Stoney I am surprised with chickens that you haven't looked at the farmer's almanac.
Same page that says when it is best to plant, prune, harvest talks about setting eggs.
I would imagine that if you tracked it your chickens are pore product/active with full moons like my fish were.

Stoney I am surprised with chickens that you haven't looked at the farmer's almanac.
Same page that says when it is best to plant, prune, harvest talks about setting eggs.
I would imagine that if you tracked it your chickens are pore product/active with full moons like my fish were.

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Did you know that moon light is cold like sunlight is in the shade of moon light its warmer. The dude I learned knf from uses the moon cycles like crazy when he makes his nutes and collects microbes and for planting and harvesting. I have been paying more attention to it lately .I think he uses an app.its big in Hawaii were he is from.
Stoney I am surprised with chickens that you haven't looked at the farmer's almanac.
Same page that says when it is best to plant, prune, harvest talks about setting eggs.
I would imagine that if you tracked it your chickens are pore product/active with full moons like my fish were.

View attachment 40584

no i never looked into that with chickens... hmmm... i keep a light on a timer, they're like plants.. only give em seven hours of darkness and they lay eggs 100% production. but they can see and feel the moon in there coop that's for sure!!! chicken have a third cone in their head to detect light. even a blind chicken can tell day from night. creepy fuckin critters!!!!!! hahahaha


so i got em in water!!!!!! almost messed it up when i realized the pen i used was coming off the tape!!! i quickly went over with a sharpie!!


happy accident, when i skipped a row between strains, and i always skip the first and last row.. by doing that only one seed fit from the three on one side and had to put the other two on the other... this should help in me not mixing anything up or confusing the sides!!
Getting pretty spoiled with the days off.
They must know so have planned a delivery tomorrow.
Weather is hit or miss so it may just be show up and go home after receiving?
After that job is done I may get the next week off and then supposed to be going North to a copper dome.
Smoking some hash plant in a joint and hitting the seahorse with the iso wash. 🥴
just started snowing here pretty good~!:oops:
going North to a copper dome

like a live in geo dome? i bet that is freakin cool looking!! a guy down the road has a mini dome home for his chicken coop!! haha

no rain yet here, heard it's coming.. way to warm to snow right now so it will wash some of the snow away. not supposed to freeze here foe almost a week!!! gonna get sloppy!!!
No the dome is on city hall~!
^^ The shadow is pointing to it.^^
Going to be a process~!
Probably 2 hours one way if I don't stay there.
I hate staying and probably won't.
If I can catch gas and travel time I'll take that over a free room.
Job could take months~!
Travel pay will work for me no issue. I'll just be tired.
Had several long hauls last year also. Kind of used to leaving at 5 for 7~!
I have been staying up late and sleeping late like a pro~! :cool:
They know and sort of bid stuff on the high-end spectrum for us.
You can't do specialized copper work in your back yard every day.
Job could take months~!
Travel pay will work for me no issue. I'll just be tired.
Had several long hauls last year also. Kind of used to leaving at 5 for 7~!
I have been staying up late and sleeping late like a pro~! :cool:
They know and sort of bid stuff on the high-end spectrum for us.
You can't do specialized copper work in your back yard every day.

damn dude that's a long time, i don't think i ever had a job/contract that lasted months!! back when i travelled a lot we would have long jobs but it was like a bunch of logistics and shipping in the beginning and ten a bunch of waiting and shipping parts. but installs and work was still only a few weeks at very most and 90% were under two weeks.

man driving to same site for a couple months would start to feel like a regular job!! :ROFLMAO:


so i'm curious man, are you seeing all kinds of cotton tops on your plants like i am?

i got five big plants and three smaller ones, all five are soaking up more than a quart a day each right now. tomorrow night i am going to pull each one out and give them their "down there care" and defol the underskirts. this will give me a great opportunity to lift each one up to feel the water weights better. gonna top em all off with soil while i'm at it as well.. maybe even some dry bloom nutes!!!
My company takes what I call big bites.
When I started with them, they were doing the 1863 club at Saratoga Race Track.
Come to find out it was the largest copper roof project on the east coast 2019~!
We finished on the last day before penalties which we were told was 10k a day~!

I got some cotton tops here~! Not quiet as exciting as I thought but still pleased over all~!
12/12 brother~! We made it and to have Bandit flipping his experiment also~! What a great comparison.
I don't run out since my first grow I think 3 years ago?
But I think after these seeds I will kick into a smaller perpetual grow where I plant may be ready every week or two.
I know I faked you out before but I am new man~!🥸
If you have the space for 2 light cycles no need to ever change. Just move plants from one to another.
Imagine just trimming 1 plant a week or maybe every other....:unsure:
On to pictures and some explaination.
All seeds went into my homemade bag in bag and over all I had good results.
I moved all seeds to soil today regardless of condition.
But some are worth noting.
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^All in their bag in bag popping station with cups waiting since yesterday.
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^First found seedling was a Sirius Black^ The other 2 were split and showed tails.
Next I found another single seedling from the Max AC. the other 2 were close.
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^Next surprise was the GMO X OD that SSHZ gifted me.All three ready to play~!^ Best of all the seeds.
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^ Zamal Dreams came ready to play also. 3 for 3^
Dragons flame wins the popping contest by a landslide~!
All other seeds were cracking or seemed close enough to me and have been put in their solo cups.
The cups are 50/50 COM seed starter and COM Stonington.
Tent is 82f 63RH 18/6 light.
All seeds/ seedlings got 2-3 ml water with Mr.Fulvic and kelp in it.
The cups are 'moist' but not soaked. The fine line is where I like it to keep beans from getting leggy.
Fingers crossed they come up. 🤞
Quick shots of room.
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^ Mandarin cookie R3^
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^Planet of the grapes^
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Got some funny colored edges on low leaves of a couple of the Ethos so have left out CA in case I am locking them out. Both the buds I showed are plants with funny lower leaves.
Everybody is doing fine with the rings and blumats now and I fed 5 gallons of mix yesterday minus the CA with maybe the 3rd or 4th dose of Open Sesame.
Knowing I am ahead with the OS has me thinking that the color is either lock out or just what the Ethos do.
They have turned every time, but we are nowhere near there yet.
12/12 finally after 73 and 62 days~!

