True Confessions of an American Outlaw

that's cool you got that male!!! and just one too!! that's kinda perfect...

i saw that tower in your last pic man and i thought wow that would be so cool to grow strawberries on. then i thought, i wonder if there are any wires, can it spin?!?!? that's so awesome man, we were thinking the same thing!!!!

fresh strawberries and cream for xmas!!!!

how do ya fill it? right down the top?

I'm also gonna turn my cloner into one of those aerogarden type things but bigger and beefier. Will try to grow romaine lettuce in that.:cool:

The tower has a fill hole in the rez..Also has a gas gauge that's pretty cool.
I already plumbed it to my liking with a bigger and better pump, bigger tubing made of polypro, and a shut off valve to dial in flow. The parts it came with were so underpowered and wonky it wasn't even funny. Only thing now is it don't trickle water anymore. Sounds like a full size water fountain when it's on!
Deal on it was pretty good though since I really just wanted it for that plastic.
Wheels will be here Sunday but it's already spinning....

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The spinner is even remote controlled and has various features about how fast to spin and other stuff. Cord will be ziptied to the body and hung from the ceiling so it won't wrap around it.
Pretty excited to play with it and continue the hydro stuff for food production. Trying to learn how to do it crash course style since I don't know much about growing hydro veggies, only that I know it can be done.
When the DWC ganja plant is done I want to put a cage trellis on it and convert it into a indoor gourmet cucumber planter. If these spinners are truly rated for 250lbs, it too will go on a spinner with wheels.
So yeah with this xtra footprint which I don't need for growing pot I really hope to have this room 2/3 organic soil grown weeds and 1/3 hydro food

I'm also gonna 3D print an R2D2 dome head for the tower.🤖
Speaking of 3D printing...Wait until you see what I've done to the VG!
I downloaded what you did but changed the hinge to the side instead of bottom. Well I was high AF when I did that so off the printer one wall was upside down and backwards. 🥴 It was nubs on nubs and holes on holes. So I was playing with it wondering what I did and then it all hit and I re-engineered the whole thing. Y'all are gonna trip!

Yeah I was shocked and very happy to see the male! Gotta a condom on him now but he's just about ready to pop. Some time tonight or tomorrow I bet he opens then I'll get surgical with his spooge and do a selective pollination then get him the fuck out of here. I cut off all his lower flowers too so only cola pollen will be used which is just how I like it

i can't wait to see that tower in action. the very first thing i noticed was the gas gauge!! wheels too... damn i can see it now.. rolling that thing into the bedroom, making your woman breakfast with fresh strawberries in bed for xmas morning!!!! hell yeah!!!!

i need to learn something from this, using extra space to grow food while the lights are on anyway...
i can't wait to see that tower in action. the very first thing i noticed was the gas gauge!! wheels too... damn i can see it now.. rolling that thing into the bedroom, making your woman breakfast with fresh strawberries in bed for xmas morning!!!! hell yeah!!!!

i need to learn something from this, using extra space to grow food while the lights are on anyway...
It just makes sense.
There's only so much weed I can smoke. Sitting on a couple lbs in the fridge and another crop on the way then another and another. I gotta squish just to clear the volume!
So yeah with an xtra 2'x4' footprint of valuable lighting might as well grow some snacks! And when the main is off then I can just use a single 550 to keep it going.
And yeah it'll be on wheels but don't think for a second my gears aint turning to make it RC so I can drive it around the house. 😋
I'm so excited about this project I started a new journal just for it.....
I know y’all are nascar junkies but my son sent me this today - they starting the F1 track in Vegas already
I'm also gonna turn my cloner into one of those aerogarden type things but bigger and beefier. Will try to grow romaine lettuce in that.:cool:

The tower has a fill hole in the rez..Also has a gas gauge that's pretty cool.
I already plumbed it to my liking with a bigger and better pump, bigger tubing made of polypro, and a shut off valve to dial in flow. The parts it came with were so underpowered and wonky it wasn't even funny. Only thing now is it don't trickle water anymore. Sounds like a full size water fountain when it's on!
Deal on it was pretty good though since I really just wanted it for that plastic.
Wheels will be here Sunday but it's already spinning....

