Everything Ninjadip


Hydro Ninja
Bud Builders Supporter
Jun 5, 2023
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What's up everyone!

It's time i posted some content!!!

I'm still flattered that people were looking for me, to the point of contacting random people on Insta and Ytube. So FYI to everyone, i have Crohn's and ulcerative colitis for about 12+ years now. Long story short, i made it out of the hospital without them taking some of my colon out and giving me a bag. I battled with it hardcore for years, at the time I was not partaking in marijuana as i was on probation, i was taking a bunch of meds the size of horse pills it felt like. I didn't like it. I would stop taking the medicine, i would flare up, and then i would take it again. I started smoking again 2 years ago i think, still would get flare ups here and there, depending on current stress and eating habits. I decided to grow some weed specifically made to help my cramps, pain, and discomfort. I landed on Black Domina as the one for me, strong indica and every review said it helped with GI stuff.

I don't know if it is the Black Domina or that I'm smoking a lot more weed now, but i haven't had any flareups for over a year now i think. They legalized it in my state last year which also coincided with me smoking my heart's content now, as the stash is never empty (but it is getting low, but i'll make it to next harvest). I started making some edibles to help me when i'm in places it's not socially acceptable to smoke.

I'm also a vegetarian which the GI doctors think helps a lot, as they tell me red meat is very hard to digest for me. I will also be graduating here in October from SNHU with a BA in Software Engineering, i couldn't be more stoked and happy to see that finish line. I got married last year, life is good.

I'm happy to be a part of this new site, and wanted to share some of my stuff with y'all.

I drank too many margaritas last night, came home and didn't like the look of my little veg starting station so i did some super-cropping. I'll find out when i get home today if i was gentle enough in my inebriated state lol, but they look fine to me in the pictures. Not sure why i love feeling that snap of the cell walls breaking between my fingers, nothing sadistic, just comforting in some way.

I have an Alien Dragon in there from @Coco Lopez, 3 banana blaze(one big one and 2 rooted clones), a purple punch or purple something lol i forget, and then a blue dream.

Going to put one of each in the next flower run, i think i have 3-4 more weeks in my current flower tent.

Here is some ninja wisdom!!!

The first priority to the ninja is to win without fighting. -Masaaki Hatsumi

We have won


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Man that's so bad ass you found a way to manage your crohns. I was a street dealer for many years and my buddy always came to me for his brother with crohns, just sucked I was at the mercy of the pipeline and never could control what I was getting. Some strains helped some didn't. He moved on to dispo weed now 😒 but long as he feels better thats all that matters right?

So you actually bend your stems? I always just pinched them real hard...never knew if I was doing it right or not, but it would heal double thick like a broken bone
Man that's so bad ass you found a way to manage your crohns. I was a street dealer for many years and my buddy always came to me for his brother with crohns, just sucked I was at the mercy of the pipeline and never could control what I was getting. Some strains helped some didn't. He moved on to dispo weed now 😒 but long as he feels better thats all that matters right?

So you actually bend your stems? I always just pinched them real hard...never knew if I was doing it right or not, but it would heal double thick like a broken bone
A wonder drug our brainless leaders can't get their collective heads around to figure out how to tax and benefit themselves. As soon as they have their chosen few in the right places to control the supply it will get legalized. I'm a bit surprised the native bands haven't done more to bring their supplies to the main stream markets on their lands. Flood the country with it and it'll be harder to keep illegal in the states where it is still illegal. The time for prohibition is over, on with the show.
A wonder drug our brainless leaders can't get their collective heads around to figure out how to tax and benefit themselves. As soon as they have their chosen few in the right places to control the supply it will get legalized. I'm a bit surprised the native bands haven't done more to bring their supplies to the main stream markets on their lands. Flood the country with it and it'll be harder to keep illegal in the states where it is still illegal. The time for prohibition is over, on with the show.
If this map were a presidential election marijuana I think would win based on electoral votes. They should do it the same for weed if enough states are legal or medical that it would win an election...then it should win out across the board.