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So stretch should be over huh?
Basically taking 4 weeks to get to 12/12 losing 1 hour a week I have to think it is over?
Seems like it. Flowers are forming if I’m looking at the pic you are referring to?

I guess I missed it you took a month to go from 18:6 to 12/12? Never tried that myself. Seems more natural tho and should result in big plants like outdoor right?
Seems like it. Flowers are forming if I’m looking at the pic you are referring to?

I guess I missed it you took a month to go from 18:6 to 12/12? Never tried that myself. Seems more natural tho and should result in big plants like outdoor right?

I don't know they got any bigger really?
I think they stretched in a more natural fashion.
I never really noticed stretch specifically in grows and think last grow had minimal stretch.🤷‍♂️
your plants are huge!!! very impressive looking when you see them all like that!!!

i don't think my stretch is quite over, i haven't measured them but i still see leaves growing, so i am assuming stems are too..

i'm just happy 12/12 is here and my plants finally made it this far!!!!! bring on the buds!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stoney and I just popped seeds and flipped on same days.
Bandit is flipping his no veg to 12 also. This will be cool to compare.
Stoney and I have plans to mainline these seedling like JonnyBio84 is doing in his thread.
You're pretty caught up besides the moon and the sun~!
Did some defol today.
Never really did more than remove large fan blades and clear bud sites.
I didn't do much to the 3 Zamal Dreams as they are not showing bud set yet.
They were started 11 days behind the others.
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^^ Zamal Dreams. The tight little bush on a bucket to match up with others^^
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^^ What many look like from top^^
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^^ But not the Rum Runner. All my reading from GP says indica....
Slow and narrow leaves just like the Zamal Dreams.

So I lolli popped some and didn't do a lot to others.
Some that grew lenky really would not have benefitted from pulling more leaves than I have done already.
Happy Friday night~!
they look happy and just full of life!! nice job on the defol. they love that down there care and keeps the air moving better. now it's time to bring on the fat juicy buds!! :cool:
Thanks man~!
I have always grown just using my experience from outdoors and what I see others do.
Never really did big defols and often allowed a lot of larf to grow.
I know many lollipop and clean up so I just thought ya.
You did so good with yours I figured I had to~!
Part of what made it easy was thinking of time saved in trim jail.
Removing stuff from the bottom now that will not grow to be much was an easy choice when I think about trimming.
Then couple that with the thought that more food and energy sent to bud sites and it was something I'm glad I did.

I think the drip rings and blumatts are dialed in. :cool:
Have not seen any wilt but still pots are dry enough I can feed 1/2-1 gallon without run off.
That is what I wanted.
I want to be able to feed so no worry about clogging thin line.
I have added Mr.Fulvic and kelp to the barrel as they are both liquid.

Will need to fill both barrels tomorrow.
I think 60ish gallons in 2 weeks~!
Thanks man~!
I have always grown just using my experience from outdoors and what I see others do.
Never really did big defols and often allowed a lot of larf to grow.
I know many lollipop and clean up so I just thought ya.
You did so good with yours I figured I had to~!
Part of what made it easy was thinking of time saved in trim jail.
Removing stuff from the bottom now that will not grow to be much was an easy choice when I think about trimming.
Then couple that with the thought that more food and energy sent to bud sites and it was something I'm glad I did.

I think the drip rings and blumatts are dialed in. :cool:
Have not seen any wilt but still pots are dry enough I can feed 1/2-1 gallon without run off.
That is what I wanted.
I want to be able to feed so no worry about clogging thin line.
I have added Mr.Fulvic and kelp to the barrel as they are both liquid.

Will need to fill both barrels tomorrow.
I think 60ish gallons in 2 weeks~!
They blew up on ya

I don't think I have ever noticed it personally either~!
The pictures really help me see what I miss.
Part of the whole thread really keeping track of what was done as best as possible.
It is hard to see it happen right in front of you.
I don't think I have ever noticed it personally either~!
The pictures really help me see what I miss.
Part of the whole thread really keeping track of what was done as best as possible.
It is hard to see it happen right in front of you.
Nice to have references on hand, come back and double check things, especially when issues arise.

A Collective of the Big Picture, to Further Analyze.
Part of what made it easy was thinking of time saved in trim jail.

plants harvest in minutes, not hours!!

by time i got done picking leaves off my plants in flower there weren't many left at harvest. i trimmed up six plants in less than an hour. didn't even need a smoke break! :ROFLMAO:

my general rule of thumb for all plants, trees, bushes, etc... is never take more than 40% of growth at one event. if more than 40% is required i wait two weeks in between. 40% is a lot when it comes to ganja and probably never get anywhere even close to that amount so i never fear going heavy hands with them.

better get used to it now... next round is gonna feel like torture!!!! :LOL:
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