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The spinner is even remote controlled and has various features about how fast to spin and other stuff. Cord will be ziptied to the body and hung from the ceiling so it won't wrap around it.
Pretty excited to play with it and continue the hydro stuff for food production. Trying to learn how to do it crash course style since I don't know much about growing hydro veggies, only that I know it can be done.
When the DWC ganja plant is done I want to put a cage trellis on it and convert it into a indoor gourmet cucumber planter. If these spinners are truly rated for 250lbs, it too will go on a spinner with wheels.
So yeah with this xtra footprint which I don't need for growing pot I really hope to have this room 2/3 organic soil grown weeds and 1/3 hydro food

I'm also gonna 3D print an R2D2 dome head for the tower.🤖
Speaking of 3D printing...Wait until you see what I've done to the VG!
I downloaded what you did but changed the hinge to the side instead of bottom. Well I was high AF when I did that so off the printer one wall was upside down and backwards. 🥴 It was nubs on nubs and holes on holes. So I was playing with it wondering what I did and then it all hit and I re-engineered the whole thing. Y'all are gonna trip!

Yeah I was shocked and very happy to see the male! Gotta a condom on him now but he's just about ready to pop. Some time tonight or tomorrow I bet he opens then I'll get surgical with his spooge and do a selective pollination then get him the fuck out of here. I cut off all his lower flowers too so only cola pollen will be used which is just how I like it

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fuckin brilliant hope I can remember this trick


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Foggy windows, soggy indos

Didn't realize my lens was fogged up so if I ever wanted to know what my room would look like filled with smoke or growing in the Bay Area..Now I know!
Will take clean pics tonight.


Spectramax has the chloroplasts of every plant under it in overdrive 😍




Only major thing to update really is Project 421 is toast. 🧨
Two more collapses and feeding went south. Burned her up on ferts and even with a 0ppm pure RO flush still kicked out over 1000ppm 3x (15 gallons) before she came back down to mid 600 range. By that time she looked like she had been in a fire.
Two branches fell to some weird wilt and I was done with it.
Might have been able to save her to some extent but I'm not gonna waste time trying to rehab a plant I wouldn't smoke anyways with that much fertilizer in her so she was cut from the herd and destroyed for insubordination. Inside of 5 days she took the greatest nosedive I've ever seen a plant take.
Maybe I try DWC again, IDK. Not into such high maintenance plants and every day it was something with her. It shoulda been a waterfarm as originally planned so maybe I do that at some point.
Gonna do an autopsy on the roots and rez and see what exactly happened.
The other ladies wasted no time filling her void and taking her space. Weeds are funny like that 😋
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Better run on pics after a defogging on my camera.
At that point in the grow to start watching for oil gushers so next update will be macros. Oreoz and Frozen Custard are smelling amazing and all the haze are turning it on.
Loving this grow right now!












New hauler rez design for my "Legend" edition vertical germinator.


ah fuck yeah man!!!!!! that is just over the top cool!!!

plants look killer too man, they all look happy and stacking nice!! sucks the 421 didn't finish out. a lot of work man, but at least you learned a bunch with the gumbo and that!!!

i couldn't believe we didn't see a creepy doll in the foggy pics!!! maybe a werewolf??? haha speaking of spooky, how is the haunted banana coming along? was the pollen viable?

that upgraded strawberry tower is so badass!! did you say that thing was on a remote control? :cool:
Coming to you live from the heart of prohibition country where we speak in code, walk between rain drops, and cultivate the grass that grows between the cracks!

Welcome to my personal trichome manufacturing plant! This year however, I'm expanding operations to include peppers, cukes, melons, and fancy flowers not for smoking.

