Everything Ninjadip

Had my first attempt at making some hash the other day. Been on the bucket list, glad to scratch it off. used the hot water in glass bottle method. Wanted to try just a little bit to test the process out.

Vodka bottle from Mongolia. My brother's gf is Mongolian, they brought it back to me from one of their trips. Was just thinking the other day i should make a bong out of it and gift it back to them. it would be unique, and maybe cool to them.

Sorry for the video being a bit out of focus, i got it in at the very end. @Coco Lopez I know you were thinking about doing this, so i'm taggin you
@Neueregel I think you told me about this method.

I should have worked the heat on it longer i see now, but it was still fun. I cleaned the bowl just to get a fresh taste of it...right.... now. i'm feeling it.. fuck

good stuff. Thanks @Neueregel

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Song from Video:
YouTube - Glass Animals - Poplar St.
there you go. looks good to me.
Had my first attempt at making some hash the other day. Been on the bucket list, glad to scratch it off. used the hot water in glass bottle method. Wanted to try just a little bit to test the process out.

Vodka bottle from Mongolia. My brother's gf is Mongolian, they brought it back to me from one of their trips. Was just thinking the other day i should make a bong out of it and gift it back to them. it would be unique, and maybe cool to them.

Sorry for the video being a bit out of focus, i got it in at the very end. @Coco Lopez I know you were thinking about doing this, so i'm taggin you
@Neueregel I think you told me about this method.

I should have worked the heat on it longer i see now, but it was still fun. I cleaned the bowl just to get a fresh taste of it...right.... now. i'm feeling it.. fuck

good stuff. Thanks @Neueregel

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Song from Video:
YouTube - Glass Animals - Poplar St.
Great song
You ever watch the video "drinking out of cups"?

Its supposedly a kid that locked himself in a closet on lsd and his friends recorded his conversation in there alone. It's great.

"Not my chair, not my problem. That's what I always say."
What's up everyone!

It's time i posted some content!!!

I'm still flattered that people were looking for me, to the point of contacting random people on Insta and Ytube. So FYI to everyone, i have Crohn's and ulcerative colitis for about 12+ years now. Long story short, i made it out of the hospital without them taking some of my colon out and giving me a bag. I battled with it hardcore for years, at the time I was not partaking in marijuana as i was on probation, i was taking a bunch of meds the size of horse pills it felt like. I didn't like it. I would stop taking the medicine, i would flare up, and then i would take it again. I started smoking again 2 years ago i think, still would get flare ups here and there, depending on current stress and eating habits. I decided to grow some weed specifically made to help my cramps, pain, and discomfort. I landed on Black Domina as the one for me, strong indica and every review said it helped with GI stuff.

I don't know if it is the Black Domina or that I'm smoking a lot more weed now, but i haven't had any flareups for over a year now i think. They legalized it in my state last year which also coincided with me smoking my heart's content now, as the stash is never empty (but it is getting low, but i'll make it to next harvest). I started making some edibles to help me when i'm in places it's not socially acceptable to smoke.

I'm also a vegetarian which the GI doctors think helps a lot, as they tell me red meat is very hard to digest for me. I will also be graduating here in October from SNHU with a BA in Software Engineering, i couldn't be more stoked and happy to see that finish line. I got married last year, life is good.

I'm happy to be a part of this new site, and wanted to share some of my stuff with y'all.

I drank too many margaritas last night, came home and didn't like the look of my little veg starting station so i did some super-cropping. I'll find out when i get home today if i was gentle enough in my inebriated state lol, but they look fine to me in the pictures. Not sure why i love feeling that snap of the cell walls breaking between my fingers, nothing sadistic, just comforting in some way.

I have an Alien Dragon in there from @Coco Lopez, 3 banana blaze(one big one and 2 rooted clones), a purple punch or purple something lol i forget, and then a blue dream.

Going to put one of each in the next flower run, i think i have 3-4 more weeks in my current flower tent.

Here is some ninja wisdom!!!

The first priority to the ninja is to win without fighting. -Masaaki Hatsumi

We have won
Hey, I'm glad you found something that works and you can grow your own meds. Sucks to have ongoing sickness, I've been very lucky, old age is the only thing I can't seem to beat...Smoking as much as I want definitely helps manage my infliction and eases the pain too.
At least I have one out of 4 exceeding my expectations

I think this is week 8, and look like the Bruce banner is just now winding down. Colas are fat and rock hard


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You ever watch the video "drinking out of cups"?

Its supposedly a kid that locked himself in a closet on lsd and his friends recorded his conversation in there alone. It's great.

