I think I had a version of that last time.
I know from outdoors that somewhere between 14 and 13 magic can start.
I am at 17now. minus 1:20 gets me 15:40 minus 1:20 gets me 14:20 minus 1:20 gets me 13:00
3 weeks or around 1/18 I will be at 13 and magic should be starting?
I thought about trying again this coming run but idk. Will have to see what happens lol.
i think i really wanna do this lighting as well.... i want my plants much smaller than i had last time because i have three more than last time. i want my plants to be at least 10-15 inches taller than they are now before i get to actual 12/12.. i think it might work out with the timing you speak of. fuck it, i'm gonna do it... i'll turn mine back one hour tonight.

if you could make a note here when you make your next change i would appreciate that. you're a carpenter/roofer, your maff is way better than mine!!! i'll just follow suit with what you do. we both have multi strain and sort of the same soil... could be fun!! we were going to be flowering around the same time anyway.
Man, between you and Moe, I am seriously thinking about doing this. 👊

I can get these tanks from the bar at their cost. Then, of course, I am sure there is other equipment like monitors etc. Gonna look into this a bit further.
I've been sitting on it for awhile, it's about time I get some tanks
me too!! me too!!!

just adjusted my timer now.. raised my lights a few inches and uped to 70% even ratio.
I have not "naturally" transitioned to flower before, but I think I will on this upcoming run I'm preparing.

I think it would make for a "smoother" transition, more "in balance", not as demanding or "wtf just happened", may be "easier" to spot any problems/deficiencies, may avoid the yellowing tops that seem a lot of people get when "instantly" transitioning.

Just some 🤔 s
Not sure how I got from 17 to 15 [ maff ] but when I checked the timers it was at 15-16, so I felt inclined to drop a little more. I use analog timers as my experience with digital was never good before. I think the slow natural transition is just better IMO. No proof.
Looks like the extra Mg helped some as new growth looks healthier, but thinking I may need to continue with extra.
Hey Steam, you using Epsom salt at the end of flower, I am trying that for smoother smoke, we'll see as I bring down more buckin for Baja & hang/harvest more Baja that's ready today,Cheers SS
Hey Steam, you using Epsom salt at the end of flower, I am trying that for smoother smoke, we'll see as I bring down more buckin for Baja & hang/harvest more Baja that's ready today,Cheers SS
Epsom is part of every feeding in 3-2-1 and I have had to add extra still only being in veg.
Some say LED lights increase the need and some even say certain lights more than others?
I have never had a grow where I did not need mg before flower?
This grow is showing acting worse than any of mine before?
Not sure how I got from 17 to 15 [ maff ] but when I checked the timers it was at 15-16, so I felt inclined to drop a little more. I use analog timers as my experience with digital was never good before. I think the slow natural transition is just better IMO. No proof.
Looks like the extra Mg helped some as new growth looks healthier, but thinking I may need to continue with extra.

it's all gravy!! i know you said the hours didn't quite jive right before and needed to fill the gap somehow... i told ya man, your maff is better than mine!!!! gap's now filled and we got what, three weeks till 12/12 right?
Yea man 3 more weeks~!
I stared at my timers yesterday and was like WTF? They were both less than 17 and one seemed less than 16? They can't just changer themselves~!🥴
4 am on off at 7 pm . 9 off 15 on .
I'll get some pics of plants this weekend.
Just gave the vegging plants their first dose of epsom yesterday cause one of the clones had a mg deficiency. But i topdress it in at like 1-1.5 tbsp eyeball cause i just pinch it out of the bag and sprinkle away lol.
Foliar spraying = very efficient for quickly fixing defs

good to foliar mG
Ok finally went out to room, and just in time.
The dry back could not have been better. Just starting to wilt were the largest. :p
All in all plants look good but I have been pushing and getting nervous.
Pulled the lights up, maybe the plants were growing into them but they are around 16 inches up now still @75%
Also been feeding hard so only water and Mg for the plants that showed the most from before.
Also did a little extra stressing and added clips to largest and one of the Zamal Dreams[ different pheno from other 2].
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^^ before clips^^ ^^ wavy crazy XXX that makes me nervous^^
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^^ 2 'smaller' Zamal Dreams. 2 different phenos as the one on right is lenky and on left is bush~!^^
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^ Tight bush :p^
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^^ The lenky one :cool:~!^^ I LST clipped her after picture.
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^^ Largest of the Zamal Dreams^^
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^^ LST clipped these last 3^^
Got to pulling some water leaves mostly near bottom and in the middle of plants.
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^^Leaves of the Zamal Dreams are monsters~!^^
57 and 46 days old.
I do see pistils on some here. Lights are at 15/9 till Thurs/ Friday then 14/10.
Happy growing all~!:D:D:D
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Nice 👊.I noticed with the Zamal dreams they are light feeders with humungus sun leaves too 😃.the short bushy one will def have a mangoe type smell with beautifully stacked colas.it just reminds me of the one I grew out.I had to thin a fair few middle shoots off to get light in there .i liked it that much I have taken 2 cuttings earlier on in flower ,one to reverse to seed the other.you would have seen them in my yard outside 😃.the taller one could come out with very clean buds or another pheno that’s a little more leafy but just reeks.it’s just an irresistible aroma and will have you going back to smell it many times over.I ended up reversing that one too.they are very good yielders.
Nice 👊.I noticed with the Zamal dreams they are light feeders with humungus sun leaves too 😃.the short bushy one will def have a mangoe type smell with beautifully stacked colas.it just reminds me of the one I grew out.I had to thin a fair few middle shoots off to get light in there .i liked it that much I have taken 2 cuttings earlier on in flower ,one to reverse to seed the other.you would have seen them in my yard outside 😃.the taller one could come out with very clean buds or another pheno that’s a little more leafy but just reeks.it’s just an irresistible aroma and will have you going back to smell it many times over.I ended up reversing that one too.they are very good yielders.
I know some of us can make things be what we want, but when I was LSTing the one and pulling the big fans off the other Zamal Dreams I thought wow, I really like what I am smelling already.
Mind you all the other genetics I have run before are stinky for sure, but the ZD stood out already in a better way to me.
Pots are going through water fast. I haven't tried the drip rings yet but may need to. Daily watering to run off with some~!
Everybody looks pretty good and officially got my drought stress in. Didn't plan it but caught it in time.:oops:
Had an "issue" in the room the other day. It was 91f~! I thought it might get warm being sealed and it not being freezing here.
What caused the heat I never would have thought of. The recirculation hose [ 6 inch] for the infinity fans was 100% full of water in a low section completely stopping all flow~!🤯 So much condensation is happening in the line that there was maybe 3 gallons when I disconnected it and drained it~!
I have a plan moving forward to control this. Will explain with photos when I do it[ slacker you know].:rolleyes:
So the room went to 14 hours on Thursday. Pistils showing on many if not all.
Gonna end up tossing the one Rum Runner that went sideways. I have had 0 luck recovering her.
^^ Zamal dreams all pistilling up.Tight nodes^^
^^ LST clipped the largest Zamal Dreams yesterday^^
Quick video of room;
View attachment 0113241034.mp4

^^ The room without CO2 ~!^^
Got the replacement bottle in the video but gonna wait a couple days before hooking it up.
Not sure if it will be an issue but I'll monitor. Last tank went a little faster at 11-12 days~!
Been giving just water and MG last 3 waterings. They have all been since Tuesday.
Next watering gets back to 3-2-1 with dose of open sesame.
Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend~!
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