I'm about a month into this project so it's time for some catching up.
Everything is 100% organic so no checking or meddling with pH, EC/TDS or any of that stuff. Soil volume and stripped down water chemistry is all that's required.
Really the only numbers I ever pay any attention to is room temp and RH and read the plants to adjust. I do have a EC meter but I only use it to make sure my RO system is working like it should.
My water is also UV purified, heavily oxygenated, and stored in the room in a 55 gallon barrel.
The room's temp/rh monitor also reads CO2 but it's not like I'm gonna add CO2 tanks or anything like that if the number is low. I prefer fresh air, lots of it, and moving it thru and out very fast. I can probably turn the air over in this room in less than 3 minutes. Also in regards to air, I use so many fans it's like an air blender in there. Bud rot does not stand a chance of setting in with how I run my air.

My main focus is always on roots. Focus on roots then everything green comes ez is my motto.
Coiling and compaction are my sworn enemy which is why I use airpots and my new creation..newsprint lined custom made netpots for vegging plants. + with airpots it's nearly impossible to overwater and by week 3 I'm usually watering daily.
Big believer in using microherds and keeping them happy and partying. When it comes time for flower they get upcanned into 7 gallon ribbed containers to ensure a huge gas tank of food for the duration. This operation is about as close to Just add water as it gets.

Lights are 3 blurple LED Sun simulators w/ UVB, 4000K, 3100K, & Pure PAR interchangeable supplement lights depending on stage of growth.
Soil is Roots 707 for starting seeds & veg then Roots Lush for flower. The Lush also gets a handful each of Uprising Foundation & Bloom dry blends and my liquid nutes are Liquid Fish and Seaweed and Roots Trinity. Microherds are Mycos+.

Everything for weed is the same for the veggies until it's time for them to go outside. From there they go into Earthboxes loaded with used but reconditioned ganja garden soils and cheaper peat based soils I find at the nursery. The Earthboxes (AKA SIP AKA Sub-Irrigated Planter) are also equipped with autowaterers for set it and forget gardening

The line up

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Command and control

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Sun simulators

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Going vertical

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The ole Head from BAMA that taught me how to walk when it comes to growing still gives me hell for adding C02. He swears by high volume air exchange and that he has never ran a dehumidifier and lives in the Dirty South. Swears he rarely adds A/C air from a lung room and only when it’s so hot he can’t even breathe.

There is definitely an art to doing it like this and you obviously know your shit! You could be the Art professor Bandit!!

My "Mentor" uses HPS single end not double in a hot lung room, no a/c, Too much$$ and I had to continue my own edumucation in cannabis growing. He tried outdoors this year but the "Mother Nature" heat gave him 2 1/2 3 1/2 ft. plants outdoors in 1 gal containers, poor old fuck chased 18 wheelers with good weed, cause he can't grow worth a dang! SSgrower
ah fuck yeah man!!!!!! that is just over the top cool!!!

plants look killer too man, they all look happy and stacking nice!! sucks the 421 didn't finish out. a lot of work man, but at least you learned a bunch with the gumbo and that!!!

i couldn't believe we didn't see a creepy doll in the foggy pics!!! maybe a werewolf??? haha speaking of spooky, how is the haunted banana coming along? was the pollen viable?

that upgraded strawberry tower is so badass!! did you say that thing was on a remote control? :cool:

Yeah ya win some and lose some. RIP 421!
Something weird though...After I took the whole plant down and left the trunk sitting in the bucket out on the back deck, the trunk guzzled down 3 gallons of the 5 gallons that was left in the bucket. Yet it had no leaves or anything to process the food but still took it up.
I definitely learned something about what this plant does with food and the deal with ginormous trunks. It's like a big ass suitcase full of nutes. That's a sort of alarm in my world. I'd rather see food used and processed out rather than stored like that. Good thing though is it is the trunk and not a part of the plant we smoke or use.
So I think I tuned into something about the way cannabis feeds there. Organics, they only take up what they need but hydro is force fed and what they don't use, they seem to store in the roots and trunk and get that bloat. At some point it seems that bloat unlocked and burned her up.

