Here's the stretch from 12/30 to yesterday 1/25.

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^^12/30 17 hours light on.^^
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^^ 1/25 first day of 12/12^^
This is really amazing to me.

I’d love to try this side by side with Durban poison. Traditionally I see the plant double in height due to stretch. I wonder…

Need to do some kinda side by side in the future. Tough to do with lights tho. You really need 2 separate grow spaces then it’s no longer identical environment.

I have been able to cancel the stretch using spectrum. Light is very much a driver of morphology.
I am glad I posted or at least checked my pics to see.
Most of the time I say I don't see much stretch.
Possibly just how I see things or a testimony to the product.
Maybe both.🥴
I am glad I posted or at least checked my pics to see.
Most of the time I say I don't see much stretch.
Possibly just how I see things or a testimony to the product.
Maybe both.🥴
I almost  never notice my plants stretch to ne honest with ya.
I know they do, i just never notice it
so do you have any more above soil today?

i'm at 12/15 still..
I was at 18/27 this am.
I'll check again in morning.
If I still have some down I may bag or cover the cup.
Just spraying now to keep top moist, but only spraying 1 or 2X a day.
I was at 18/27 this am.
I'll check again in morning.
If I still have some down I may bag or cover the cup.
Just spraying now to keep top moist, but only spraying 1 or 2X a day.

thats funny i just put cups on mine this afternoon. i had also been only spraying 2x and my rh is still in 20's so i domed em all.

Not all of mine looked as ready as the ones I took pics of or yours.
Still only 1 Sirius Black , but all 6 of the DFG seeds are up.
I have never covered cups before but I have lost seeds so I want to give this 100% effort.
I get this week off or most of it I am pretty sure so this is working out great to me.
I went out in the room this morning and cleaned up a couple more plants a little better.
Ones I did less on the first time.
Seeing some buds forming on 1 of the 3 Zamal dreams.
Not all of mine looked as ready as the ones I took pics of or yours.
Still only 1 Sirius Black , but all 6 of the DFG seeds are up.
I have never covered cups before but I have lost seeds so I want to give this 100% effort.
I get this week off or most of it I am pretty sure so this is working out great to me.
I went out in the room this morning and cleaned up a couple more plants a little better.
Ones I did less on the first time.
Seeing some buds forming on 1 of the 3 Zamal dreams.

i like to use convertible cups. lets air and light in but still keeps a mini environment around the seedling. i haven't used them in a while but i felt this was the right time..

I like to grab my seedlings by the throat and tell them" welcome to the thunder dome bitch"but you know a actual dome might help them. Smack them a couple times before you cover them they love it.
22 for 27 seeds this morning. 2 Sirius black now~!:cool:
Still have hopes for others. Haven't covered them yet.
Filled barrels yesterday [ trying to keep track of water use since I don't know what the bluemats do].
I had turned the 2 FC8000's to 100% but this morning they have flipped their surge protector.
I don't really want them on same circuit, but also cringe thinking about needing an extension cord for one.
I have 3 circuits in room, so will probably just install short ext. cord to split the two 8000's, thinking on this for the day. 8000's are back at 80% .
Pics or video later.
I was pretty careful/ meticulous so have absolutely no clue how there are two in one cup.
I did each envelope separate and complete; packing and unpacking to pot.
I had no two seed strains out in play at the same time, nor did I take more than 3 seeds from any source that I am aware of.
If all but 1 pop I will have a guess, if others do not come up then another mystery plant~! 🥸
I think there are 6 still not up not 5. Maff...🥴

On to the room~!
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^^ Left side of room^^
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So am I locked out with the tip color change or deficient.
I have installed more Open Sesame than in any other grow before. I got an early start with it .
I have Mr. Fluvic and Kelp [COM] in the barrel so the plants get that through the rings 24/7.
No Ca last couple of waterings but extra Mg.
So I have wandered from 3 2 1 as I think plants have needed.
two in one container... nooo.. OCD OCD..i need dab just reading this! do you think they're both still the same strain?

hope ya get your power sorted, at least you have multiple circuits to play with.. that was good planning!
The two in one is one of those things that can really bug me.
It's like losing something you just had.
No explanation but right in your face~!
The cups are rows of 3 for each strain.
That is the super lemon haze and all 3 cups are up.😖
Having 2 in one of the cups just blows me away.
When I put those seeds in the cup I only had those 3 seeds out of their bag.
Having all 3 cups up means I have no clue. Seed could be from last time if I lost one if it went into the soil bag?
I have no clue. I was methodical about putting them in dirt.🥴
It ain't no big deal but I am clueless more every moment it seems.

I'll probably run the extension cord to other outlet. I'll use a heavy 12ga AC/ Appliance cord, but still don't like it all the same.
One outlet/ breaker only has the 2 TSL3000s going to it. I'll just split one of each light to each outlet.
That should be around 11 amps each instead of 16 on one and 6 on the other. Running under 100% keeps me under 15amps I assume, besides just the shock at start up.
Every bit of power in the shop is basically going to the room~! :p
Yet with 3 breakers I am still pushing it with all the lights and heater or AC.

