Looking back at his thread [research I say~!] he is just at 3 weeks- 1 month now.:oops:
So with my handicap you may be right.
Could start anytime.
He really has posted good info and I feel confident following his lead.
He doesn't do anything till the sixth node. So it is straight forward easy starting.
My only issue would be slacker, but I got the itch and seeds that are screaming to me.

yeah i agree i would have no problem following his rules, seems pretty straight forward!!

i think the key for me will be getting the great growth from the beginning, lights just right, minimal stretch, and tight nodes.

and i gotta say if there is any time we would want to listen to the moon i think this would be the time. for both topping and bending.

would you still start the same amount of plants? i think i might wanna only flower four if they're that big!!
I would want to fill all six light spaces in the room.
So probably 2 per light being best this style of grow.
12 maybe.😬
Seems low to me but need to learn restraint. Did that sound serious? I have been practicing lying..Any good~!:LOL:
I also figure I could start my usual ball park of 20 and then mainline as many as I want and not the others depending on room in tent.
For me it is about the room in the tent. Going to have to see how many 1g buckets fit. That would be as large as want in the tent hopefully.
Seems low to me but need to learn restraint. Did that sound serious? I have been practicing lying..Any good~!:LOL:

i believed ya!!!


yeah i'll start more than i want as well. maybe mainline some and leave a few alone just in case... maybe even keep a few for moms and run clones the round after that. at least start enough to have the options.

maybe you can even fit 16 in your tent, then you could have more options/problems!! hehe
I am right there with you bro~!
I got an extended extended weekend.
I did not know for sure till just hours ago but hell yea~!🥴
Just found a jar of canna honey I must have made and am adding to tea as we speak.
Breaking out the seahorse and the isowash~!
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Lights to 13 on 11 off.
I have a preliminary seed list~!
Man I have a bunch of seeds~!
So from GreenPoint I will pop
Max AC
Purple Crunch
Fruit Punch
From B2ACG I will pop
Sirius Black
London Pound Cake
Cherry Pie
Super Lemon Haze
Cookies & Cream
From DFG I will pop
Zamal Dreams
Thinking of popping 3 of each and picking the best 2. kind of a safety net to make sure I have 2 of each. I have never done anything like that and not sure if I will be able to dispose of any if I have too. 🤷‍♂️
All beans are female.
The Zamal Dreams and Fruit punch will be repeats of what is in room now all the others are unopened 5/6 packs.
That is if I can fit 19 1 gallon pots in tent.
I think I can 3x6 easy.
SSHZ sent seeds out today so if they arrive in time I may switch out the cookies and cream for what he sent.

@CannaGranny says Jan 22-24 is best for planting and the 23 is my 59th birthday so that may be the day or real close to when it is pop time~!🥳
Ok finally went out to room, and just in time.
The dry back could not have been better. Just starting to wilt were the largest. :p
All in all plants look good but I have been pushing and getting nervous.
Pulled the lights up, maybe the plants were growing into them but they are around 16 inches up now still @75%
Also been feeding hard so only water and Mg for the plants that showed the most from before.
Also did a little extra stressing and added clips to largest and one of the Zamal Dreams[ different pheno from other 2].
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^^ before clips^^ ^^ wavy crazy XXX that makes me nervous^^
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^^ 2 'smaller' Zamal Dreams. 2 different phenos as the one on right is lenky and on left is bush~!^^
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^ Tight bush :p^
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^^ The lenky one :cool:~!^^ I LST clipped her after picture.
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^^ Largest of the Zamal Dreams^^
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^^ LST clipped these last 3^^
Got to pulling some water leaves mostly near bottom and in the middle of plants.
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^^Leaves of the Zamal Dreams are monsters~!^^
57 and 46 days old.
I do see pistils on some here. Lights are at 15/9 till Thurs/ Friday then 14/10.
Happy growing all~!:D:D:D
lol tight bush.

Love the grow man, always fun to watch a master at work.
Pots are going through water fast. I haven't tried the drip rings yet but may need to. Daily watering to run off with some~!
Everybody looks pretty good and officially got my drought stress in. Didn't plan it but caught it in time.:oops:
Had an "issue" in the room the other day. It was 91f~! I thought it might get warm being sealed and it not being freezing here.
What caused the heat I never would have thought of. The recirculation hose [ 6 inch] for the infinity fans was 100% full of water in a low section completely stopping all flow~!🤯 So much condensation is happening in the line that there was maybe 3 gallons when I disconnected it and drained it~!
I have a plan moving forward to control this. Will explain with photos when I do it[ slacker you know].:rolleyes:
So the room went to 14 hours on Thursday. Pistils showing on many if not all.
Gonna end up tossing the one Rum Runner that went sideways. I have had 0 luck recovering her.
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^^ Zamal dreams all pistilling up.Tight nodes^^
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^^ LST clipped the largest Zamal Dreams yesterday^^
Quick video of room;
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^^ The room without CO2 ~!^^
Got the replacement bottle in the video but gonna wait a couple days before hooking it up.
Not sure if it will be an issue but I'll monitor. Last tank went a little faster at 11-12 days~!
Been giving just water and MG last 3 waterings. They have all been since Tuesday.
Next watering gets back to 3-2-1 with dose of open sesame.
Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend~!
Any chance you have a welding store close? You could use a bigger bottle my man!