This state by state shit only helps out the big dispos. They get to come into a state, collect tons of money then they sell their facility to some local people once the craze has died down and move to the next legal state and repeat process. People in missouri making the money right now are from fuckin oregon, Colorado, Michigan and wherever else...just very few from Missouri. If it was legal across the board in one instant...they have a hard time setting up shop in like the 20 remaining states. It would leave a gap for someone else to get a piece of that pie. Just my thought, maybe it's wrong but that's how it looks from my eyes.
Man that's so bad ass you found a way to manage your crohns. I was a street dealer for many years and my buddy always came to me for his brother with crohns, just sucked I was at the mercy of the pipeline and never could control what I was getting. Some strains helped some didn't. He moved on to dispo weed now 😒 but long as he feels better thats all that matters right?

So you actually bend your stems? I always just pinched them real hard...never knew if I was doing it right or not, but it would heal double thick like a broken bone
Yeah I bend them in my fingers till I feel a slight crunch or break, haven't lost one to that yet. Am I doing it wrong? I'm always still learning.

Yeah, it's funny cause I didn't even think about it till the other week. That I haven't had a flare up in a very long time, not since I started smoking everyday again. The mornings used to be the hardest for me with pain, but not anymore. Go to bed high, wake up and get high lol

I just hope that when I run out of black domina the other strains will still help. I'll never go to dispo weed now that I can grow my own. Instead of spending money on it, now I'm making money on it and still getting my fix. There was a huge learning curve with growing of course, but I enjoy the hobby, and the independence of not relying on the man.

I'm in VA, and we are one of those weird states that legalized it to smoke and grow but still nowhere to buy flower or seeds, legally...

Funny state.
So FYI to everyone, i have Crohn's and ulcerative colitis for about 12+ years now. Long story short, i made it out of the hospital without them taking some of my colon out and giving me a bag. I battled with it hardcore for years, at the time I was not partaking in marijuana as i was on probation, i was taking a bunch of meds the size of horse pills it felt like. I didn't like it. I would stop taking the medicine, i would flare up, and then i would take it again. I started smoking again 2 years ago i think, still would get flare ups here and there, depending on current stress and eating habits. I decided to grow some weed specifically made to help my cramps, pain, and discomfort. I landed on Black Domina as the one for me, strong indica and every review said it helped with GI stuff.

I don't know if it is the Black Domina or that I'm smoking a lot more weed now, but i haven't had any flareups for over a year now i think.
That's awesome that you got relief without having to use prescriptions. My wife also has Crohns/UC, where did you get the Black Domina from as I would like to try to grow some to see if it would help her.
That's awesome that you got relief without having to use prescriptions. My wife also has Crohns/UC, where did you get the Black Domina from as I would like to try to grow some to see if it would help her.
I got it from crop king seeds I think. That was my first seed purchase, never bought from them again.

I love https://northatlanticseed.com/ and will continue to buy from them. Very fast, huge selection, and women owned. Sometimes they even have $2 and $5 seed deals on last year's new strains.

Attached is the review that convinced me to pull the trigger. It def helps.


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@Scotty 420 there is a breeder out of Alaska akbeanbrains that has a few black domina strains I believe. Has alot of old strains that were kept as is according to him. I plan on trying some of his gear sometime. He has a good rep and sends freebies too.

He has a website you can find on Google, couple vendors sell his shit (no freebies then though), here is his 2022 master list which has more than his site...I believe its still current for 2023.

Edit: I think he had a black domina bx. May want to reach out to him and ask about it he is a cool dude.

Some of my out of state friends would trip on how casual weed was in California. They'd fly in and the first thing they'd ask me is "Where's the weed?" 😄

Had some new clients from Miami roll through looking for a box of product. We met at a diner and they had this look on their faces like we were going to get arrested at any minute. We sat down and started talking about what and where and how. It was hard to hear them over the din and they kept talking under their breathes. I finally had to tell them "Guys.....it's legal hear. No one cares." They kind of looked at each other then smiled after realizing I was right. Sold a lot of boxes to those dudes.

Had an ex with COPD. She was on weekly nebulizer treatments and would be in the emergency room at least once a month with pneumonia. I gave her a CBD pen and told her to try it. She was vehemently against it saying it would kill her and that weed was just bad in general. I showed her enough articles about the medicinal effects and she started to soften. Not to the point that she would try it but she was intrigued. Fast forward she wakes me up in the middle of the night telling me she can't breathe and she wants to go to emergency. Her lips start to turn blue and I'm trying to get dressed as fast as I can when she reaches for the pen and takes a hit. I was stunned but at that point I just wanted to get her to emergency because she wasn't looking good. On the way she's hitting the pen and by the time we get to the parking lot of the emergency room she says she's starting to feel better. I park and start to get out when she tells me to hold on. We sat in the parking lot for around an hour while her condition improved. Once she felt better we went home and she slept the rest of the night.

