Popped in the room and moved humidifier to other side of room closer to heater, added another 32g barrel for water and installed a water heater stand to elevate the other 32g properly for the Bluemats.
Going to need more carrots with 17 plants this time so I ordered another 5 pack due to arrive Saturday.
No clue on rings but both are from same place. Carrots bought on amazon though?
Gave all 17 a feeding [ 1 gallon total] and added water to trays on the 12 in 1g containers.
Candy store is already throwing wavy leaves like last grow.:LOL:
Hoping to top the 12 and up pot the 5 this week end.
The 12 plants are 3 weeks in soil today.
The 5 are 10 days in soil besides the slacker Cherry Gar See Ya that is 3 weeks.
Pleased so far over all.
Popped in the room and moved humidifier to other side of room closer to heater, added another 32g barrel for water and installed a water heater stand to elevate the other 32g properly for the Bluemats.
Going to need more carrots with 17 plants this time so I ordered another 5 pack due to arrive Saturday.
No clue on rings but both are from same place. Carrots bought on amazon though?
Gave all 17 a feeding [ 1 gallon total] and added water to trays on the 12 in 1g containers.
Candy store is already throwing wavy leaves like last grow.:LOL:
Hoping to top the 12 and up pot the 5 this week end.
The 12 plants are 3 weeks in soil today.
The 5 are 10 days in soil besides the slacker Cherry Gar See Ya that is 3 weeks.
Pleased so far over all.
I've been thinking about replacing the plastic bin I'm using as a reservoir for a barrel style res. One of the issues I have is when the res gets below 10 gal the water level gets too low for the pump to not suck air along with whatever water it can suck up. The powerheads also get exposed and start thrashing water around the bin. I guess that's good for DO but I don't want to have to listen to it doing that. I just bought a larger pump for the auto irrigate so I'm going to try that out and see if it provides the water flow I need to fill the matrix plates at the rate I would like to see. I'm going to place the pump on the side of the bin with the intake point hovering off the bottom of the bin which should alleviate that issue somewhat. The bins footprint is also an issue and another reason why I think a barrel will free up some floor space around the tent.

While I've been thinking about this I've also thought about reservoir precipitation. I know that for short periods of time mixing calcium with phosphates and nitrate based inputs is ok, like mixing for immediate hand watering, but if they're going to be held in reservoirs for longer periods of time it's best to separate them into separate tanks to avoid any precipitation occurring. My thoughts are A/B tanks with tank A containing phosphate and nitrate based inputs and tank B for Calcium compatible inputs. Tank A would be the 30 gal while Tank B can be a 5 gal bucket as the calcium compatible inputs will be smaller in ratio compared to the phosphate and nitrate inputs.

I'm already seeing auto dosers down the road to automation. Not so much for the base ferts but moreso for pH regulation. As long as precipitation is kept at bay PPM should hold steady but pH drift will be the issue.
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If you can install a 90 to your pump intake and point it to bottom you will avoid a lot of cavitation.
Having more water certainly helps.
I am not locked in to mixing a whole 32 g barrel but I would like to mix once till I change reservior.?
I keep airstones running on high but I am sure I would need more to keep ferts suspended. I have many powerheads and even gyres that flow in the 1,000s GPH. It should not be an issue.
The hydro guys mix their nutes and keep reservoirs for extended times. That's the whole name of the game.
Although the change your res regularly seems to be a trend lately.
I understand why the way things are measured.
Having a drop in EC or PPM doesn't necessarily tell you what is missing.
Weekly or biweekly resets make a lot of sense to me. You know your ratios are correct.
Then the question is what is the proper sized res so you don't waste what is not used in your time frame.
I love my Rubbermaid Brutes and have them in 42,32,20 and 10 g sizes.
Hope to get it figured out , but playing around is half the fun also sometimes.
The system I'm talking about is mainly for when I'm not there to tend to the garden. I prefer fresh batch mixes throughout the grow as the plants needs change but if I have to be gone for an extended period I'd like to try and replicate that as much as I can. Part of my preference for hand watering is that it affords me the chance to look over the girls and make sure everything is on track and no ones complaining.

