SSHZ does Ethos "Mandarin Cookies R3"

Day 31 today, on Thursday at 5 weeks, i'll go in and remove any leaves blocking bud sites below. I'm flushing every 4th watering, just trying to reduce any salt build up. The room has been averaging 75 degrees, just tough to get it warmer- it's been so cold outside, that's not helping. Ethos says 9 weeks flowering, i'll go to 10 for sure. Nicely healthy considering all the early issues of not caring for the room at all.

Got my seeds today~!
Thanks man~!
Going to pop 3 of the DFG GMO x Orange Dreams tonight tomorrow for my birthday~!
Psyched and hope you are feeling well.:love:l
If you remember, i grew a few of these out as backups for my current room and they are very slow growers initially.........expect to give them a lot of veg time.
If you remember, i grew a few of these out as backups for my current room and they are very slow growers initially.........expect to give them a lot of veg time.
Yea my grow now doesn't get to 12/12 till this week [ Thursday].
I should have plenty of time to veg like 8-10 weeks [ late March, April?]. I just hope I can keep them under control in a small 4x2 tent.
If I had more room I would start the AG also tonight, but got 9 strains starting this round~!
Got high last night, first time in months and months......i wanted to try the Zweet Inzanity finally, and with the wife away for a few days (she'd be really pissed), i loaded a bowl and took 2 hits. i continue to feel better day by day, and i'm starting to get control of my glucose numbers after 2+ weeks. Caught a nice long lasting buzz, nice and strong stuff for sure...........
Got high last night, first time in months and months......i wanted to try the Zweet Inzanity finally, and with the wife away for a few days (she'd be really pissed), i loaded a bowl and took 2 hits. i continue to feel better day by day, and i'm starting to get control of my glucose numbers after 2+ weeks. Caught a nice long lasting buzz, nice and strong stuff for sure...........
Hell yeah man! 😎

Glad to hear you're feeling better and better everyday, sounded like you were in a real bad way there for a bit.
Dr. wants my glucose numbers under 160, last 2 days i'm finally there on all testing.......supposedly, it takes 1-2 weeks for the medicine to start making a difference. Weight is back up about 7 lbs., still over 20+ lbs weight loss overall. Legs finally starting to come around, not as much weakness and daily pain. Not sleeping all the time anymore either.........just doing way better in all the aspects. In a couple of weeks i meet with the dietician and back to the Dr. to fine tune everything. Eating like a bird though, small meals, nothing late night, snacks are protein like nuts or steak jerky. So, major lifestyle changes but feeling better than my old self these days.
Day 31 today, on Thursday at 5 weeks, i'll go in and remove any leaves blocking bud sites below. I'm flushing every 4th watering, just trying to reduce any salt build up. The room has been averaging 75 degrees, just tough to get it warmer- it's been so cold outside, that's not helping. Ethos says 9 weeks flowering, i'll go to 10 for sure. Nicely healthy considering all the early issues of not caring for the room at all.

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Dr. wants my glucose numbers under 160, last 2 days i'm finally there on all testing.......supposedly, it takes 1-2 weeks for the medicine to start making a difference. Weight is back up about 7 lbs., still over 20+ lbs weight loss overall. Legs finally starting to come around, not as much weakness and daily pain. Not sleeping all the time anymore either.........just doing way better in all the aspects. In a couple of weeks i meet with the dietician and back to the Dr. to fine tune everything. Eating like a bird though, small meals, nothing late night, snacks are protein like nuts or steak jerky. So, major lifestyle changes but feeling better than my old self these days.
Very happy to hear you're feeling better received my seeds today and appreciate it thank you very much.
Dr. wants my glucose numbers under 160, last 2 days i'm finally there on all testing.......supposedly, it takes 1-2 weeks for the medicine to start making a difference. Weight is back up about 7 lbs., still over 20+ lbs weight loss overall. Legs finally starting to come around, not as much weakness and daily pain. Not sleeping all the time anymore either.........just doing way better in all the aspects. In a couple of weeks i meet with the dietician and back to the Dr. to fine tune everything. Eating like a bird though, small meals, nothing late night, snacks are protein like nuts or steak jerky. So, major lifestyle changes but feeling better than my old self these days.
Awesome news 👊 loved reading this!

Your plants look amazing, seen some great stuff coming from Ethos.

Happy Birthday Steam!
Thanks to’s been a tough haul. I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. My goal is to have an A1C under 5.7 in 3 months (it was a ridiculously high 13) which would mean the diabetes is very well controlled and I can eat a bit more normally. Now that I’m feeling a lot better, I’ll start walking/exercising which will further help things along and quite important at this stage.
Got high again Just a couple of hits. Nicely buzzed, I missed it a lot. It sure takes the edge off the day and I sleep a lot better. Not that I should start smoking again on a daily basis, maybe once a week I’ll sneak a bowl in. The wife has a nose like a dog, she can smell it way before normal humans. And I don’t want the shit she’ll
You will b sneaking outside when the better half come home lol.stack up on some eye drops 😆.how long is the wife away for…I bet your loving it right now.
Got high again Just a couple of hits. Nicely buzzed, I missed it a lot. It sure takes the edge off the day and I sleep a lot better. Not that I should start smoking again on a daily basis, maybe once a week I’ll sneak a bowl in. The wife has a nose like a dog, she can smell it way before normal humans. And I don’t want the shit she’ll normal humans..that’s funny shit 🤣🤣🤣
You reckon seems you have had a couple sessions you have the taste for it and it will grab you by the balls and you will battle to contain the urge to smoke ..this is my problem right now..I’ve actually stopped smoking and I’ve been thinking of having a sesh and worried once I do I will love it and will b smoking like a chimney again..I get real bad congestion is why I stopped..
Don’t think I’m scared of my wife, if I want to smoke, I’ll smoke. But remember the saying, “happy wife, happy life”? Sometimes it’s just not worth the grief she’ll give me, if you know what I mean. After she stopped smoking cigarettes, she’s on a crusade. Lol
Starting wednesday into thursday, i'll do a very mild defoliation- cleaning up both sides of any healthy leaves or those blocking bud sites below. I don't want to remove much, but both sides are a bit overgrown at this point. Remember, only 9 plants per side, not the normal 12.
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