"Not my chair, not my problem. That's what I always say."
Just watched some of this and I'm like WTF am I watching..

Then I come back and read the part you said about tripping... Click. Lol
Just watched some of this and I'm like WTF am I watching..

Then I come back and read the part you said about tripping... Click. Lol
I swear he's just in there talking shit on whatever he's seeing.
you can only imagine how grateful i am... When i was first diagnosed and in the Hospital, they weren't sure if the inflammation was going to go down, and i was losing lots of blood. I remember a team of young new doctors(like 4-6) come in my room one day and greet me. They tell me they are the team on call and ready to perform the surgery to remove parts of my colon if it comes to that. At the time it definitely looked like that was going to be the outcome, they were worried that the inflammation was very close to a point of complete blockage and then toxicity would be the end of me.

Thankfully, Seriously THANKFULLY, the very next day the doctors came in and said the inflammation looks to be receding, and i was out of there within the week. They had given me a drug that ended up costing me ten thousand for one dose, Remicade, that they thought i would not have to pay for due to my finances at the time. Regardless, i ended up owing this hospital around $50k after my 2 week visit. I could not get the debt forgiven and ended up forfeiting my half of our father's sale of the house to the hospital. I am still thankful, money comes and goes, but i'm here and can talk about it.

YES! i am the one that made a big write up on lollipops. Damn that thing took me a hour or so to format it the way i wanted. Will have to see if i can import it here from you know where.

It's funny the minute i stop making them, weed stash getting low, people come out of the woodwork here locally to ask me about them. Same with flower, the minute i don't have enough to spare, everyone wants to buy some! lol. the way of life.

I will make a new write up soon if i can't copy the old one over. I also want to dabble in making a THC lotion for some shoulder pain, try to get off that Tiger Balm.

Seinfeld on Kramer using the Tiger Balm to heal his burn that they were going to use as material in their suit against the coffee place

"did i tell to you use the Tiger Balm?"
"no jackie, i didn't know what it would do!"
"nobody knows what's it going to do, that's why it's a balm! Now the Tiger Balm healed your burn and we have no case!"
"Sorry Jackie"
Tiger balm and arnica jell together reduce pain, inflamation and smell good. Just dont apply below the belt. I'm excited to learn about the thc lotion. A budtender told me that a 50/50 thc/cbd content worked best.
Tiger balm and arnica jell together reduce pain, inflamation and smell good. Just dont apply below the belt. I'm excited to learn about the thc lotion. A budtender told me that a 50/50 thc/cbd content worked best.
Can't really use tiger balm as the inflammation is in the GI tract when it happens. I've found a heating pad on my stomach really helps to stop the involuntary muscle cramping in my gut.

I do live some tiger balm on my shoulder but that's for old man aches lol

I want to try to make my own thc lotion sometime in the future
i've never even heard of it until here

the two big ones that put youtube on the map for me where the jedi kid and turtle man

didn't have fuckin youtube when i was in high school that i remember lol. i was in our HS's first offered computer science course, which was in Turbo Pascal on Apple IIgs... then the second year they upgraded to ibm 386 clones. I remember bringing in 1.44mb floppies that contained all of the nintendo roms and emulator (Nesticle) that spanned something like 40 floppies using pkzip. man was that funny... "insert disk 2 of 40" ... lol fuck. and then get to disk 30 something and get a CRC hash check error.... ugh. i'm glad the days of floppies are over. We never had the money for that elitist ZipDisk that was the only better option until CD-R came around soon after, and everyone and their grandma was making their own cd mixes at home from stuff like napster. i remember planning the tracks out on a CD to burn as difficult as deciding what to put in a time capsule.
Made a big thing of hash over the weekend!!

This week the axe is coming down!


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Made a big thing of hash over the weekend!!

This week the axe is coming down!
Just with sift? Bro you should get a couple bubble bags and make some bubble. Super easy and contrary to popular belief, you can dry bubble in the fridge pretty darn easily and get borderline freeze dryer level bubble.
Yep just dry sift from the most seeded buds I didn't want to fuck with, had one herm real bad last grow and two that got pollen from it. Still got enough to make prolly 30-50 grams of hash with the current process.

I've thought about bubble but I like the process of dry, no chemicals, no water, just a little heat and add little pressure. Seems pure.

I also read somewhere on here about a guy that makes hash the way I did and his friend who makes bubble hash. The guy with the bubble hash has to give it away versus the dry sift hash making the bubble hash guy cough and say fuck, now that's hash.

