True Confessions of an American Outlaw

Always seems like they don't grow until I look at pics from a few days ago then realize, yeah, they're alive and growing. 🙃
I've culled one weirdy and watching another weirdy snap out of it and become a keeper...for now.
The one that didn't develop first true leaves will be culled very soon as I give up hope for it.
Another is just wait and see but the good thing is I have my seven plants today. It could be 8 but I know I have seven to work with.
I dialed the light down from 20% to 17%. Just looked like they were getting pounded a bit so I dialed it back


Always seems like they don't grow until I look at pics from a few days ago then realize, yeah, they're alive and growing. 🙃
I have myself found value in "last week and this week" pictures for my weekly updates.
Sounds foolish to not see 6+ inches of growth in a week, but yea..
I have myself found value in "last week and this week" pictures for my weekly updates.
Sounds foolish to not see 6+ inches of growth in a week, but yea..
I think I'm almost two weeks into this project and wondering why I don't have donkey dick colas by now 🙃
Sometimes my wife or i wont see the girls for maybe 2 or 3 days in a row.

Can they do 2" per day? I think they can
2"/day or a new set of leaves every two days is a good standard once they break out of seedling stage and into veg.
I just get a little antsy every time waiting for that week to ten days of seedling stage to pass. I know they're making more roots than green at that time but still makes me nervous. Once out of it then it's game on but anything slow early gets me thinking mutant, runt, or problem.🧐
about how far away is your new light?

.. i see you got to use your pink filament!!!

Pink is the new black!!!🥴

Looks like it's at around 24" above the pots. I think anything closer there won't be a good blend in the spectrum so running a little high and dimmed down gets the blend without being too strong too early. When I set it I pretty much eye balled it then looked at the par meter. PAR was on the low side compared to a SS550 at 20% but I still rode with it.
There isn't a single stretcher in the lot so there's not a lack of light and last night peeking in all I saw were a crowd of happy youngsters.

I made some adjustments to the dro Friday and it responded well too. Gonna make a few more, mostly increasing her food and trying a 50/50 tap/RO water blend for her. I know my tap water sucks even if it is only 150ppm. There's something in it that slows plants down and whatever that something is, needs to be stripped away if I want my plants to perform.
So if I give the 'dro some RO, I'm probably gonna have to start adjusting pH. I don't want to do that but I also don't want a slow growing hydro plant get it's doors blown off by the soil grown then have 6 big plants and 1 small lady I have to make comfortable. So right now I'm trying to find speed in the dro to match the soil and I think it will come by having better water chemistry. 🤞
I'll update with pics later today or this evening.😋


I think my grow room can talk now.


Translation: Welcome to Texas.🥵

Do gotta say how it's pretty cool to track weather like this. Room drying conditions were steady Eddie for the last crop. Then I decided to drop some seeds in late July and shit went all 🤪🥵♨️
The fuckin waterboy barrel kills me every time.

Out of view is Mama's spicy hydro gumbo:cool:


I did the first rez change going with my idea of making the gumbo then cutting it with RO water. The gumbo is at around 700ppm and after cut is down to around 300ppm and pH is stable at 6.0 or there abouts.


Soil grown got a light dose of fish & seaweed for the first time yesterday as well as the hydro getting the gumbo.
Still holding out hope for the lone Can't Get Right


Well, I've always had a deep respect and I mean that most sincere
The band is just fantastic, that is really what I think
Oh, by the way, which one's Pink?

View attachment IMG_5330.MOV

pink floyd is legendary, i give ya that... but man no way is pink the new black!! see you got black, flat black, gloss black, semi gloss black, and satin black... but no pink. :D

does it at least glow cool under black light?

so how is the project 421, is it fun? looks fun from here!!!
pink floyd is legendary, i give ya that... but man no way is pink the new black!! see you got black, flat black, gloss black, semi gloss black, and satin black... but no pink. :D

does it at least glow cool under black light?

so how is the project 421, is it fun? looks fun from here!!!
Nah it wont glow in the dark but you've given me an idea 😋

Tell ya what man...I'm about wiped out, tired AF this week being stretched to the limit of both physical and metal capacities. And I haven't even started about this weather!

Just some random musings here....

There's parts to this that are like learning to grow all over again.
New light I know nothing about.
Strains I've never grown before.
A journey back into hydroponics taking what I've learned in organics and applying them.
This is almost like reverse engineering some reverse engineering. When I grew hydro I pushed it as far into organics as possible. Then made the switch running my organics as if it was hydro. There's things I can take from the organic soil and applying it to water as well.
Now it gets real interesting because I'm gonna start adding liquid crab and lobster meal to the hydro gumbo. Yeah a real deal seafood gumbo along with a little fulvic acid and base line nutes turned into a hydroponic grow solution.

Started to play with spectrum and I'm liking the results


This pic is from Wednesday night.


Things are bigger and growing more aggressively every day and here's what I see.

The hydro plant is a slow and steady grower. Always perky. Always happy. Never wilts or droops, just doing it's thing and it's growth rate has overtaken a runty Frozen Custard planted 4 days before it.

