An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.Object name is entropy-21-00939-g003.jpg
Figure 3
An analysis of Senior Chief Day’s radar observations. (A). The posterior probability indicates the maximum likelihood estimate of the acceleration to be 5600+2270−1190g. (B). The accelerations obtained by sampling resulted in the most probable acceleration of 5370+1430−820g while the mean acceleration is 5950g (black dotted line). (C). The power output of the UAP, assumed to have a mass of 1000kg, as a function of time indicates a peak power of about 1100GW.

Figure 3C illustrates the power required to accelerate the UAV as a function of time, assuming that the UAV is propelled in a conventional way.

The required power peaks at a shocking 1100GW, which exceeds the total nuclear power production of the United States by more than a factor of ten. For comparison, the largest nuclear power plant in the United States, the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station in Arizona, provides about 3.3GW of power for about four million people [24].
The fact that these UAVs display no flight surfaces or apparent propulsion mechanisms, and do not produce sonic booms or excessive heat that would be released given the hundreds of GigaWatts of power that we expect should be involved (Figure 3C), strongly suggests that these anomalous craft are taking advantage of technology, engineering, or physics that we are unfamiliar with.

For example, the Tic-Tac UAV dropping from 28,000 ft to sea level in 0.78s involved at least 4.3×1011J of energy (assuming a mass of 1000kg), which is equivalent to about 100 tons of TNT, or the yield of 200 Tomahawk cruise missiles, released in 3 over 4 of a second.

One would have expected a catastrophic effect on the surrounding environment. This does not rule out the possibility that these UAVs have been developed by governments, organizations, or individuals on Earth, but it suggests that these UAVs and the technologies they employ may be of extraterrestrial origin.
The UAP I saw was 25 feet away and had no heat signature, so smell and no woosh after it moved. ICE not!
The fact that these UAVs display no flight surfaces or apparent propulsion mechanisms, and do not produce sonic booms or excessive heat that would be released given the hundreds of GigaWatts of power that we expect should be involved (Figure 3C), strongly suggests that these anomalous craft are taking advantage of technology, engineering, or physics that we are unfamiliar with.

For example, the Tic-Tac UAV dropping from 28,000 ft to sea level in 0.78s involved at least 4.3×1011J of energy (assuming a mass of 1000kg), which is equivalent to about 100 tons of TNT, or the yield of 200 Tomahawk cruise missiles, released in 3 over 4 of a second.

One would have expected a catastrophic effect on the surrounding environment. This does not rule out the possibility that these UAVs have been developed by governments, organizations, or individuals on Earth, but it suggests that these UAVs and the technologies they employ may be of extraterrestrial origin.
Why wasn't there a sonic boom when it dropped to sea level at that speed? Any other celestial object would have been an enormous shock wave and wild atmospheric effects To travel to sea level in .78s would be the equivalent of almost 25,000 miles per hour. Plasma would surround the vessel at those speeds inside the atmosphere if not completely burning it away.

So since none of this happened it implies that the ship somehow can bypass the normal frictional physics of our atmosphere. Also, somehow shields the occupants from g-force and drastic vector changes. The technology needed to bypass physics all encased in a small vessel would be mind-boggling. S

Supposedly, we have at least 6 craft capable of these maneuvers but we don't know how to use them. They are like magic to us currently. But what happens when the people in charge figure out how to use and control one of these craft? I do not trust anyone in this world to be the custodian of such technology and most certainly not any governments including ours.

Just talking with a buzz....
Supposedly, we have at least 6 craft capable of these maneuvers but we don't know how to use them. They are like magic to us currently. But what happens when the people in charge figure out how to use and control one of these craft? I do not trust anyone in this world to be the custodian of such technology and most certainly not any governments including ours.

Just talking with a buzz....
i sure as shit wouldnt want any private group to have this tech and hoard it to them selfs

if this shit is true, (Grusch's Claims) they are stopping/slowing human evolution and progress
Ezekiel’s chariot is the most famous biblical UFO sighting, and has been written about by NASA scientist Josef Blumrich (1913–2002) in The Spaceships of Ezekiel (Bantam, 1974), among others. This AI-generated photo offers a clear explanation of the mysterious wheels, described as separate from the chariot itself,[3] as well as the animal spirit that moves it.[4] Remarkably, it also explains the extraterrestrial origins of the Muppets.

The Torah’s Concern for Aliens​

Science has finally confirmed what the Torah has known all along: Extraterrestrial beings have visited Earth and played a vital role in our formative traditions. The evidence was right there all along, but both mainstream academia and Orthodoxy could not see past their respective interpretations.

