said -- was it to the best of your ability? If so then keep your heads to the ski or it that sky?
Okay, you all can hate me for this, but my opinion is that our government is now making this information (about UFOs/UAPs) public as a smoke screen.

As to what that smoke screen is, is anybodies guess, but anytime a government volunteers information, be wary!

It‘s not that I don’t believe in UFOs/UAPs, or intelligent life in the universe (there is precious little on this rock), but when such a whiplash of information coverup to openess takes place, watch your wallet, follow the money flow and be amazed at the sheer treachery of collective governments.
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