So went out to room and it was dryer all of a sudden. Been fine all this time.
Plants were drying back as it turns out. I like that using the blumats. So, I got to feed them.
Most got full dose of 321 with Beastie bloom added.
Seeing colors show up awful early on some of the Ethos. They have always done this so I just wonder.

The seedlings looked noticeably larger to me with most showing their second set that has 3 leaves.
They all got more water than usual and 66% dose of 321~! Their first feeding.
Let growing begin~! :p

your seedlings look really great man!! growing fast and leaving mine in the dust!!!

did you notice any smell from your flowering girls yet? just today for the first time i opened the door and caught a whiff of stench!! :D
Yea man when I was watering/ feeding the odor is arriving.
That and the color change is really early IMO?
The room temp. does not drop alot at night and if I am deficient P or K I don't how with my feedings.
We'll see if the feeding today slows the change down at all.
Yea man when I was watering/ feeding the odor is arriving.
That and the color change is really early IMO?
The room temp. does not drop alot at night and if I am deficient P or K I don't how with my feedings.
We'll see if the feeding today slows the change down at all.

i haven't fed much at all, only twice now since i upcanned them. i did top the soil off right when we went to 12/12, but only gave them two light feedings, i think it came out to 2-3-3 and was only about maybe 18-20 ounces per plant.. wasn't much. did this twice now. that was the last time i'll probably give them any nitrogen.

i noticed a couple of your stems were red.. what is that need of calcium? i remember somebody just talking about this, observer or stonemason maybe?? i can't remember now but red stems meant something deficient i thought??

Thinking of dropping light to 11 hours.
This is from Star Dogs thread.
Go to 15 minutes in video.

when i grew with 650watts of CMH in my small space i would only flower for 10/14 and it was all single plant perpetual so they were hard flipped! when i switched to led i went to 12/12... why??? i have no idea?? to be part of the cattle i guess!!

i'm going to ride this round out at 12/12 just to see if i have enough head room to not bleach buds this time. if i still bleach i will soft flip the new batch to 10/14 i think.
I see a lot of red stems petioles in my grows.
Part of my excitement with other genetics besides Ethos.
They always turn color and lots of red stems.
New blood will tell if it is me or them.
Could be def. or genetics or def. caused by pH.
My guess if not genetics is pH.
It is so easy and I have the proper stuff but I never bother to pH.
I will give that a try also I guess on next fill.
I have maybe 20 out of 60 gallons left from 1/28.
That puts the room at 5g a day aprox.
I see a lot of red stems petioles in my grows.
Part of my excitement with other genetics besides Ethos.
They always turn color and lots of red stems.
New blood will tell if it is me or them.
Could be def. or genetics or def. caused by pH.
My guess if not genetics is pH.
It is so easy and I have the proper stuff but I never bother to pH.
I will give that a try also I guess on next fill.
I have maybe 20 out of 60 gallons left from 1/28.
That puts the room at 5g a day aprox.

i was wondering if you happen to know how much water you were using... any estimate on how much just the carrots alone are using without you taking some for top watering?
They are probably dripping 3-4 gallons a day for 17 plants. They could be adjusted to offer more or less. I like that they keep the plant steady for almost a week and that I get to control the feeds.
I have only watered plants like 1x a week with only 1/2 g.
Ok checked in again to make sure all is well.
Pleased with seedlings.
^^ The heard^^😁
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^^ the 6 Dragons Flame Genetics^^:cool:
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^^ This is how the room looks. Many with leaves standing straight up Praying.^^
I will probably pull the light a little higher this weekend or sooner.
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^^ Nice Buds stacking^^
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^^Nice buds stacking^^
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^^ Planet of the Grapes^^
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^^ Grape Balls of Fire^^
So I should make it to the weekend before I need to fill the barrels again.
60g in 12 days= 5g a day approx.. Sure, is nice to only hand water 1-2X a week~!
Seedling are drinking a lot IMO for little solo cups.
And FUNNY on the seedlings; I pulled 4 of the 5 cups that did not pop.
I left one thinking maybe I would split the twins into the solo, but I will split into 1g. now, I think.
Well, what do I see but a day popped seedling coming up today~! 9 days after all the others popped~!
This just makes me think the twin is a lost seed from previous grows. I mean these seeds did not just disappear.
I had several Cherry Gar See Ya and Mandarin cookies that never popped and I may have dumped that starter soil back in bag to be used now.
I don't know was more than shocked to see one popper today all on her own little schedule.
Needless to say, I put the other 4 cups back in tent and soaked them. Who knows?
Will probably up pot the solos to 1g this weekend, just need to get maybe 5 more pots.

