If I could compare it it would be the sound of a deer blowing to create a warning to the others. Why I originally went out there. I believed something was stalking a deer. (Before you get started, I knew it could be a bear or a mountain lion doing the stalking as per Hubby as well!)
When I got behind the house where the sound was coming from, I knew that was not what I was hearing. I have a herd of five does that stay in my yard. Not a deer around this morning. So whatever it was had for sure spooked my deer.
I know the sound of the fox. They also whistle. A woman screaming here is normally the sound of the panther.

We do have barred owls here and they sound like demented crazy looney laughter.
I may not be in tune with my human neighbor, but I am in tune with the earth and Creators creatures.
I hope to never hear this noise again.
PS.. I don’t recall opening a vote up about if I should listen to the Hubby or not.. just sayin