wouldn't that be awesome!!!!!!! i'd be breeding the bastards!!! hahaha
well you remember back when i first heard something.. never caught anything, but still heard something maybe once a week. it was odd. i had stopped putting traps u p there because i had to move my wall clock to access and i wanted to hear the clock again so i took the traps out, i wasn't catching anything anyway. and left the bated mouse trap just on top of my oak beam in the living room, not in the ceiling, just in the room. i put my clock back and all was fine, then it snowed xmas eve or the day before and everything was covered outside.. xmas eve it must have gotten desperate enough to go for the mouse trap... i went out there late at night to fill stockings and saw some speaker wires disturbed and noticed the mouse trap on the floor upside down with something big in it.. i was like please dont be a rat, please don't be a rat.. then i saw the small tail and sighed in relief, i turned over the trap and i just thought it was a chipmunk. i was how the hell did a chippy get in here??? so i was like well i know i'm using the wrong trap to catch something this big and my rule is whenever you catch a rodent there is always one or two more.. so i set the cage trap and set it right on the beam and caught two more since then and then found out that it was really the bug eyed flying squirrel.. all the clues make sense now,, big but not heavy, only at night, and i swear a few times when i was banging on the ceiling to scare them i would hear something out on the porch roof just seconds later. everything that didn't make sense all started to click... except for one million dollar question, how the hell are they getting in my living room???? i think it might be in the corner near the trap because i've had some trouble there a long time ago and just seems like a good as any place to start. if i happen to catch one more i'll set some cameras up to see if i can tell what direction there coming in.
my living room isnt drywall like the rest of my house, it's the kind of room you would like... i'm going to have to get a ladder and move it 87 times to inspect every single part of the beams up there!!! grrr.. i hate ladders!!!!
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Happy new year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!