SSHZ does Ethos "Mandarin Cookies R3"

Interesting how much my room dynamics have changed since going from 24 to 18 plants this crop.........

Watering every 36 hours instead of every 24.

Tough to get temps above 74 degrees in room.

Humidity steady at 70%, doesn't rise at all with lights out.
Notice the difference after a massive room cleanup all my test results back today, basically it was a diabetic episode. No cancer or anything along those lines. Back to Dr. on thurs. for meds and more testing, but the button line will be a diabetes diagnosis with major life changes. Numbers were terrible overall. I already started a diabetic diet on Jan. 1st., pretty much knowing what it was since diabetes runs in the family- every male for 2 generations had it in the their 30's-40's, so i was able to delay it for 20-30 years.

Been feeling somewhat better the last few days, other than weakness and some leg pain. The bronchitis/asthma issue is slowly getting better too. The room was a mess and needed a cleanup so when lights came on, i slowly removed everything and went plant by plant over a couple of hours. Wore me out but it's done and pleased how it came out. 2 large green trash bags filled with leaves were removed, which included a lolipopping and mild defoliation.
Notice the difference after a massive room cleanup all my test results back today, basically it was a diabetic episode. No cancer or anything along those lines. Back to Dr. on thurs. for meds and more testing, but the button line will be a diabetes diagnosis with major life changes. Numbers were terrible overall. I already started a diabetic diet on Jan. 1st., pretty much knowing what it was since diabetes runs in the family- every male for 2 generations had it in the their 30's-40's, so i was able to delay it for 20-30 years.

Been feeling somewhat better the last few days, other than weakness and some leg pain. The bronchitis/asthma issue is slowly getting better too. The room was a mess and needed a cleanup so when lights came on, i slowly removed everything and went plant by plant over a couple of hours. Wore me out but it's done and pleased how it came out. 2 large green trash bags filled with leaves were removed, which included a lolipopping and mild defoliation.
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Room is looking good man, slow and steady wins the race they say right?
Its even better to hear you are feeling somewhat better, take it easy and get back to healthy man 👊🏼
Notice the difference after a massive room cleanup all my test results back today, basically it was a diabetic episode. No cancer or anything along those lines. Back to Dr. on thurs. for meds and more testing, but the button line will be a diabetes diagnosis with major life changes. Numbers were terrible overall. I already started a diabetic diet on Jan. 1st., pretty much knowing what it was since diabetes runs in the family- every male for 2 generations had it in the their 30's-40's, so i was able to delay it for 20-30 years.

Been feeling somewhat better the last few days, other than weakness and some leg pain. The bronchitis/asthma issue is slowly getting better too. The room was a mess and needed a cleanup so when lights came on, i slowly removed everything and went plant by plant over a couple of hours. Wore me out but it's done and pleased how it came out. 2 large green trash bags filled with leaves were removed, which included a lolipopping and mild defoliation.
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Happy to see it wasn't something more serious. Diabetes is no joke either but at least it can be treated and controlled. Are they going to try and control it with diet or medication or both?
Just got a call on results today, back to Dr. on Thursday for lecture, more bloodwork, and med’s, etc…….. not sure what to expect at this point. I’ll make an appt. with a nutritionist too in the same office. I’m sure he’ll put me on meds right away, even though im on the diabetes diet.
Notice the difference after a massive room cleanup all my test results back today, basically it was a diabetic episode. No cancer or anything along those lines. Back to Dr. on thurs. for meds and more testing, but the button line will be a diabetes diagnosis with major life changes. Numbers were terrible overall. I already started a diabetic diet on Jan. 1st., pretty much knowing what it was since diabetes runs in the family- every male for 2 generations had it in the their 30's-40's, so i was able to delay it for 20-30 years.

Been feeling somewhat better the last few days, other than weakness and some leg pain. The bronchitis/asthma issue is slowly getting better too. The room was a mess and needed a cleanup so when lights came on, i slowly removed everything and went plant by plant over a couple of hours. Wore me out but it's done and pleased how it came out. 2 large green trash bags filled with leaves were removed, which included a lolipopping and mild defoliation.
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Well SSHZ that is a heck of a lot better news than it being the C word. Life changing but at least you can live with it!!!
Only got a call from the nurse, have not talked to the Dr. I'll see him on Thursday for final results. She did say he wants to run more tests, as some numbers past the diabetes are abnormal. So, i did see the A1C number in my chart, and that's very very high at 13- which means diabetes. Past that, i know nothing and am just assuming some stuff. Thursday's the day.......