I thought about hydro guys and how they typically keep a mix in their tanks for a couple weeks before change out so I'm not worried about short time frames like that but when there are times I need to be gone for a month or two it's nice to know that I'm providing the best I can for the crop that I'm going to be consuming once I get back.
Topped the big 12 on Thursday 12/7.
Some at 4th node some at 5th.
Going to up pot the smaller 5 today.
Got my extra Bluemats yesterday and rings are expected Monday.
I think the extra water barrel and stuffing my vents with towels has helped to stabilize the RH.
The room does not need to be cooled at this point really~!
Pics later on.
Morning Bud Builders~!:coffee:
So no thoughts to putting humidifier in the room? It would make humidity control easier.
Humidifier has always been in the room.
I think moving it closer to the heater and farther from plants along with closing up vents has helped.
Big white thing is the 6gallon humidifier.
They say we should hit 50F today, but it was like 15f with a 24f high here Thursday. Pretty decent storm supposedly Sunday evening.
The room is in a unheated space, and this is why I like this time of year for the room best.
Lights make perfect heat during the day and heater pics up slack.
Interested to learn more about these Bluemats, been hearing a lot about them lately.
The reports I've gotten on them are mostly positive. Most of the complaints have been where the little valve inside either clogs or gets stuck open.

IMO, Blu Mats are good if you're running media with soil amendments already in the soil and all you need to do is give them clear water. When you introduce nutrient is when you start running into issues. Even liquid nutrient will clog up the works if you aren't running any drip clear along with your solutions. I know @Nesta has been running them and loves them and he runs Canna nutrient through them.

One of my friends that runs them told me that even with clear water you want a filter for any debris that may clog the carrots.
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Big 12 are 3 days short of 4 weeks in soil.
The last 5 are 2 weeks in soil .
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^^ All 17 in 1 g pots^^
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^^ Candy Store is the largest so far^^
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^^ the funny Rum Runner turning its blades sideways again today^^
It was only 1 leaf earlier today and wasn't happening since the first time???
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^^2 @ XXX^^
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^^Business end of room^^
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^^ 3 Zamal Dreams just up potted^^
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^^ Fruit Punch^^

Fruit punch ,Rum Runner and Candy store are the largest.
All but the 5 just up potted got fed 1 gallon 3-2-1 and a little bit more plain water
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The reports I've gotten on them are mostly positive. Most of the complaints have been where the little valve inside either clogs or gets stuck open.

IMO, Blu Mats are good if you're running media with soil amendments already in the soil and all you need to do is give them clear water. When you introduce nutrient is when you start running into issues. Even liquid nutrient will clog up the works if you aren't running any drip clear along with your solutions. I know @Nesta has been running them and loves them and he runs Canna nutrient through them.

One of my friends that runs them told me that even with clear water you want a filter for any debris that may clog the carrots.
I have had really good luck running both living soil and Coco with liquid nutrients thru Blumats. 99% of the issues people experience are because they either set them up incorrectly or they allowed the reservoir to run out of water thus allowing air into the line. If set up properly you shouldn’t have any issues. I do run drip, clean in my tank.
^^ the funny Rum Runner turning its blades sideways again today^^
It was only 1 leaf earlier today and wasn't happening since the first time???
Was wondering if that one likes a bit less light? Looks almost like some tacoing on those upper fans and maybe those lower leaves are turning away in some fashion because of the light? That was my first impression when seeing that photo.
One of my friends that runs them told me that even with clear water you want a filter for any debris that may clog the carrots.
I am pretty sure that the carrot is just a valve.
Osmotic pressure either sucks the water in the carrot out opening a valve that has been pinching the water line or refills carrot and closes the valve.
No ferts or water are actually passed through the carrot.
The terra cotta should never clog with cleanings between grows.
Like Nesta said if the line is clogged with solids from improper use that is another issue.
Same for the rings. If they clog I will just enlarge the drip holes or increase the number of them.
The hose that goes through carrot is very small though. 3 mil?
@steamroller - I followed your lead and replaced my bin res with a 30 gal Brute. One of the issues I forgot about is my bin has square sides and the Brute is round so trying to suction cup a pump with the input pointed at the bottom to the wall of the Brute won't work. Same goes for the powerheads. I decided to stick the 880gph pump onto the bottom of the Brute where it is straight enough for the suction cups to stick and laid the 269gph pump on its side to keep nutrient from settling on the bottom and suspended in the water.