The next morning she asked me to take her to a dispensary and she bought a THC and CBD cartridge. After a few months she put away her nebulizer as it was just collecting dust. About a year later her pulmonary specialist asked her to come in and asked her what she was doing. He was comparing xrays and noticed an improvement in her lung health. She told him what she was doing and he asked her to do a diary of what she was doing as he had a group of other specialists that were interested in weeds medicinal properties especially the pulmonary effects.
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Nice writeup @ninjadip and good to have you back around. Anyone with a wiz avatar is cool in my books 🧙‍♂️
damn i just changed it too. My friend got me this Navajo doll that is really cool, that i am using now.
What's up dude? Nice to see you here. I got my seeds through North Atlantic too and had them in 2 days.
what's up!? My wife saw this name, and said "i'm surprised that's not your name". LOL. I remember a guy in high school we called beans, idk why. maybe cause he was small, it wasn't any race thing cause he was white, so idk now that i think of it, i'm high so i'm out there.
Yeah, NASC are legit. I get the cheapest shipping option, no stealth, nothing extra and i get them in 3-5 days with the freebies. I got a bunch of those $2 and $5 promo ones i gotta run this year i hope. I still got freebies with orders around $20, really cool people. I know i got these 2 regular Unicorn Poop crossed with something as freebies i think from them i gotta put down sometime and hope for a female.

The next morning she asked me to take her to a dispensary and she bought a THC and CBD cartridge. After a few months she put away her nebulizer as it was just collecting dust. About a year later her pulmonary specialist asked her to come in and asked her what she was doing. He was comparing xrays and noticed an improvement in her lung health. She told him what she was doing and he asked her to do a diary of what she was doing as he had a group of other specialists that were interested in weeds medicinal properties especially the pulmonary effects.
That's awesome man! I hate the stigma all those decades of it being illegal put on it, that scare tactic shit didn't help either. if she ever wants to get off carts, those personal flower vaporizers are pretty cool too.
Bruce Banner and Alien Dragon are going to take it all.

Any water is from me pouring some over the top right before the pics.
I fucking love this one....

Maybe somewhere around 2-3 weeks left? I don't mark the calendar, i just watch the plants. As i was told i think by @Aqua Man when i was asking about my first grow, he said something around the lines of, they are done when they are done. lol. wise advice that i didn't get at first. so i'm just gonna watch them, and then look at trichs as they get to the finish line.

I was slow in getting a lot of the problems of this grow in order, just happy where they are now.
a view into my homework life....

This is some neural network AI and Q-Deep learning using Python, Keras, and Tensor. It is learning from 15,000 epochs, each with 8 sub-epochs to determine how to solve a simple 8x8 maze. code on the right of the main loop.

Basically the first few go arounds the model has little experience to pull from, so it will act on the four cardinal directions randomly, until it either makes too many moves to become fruitful(a loss), or finds the end in X many decisions. The winning cases are then stored into the AI as 'experiences' once enough are established, the rate of randomness is severely lowered. Currently the randomness(marked as the epsilon variable), or decision to explore over using learned experiences is at 10%, meaning 1 out of 10 times the AI will explore a new path when following a set of experiences. With that continued branching out, the success rate of each new game is increased, until a success rate of 100% is achieved (a 100% success rate is a requirement of this project).

If you are thinking 15000^8 runs will take a while to compute... it does. It's still running after 10-15minutes now. so i decided to see what you guys are doing in ol' @CannaGranny so welcoming chat room. I remembered once you mention something about AI Canna, so here is a little something of what i got going on.


Here it was fuels a vegetarian mind that doesn't want to take a big break for lunch:
Man I can only be made at myself....

Wanted to get some auto seeds for a little experiment for a perpetual in a small tent and I must have ordered fems by accident....

This mean girls DVD for discreet shipping, which I don't opt or pay for, really cracked me up though. Surprised there was a real disc in it 😂


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I find it amazing what only 5 or so DLI can do.. this is my little mum station I take cuts from to clone. I've added 2 cheapo light strips to the main unit that stay on 24/7 and then the main unit has a built in veg LEDs that go 14/10 I think. Had to add the extra lights to keep them in veg.

This thing doesn't have air stones or an air pump, just a recirc pump on a built in timer controlled by the unit.