Very happy with the room, after the work i did on it yesterday. Remember, only 9 plants per side.image.jpg
Moved the dehumidifier back into the room, mainly for the heat generated to try and get temps back to 80-82 degrees in there. I'm also a bit concerned about night time temps, as it supposed to get colder and i don't want the room to drop more than 10-15 degrees.
My old man has diabetes and he too lost a lot of weight earlier last year .he started getting sick after eating so he stopped eating but now has put the weight back on..jabs himself in the belly everyday now and checks his white cell count too.his brothers were worried sick there for abit..
It's a nasty disease if you don't aggressively manage it.......basically by diet and med's. Glucose reducing pills (Metiformin) will probably be introduced first......When and if things get really bad, insulin by shots are next. Reduce your sugar and carbs enough for a period of time, you might actually be able to go off all med's. You can go blind, lose limbs, destroy your kidneys, and a host of other things if its not managed well. I lost a total of 38 lbs since March, 20 lbs of it the last 5 weeks before my bloodwork last week. I've gained 3+ lbs back since my appetite and taste buds returned and am feeling quite a bit better since I' ve been on the Keto/diabetes diet (since Jan. 1st). Exercise is also key to managing the diease, but I haven't had enough energy to do much more than the grow room and things around the house......hopefully that will get better soon.

Thursday is 3 weeks flowering in the room, and I'm still seeing some stretch going on. I had to manipulate the lights a bit tonight..........
Went to Dr.'s, relieved to say it's diabetes. No cancer markers or anything else was found in bloodwork. Will go on the basic med Metaformin to reduce glucose levels and test glucose twice a day for spikes. Made an appt. with a nutritionist for Feb.1st for my wife and I. Will need to start exercising more to build back some of the muscle I lost over the last couple of months. Overall, good news.

Room today 3 weeks done flowering. Really on point right now with the addition of the humidifier.

Went to Dr.'s, relieved to say it's diabetes. No cancer markers or anything else was found in bloodwork. Will go on the basic med Metaformin to reduce glucose levels and test glucose twice a day for spikes. Made an appt. with a nutritionist for Feb.1st for my wife and I. Will need to start exercising more to build back some of the muscle I lost over the last couple of months. Overall, good news.

Room today 3 weeks done flowering. Really on point right now with the addition of the humidifier.

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Ask the Dr. if he thinks that diet alone can control it. Metaformin has side effects that some people don't like.
Went all thru it with him……. main complaints with Metiformin are diarrhea and nauseous. Must take that with a meal to reduce issues. Diet may be able to control everything but with an A1C of 13, it’s important to get that wayyyyy lower over the next few months to minimize cell/organ damage. Over time, if I’m able to move the numbers into the norm, diet alone may take care of it And then I can move off it. Weight was up 5 lbs, which he was happy to see. He’d like to see 5-10 lbs more added in the next month when I see him again. I lost a lot muscle over the last few months, 1/2 hour of walking/biking/exercise is important moving forward………
Went all thru it with him……. main complaints with Metiformin are diarrhea and nauseous. Must take that with a meal to reduce issues. Diet may be able to control everything but with an A1C of 13, it’s important to get that wayyyyy lower over the next few months to minimize cell/organ damage. Over time, if I’m able to move the numbers into the norm, diet alone may take care of it And then I can move off it. Weight was up 5 lbs, which he was happy to see. He’d like to see 5-10 lbs more added in the next month when I see him again. I lost a lot muscle over the last few months, 1/2 hour of walking/biking/exercise is important moving forward………

i'm diabetic, been taking metformin for about twenty years now. no side effects for me. i also take glimepiride along with the metformin twice a day. diet is always my biggest thing and it's what keeps me check enough that i don't need insulin shots.

my a1c hovers around the 5.7 mark, but it was once over 12 like yours so it is possible to bring it down with just meds and exercise. it can bring other unwanted problems so hopefully you don't have to deal with those. i now have neuropathy because of it and will struggle with it even more as i get older. enough that i had to change my profession and start a new career at an age i'd rather not but don't have much choice with that. I was an electrician/handyman, lots of time of my feet and ladders but i just can't do it anymore so a couple years ago i started an auto detail bizz out of my house. it's great i really enjoy it, but i'd much rather be doing the handyman gig again for sure!

best of luck with it, stay strong and i hope you get a good doctor that cares!!
Thanks for the response Stoney.............glad you seem to be on top of it. Good health to you buddy.

My Dr. considered giving me 2 med's, which he commented on, the 2nd one probably like yours but he thought better of it for now. I'm a really difficult patient, he knows that, so he moves in baby steps when introducing a new med. lol He's an excellent Internist, I've been seeing him for over 23 years now. I do a lot of research before hand, so i generally know whats coming and what questions to ask. I think it frustrates him. lol I actually bring the wife to these appointments to keep me in line, and i think he appreciates that too. lol She seems to give me a few kicks or nudges each appt. when i step out of line. My brother is also diabetic, on insulin, and has been for about 30 years so we discuss it before hand too.