I use the 4' aluminum ones for beverages because the steel ones that size are too heavy for me to handle by myself. $41 for a refill, lasts me more than a grow per bottle.
My tanks come from the local welding supply.
The room is not sealed ATM but if I get it sealed again I have next bottle waiting.
I considered the larger and truly need it but like you said don't want to move them around.
Everything cost more in NY.
I get paid more in NY.
Vicious cycle.
I am right there with you bro~!
I got an extended extended weekend.
I did not know for sure till just hours ago but hell yea~!🥴
Just found a jar of canna honey I must have made and am adding to tea as we speak.
Breaking out the seahorse and the isowash~!
View attachment 39770
Lights to 13 on 11 off.
I have a preliminary seed list~!
Man I have a bunch of seeds~!
So from GreenPoint I will pop
Max AC
Purple Crunch
Fruit Punch
From B2ACG I will pop
Sirius Black
London Pound Cake
Cherry Pie
Super Lemon Haze
Cookies & Cream
From DFG I will pop
Zamal Dreams
Thinking of popping 3 of each and picking the best 2. kind of a safety net to make sure I have 2 of each. I have never done anything like that and not sure if I will be able to dispose of any if I have too. 🤷‍♂️
All beans are female.
The Zamal Dreams and Fruit punch will be repeats of what is in room now all the others are unopened 5/6 packs.
That is if I can fit 19 1 gallon pots in tent.
I think I can 3x6 easy.
SSHZ sent seeds out today so if they arrive in time I may switch out the cookies and cream for what he sent.

@CannaGranny says Jan 22-24 is best for planting and the 23 is my 59th birthday so that may be the day or real close to when it is pop time~!🥳

hell yeah weekend off.. party time!!!!!

man every one of those strains sounds like my new favorite! :D especially the B2ACG's!!

i'm going to start the same ratio, i want two of each so i will start three and have more on the ready just in case some don't pop. even if they're a week or more apart i don't care i just want three of each to pick from.

i have soil so i'm ready to go, all i need to do is plug in my heater and heat mat... bro i am so down to start em out for your B-day start... i did that with three that i have with my own birthday!!! i started them a day earlier so they popped open on the day!!!

i'm still gonna wait till the 25th for the pruning though. i haven't pulled off a single fan yet!!!
hell yeah weekend off.. party time!!!!!

man every one of those strains sounds like my new favorite! :D especially the B2ACG's!!

i'm going to start the same ratio, i want two of each so i will start three and have more on the ready just in case some don't pop. even if they're a week or more apart i don't care i just want three of each to pick from.

i have soil so i'm ready to go, all i need to do is plug in my heater and heat mat... bro i am so down to start em out for your B-day start... i did that with three that i have with my own birthday!!! i started them a day earlier so they popped open on the day!!!

i'm still gonna wait till the 25th for the pruning though. i haven't pulled off a single fan yet!!!
My first plant popped on my daughter's birthday and that plant really did well. Maybe you guys are onto something...
Do plants have zodiac signs and horoscopes?
No but moon phases & astrological signs should be figured in to your grow if you can.
No joke the plant is water like people and the ocean.
We can see that 2 of those things have reactions to the moon throughout history. My money says the third one does too.
Yea there are good days to plant, prune, top all according to the moon and some of us are in~!
Installed the blumats and small drip rings yesterday.
Quick check this morning and no flooding or wilting so happy.
I buried the carrots basically as deep as possible from surface.
Installed the blumats and small drip rings yesterday.
Quick check this morning and no flooding or wilting so happy.
I buried the carrots basically as deep as possible from surface.
You and nesta are really breakin my arm to buy a set of these things.

i want them just to set up so i can travel during flower.
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You and nesta are really breakin my arm to buy a set of these things.

i want them just to set up when i can travel during flower.
I got them for traveling last year.
I think the trick is to get the right dry back, which is why I am checking on them so much.
Just setting them up I need to make sure they don't water too much but stop any wilt.
With all the different strains it is a real PIA to keep them all 'happy' so I am hoping to incorporate these into daily/regular use for rest of grow.
If I can get decent 'dry back' or close then I will still feed manually.
Kind of hoping if soil is not completely dry that feeding will flow through soil better to all roots?
Maybe I am dreaming. The common effects of wake and bake~! :p
They were about $12 each with everything you need included besides the reservoir.
I got them in 5 packs for just under $60.(y)