I broke one half of a top on the XXX and today the other half of it is frosting up the leaves~!
I don't see much frost from what I have grown so it makes me wonder if it is a reaction to the stress.
The plants I gave extra P&K to are still changing colors. Even the new growth. This seems super early to me but not sure I can do anything to turn them around.
I will just keep feeding them like the others unless I see a change.
It really must be the strain as it is not every plant at all, but more like 4 out of 17.

Got my 3 bags of Stonington from the Amazon site for $37 or so each~!
Nice to have them delivered especially for almost 1/2 the cost of local here.
Tomorrows Friday but we should still party hearty tonight~!
Super Sunday check in. Filled the barrels yesterday.
Looks like the plants are showing N def.
Been adding extra N and gave normal feeding Plus the extra today.
Buds are looking good and the ones showing red/purple look like they are way ahead of the others.
Funny is they are all different strains with the twin to it not acting the same at all~!

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Up potted the seedlings.
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^^ Before^^
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^^Largest one with several right on her tail^^
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^^ Packed @Observer style^^ :cool:
Little girl in the solo is the one that popped 9-10 days after the others.
Figured I would give the other 4 a second chance. Only cost water..🤷‍♂️
They went into 100% COM Stonington.
2 too many for the OCD guy?
The new soil was bone dry to the point of water running right off it. Hydrophobic.
What a PIA and mess maker.
Hope everyone has a great weekend and enjoys the Super bowl if that is your thing.
Watching the puppy bowl and looking forward to the commercials in the big game~!
Super Sunday check in. Filled the barrels yesterday.
Looks like the plants are showing N def.
Been adding extra N and gave normal feeding Plus the extra today.
Buds are looking good and the ones showing red/purple look like they are way ahead of the others.
Funny is they are all different strains with the twin to it not acting the same at all~!

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Up potted the seedlings.
View attachment 44325
^^ Before^^
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^^Largest one with several right on her tail^^
View attachment 44323
^^ Packed @Observer style^^ :cool:
Little girl in the solo is the one that popped 9-10 days after the others.
Figured I would give the other 4 a second chance. Only cost water..🤷‍♂️
They went into 100% COM Stonington.
2 too many for the OCD guy?
The new soil was bone dry to the point of water running right off it. Hydrophobic.
What a PIA and mess maker.
Hope everyone has a great weekend and enjoys the Super bowl if that is your thing.
Watching the puppy bowl and looking forward to the commercials in the big game~!
Some crazy colors in there man🤯
looking good 👊🏼
Some crazy colors in there man🤯
looking good 👊🏼
Man I was thinking the same, stream you are the fade master dude no lie your plants always look superduper in and it doesn't seem like you've even missed a beat with the blu mats.

You got some coffee crisp going too? I know G$ do I...grump has some seeds as well...let's all do a strain review on that shit just get everyone's take on it...need to get that strain review section Poppin... especially now that so many of us are running same strains as others or plan on it.