Thankfully, I'm long retired since 2005. It was my goal to retire before 50 and i did. My hobby became my job, and i had enough experience with it (growing since 1988) that it became an easy transition to expand the operation. I'm very thankful for my friends and acquaintances that have supported me thru the years.

I'll report when anything new or interesting is happening moving forward..........
OK, today is the 15th and the contest is closed. Below are the only 5 eligible submissions so, they are all winners.


i'll let you guys pick your seeds, either 10 Lemon Jeffrey's, 10 Afterglow, or 5 of each one. No promises, I'll do my best to fulfill your requests. They will be safely sent in a bubble envelope. Message me your handle here, and a name and address and i'll get to them this week. Congrats..........
I heard from every now, so we are all good......depending on how much snow i get today/tomorrow, figure they will be mailed on Wed or Thurs.

You can read about the Irie strains at on feminized genetics. For this who requested a specific strain or mix, I should be able to fulfill your requests.
Everything is ready to be shipped and will go out today..........

Today is a month into flowering........things are fine although i feel the late defoliation slowed flowering a bit and feel the plants probably should be further along than they are. The heaviest defoliation should be done on the day switched to flowering, a second lighter defoliation should be done again 2 weeks after per Rasta Jeff. I did my heavy one at 2 weeks, probably not smart. We'll see in the end how it impacts yield.

Everything is ready to be shipped and will go out today..........

Today is a month into flowering........things are fine although i feel the late defoliation slowed flowering a bit and feel the plants probably should be further along than they are. The heaviest defoliation should be done on the day switched to flowering, a second lighter defoliation should be done again 2 weeks after per Rasta Jeff. I did my heavy one at 2 weeks, probably not smart. We'll see in the end how it impacts yield.

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Did Rasta Jeff say WHY it's best to defol the same day you flip? What advantage does it present when you defol in that timeframe?

I try and defol a week before flip. It gives the plant a chance to recover from the haircut and focus its energy on flowers. At least that's my broscience thinking.
You'd have to watch his podcast to fill in the questions. It comes from years of experience and experimenting I'm guessing. If you have followed my grows, you'd know he was spot on with his assessment. My take on it is when done at the beginning of flowering- the first 10 days the plant is internally switching over to flowering and not really growing much at that point. The defoliation is stressful, and the 10 days enables the plant to switch without impacting its growing. When a heavy defoliation occurs in full veg or flowering, it stresses the plant enough to slow down growing to a halt for a few days as the plant recovers.

His method is a deep defoliation when starting flowering, a light defoliation 2 weeks later and then another lighter one around week 5. The removal of leaves gets lesser with each one. It's important to open the plant up, letting all bud sites have access to direct light. I've had strains i was removing sun leaves the entire grow, much of this is knowing how your strain will react. While growing strains that grow more slowly, it's important to go slow and not remove too much. In other strains, leaf growth, especially under LED's, is constant and you can't be afraid to go crazy to get a hold on it.

I've detailed all i'm talking about in my last 3 1/2 years of grows under LED's...........i'd think under different lighting, things might be totally different too. Everyone's circumstances are different.......under HPS, i would probably change my style completely.

Lastly, do what works for you. Nothing in pot growing is edged in stone. What works for me may not work for others. But there's a lot of people following my style with a lot of success, and don't see any complaints or hints I'm off somewhere.
You'd have to watch his podcast to fill in the questions. It comes from years of experience and experimenting I'm guessing. If you have followed my grows, you'd know he was spot on with his assessment. My take on it is when done at the beginning of flowering- the first 10 days the plant is internally switching over to flowering and not really growing much at that point. The defoliation is stressful, and the 10 days enables the plant to switch without impacting its growing. When a heavy defoliation occurs in full veg or flowering, it stresses the plant enough to slow down growing to a halt for a few days as the plant recovers.

His method is a deep defoliation when starting flowering, a light defoliation 2 weeks later and then another lighter one around week 5. The removal of leaves gets lesser with each one. It's important to open the plant up, letting all bud sites have access to direct light. I've had strains i was removing sun leaves the entire grow, much of this is knowing how your strain will react. While growing strains that grow more slowly, it's important to go slow and not remove too much. In other strains, leaf growth, especially under LED's, is constant and you can't be afraid to go crazy to get a hold on it.

I've detailed all i'm talking about in my last 3 1/2 years of grows under LED's...........i'd think under different lighting, things might be totally different too. Everyone's circumstances are different.......under HPS, i would probably change my style completely.

Lastly, do what works for you. Nothing in pot growing is edged in stone. What works for me may not work for others. But there's a lot of people following my style with a lot of success, and don't see any complaints or hints I'm off somewhere.
Was curious on the timing and if there were metabolic or genetic processes in place that made that advantageous.

I somewhat follow that schedule as I also do medium defol 2 - 3 weeks after flip and caretake leaf removal the rest of the way.
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