I will be thrilled if the rest or more beans are up tomorrow.
So do we think it will really be 8-9 from 12/12 the way we did it?
So do we think it will really be 8-9 from 12/12 the way we did it?

yes i do!!! bro look at your buds forming already!! if you just flipped from 18/6 a few days ago your plants would not look like this. they look at least two week in if they were hard flipped.. you did the "soft" flip :LOL: ...yet another part of steams soft side!!!

i feel we're right on schedule for 8-9 weeks from now!! my alien rock candy might even be ready in seven.

Could be twins it happens sometimes.

really? can this happen? one seed? honest, i'm gullible!!
Could be twins it happens sometimes.
Occam's razor has a stoner involved here on the twins ~!🥸

I asked about how long thinking we are ahead of the game here.
4/1 would be cool. That is the 1 year anniversary of this site~! :cool:
But that is all of 8 1/2 weeks still.
Occam's razor has a stoner involved here on the twins ~!🥸

I asked about how long thinking we are ahead of the game here.
4/1 would be cool. That is the 1 year anniversary of this site~! :cool:
But that is all of 8 1/2 weeks still.

4/1 is definitely doable. at least for a plant or two at minimum. you want it edgy anyway!!! do you have a spot to hang and dry just a few plants around 4/1?
yes i do!!! bro look at your buds forming already!! if you just flipped from 18/6 a few days ago your plants would not look like this. they look at least two week in if they were hard flipped.. you did the "soft" flip :LOL: ...yet another part of steams soft side!!!

i feel we're right on schedule for 8-9 weeks from now!! my alien rock candy might even be ready in seven.

really? can this happen? one seed? honest, i'm gullible!!
It happened to someone on here I think can't remember who🤪mabey it was at the farm.i can't remember I saw it somewhere though.
I remember someone having two plants unexplainably.
I am sure I am the cause?

By late March early April temps may be good enough for me to set up 4x4 tent in shop for drying.
I need to have a separate drying area and get away from using the room. I have a 4x4 I don't use so that is my thought for now.
Ok I think seeds are done popping.
2 London pound cake, 1 sirius black, 1cherry pie and 1max ac did not come up.
I do have the 1 extra in the super lemon haze.
I dug a little in the cups and could not even find seed? I use the sharpie to make a 1 inch or less hole in middle of cup and then lightly covered.
When I mentioned I have lost seeds before besides not popping this is what I meant. This actually happens to me often with no poppers.
I look for seed and never find them. Hence my trying to be OCD about seed placement.
No big deal I stirred those cups up and added extra water but don't expect anything.
I'll have my 18 which is 3 for each light and that is all I wanted. Maybe I can squeeze all 23?
So if they don't get too leggy or I screw up I should have;
Green Point
2 Max AC
3 Purple Crunch
3 Fruit Punch
2 Sirius Black
1 London Pound Cake
2 Cherry Pie
4* Super Lemon Haze
3 Zamal Dreams
3 GMO X Orange Dreams.
I am pleased and will do my best and up pot all of them to 1 gallon in a week or 2 probably.

Seeing buds forming on the Zamal Dreams and Rum Runner.
These girls are going to take up space past the 4/1 finish/switch date I am sure.
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Weekly check in.
Seedlings are doing great and no more have come up.
Still waiting to split the "twins". Not even sure what to call the one off center? Super Lemon Haze ?
When I look at my Cherry Gar See Ya and Planet of the Grapes that I screwed up labeling on last grow I still don't see a clear difference between them in this grow even though I know who they are.
I will never have a clue of the SLH?
The Dragons Flame are still in the lead here for growth with 1 Sirius Black catching up nicely.:cool:
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In case they take on their own I have 4 cuttings from Zamal Dreams in water to see if they root.
They look the same 1 week later which good enough for me.
DSC_0704 - Copy.JPG^^ The Zamal Dream that is budding^^
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^^ Best buds in room so far^^
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^^ Best buds in room even with some issue. Both are Planet of the Grapes^^
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^^ Candy Store^^
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^^ Rum Runner^^
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^^ The whole room^^
Between 1-2 weeks 12/12 but that is not accurate count IMO the way this was done.
With exception of the 2 ZD and the RR I would put these at 3 weeks 12/12.
Seedlings have been up for 8 days now?

The sun is shining, and I need to go enjoy it somehow, so a ride is in store.
Gonna twist up a couple and then spin the wheels~!
Hope everyone is having a great weekend~!
So went out to room and it was dryer all of a sudden. Been fine all this time.
Plants were drying back as it turns out. I like that using the blumats. So, I got to feed them.
Most got full dose of 321 with Beastie bloom added.
Seeing colors show up awful early on some of the Ethos. They have always done this so I just wonder.

The seedlings looked noticeably larger to me with most showing their second set that has 3 leaves.
They all got more water than usual and 66% dose of 321~! Their first feeding.
Let growing begin~! :p
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