I can get these sent out on Monday, PM me
Far red has a few uses. What are you looking for? There are different purposes based on your desired result.
Also the ratio of R/FR is important. So if you start a thread with all the details like the lights you use with spectrum charts and PPFD maps if you can find one (preferably not from the vendor) I'll try to walk you thru it. Migro is a good source.
Far red can signal a shade response and make the plant grow horizontally. Helps when scrogging sometimes. But you need to start that early in veg. You can use the Emmerson Effect to increase photosynthesis. That one to me is the hardest to manage.
Each phytochrome molecule has two states called isoforms. Left in the dark for several hours, it reverts to a state called Pr, where it strongly absorbs red light (FIG. 2). If a phytochrome molecule in this state absorbs a red photon, it changes to its Pfr state, where it absorbs far-red radiation. If the molecule absorbs a far-red photon, it reverts to its Pr state. When in its Pfr state, the molecule is biologically active and may interact with the plant’s molecular machinery. Given this, a phytochrome can be seen as a reversible biological switch that can enable or inhibit various plant functions. One such important function is the detection of neighboring plants.
That Pr/Pfr stuff is hormonal, the way the plant signals sleep mode or wake mode. Using the far red for 30 minutes prior to and 30 minutes after your lights go out, you can essentially put the plant to sleep faster. This could help you to run a different schedule (longer day) which allows for higher DLI. Or you could turn the lights down a little, run an extra hour, and get the same result as 12/12 but less light intensity, which can help plants that are stressed with too many photons for their available support systems to process.
I could do on for hours on this crap, I think I'll stop here and live vicariously thru you.