Bean's Stash Closet

Im pretty happy with how this trellis worked out and have enough materials to do another so I'm gonna roll with it. The small size of the light and being tucked up away makes working in there a lot easier. That was a good upgrade. I backed the blue down 10% and gave it more red. Its drinking like a cow.

Drop the probe lower so that it sits inside the canopy but not touching any leaves. Aquaman taught me that this will give you a better approximation of what's going on with the plant as the area immediately around it will be different from just above it.
Didnt take long to recover from the net going down. Took the old fans that were sagging out of the light today as well. A few days in now and feeling pretty good about how it is responding to the new system.


100% of the water remained in the system overnight so I think I'm about ready to pop another bean. I've got some Bubba Kush seeds so think I'll give that a shot unless anyone has some recommendations. Relatively compact and potent indica or hybrid are what I am seeking but know little about that end of things.
@GoodShit97 I have less than $150 into that little rdwc just to give a ballpark.
Thanks, i think im going with autopots instead of hydro though. I can get all the parts to build it and what not, thats no issue. But when it comes to monitoring systems and meters, i don't have the money for that stuff.
Maybe 10 years from now ill be able to get into it, but with having 2 kids i cant spend the money right now.
You are right the water system itself isnt the expensive part, but none of it as much as children lol.
Thats a fact, it just gets really tight this time of year. My birthday is the 28th, then my oldest sons is july 16th, then my wifes is August 19th, and my youngest sons is September 7th.
Then Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas follow right after, so most of my purchases are from January to May because im flat broke the rest of the year lol.
Thats a fact, it just gets really tight this time of year. My birthday is the 28th, then my oldest sons is july 16th, then my wifes is August 19th, and my youngest sons is September 7th.
Then Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas follow right after, so most of my purchases are from January to May because im flat broke the rest of the year lol.
You have your priorities in the correct order imo
Figuring this shit out enough to get a couple grows behind has been a real boon for us. We realized we were spending a lot of money annually on smoke because it's so easy to buy it. It creeps up as a real expense every month when it's our only real vice(besides coffee).
Love the tent and how you get all the head space out of it still~!
One grow after another you just keep filling my head with ideas I really like. (y)
Love the tent and how you get all the head space out of it still~!
One grow after another you just keep filling my head with ideas I really like. (y)
Thanks dude, was fun putting it together. I can grow a big fucker if I get the urge now lol. More important to me was no electrics below water line anywhere and this provides for that nicely imo.
Been busting my ass this week and got our basement hangout outside the mech/grow room finished up. I'm sore from moving furniture up and down stairs so I'm kicking off the weekend early lol.


Have a great weekend everyone!
First week or so it's been growing really well aside from my pushing light a bit much for it for a day or two. Stems and roots are building up fast. I'll veg another week and make an assessment. Water has been settling in nicely.

Two weeks in the system and she is vegging out hard and fast. The light is really strong in that small space so took some adjusting but I think I got it dialed in. I gotta be careful and not forget to turn it down in view mode when I'm defoliating lol. Whoopsie..
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