4:23 I'm late 🤘🏻😎🥸
Man I was thinking the same, stream you are the fade master dude no lie your plants always look superduper in and it doesn't seem like you've even missed a beat with the blu mats.
I think you all would get the same if you grew Ethos? I don't think I have ever finished green with 50% of what I plant.
If I count 14 hours as beginning of flower these are only 4 weeks in. Way too early to be a real fade? I got no control over these things.
You got some coffee crisp going too?
No coffee crisp here.
The fruit punch and Rum Runner are my first GPs.
The Rum Runner although boasting Indica lineage will probably be behind the Zamal Dreams. Super skinny leaves.
Just starting to show first pistils now~!
Kind of bummed its twin kicked the bucket mid grow.
The CP in the tent is Cherry Pie from B2ACG.
What do you think is?
If I had half a clue I would say a def of P or K but I have been feeding plenty I think?
I have always thought I am light but according to directions I am heavy.
I think moments ago looking at the pics and still thinking about my first grow I am just going to feed like I have no clue?
The first grow I kind of went buy feed schedule with a little extra. I think I just need to feed more?
4 weeks in flower at the most now if it started at 14 hours with my count down, 12/12 was just 2 weeks ago~!
I really think I have no clue.
My guess was phosphorus when you mentioned it a week or so ago. But thats too early to show P deficiency
My guess was phosphorus when you mentioned it a week or so ago. But thats too early to show P deficiency
So the Beastie Bloomz is 0-50-30.
I think they recommend 1/2 -1 teaspoon per gallon.
I just fed 5gallons with 2 tablespoons. Along with the 3-2-1 at 100%
Maybe that will help.
Based off this chart, you just use 1/4 tsp per gallon. View attachment 44365
Yup so I figured using a tablespoon [ 3 tsp.] per 5g was enough plus the 3-2-1.
Part A of Jacks is 5-12-26. The part B is calcium 15-0-0. I am still going heavier than Jacks says for Mg.
I see and recognize the N def and skipping the Ca which is a huge player in N so I understand that mistake.
I started to add wholly mackerel which is 3-1-0 just trying not to lock out with Ca.
I am lost and all over the road~!
All I wanted to do was stay in the middle of the road~!
Yup so I figured using a tablespoon [ 3 tsp.] per 5g was enough plus the 3-2-1.
Part A of Jacks is 5-12-26. The part B is calcium 15-0-0. I am still going heavier than Jacks says for Mg.
I see and recognize the N def and skipping the Ca which is a huge player in N so I understand that mistake.
I started to add wholly mackerel which is 3-1-0 just trying not to lock out with Ca.
I am lost and all over the road~!
All I wanted to do was stay in the middle of the road~!
possible its too much Mg and its locking out K?
You know I'm terrible at this lol. Im spitballing lmao

Ive got 2 ethos strains here, Grandpas Stash R2 and Pie Face #7 x Blueberry Bubba.
ill give em a whirl next grow. Im only using grow big and the 3 part you gave me with calmag and the occasional sprinkle of epsom in veg.
is it just that one plant? could it just be genetics? i've seen leaves fade early before..

i think you're keepin' it between the mayo and the mustard man!!!!
It's 3-4 plants all Ethos.
It happened last grow around week 6. I was green as a jolly giant before then in that grow.

To be completely honest it really doesn't matter to me as long as I get fire which I have every single time.
I really can't say I have grown one bad plant.
When your only regret is a low yield that says you liked the smoke huh?
It's 3-4 plants all Ethos.

ahhh... i say fade on!! one thing i have always wondered though, does faded leaves restrict more light than green leaves? i always like the look but want to pick em off right away!! hehehe

When your only regret is a low yield that says you liked the smoke huh?

haha yeah i think that will be our complaint until the day we fill every cubic inch of our grow spaces with solid bud!! :LOL: think of the size jar you would need!!!!!
I do think the colored leaves restrict photosynthesis.
They will die off before the normal green if there are any of those left.
I will say my trim time is getting easier having less leave material besides sugars.
You say last grow the ethos did the same "fade".

What about before that?

Do you think feeding p and k earlier would help?
Every Ethos grow has done this. It is all I have grown up till now.
But saying that I think I learned a little since the first grow yet my results seem to get worse.
Last grow was week 6 which I thought early.
I remember back at the farm asking if I did something wrong, so it has been constant.
Just seems like late flower behavior happening early to me?
Every Ethos grow has done this. It is all I have grown up till now.
But saying that I think I learned a little since the first grow yet my results seem to get worse.
Last grow was week 6 which I thought early.
I remember back at the farm asking if I did something wrong, so it has been constant.
Just seems like late flower behavior happening early to me?
This is just wild to me.
But sshz has fading going on too and it also started early, an ethos strain again.

Definitely gonna run these ethos i have here and see what reaults i get.
Maybe they just breed early faders 🤔
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