Had they just read the Torah’s words literally, they would have seen that the Torah explicitly admonishes us to be kind to aliens:

Leviticus 19:33 – “When an alien lives with you in your land, do not mistreat him.”

Deuteronomy 27:19 – “Cursed is the man who withholds justice from the alien… and let us say: Amen.”
I think mankind provided the labor. But the design not so much. We ain’t that smart.
It's crazy some are actually now proving that the pyramid does/can resonate and possible provide power, etc

It pisses me off, public school "teaches" you these giant fucking things were solely built for tombs and afterlife bullshit, yet no mummie has been found in Giza(?)

They don't fuckin know either, a lot of our history is truly suppressed, and there is a lot of physical evidence.
Definitely man made. It has fasteners.
Indian moon rocket part was the correct answer to the above. So nothing strange about that one, but what about these objects that came from the sky? They're not in our current inventory of things that look like this on Earth; i.e. not made in New Jersey. This is from the same Harvard scientist that said that cigar-shaped UFO was real based on its navigation prowess. Anyway, I'm happy to take anyone to my leader if they land in our neighborhood.

Avi Loeb's team's findings may not say whether the metallic spheres are artificial or natural in origin, but they are unmatched in our solar system. Alien pool?
Harvard professor Avi Loeb said his team of scientists have determined that these fragments   from a meteor that landed in the waters off of Papua New Guinea in 2014 are indeed interstellar in origin.
They don't fuckin know either, a lot of our history is truly suppressed, and there is a lot of physical evevidence.
Suppressed or potentially just forgotten. We can theorize all day long about the pyramids, but it's just as likely they were built by an advanced civilization that was lost to some sort of extinction event.

Joe Rogan has a funny bit about dumb people having more kids than the smarts. Eventually the dumbs just looked at the pyramids and said "wE bUilT THesE"
Indian moon rocket part was the correct answer to the above. So nothing strange about that one, but what about these objects that came from the sky? They're not in our current inventory of things that look like this on Earth; i.e. not made in New Jersey. This is from the same Harvard scientist that said that cigar-shaped UFO was real based on its navigation prowess. Anyway, I'm happy to take anyone to my leader if they land in our neighborhood.

Avi Loeb's team's findings may not say whether the metallic spheres are artificial or natural in origin, but they are unmatched in our solar system. Alien pool?
Harvard professor Avi Loeb said his team of scientists have determined that these fragments   from a meteor that landed in the waters off of Papua New Guinea in 2014 are indeed interstellar in origin.
Alien temple balls. Star man had a hole in his pocket and dropped his stash.
How fast does a my mouse move on my computer from one side of my screen to the other then back seems to me these UFO's move like my mouse with no sound barrier noise, can stop on a dime and change directions quickly....maybe they're not physical either and just an image of some kind with a remote operator..
How fast does a my mouse move on my computer from one side of my screen to the other then back seems to me these UFO's move like my mouse with no sound barrier noise, can stop on a dime and change directions quickly....maybe they're not physical either and just an image of some kind with a remote operator..
They frequently are described as remote operated craft, with the mother ship carrying their friends Twinkies and drugs.
Indian moon rocket part was the correct answer to the above. So nothing strange about that one, but what about these objects that came from the sky? They're not in our current inventory of things that look like this on Earth; i.e. not made in New Jersey. This is from the same Harvard scientist that said that cigar-shaped UFO was real based on its navigation prowess. Anyway, I'm happy to take anyone to my leader if they land in our neighborhood.

Avi Loeb's team's findings may not say whether the metallic spheres are artificial or natural in origin, but they are unmatched in our solar system. Alien pool?
Harvard professor Avi Loeb said his team of scientists have determined that these fragments   from a meteor that landed in the waters off of Papua New Guinea in 2014 are indeed interstellar in origin.
A large enough asteroid could potentially punch through a star and come out the other side as just a mix of molten bits... I'm not against the idea of aliens, at all. I'm just against using them to explain anything that we can't currently understand.

Sorry folks. Maybe my title should say "resident devil's advocate"
A large enough asteroid could potentially punch through a star and come out the other side as just a mix of molten bits... I'm not against the idea of aliens, at all. I'm just against using them to explain anything that we can't currently understand.

Sorry folks. Maybe my title should say "resident devil's advocate"
It's very possible it's our fuckin USG super advanced systems, untill they start showing ok we really honestly don't know what these are.

If china had this tech they'd actually probably be using it "more widespread"

And here's this.

Fuckin paywall my bad I'll fix it

UFO-Related patents
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