I may try and rig something up to get it to work but for now that's the plan!
See if you can find magnetic mounts for your pumps.
Many come with them now.
They are actually magnets in a suction cup.
One on inside attached to pump one on outside.
See if you can find magnetic mounts for your pumps.
Many come with them now.
They are actually magnets in a suction cup.
One on inside attached to pump one on outside.
I'll look around. I was thinking just get a strip of poly carb plastic and hang it inside off the edge of the can so the pumps and powerheads have a surface to stick to..
I let the powerheads just sit on the bottom when I use them.
I am running air to both barrels now so no pumps.
4 weeks 2 days in soil for the big 12.
DSC_0622 - Copy.JPG
DSC_0626 - Copy.JPG^^Funny RR under lower 35% power lighting^^
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^^ Fruit Punch^^
^^DSC_0631 - Copy.JPG
^^ Fruit Punch^^
Zamal Dreams and Rum Runner at 19 days in soil
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^Rum Runner^
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^ Zamal Dreams^
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^^Zamal Dreams^^
They're all drinking more and just fed 2 gallons 100%.
Pretty pleased.
4 weeks 2 days in soil for the big 12.
View attachment 33980
View attachment 33982^^Funny RR under lower 35% power lighting^^
View attachment 33983
^^ Fruit Punch^^
^^View attachment 33986
^^ Fruit Punch^^
Zamal Dreams and Rum Runner at 19 days in soil
View attachment 33981
^Rum Runner^
View attachment 33987
^ Zamal Dreams^
View attachment 33988
^^Zamal Dreams^^
They're all drinking more and just fed 2 gallons 100%.
Pretty pleased.
hell yea

cant wait till i get me a proper room.

Fruit Punch my goto drink, i gotta get that plant, lol.
So topped the Zamal dreams and late Rum Runner and Cherry Gar See Ya yesterday.
All plants fed 2 gallons at 100% today.
They are dark green, but all seem well.
Well except the Rum Runner that is light shy?
Not sure WTF is up with her? I had turned the lights down from 50% to 35% and she just reacts even worse?
Leaves turned sideways within 10 minutes of watering today on top of tacoing.:cautious:
I just moved her to a spot not directly under a light. Just a little to the side.
None of the other plants merit turning the lights down and I did say I would push if they let me.

Room is running super smooth since sealing it up.
Maybe with no venting I should fill up my CO2 tanks and see how long they last?
Going to pour rain here tomorrow so maybe go to welding supply and fill em up.:unsure:
So topped the Zamal dreams and late Rum Runner and Cherry Gar See Ya yesterday.
All plants fed 2 gallons at 100% today.
They are dark green, but all seem well.
Well except the Rum Runner that is light shy?
Not sure WTF is up with her? I had turned the lights down from 50% to 35% and she just reacts even worse?
Leaves turned sideways within 10 minutes of watering today on top of tacoing.:cautious:
I just moved her to a spot not directly under a light. Just a little to the side.
None of the other plants merit turning the lights down and I did say I would push if they let me.

Room is running super smooth since sealing it up.
Maybe with no venting I should fill up my CO2 tanks and see how long they last?
Going to pour rain here tomorrow so maybe go to welding supply and fill em up.:unsure:
how many plants are in there steam?
My bottles always went much faster when I had the vent fans running.
I would thrilled if my 20lb would last 2-3 weeks.
It was 2-3 days before~!

So now through flower would be ideal time huh?

I have inkbird controller so I guess if I just matched ppm to par this could increase my yield.
My bottles always went much faster when I had the vent fans running.
I would thrilled if my 20lb would last 2-3 weeks.
It was 2-3 days before~!

So now through flower would be ideal time huh?

I have inkbird controller so I guess if I just matched ppm to par this could increase my yield.
It has to be sealed. If you get it good and sealed up you can get 2500 PPM's of CO2 lights out. That is a way to tell how well the room is sealed. Set your PPMs around 1300 to 1400
Besides the insulation on the solid concrete floor the room is pretty sealed with vents all closed up.
I think I will fill them up tomorrow and see where I get.
So you let the controller run at night instead of shutting it off?
Besides the insulation on the solid concrete floor the room is pretty sealed with vents all closed up.
I think I will fill them up tomorrow and see where I get.
So you let the controller run at night instead of shutting it off?
Mine automatically shuts off when the lights go out. I would probably look up your model on the inkbird website and see if it does the same. It is pretty common for them to go shut off when lights go out. Say you are not running the room sealed right now are you?
Do me a favor just plug in the inkbird Co2 sensor and see what it is reading between 350 and 450 is normal. If you have the room sealed now you really have to add Co2. The plants will eat it up. Sometimes a bottle runs out in the middle of lights on and I have seen like 80 PPM of CO2. You do not want any of that.
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Just hooked it up and waited for it to acclimate.
It was stored indoors.
Reading 425-430 which if I remember from before is higher than the room was ?
Running the ICC-500 with SO1 sensor.
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