Lemme know if you keep a mom or if ya want anything I’m growing. I’ve got a few from el. I’ll tissue culture all of them so I can find the best ones and keep them on ice. Imperium X looks promising
I have 2 seeds left saved for the right thing. :cool:
Interested in 1? Totally hip to having them on file for people.
They looked special to me.
The DFG seeds SSHZ sent me are history also. I know these will not be around. GMO X Orange Dreams.
1 of them also?

I really do appreciate the offer and in the future, I'll use you.
I am stuffed to the gills with seeds. Still some not even tried out yet.🥴

If all seeds pop I might have 14 strains growing~! 🤪
Middle of the road is my goal. 1705968994128.png
I have 2 seeds left saved for the right thing. :cool:
Interested in 1? Totally hip to having them on file for people.
They looked special to me.
The DFG seeds SSHZ sent me are history also. I know these will not be around. GMO X Orange Dreams.
1 of them also?

I really do appreciate the offer and in the future, I'll use you.
I am stuffed to the gills with seeds. Still some not even tried out yet.🥴

If all seeds pop I might have 14 strains growing~! 🤪
Middle of the road is my goal. View attachment 40518
Got no room atm either but let’s figure this out. I’d love to have a bb library of curated keepers.
@Aqua Man and @Dirtbag got me rolling years ago with about 20% run off been doin it ever since - no runoff seems be doing fine in ur room !
Run off is only needed when the water has dried back leaving salts, e.c, to skyrocket.

To further elaborate, that's where one runs lower ec, to not have unused ions/salt deposits, OR, higher e.c/ balanced with WC.

As they correlate, (W.C and E.C).
Definitely need a plan for special genetics.
What do you need to tissue culture.
Can I just send you a snip that you take a piece of?
Those would be easy peasy and going to happen anyways in the mainlining.

I think as a better community having a library of special strains that we have documented where they come from, who has grown them is a great idea.
I did the same with my fish. I documented where I got them so the proof of my stock was in the pudding~!:cool:

Need to ask El if he will divulge his source of seeds.
Definitely need a plan for special genetics.
What do you need to tissue culture.
Can I just send you a snip that you take a piece of?
Those would be easy peasy and going to happen anyways in the mainlining.

I think as a better community having a library of special strains that we have documented where they come from, who has grown them is a great idea.
I did the same with my fish. I documented where I got them so the proof of my stock was in the pudding~!:cool:

Need to ask El if he will divulge his source of seeds.
I dunno exactly how to best do this but I think it’s worth figuring out.

My understanding is that it’s not illegal to ship plants in veg because no thc.

I’d have to think thru the process carefully. I’ve read that over 70% of facilities in cali have hlv in them.

Stuff to think thru for sure. But the end result after a couple years of working together on this could be pretty cool. Talked about doing this with mosh before too I’m sure he would be in.
So The tent is too tall to fit over the Brute.:cry: I don't think the 22gallon Brute will work either.
Need a Gorilla clone tent like Bandit just ordered. He's right real estate is the name of the game~!(y)
This tent is 5' tall. I actually hate tents but this is the legit way to have 2 light cycles in one room.
I really want to keep both barrels because getting water to room is a major PIA this time of year.
There is no water in shop as it is unheated, so I drag a hose from my basement [ 3@ 50' ] to the room and fill.
I like to do this as little as possible this time of year. The good part of this is I have temperature-controlled hook up from the fish room and I send 82f water out through the snow. But then I got to drag all the hoses back in, so they don't freeze. That's the PIA.
Plus having up to 60 gallons of room temp water being bubbled 24/7 helps with RH, and temperature control.

So getting ready with the beans. Last time I popped I used the VG for what I could fit but like Bandit and I am sure others have done I may have mixed a couple up:oops:. I don't think I did, I left an empty space between each strain. The point is they can come out of order when you open it. For all one strain this would never be a problem. It is really not a problem unless you're OCD, which really should be known as CDO [ alphabetical order?:cool: ]
Since I am again off the rails with 9 strains, and a little CDO I am going to hang them all each in their own baggy in the tent. Hanging for gravity.
Trying to figure an easy way to block light to sides of bag even though seeds will be in paper towel. May line lower half of bag with aluminum foil to block light and get light working from top only for me along with gravity like the VG does.
I saw you were printing out the large VG. Will it fit all you are popping? Gonna get it done in time? I know they can take days maybe.
Most don't need so many slots. Who can't get by with 12?:rolleyes::sneaky:
Off to search black mylar bags~!

yeah i don't blame you one bit for not taking out the extra water supply with that ordeal to add water anyway... maybe if there wasn't snow on the ground it would be a little easier but not convenient in any way shape or form! it sounds to me like you should really look into that geo thermal design this summer and dig a big ass hole and bury a 275 gallon tote!!!!

an insulated line with maybe a little heat tape and you could have perfect temperature water on demand in your grow room year round... and if you rig up your rain gutters it would all be free water!!!!! well pennies to the dollar for a pump anyway.


i printed out the giant VG.. i'll give it a go, but i see potential for strain mix up/failure in a few details of it... it's not the exact same as bandits.. i messed up the base and cover a while back while it was printing and kinda rigged it to get it to finish printing and the supports and hinge parts just didn't line up correctly. so i did what any country boy would do, i screwed it!!!!!


but i'm not sure if i will use it or not... there are a few concerns and unknowns that make me cautious to gamble seeds that i don't have backup for to test this prototype out.

it's really difficult for me to get the paper towels to sit in the grooves properly. i tried different kitchen tools and everything seems to look okay and then by time i put the cover towel over top and put it in the case and close it up all the towels are back straight again and not conformed to the waves... this defeats the purpose of even using it and just adds three more risks to using it this way with no chance of extra reward. if i at least tried it out once i would feel more secure but right now i'm really leaning to using a few dvd cases. i got a few hours to decide so i'm going to think it over for a bit... if i do decide to use it i'll need to put some drill bits in the heater slot to add weight, it's so large that it is buoyant in the water like boat.


i didn't really get to smoke today so i'm gonna smoke now and think on it and try to get the paper towels in there better. maybe change the direction or the way it wraps around it..
Better post this now incase you don't make till midnight. We always play this in our family for everybody's birthday enjoy 😉 hopes it's a great one.
Lol I was just typing that I used meat skewers to get mine to stick.i guese great minds think alike.

worked great man... it could have been the stoner vibes you sent me!!!!


hell yeah Steam happy birthday man!!!! i'm still up so i'll smoke wit y'all!!!!!!
59 years ago today some great things were created.
I searched and couldn't find any of them, but I know of one thing~! :D
I am pretty sure I worked my last couple birthdays so this is nice.
Variety is nice~!
I like switching what I smoke daily.

been waiting since october to get em, kept getting the run around, didn't think it was gonna happen so when i got the call i ended up buying two different cases.. 32 strains plus what my buddy dropped off , i should be set on daily dabs for over three years!!!

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