Pollination went as well as it could! I did two dustings over two nights and pretty sure I knocked up the haze in the earthbox. Not a lot though so I doubt the whole room got hit and using the bottle cover helped to dial into a small space and not let it spread. We'll see but I'd be surprised if I don't get at least a few dozen seeds.

Is AI allowed in the decorating contest? Cuz I got some ghosts up in here! Next update I'll have some real spooky shit to post up for Halloween👻

The ole Head from BAMA that taught me how to walk when it comes to growing still gives me hell for adding C02. He swears by high volume air exchange and that he has never ran a dehumidifier and lives in the Dirty South. Swears he rarely adds A/C air from a lung room and only when it’s so hot he can’t even breathe.

There is definitely an art to doing it like this and you obviously know your shit! You could be the Art professor Bandit!!


Many thanks for the kind words LJF!
Yep southern US ganja farming is way different than the rest of the country. There are a lot of hurdles to overcome!
I'm an outdoor grower by birth and adapted to grow indoors so I run my indoor as if it was outside. I welcome daily change in weather and atmosphere but must use all of these devices and controllers to keep it in bounds otherwise this climate will own the garden and force struggles and failures every step of the way.
One thing I'd like to do is change out my window unit air conditioner for another with a dehumidifier feature or maybe go to a portable with that feature. Typically don't need dehuey but recent storms that are kicking my exhaust's ass have me reconsidering.✌️

My "Mentor" uses HPS single end not double in a hot lung room, no a/c, Too much$$ and I had to continue my own edumucation in cannabis growing. He tried outdoors this year but the "Mother Nature" heat gave him 2 1/2 3 1/2 ft. plants outdoors in 1 gal containers, poor old fuck chased 18 wheelers with good weed, cause he can't grow worth a dang! SSgrower

Mother Nature is a harsh mistress trying to grow good pot in Texas. If I do go outdoors these days it's during the offseason with a very late grow or very early. While everybody is harvesting in September, I'm planting and then harvesting at Christmas. And while others are ass deep in snow, I'm out planting for a Winter grow and June harvest. Sounds ez until you add in freak ice storms, hurricanes, and thunderstorms with tornadoes!
And don't even get me started on the Summer caterpillars around here that are worse than any spider mite infestation!🤘
Same Dirty South head taught me to run High RH definitely more than the majority of growers would consider. Most think high RH will cause mold and mildew and I was nervous as hell when I went above 60%.

As always IMO the ladies performance and yield is greatly improved running high RH. However if attempting you damn well better have enough air circulation because neither mold nor mildew can form with a CAT1 typhoon in the grow room (not blowing on the plants) as well as a Dehuey that will take care of the insane RH spike at lights out so it doesn’t start raining in the damn room!
Yeah ya win some and lose some. RIP 421!
Something weird though...After I took the whole plant down and left the trunk sitting in the bucket out on the back deck, the trunk guzzled down 3 gallons of the 5 gallons that was left in the bucket. Yet it had no leaves or anything to process the food but still took it up.
I definitely learned something about what this plant does with food and the deal with ginormous trunks. It's like a big ass suitcase full of nutes. That's a sort of alarm in my world. I'd rather see food used and processed out rather than stored like that. Good thing though is it is the trunk and not a part of the plant we smoke or use.
So I think I tuned into something about the way cannabis feeds there. Organics, they only take up what they need but hydro is force fed and what they don't use, they seem to store in the roots and trunk and get that bloat. At some point it seems that bloat unlocked and burned her up.

Pollination went as well as it could! I did two dustings over two nights and pretty sure I knocked up the haze in the earthbox. Not a lot though so I doubt the whole room got hit and using the bottle cover helped to dial into a small space and not let it spread. We'll see but I'd be surprised if I don't get at least a few dozen seeds.