But I've never even had bubble hash so I don't have any personal experience. What would be the reason to go to bubble hash over my current method? I really don't know, I always heard bubble hash was subpar
I've been trimming the long water roots and I think it's turning out well, and I adjusted the timer settings a week ago which is probably doing wonders as well. Huge difference in timer settings.


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Just with sift? Bro you should get a couple bubble bags and make some bubble. Super easy and contrary to popular belief, you can dry bubble in the fridge pretty darn easily and get borderline freeze dryer level bubble.
So I read that bubble can be slightly stronger than dry sift hash, interesting. Still curious what your thoughts are on the end product difference between the two. I've never tried bubble hash
Yep just dry sift from the most seeded buds I didn't want to fuck with, had one herm real bad last grow and two that got pollen from it. Still got enough to make prolly 30-50 grams of hash with the current process.

I've thought about bubble but I like the process of dry, no chemicals, no water, just a little heat and add little pressure. Seems pure.

I also read somewhere on here about a guy that makes hash the way I did and his friend who makes bubble hash. The guy with the bubble hash has to give it away versus the dry sift hash making the bubble hash guy cough and say fuck, now that's hash.

But I've never even had bubble hash so I don't have any personal experience. What would be the reason to go to bubble hash over my current method? I really don't know, I always heard bubble hash was subpar
Sup man and Happy 4th to ya! Its been hot as hell out as Im sure you know, so were staying indoors and enjoying the ac today haha. Hope your havin a good one as well.

And well firstly I should say that dry sift and bubble can both be done very well and I've had incredible dry sift AND bubble hash.

However, bubble hash is very easy to do, yields very well and results in fricken GOD level quality hash. I dont know what kind of bubble hash those broskies are trying to give away but they did it wrong evidently.

All you do is wash some buds in a table top washer, filter it through bags then scoop it out and slab it onto some parchment paper and let it dry for a week in your refrigerator and you got premium quality bubble. Of course you could also get a freeze dryer or a wine cooler to dry it better but a fridge works pretty well and its free.

Another reason bubble is better than dry sift is that it uses freezing temps to break off the trichs vs dry sift uses more force which causes more plant material to get into the hash. Bubble is cleaner hash and tastes better than dry. That being said, if you strain is dank as fk, than even the dry sift is gonna be dank but IMAGINE IF YOU MADE BUBBLE FROM IT. Some plants they even do a test while the plant is still alive for its ability to wash well.
If you smoke rosin, your smoking bubble hash that has been smashed in a rosin press. Lots of heads like the bubble cuz its a special smoke.
Sup man and Happy 4th to ya! Its been hot as hell out as Im sure you know, so were staying indoors and enjoying the ac today haha. Hope your havin a good one as well.

And well firstly I should say that dry sift and bubble can both be done very well and I've had incredible dry sift AND bubble hash.

However, bubble hash is very easy to do, yields very well and results in fricken GOD level quality hash. I dont know what kind of bubble hash those broskies are trying to give away but they did it wrong evidently.

All you do is wash some buds in a table top washer, filter it through bags then scoop it out and slab it onto some parchment paper and let it dry for a week in your refrigerator and you got premium quality bubble. Of course you could also get a freeze dryer or a wine cooler to dry it better but a fridge works pretty well and its free.

Another reason bubble is better than dry sift is that it uses freezing temps to break off the trichs vs dry sift uses more force which causes more plant material to get into the hash. Bubble is cleaner hash and tastes better than dry. That being said, if you strain is dank as fk, than even the dry sift is gonna be dank but IMAGINE IF YOU MADE BUBBLE FROM IT. Some plants they even do a test while the plant is still alive for its ability to wash well.
If you smoke rosin, your smoking bubble hash that has been smashed in a rosin press. Lots of heads like the bubble cuz its a special smoke.
Cool man I'll have to check it out, your could also meet me and share some to show me lol

I know it's hot but my wife and I went hiking this morning in front royal on buzzards rock. Really cool hike. She said I owed her for coming home at 4am Sunday morning .. met up with some old friends who fed me some mushrooms lol oh how the time can slip away then


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Doing some small upgrades while it's down.
Upgraded supply port/valve from 1/2 to 1".

Did a lot of cleaning to make sure I'm starting off right. Rinsed hydroton of roots, soaked in bleach, rinsed again, and then put them through the instant pot at high pressure for 40 minutes in batches. Also did the air stones through the instant pot. Everything seems clean as a whistle except for some salts in the bottom. Cleaned the tent and ozoned it too.

Gonna do another dump and plan on having four plants in by the end of the week that are quite far along in vegging.



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