The soil plants are not slow and steady at all. It's more surge, take a day off, surge again. Repeat. This growth pattern is more about being in airpots than the soil.
There's a degree of stress with plants in airpots. But it's good stress.
When roots reach the air and gets pruned, it dies back a little before it branches out. This gives the plant a stressed look for a day. But after the root branches, it's doubled it's food and water uptake ability and therefore goes on a voracious binge of food and water.
This process repeats itself about 3-4x per week. So it's almost like one step back, two leaps forward. Those leaps are where I find my growth rates in soil comparable if not better at times than hydro. It's not the soil...It's the air. Add in that I aerate my water it's like my soil plants get the best of both hydro and soil.
We're out of seedling stage now except for Cant Get Right and things are taking off.
Today is an adjustment day. I'll look at lighting spectrum and increase food to compensate for what these plants are doing.
It's also time to start pruning. More to come later
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So what is your preferred method of aerating your water? The few discussions I've had with Aquaman tell me you can't dissolve oxygen into water unless the air oxygen ratio is higher than what's in the water. Even if you're able to somehow inject the oxygen into the water it would dissipate into the air trying to equalize.
So what is your preferred method of aerating your water? The few discussions I've had with Aquaman tell me you can't dissolve oxygen into water unless the air oxygen ratio is higher than what's in the water. Even if you're able to somehow inject the oxygen into the water it would dissipate into the air trying to equalize.
Speaking of Aqua... where's that guy been? He doin alright?
Speaking of Aqua... where's that guy been? He doin alright?
He will go silent every now and then pretty sure bro does too much and gets stretched pretty thin at times , good vibes up ur way @Aqua Man !

And @Bandit420 im all caught up here ! Love ur thread bro ! And off to the races we go ! Lol pur plants and me gonna watch a little supercrosss today , have a great weekend fellas
So what is your preferred method of aerating your water? The few discussions I've had with Aquaman tell me you can't dissolve oxygen into water unless the air oxygen ratio is higher than what's in the water. Even if you're able to somehow inject the oxygen into the water it would dissipate into the air trying to equalize.

I prefer a combination of witchcraft and voodoo along with a 17th century spell on how to manufacture rain. If I can't have that, then fluming. 😋

For real though, I run my water system much like a retention pond at a water treatment plant. I use a combo of fluming and pump. Only no fountain head and instead it's a UV lamp. But the fall back to the rez still collects oxygen.
IDK about all that air to water ration stuff. I just know what rain can do to plants. Makes them go bonkers. Stagnant pond water or 3 day old mud puddle water...not so much. So that's been my goal...manufactured and purified rain from the tap.😉



He will go silent every now and then pretty sure bro does too much and gets stretched pretty thin at times , good vibes up ur way @Aqua Man !

And @Bandit420 im all caught up here ! Love ur thread bro ! And off to the races we go ! Lol pur plants and me gonna watch a little supercrosss today , have a great weekend fellas

thanks for the kind words Moshmen!
I am so looking forward to sitting back and watching some racing this weekend! Cant' really disclose what I do for a living but August is the hardest month of the year and today is the last day of the hardest part of August. 🥳
Will be nice to relax again and spend more time with these plants and my family this weekend.🙂
Don't try this at home kiddos



IDK which is right...90 or 95 but in any language the translation is one hot AF grow room

The indicas don't like it at all but these are the cards that have been dealt.
Those satty haze ladies though...gobble this shit up and ask for more.

Breaking News Alert

We interrupt this grow diary update to bring you the following....
I'm gonna get the cloner out and clone the fuck out of these haze girls

We now return to the grow diary update already in progress



So I'm kinda thinking Project 421 really likes lobster and crab gumbo. She dropped her first root into the tub yesterday and caught up with the group over night.

View attachment IMG_5352.MOV

Seems I've also found a good use for all my old curing canisters too. They'll have a new life as DWC mini buckets 😋
IDK which is right...90 or 95 but in any language the translation is one hot AF grow room
I feel you man, some days my 4x4 was reaching 90-95... and i dont know why.
I took my carbon filter off recently and ive been topping out at 86-88, plamts seem to be ok. Its definitely not ideal in mid-late flower tho. 😕
I feel you man, some days my 4x4 was reaching 90-95... and i dont know why.
I took my carbon filter off recently and ive been topping out at 86-88, plamts seem to be ok. Its definitely not ideal in mid-late flower tho. 😕
If I was in flower the AC would be on but I'll never turn it on for vegging. They can deal with it and hold up. I've had outdoor plants grow at consistent high temps over 100 every day and do well as long as they got water every day.

We're in the middle of a brutal Summer. Getting close to 40 days straight over 100 and most days are 105-115. Sidewalks are over 150 in the Sun. With my room being fresh air dependant, it takes in that heat as well but at least the fans can cool it down to the 90s. A break in this weather can't happen soon enough though
If I was in flower the AC would be on but I'll never turn it on for vegging. They can deal with it and hold up. I've had outdoor plants grow at consistent high temps over 100 every day and do well as long as they got water every day.