Is AI allowed in the decorating contest? Cuz I got some ghosts up in here! Next update I'll have some real spooky shit to post up for Halloween👻

Many thanks for the kind words LJF!
Yep southern US ganja farming is way different than the rest of the country. There are a lot of hurdles to overcome!
I'm an outdoor grower by birth and adapted to grow indoors so I run my indoor as if it was outside. I welcome daily change in weather and atmosphere but must use all of these devices and controllers to keep it in bounds otherwise this climate will own the garden and force struggles and failures every step of the way.
One thing I'd like to do is change out my window unit air conditioner for another with a dehumidifier feature or maybe go to a portable with that feature. Typically don't need dehuey but recent storms that are kicking my exhaust's ass have me reconsidering.✌️

Mother Nature is a harsh mistress trying to grow good pot in Texas. If I do go outdoors these days it's during the offseason with a very late grow or very early. While everybody is harvesting in September, I'm planting and then harvesting at Christmas. And while others are ass deep in snow, I'm out planting for a Winter grow and June harvest. Sounds ez until you add in freak ice storms, hurricanes, and thunderstorms with tornadoes!
And don't even get me started on the Summer caterpillars around here that are worse than any spider mite infestation!🤘
The ole head with 44 years under his belt PREACHED that with proper air exchange that he never worried about the dirty south humidity. I only grew a couple outdoor crops in Comifornia before I moved indoors. Thankfully BAMA thought my dumb jokes were funny back in my ICMAG days. Can I do better absolutely! But BAMA definitely has never steered me wrong and seems to know the answer when I am fucking up. 💯
Same Dirty South head taught me to run High RH definitely more than the majority of growers would consider. Most think high RH will cause mold and mildew and I was nervous as hell when I went above 60%.

As always IMO the ladies performance and yield is greatly improved running high RH. However if attempting you damn well better have enough air circulation because neither mold nor mildew can form with a CAT1 typhoon in the grow room (not blowing on the plants) as well as a Dehuey that will take care of the insane RH spike at lights out so it doesn’t start raining in the damn room!

I'm pretty much the opposite when it comes to RH🙃
I like it low and probably lower than many would like or recommend. 30s,40s, and nothing over 50% for me and I even consider 50 too high. Not to deter molds or mildew but to max out potency potential.
I kinda see my plants as oil wells and often sacrifice yield for potency and that low RH makes them spit trichs like crazy which increases the oil and potency. Ideally I want my plants to be more white than green or purple at the end.
There's a minimum acceptable return on yields for me but since nothing I grow is for sale, I'm looking for more resin than veg matter biomass in the buds and a low RH is a great way to get it.

Molds don't give me any issues other than extremely dense buds these lights create. Usually beer bottle size, hard as a rock, and very little deflation during the dry. Due to that density is why I go so over the top on air movement.
But yeah man that low RH gets them to transpire more water and in doing that makes them gush oil from nearly every part of the plants except for the roots 😋
Damnit Bandit!

Now you have me rethinking everything! Everything has to be dead nuts Perfect for me to get close to Redbull can sized buds. I definitely have absolutely no proof for the reasons why I do what I do besides the fact that it’s the way I learned. Now I’m insanely intrigued!

I know for a fact my equipment and controller will keep my little room whatever I tell it to. So since I’m a few days from FLIP I am going to message you about more details if that’s ok?

I'm pretty much the opposite when it comes to RH🙃
I like it low and probably lower than many would like or recommend. 30s,40s, and nothing over 50% for me and I even consider 50 too high. Not to deter molds or mildew but to max out potency potential.
I kinda see my plants as oil wells and often sacrifice yield for potency and that low RH makes them spit trichs like crazy which increases the oil and potency. Ideally I want my plants to be more white than green or purple at the end.
There's a minimum acceptable return on yields for me but since nothing I grow is for sale, I'm looking for more resin than veg matter biomass in the buds and a low RH is a great way to get it.