Failed to mention I have lights at 100% now since mid week.
With all the different strains it is a real PIA to keep them all 'happy'
This was something i worried about too, because i never run more than 2 of the same strain, and sometimes theyre still different phenos unless clones obviously.
If I can get decent 'dry back' or close then I will still feed manually.
Yeah i planned to hand feed, i just wanted them to keep plants watered so i dont need to have anyone in my room while im gone anymore.
I have someone pop in and take care of my animals but id rather them not touch my plants anymore lol.
Idk how "clean" this dude is about bugs and such so id rather just eliminate that factor from my grow.
i want them just to set up so i can travel during flower.

you can't afford to go anywhere!!!! you just sit you ass at home and water your plants like the rest of us!!!! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

I have lights at 100% now since mid week.

ahhh yeah!!!!! are you putting in other lights for flowering?
No but moon phases & astrological signs should be figured in to your grow if you can.
No joke the plant is water like people and the ocean.
We can see that 2 of those things have reactions to the moon throughout history. My money says the third one does too.
Yea there are good days to plant, prune, top all according to the moon and some of us are in~!
Old farm kid here used use the almanac as a frikkin bible ! Still is right most of the time imo - but indoors, well I believe if you believe it works .
Ok kicked the slackers ass twice today~!;)
Lights have been switched and tent is in.DSC_0667 - Copy.JPG
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I easily could have done way less today.
Must have done something right though spending so much time in the room. Wife came to see what it is all about for the first time since maybe second grow~! And then she left just as quick. She doesn't smoke~!:rolleyes:
Drip rings were installed as I mentioned along with the blumat carrots.
Still dialing them in.
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^ You can see the 'carrot' buried behind the ring. Every plant will eventually get just what they need.^
Some of the plants;
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^^ This is the 1 Rum Runner. She is looking very sativa.^^ Have to wonder if the other was maybe even more sativa and I nuked it with my feed schedule.
My understanding on Sativa's is they demand less and can't tolerate too much. I really may have fried her.:cry:
All are filling in and forming tops very nicely.
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^Planet of The Grapes^
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^ Zamal Dreams^
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^ same Zamal Dreams top view^

Will probably 'defoliate' or rather trim some low branches and leaves
Until now I have only been pulling fans that were covering the middle tops.
Been bending by hand tallest tops or adding LST clips.
I am liking the tops of most of these plants.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend~!
Party like it is Saturday because it is ~! 🥳🥳🥳
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nice freakin work man!!! wow!!! what were you smokin??? i want some of that energy!!!


dude, i hope those carrots and rings work perfect for ya... they just scream buy me stoney - buy me!!! :D

curious man, are you at 100% with the big lights?
nice freakin work man!!! wow!!! what were you smokin??? i want some of that energy!!!


dude, i hope those carrots and rings work perfect for ya... they just scream buy me stoney - buy me!!! :D

curious man, are you at 100% with the big lights?
Thanks man~! You made me do it~!
I can't blame smoke or Bandit for this one.
Well maybe Bandit....See the new tent he just ordered?:cool:
I really think I will get the drip rings and blumats right. Just got see each plant wilt and then get them flowing.
Tomorrow should be the day they all need a little. The big lights may increase room temp if it doesn't stay cold.
The tent may add heat both day and when room lights are out but tent still running. Get 6 hours of extra light and heat in tent.

The big lights are at 75%.
I did not bother to bring phone out to check PAR, but may just for shits and giggles tomorrow.
I want to keep the lights pretty high up from the plants just for coverage.
Stretch should be almost over now huh?

I know some have commented the room must get crowded but adding the tent really tightens things up.
Thanks man~! You made me do it~!
I can't blame smoke or Bandit for this one.
Well maybe Bandit....See the new tent he just ordered?:cool:
I really think I will get the drip rings and blumats right. Just got see each plant wilt and then get them flowing.
Tomorrow should be the day they all need a little. The big lights may increase room temp if it doesn't stay cold.
The tent may add heat both day and when room lights are out but tent still running. Get 6 hours of extra light and heat in tent.

The big lights are at 75%.
I did not bother to bring phone out to check PAR, but may just for shits and giggles tomorrow.
I want to keep the lights pretty high up from the plants just for coverage.
Stretch should be almost over now huh?

I know some have commented the room must get crowded but adding the tent really tightens things up.

do ya think you could put a piece of plywood or something on top of your water barrel and set the tent on top of that? wouldn't have to bend over and would save room.. you'd have to relocate your fan if thats even possible...
I could lift it but it can't go over towards barrel much more since the cold air return there.
I have thought about moving it higher actually. It would need to go on door side to get the tent into the corner.
Last time I had the tent on door side but I only had 1 water barrel. Now with 2 the door side is out.
I turned the tent upside down so the door would go away from the plants this time. 🥴
I have had this tent in the room 2 times before.
I'll measure about lifting it tomorrow. That will decide if I need to move vent.
Which if it is going to be done should happen ASAP so I can seal the loop up again.
It never pays to get shit done, there is always more.
Hence the birth of the slacker~! :p
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