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Crohn's disease is pretty debilitating for many people. Good 👍 to see you getting some theraputic effects

First surgery I witnessed was a terrible resection for a lady who had several feet of small intestine removed and the terrible fistula into her bowels and bladder. That was a long long surgery...

Much as life throws at me lately I should always be thankful it's not worse (yet)
Crohn's disease is pretty debilitating for many people. Good 👍 to see you getting some theraputic effects

First surgery I witnessed was a terrible resection for a lady who had several feet of small intestine removed and the terrible fistula into her bowels and bladder. That was a long long surgery...

Much as life throws at me lately I should always be thankful it's not worse (yet)
you can only imagine how grateful i am... When i was first diagnosed and in the Hospital, they weren't sure if the inflammation was going to go down, and i was losing lots of blood. I remember a team of young new doctors(like 4-6) come in my room one day and greet me. They tell me they are the team on call and ready to perform the surgery to remove parts of my colon if it comes to that. At the time it definitely looked like that was going to be the outcome, they were worried that the inflammation was very close to a point of complete blockage and then toxicity would be the end of me.

Thankfully, Seriously THANKFULLY, the very next day the doctors came in and said the inflammation looks to be receding, and i was out of there within the week. They had given me a drug that ended up costing me ten thousand for one dose, Remicade, that they thought i would not have to pay for due to my finances at the time. Regardless, i ended up owing this hospital around $50k after my 2 week visit. I could not get the debt forgiven and ended up forfeiting my half of our father's sale of the house to the hospital. I am still thankful, money comes and goes, but i'm here and can talk about it.

Hey Bro! Weren't you the one that had an awesome candy recipe? I think I remember you posting it up on the Farm.

Can you post it up here for those interested?
YES! i am the one that made a big write up on lollipops. Damn that thing took me a hour or so to format it the way i wanted. Will have to see if i can import it here from you know where.

It's funny the minute i stop making them, weed stash getting low, people come out of the woodwork here locally to ask me about them. Same with flower, the minute i don't have enough to spare, everyone wants to buy some! lol. the way of life.

I will make a new write up soon if i can't copy the old one over. I also want to dabble in making a THC lotion for some shoulder pain, try to get off that Tiger Balm.

Seinfeld on Kramer using the Tiger Balm to heal his burn that they were going to use as material in their suit against the coffee place

"did i tell to you use the Tiger Balm?"
"no jackie, i didn't know what it would do!"
"nobody knows what's it going to do, that's why it's a balm! Now the Tiger Balm healed your burn and we have no case!"
"Sorry Jackie"
Hey Bro! Weren't you the one that had an awesome candy recipe? I think I remember you posting it up on the Farm.

Can you post it up here for those interested?
I have room for improvement, this is my third grow but first with this new rwdc setup. Whatever I got going on in the res now is killing it, as all the plants are making huge growth spurts. Like to think that Mr. Fulvic is akin to Scottie and his miracle workings. And I bumped up the EC to 2.4. from what I see others doing this is overkill, but these girls are responding very well to what's in there. Should note that 200ppm is my tap source.

It's hard to show but Bruce banner here is making huge huge gooey colas that look dense af. I thought it was nearing up but all 4 girls have just blown up with new white pistils.


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you can only imagine how grateful i am... When i was first diagnosed and in the Hospital, they weren't sure if the inflammation was going to go down, and i was losing lots of blood. I remember a team of young new doctors(like 4-6) come in my room one day and greet me. They tell me they are the team on call and ready to perform the surgery to remove parts of my colon if it comes to that. At the time it definitely looked like that was going to be the outcome, they were worried that the inflammation was very close to a point of complete blockage and then toxicity would be the end of me.

Thankfully, Seriously THANKFULLY, the very next day the doctors came in and said the inflammation looks to be receding, and i was out of there within the week. They had given me a drug that ended up costing me ten thousand for one dose, Remicade, that they thought i would not have to pay for due to my finances at the time. Regardless, i ended up owing this hospital around $50k after my 2 week visit. I could not get the debt forgiven and ended up forfeiting my half of our father's sale of the house to the hospital. I am still thankful, money comes and goes, but i'm here and can talk about it.

YES! i am the one that made a big write up on lollipops. Damn that thing took me a hour or so to format it the way i wanted. Will have to see if i can import it here from you know where.