Molds don't give me any issues other than extremely dense buds these lights create. Usually beer bottle size, hard as a rock, and very little deflation during the dry. Due to that density is why I go so over the top on air movement.
But yeah man that low RH gets them to transpire more water and in doing that makes them gush oil from nearly every part of the plants except for the roots 😋
Would it work/be enough time, to drop to 40% or so on the last week, or two weeks ?
i can't wait to see that tower in action. the very first thing i noticed was the gas gauge!! wheels too... damn i can see it now.. rolling that thing into the bedroom, making your woman breakfast with fresh strawberries in bed for xmas morning!!!! hell yeah!!!!

i need to learn something from this, using extra space to grow food while the lights are on anyway...
I just gave in, to Reliant Energy, $380.00 electric this month I paid!!@#$!@# So I am figuring out how to "Incorporate" vegetables into my grows to help the Bill. I signed up for Balanced Billing and it hurt, estimated $250 a month which is a price I have rarely ever paid!! They raised the price per Kilowatt and now I can't retire, unless it's to a Nursing Home and lose my house?? Fuc;;'' that. Help!! SSgrower
I just gave in, to Reliant Energy, $380.00 electric this month I paid!!@#$!@# So I am figuring out how to "Incorporate" vegetables into my grows to help the Bill. I signed up for Balanced Billing and it hurt, estimated $250 a month which is a price I have rarely ever paid!! They raised the price per Kilowatt and now I can't retire, unless it's to a Nursing Home and lose my house?? Fuc;;'' that. Help!! SSgrower
Yeah man. My electric bill is over $400 in the winter months. Maybe not this year tho we will see i changed some stuff up hoping it will lessen heating costs. Electic heat gets expensive as fk.
Would it work/be enough time, to drop to 40% or so on the last week, or two weeks ?

Couldn't hurt IMO.
I start the low RH at week 1 of bloom and by the time I see cotton balls, I'm also wanting to see trichs on leaves.

Damnit Bandit!

Now you have me rethinking everything! Everything has to be dead nuts Perfect for me to get close to Redbull can sized buds. I definitely have absolutely no proof for the reasons why I do what I do besides the fact that it’s the way I learned. Now I’m insanely intrigued!

I know for a fact my equipment and controller will keep my little room whatever I tell it to. So since I’m a few days from FLIP I am going to message you about more details if that’s ok?


Message received!
So I learned about basic room control and air exchange from old how to grow books and manuals. I think the basic outline was room temps at 75, RH at 50%, and complete air exchange every 5 minutes.
It worked well but not good enough due to the climate I deal with and that's what got me going online and looking at others' grows to better dial in my own grow.
Two things began to stand out from what I saw with growers in Hawaii and Colorado. Hawaiian outdoor grows were super lush and indoor Colorado mountain grows were super frosty.

From there I took the basics of cannabis in that it's really not that special or unique in the fact that it's just a Spring germinating, Summer growing, Fall blooming annual that goes dormant in Winter. Only real unique thing is that it's phototropic and has an incredible zeal to reproduce but at the end of the day it's basic annual gardening like growing pumpkins or something like that.

So I figure take that info on the plant, give it a room that simulates a Hawaiian Summer for veg and a Colorado Rockies Fall for bloom, I'm gonna get very close to what I'm looking for at harvest.
To do that meant going outside the lines of what I thought was mandatory in the old 75*F-50% RH I read in books.
For me, 85*F and 40% was the sweet spot with a gradual decline in temps each week during bloom until ripening. The cooler and drier air toward the end, the better so at harvest I'm wanting low 70s and low 40sRH, high 30sRH during lights on, low to mid 60s temps at lights out.