We're in the middle of a brutal Summer. Getting close to 40 days straight over 100 and most days are 105-115. Sidewalks are over 150 in the Sun. With my room being fresh air dependant, it takes in that heat as well but at least the fans can cool it down to the 90s. A break in this weather can't happen soon enough though
My ac is on, but i have a dehu inside my 4x4 so until light comes on and i can open the door it sits like 86-88, lights on temp is actually lower than lights off... lol.

Im so glad i live where i live. I can barely deal with high 80s low 90s yet alone 105-110.
Thats dry heat tho right?
Some days are 95° and 80% humidity here, those are the days i struggle in every department lmao.
My ac is on, but i have a dehu inside my 4x4 so until light comes on and i can open the door it sits like 86-88, lights on temp is actually lower than lights off... lol.

Im so glad i live where i live. I can barely deal with high 80s low 90s yet alone 105-110.
Thats dry heat tho right?
Some days are 95° and 80% humidity here, those are the days i struggle in every department lmao.

It's dry for the most part unless there's a hurricane in the Gulf then it can get rather sporty.
I could bring in one of our swamp coolers and cool it down that way but we're already hitting the $500 mark on electricity running AC for the rest of the house. Yeah main AC and two portables plus two ice makers is why I don't cool down my g/room.
It sucks now but it's the trade off for very mild Winters. Spring and Fall are also wonderful seasons where we can leave doors and windows open and BBQ in shorts and flip flops on Christmas. But from Mid July thru mid September this weather can be lethal for a lot of people. Good thing about it though is it keeps the tourists away 😋

Once the roots hit the water it's game over man, game over.

(Just watched Aliens w my son the other night, sorry)

Haha great movie! I also like the Alien vs Predator movies.👽

Yeah the little hydro lady is looking like she's open for business now. She's had a positive response to everything I offer her. The other Haze as well.
I am glad I have some variety going here with strains and method. It's giving me some good input on this light. If this was all soil and all Oreoz who don't like this heat at all, I might think their struggle is due to the new light.

I am close to concluding the SS550 is the better light for starting plants though. One thing for sure with the 550, I never banged my head on it like I do with this big fucker when I get close to my plants 🤕
LOL! You need to patent that recipe and call it "Grow Room Gumbo"!

My take on temp hardiness is indicas will always prefer cooler temps as their original environment were cooler climes. Sativas usually come from hotter climates hence why they like hotter temps.
LOL! You need to patent that recipe and call it "Grow Room Gumbo"!

My take on temp hardiness is indicas will always prefer cooler temps as their original environment were cooler climes. Sativas usually come from hotter climates hence why they like hotter temps.
Maybe a good strategy is to plan your grows around your areas weather and the genetics you have available. I have both Sativa and Indica genetics along with hybrids. I plan on growing sativas from June to October and indicas and hybrids the rest of the year.
LOL! You need to patent that recipe and call it "Grow Room Gumbo"!

My take on temp hardiness is indicas will always prefer cooler temps as their original environment were cooler climes. Sativas usually come from hotter climates hence why they like hotter temps.
The science of nature cannot be changed no matter how many hybrids are out there. A few years of breeding will not change eons of acclimation.
Cold, very low RH, and thin oxygen can also be exploited in the room to get mountainous strains to sticky up better than average too
I've been waiting patiently for the opportunity to use these


And here it comes....


Been a few years so I wonder if I still have the mojo. Gonna use the same old baggie of kloning power too

clone 1.jpg

clone 2.jpg

clone 3.jpg

Kinda feeling like I should take these haze beyond this harvest as well since I don't do this often.
Maybe it's all this hydro nostalgia I'm feeling but a breeding project should probably happen too. Maybe a cross?
Haunted Bananas just seems like it should be a thing as I brainstorm the next steps to take 😵‍💫
The science of nature cannot be changed no matter how many hybrids are out there. A few years of breeding will not change eons of acclimation.
Cold, very low RH, and thin oxygen can also be exploited in the room to get mountainous strains to sticky up better than average too
I'm curious. Low RH means plants have to derive moisture almost exclusively from roots. Indicas typically come from these mountainous climates. Would that mean that root structure development in indicas are generally stronger and hardier due to their genetic makeup? Would this also say that sativas would benefit greatly if we worked on root development early in growth?

Also, would it be fair to say that, in general, sativas aren't as stinky as indicas due to temperature in their original regions? I'm guessing the higher temps would cook of some of the terps.
I'm curious. Low RH means plants have to derive moisture almost exclusively from roots. Indicas typically come from these mountainous climates. Would that mean that root structure development in indicas are generally stronger and hardier due to their genetic makeup? Would this also say that sativas would benefit greatly if we worked on root development early in growth?

Also, would it be fair to say that, in general, sativas aren't as stinky as indicas due to temperature in their original regions? I'm guessing the higher temps would cook of some of the terps.
You know how the product Great White got it's name? 😋
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