It's funny the minute i stop making them, weed stash getting low, people come out of the woodwork here locally to ask me about them. Same with flower, the minute i don't have enough to spare, everyone wants to buy some! lol. the way of life.

I will make a new write up soon if i can't copy the old one over. I also want to dabble in making a THC lotion for some shoulder pain, try to get off that Tiger Balm.

Seinfeld on Kramer using the Tiger Balm to heal his burn that they were going to use as material in their suit against the coffee place

"did i tell to you use the Tiger Balm?"
"no jackie, i didn't know what it would do!"
"nobody knows what's it going to do, that's why it's a balm! Now the Tiger Balm healed your burn and we have no case!"
"Sorry Jackie"
I've got a lot of sympathy for this rare affliction no doubt. I have inflammation and neurological deficit in my hands and feet. Neck and spine and lung problem. Lots of phlegm and chronic cough so while it's not as serious I can relate some

Used to do lots with cystic fibrosis kids and transplant surgeries ECT. Neonatal stuff. Burn unit. I used to float almost everywhere. Witness lots of terrible suffering

Just stay on top of your health and wellness above all else and the other stuff will work it's self out somehow
I've got a lot of sympathy for this rare affliction no doubt. I have inflammation and neurological deficit in my hands and feet. Neck and spine and lung problem. Lots of phlegm and chronic cough so while it's not as serious I can relate some

Used to do lots with cystic fibrosis kids and transplant surgeries ECT. Neonatal stuff. Burn unit. I used to float almost everywhere. Witness lots of terrible suffering

Just stay on top of your health and wellness above all else and the other stuff will work it's self out somehow

i'm sorry boss.. i know that stuff can sit hard on you for long after.

i think one of the biggest things cannabis does for me is keep my stress to a near minimum. While there are other factors like eating habits, and GI imbalances that can mess me up, i feel stress is the biggest culprit. But sometimes once you get a little ill you stress out and that only makes it worse. Kinda like that patch adams thing, if you feel good emotionally your physical body can sometimes perform what doctors call miraculous or random chance. i'm a big believer of that good energy shit, and one of the biggest transformations i can think of right now was when i was reading through some buddhist stuff and as an exercise mediated every day for two weeks with the though of sending the world, people who wish me ill will, everyone, massive amount of peace and love that you at first only imagine coming from within your body, but soon it feels as if it's all very real. i'm sure this sounds like a bunch of new age shit to some, but those energy vibrations are real.
No doubt about it. Positive thoughts and energy are healing and release good chemistry in the body.

Diet is a huge factor also but when the first thing you said comes into focus the rest becomes much easier

What we allow in us is huge

I've seen so many people perish simply because they gave up, and lots more that didn't. I think it's a metabolism component to how we feel and our mindset
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Been loving this coffee I got from Costco, and wanted to share how I do coffee without it messing my gut up.

I used to be a solely hot tea for until a few years ago, when I found a way to drink coffee that doesn't mess with my gut.

Cold Brew coffee is a lot easier on the digestive system and tastes less bitter usually.

Almond milk is easier on my stomach as well compared to lactose milk.

I frothed up the almond milk with a real steamer.


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Been loving this coffee I got from Costco, and wanted to share how I do coffee without it messing my gut up.

I used to be a solely hot tea for until a few years ago, when I found a way to drink coffee that doesn't mess with my gut.

Cold Brew coffee is a lot easier on the digestive system and tastes less bitter usually.

Almond milk is easier on my stomach as well compared to lactose milk.

I frothed up the almond milk with a real steamer.
Cold brew is so much better imo, i think i enjoy it more thwn hot coffee even on freezing cold days.
Had my first attempt at making some hash the other day. Been on the bucket list, glad to scratch it off. used the hot water in glass bottle method. Wanted to try just a little bit to test the process out.

Vodka bottle from Mongolia. My brother's gf is Mongolian, they brought it back to me from one of their trips. Was just thinking the other day i should make a bong out of it and gift it back to them. it would be unique, and maybe cool to them.

Sorry for the video being a bit out of focus, i got it in at the very end. @Coco Lopez I know you were thinking about doing this, so i'm taggin you
@Neueregel I think you told me about this method.

I should have worked the heat on it longer i see now, but it was still fun. I cleaned the bowl just to get a fresh taste of it...right.... now. i'm feeling it.. fuck

good stuff. Thanks @Neueregel


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Song from Video:
YouTube - Glass Animals - Poplar St.


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