To achieve that in this location is not ez at all. It's a balancing act bringing in outside air, changing it's temp, and reducing it's RH.
Combine that with the 400+ BTUs of heat produced by lights and the water transpiration of the plants raising RH it becomes something like a circus or ballet.
Ideally I need a cold source of fresh or CO2 laden air, various sized fans blowing at various CFMs from floor to ceiling, speed control on intake and exhaust, and controllers and monitors to keep it all in balance trying to create Hawaiian and Coloradan environment.

Every day brings a new variable especially being outside air dependent. Combine that with the plants size and number of them, every day the room has environmental swings but kept within boundaries set by me and the devices.

Here's a walk thru on my environment right now as it's in Winter grow op mode.
This week is cold and rainy outside. Mid 40s and 80% RH

Here's my fresh air intake. An ACI hepa filter box with a coaxial fan on a speed controller and set using a day night thermostat.
Air that cold only needs to trickle into the room so no need for a powerful inline here. 20-40 CFM is more than enough on the cold intake


With the filter box and CFM control, that 44*F 80% RH outside air is transformed to 69*F and 48% RH.
I like to call this free air conditioning.


That intake fan is on a day night thermostat so if this air gets too cold it will shut down the intake and let the room warm up


Once the cold air is inside it's mixed with heat from the lights, humidity from the plants, and ambient available CO2 provided by people and pets living in this home.

There's a total of five 6" fans, one 8" inline on the lights, dual exhaust at 6" and 4", one 16" wall mount fan, and one 22" ceiling fan mixing up the air in this 10'x10' room.
After the blend I'm right in the wheelhouse of where I want to be at week 4 of flower but I wouldn't mind seeing the RH maybe 3 to 5 points lower.

As these plants begin to slow on water uptake that RH will dip so I'm not gonna fuss with it and try to perfect it.
If it was high 50s or above I'd increase exhaust CFM to tamp it down.


After the air is blended there's inner variables at play. Temps and RH, like lighting, has sweet spots within the room and I can tell this by taking temps of the plants, both off leaves and flowers using a laser thermometer and temps will range anywhere from mid 70s to low 80s.

Next, I take those numbers and compare it to what I see the plants doing and that's how I identify the sweet spots in the garden footprint and if my settings are in a good range.
I'm looking for one thing here and that's early frost. If I see fan leaves with resin on them it's telling me my room is performing even with variable flex in environment and at the end if I keep these plants lush and healthy, is gonna be some fine smoke.
I'm getting that so I'm feeling groovy about where this grow is going for me


At the end if these plants come anywehre close to specimens like these I'm gonna be very happy. I'll have the potency I'm wanting and a more than acceptable yield from these OG Kush variants and a really nice haul from the larger haze plants in the crop


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Yeah man. My electric bill is over $400 in the winter months. Maybe not this year tho we will see i changed some stuff up hoping it will lessen heating costs. Electic heat gets expensive as fk.
Change your LED's to HID/HPS lights and get both PPFD and heat to warm up the house at the same time!!! ;)
All I can say is WOW! You have definitely dialed your grow in and probably only spend 1/2 of what I do on keeping the environment dialed in. I definitely know for a fact that even my LED lights, Mini Split, and Dehuey seem to always be fighting each other to keep the grow area at what the controller is set to.

If it gets above 86F the lights start dimming.

The Dehuey creates heat that the Mini Split fights against.

The mini split tries to keep the temp down which creates a higher RH.

It seriously seems as if they are conflicting each other and running way too much to keep the parameters I have set in the controller. Hopefully someday I will figure out a happy medium or perhaps the controller will get a software update and be smarter than me and not allow me to the set environment parameters that are so expensive to try and keep.
All I can say is WOW! You have definitely dialed your grow in and probably only spend 1/2 of what I do on keeping the environment dialed in. I definitely know for a fact that even my LED lights, Mini Split, and Dehuey seem to always be fighting each other to keep the grow area at what the controller is set to.

If it gets above 86F the lights start dimming.

The Dehuey creates heat that the Mini Split fights against.

The mini split tries to keep the temp down which creates a higher RH.

It seriously seems as if they are conflicting each other and running way too much to keep the parameters I have set in the controller. Hopefully someday I will figure out a happy medium or perhaps the controller will get a software update and be smarter than me and not allow me to the set environment parameters that are so expensive to try and keep.
The madness of grow room design. Having two essential pieces of equipment that constantly fight each other.
Better run on pics after a defogging on my camera.
At that point in the grow to start watching for oil gushers so next update will be macros. Oreoz and Frozen Custard are smelling amazing and all the haze are turning it on.
Loving this grow right now!

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New hauler rez design for my "Legend" edition vertical germinator.

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what's that tiny little carbon filter for?! thing looks like it's maybe 10" long lol
All I can say is WOW! You have definitely dialed your grow in and probably only spend 1/2 of what I do on keeping the environment dialed in. I definitely know for a fact that even my LED lights, Mini Split, and Dehuey seem to always be fighting each other to keep the grow area at what the controller is set to.

If it gets above 86F the lights start dimming.

The Dehuey creates heat that the Mini Split fights against.

The mini split tries to keep the temp down which creates a higher RH.

It seriously seems as if they are conflicting each other and running way too much to keep the parameters I have set in the controller. Hopefully someday I will figure out a happy medium or perhaps the controller will get a software update and be smarter than me and not allow me to the set environment parameters that are so expensive to try and keep.

Thanks man and yep it's a challenge!
Winter growing is so much easier and less expensive to operate. Everything is set by temps and it's so ez to dial in but in Summer most things are set on timers and that's where the environment can get real sporty on me.

I'm pretty stubborn on dehueys because of that heat produced by large units.
An over powered exhaust IMO is a better option at least for me. There's also passive dehueys and I'm considering a DIY version for stretches of rainy days that overwhelm my exhaust.
But yeah I think a basic 4" exhaust at around 250CFM is the minimum for my room but I run a 6" and 4" at opposite ends of the room with a total of 600CFM all in the name of extracting humidity.

what's that tiny little carbon filter for?! thing looks like it's maybe 10" long lol

Air scrubber!
Dust has been an issue with my room for years so last year I did several things to mitigate it.
One is that air scrubber. Just an inline 4" and carbon filter with no duct, just hanging there scrubbing the air. I also use it in my drying tent.
I also added the hepa filter box on intake and a custom filter on the back end of my light cooling fan.
Air scrubber!
Dust has been an issue with my room for years so last year I did several things to mitigate it.
One is that air scrubber. Just an inline 4" and carbon filter with no duct, just hanging there scrubbing the air. I also use it in my drying tent.
I also added the hepa filter box on intake and a custom filter on the back end of my light cooling fan.
Fair enough but it sure does seem like the exhaust from my Quest Dehuey is making the Mini Split work harder to cool the fairly warm exhaust as well. I have almost 2’ of extra height now so hopefully all the heat hangs out in the 2’ above the lights? The Dehuey is also hung over 7’ high now instead of sitting on a 2’ shelf above the floor.

I am definitely having to redial everything in again with all the changes I made on my insanely long remodel to fix everything that pissed me off after growing in the room for several years.

Fair enough but it sure does seem like the exhaust from my Quest Dehuey is making the Mini Split work harder to cool the fairly warm exhaust as well. I have almost 2’ of extra height now so hopefully all the heat hangs out in the 2’ above the lights? The Dehuey is also hung over 7’ high now instead of sitting on a 2’ shelf above the floor.

I am definitely having to redial everything in again with all the changes I made on my insanely long remodel to fix everything that pissed me off after growing in the room for several years.

Yes the dehu will make the ac work because it gives off heat.
If you are having trouble you did not have before think about moving air around more. Take into consideration the way you had things before and now. See if you can figure why it worked before and you are having trouble now.
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