Welcome to the Cave of Daily Mishaps

You got some serious chops bro. Your skills are impressive G$! Glad you are here bro and I've enjoyed getting to know you better 👊

What a great bunch of awesome growers we have assembled here. My apologies for all those who I have not had time to visit and keep up on your threads. Now, I'm so far behind I'll never catch up but will take bites out of that elephant as time passes. Thanks to all for your amazing contributions to this home of ours....ya'all frickin rock!

I love this place, super proud of what we all have done here.
You got some serious chops bro. Your skills are impressive G$! Glad you are here bro and I've enjoyed getting to know you better 👊

What a great bunch of awesome growers we have assembled here. My apologies for all those who I have not had time to visit and keep up on your threads. Now, I'm so far behind I'll never catch up but will take bites out of that elephant as time passes. Thanks to all for your amazing contributions to this home of ours....ya'all frickin rock!

I love this place, super proud of what we all have done here.

Thanks man, i appreciate the kind words, these past 2 grows have been flukes man, or im getting better finally lol.

Im glad that Moe.Red reached out and invited me over, i wouldn't wanna be anywhere else this place is awesome and full of some really great people!

I can't wait to dip my feet in hydro because the hydro people here are some of the best ive seen.
Popped up like 2 weeks ago, i fed it 5tbsp 7-3-1 bat guano, 20ml of 1-4-5 botanicare pureblend pro bloom, and 3ml calmag.
Its been given the botanicare and calmag like 3 times now.
It does look like Phosphorus def.
Ill keep an eye on it, it doesn't seem to be progressing after i fed it a few times so i may have fixed it.
Ill keep giving it a dose of the 1-4-5 once a week for another 2 weeks and see where im at as its all i have right now lol.
Look who's diagnosing weed issues Dr. Dank! 😀

You said you'd gotten lucky the last 2 runs or maybe you've finally got the hang of it. I'm going with the latter..........
Haha thanks, im starting to pay more attention to what the plants do and how they react.

I also switched to promix these last 2 grows, i think i was just fighting with precharged soil and now that thats out of the way things have been way easier to diagnose, and fix too.
I'm gonna try for less colas next run so I can get some big ol' hogdogs like that. Gorgeous.
I'm gonna try for less colas next run so I can get some big ol' hogdogs like that. Gorgeous.
Thats just how she grows man, this is the second run with her and i feel like in a scrog she would put out some serious weight with the size buds she produces.

2 of the 5 tops are 9-10 inches if just bud, its beautiful🤩

If i scrog again, itll be with this pheno for sure.
Thats just how she grows man, this is the second run with her and i feel like in a scrog she would put out some serious weight with the size buds she produces.

2 of the 5 tops are 9-10 inches if just bud, its beautiful🤩

If i scrog again, itll be with this pheno for sure.
Yes. A net will multiply your joy.
Tried it 3 times and failed miserably so im not in any rush to try again.
Even with the help of CG i still fucked it up.
I still don't get that. All the growing parameters are the same as far as the plant itself. All your doing by netting them is exposing more of the plant to light.
I still don't get that. All the growing parameters are the same as far as the plant itself. All your doing by netting them is exposing more of the plant to light.
I dont get it is all. Every time ive tried i get literally zero stretch and end up with 1 or 2 inches of bud....
Not worth it at that rate.
Also have no idea how tall of a plant i need to have going in.
And 1/2-1" node spacing definitely didnt help...
Depending on plant count I put them under net when their branches spread out and occupy around half the assigned grow area on the net. In a 4 x 4 that means each plant has a 1' x 1' area it needs to fill out if I have 4 plants in there. This should allow for stretch along with some vertical growth.
Depending on plant count I put them under net when their branches spread out and occupy around half the assigned grow area on the net. In a 4 x 4 that means each plant has a 1' x 1' area it needs to fill out if I have 4 plants in there. This should allow for stretch along with some vertical growth.
Yeah idk. I just suck at it so i stick to what im good at. Just another reason i grow in soil. Its kinda hard to fuck it up lol.
Lmao all this knowledge and you fuck up soil?? How??

I wouldn't even try the shit you do man.
Your grow style is totally wild to me.
haha that's the problem. i don't know how i do it, i just do. i have never had a successful grow in soil indoors. ever. even the one peat moss run i did was a bumpy ride.

hell, i can barely keep house plants alive. i've killed at least three snake plants, two calatheas, am in the process of successfully killing a palm tree. luckily pothos and spider plants like neglect so they are hobbling along haha
haha that's the problem. i don't know how i do it, i just do. i have never had a successful grow in soil indoors. ever. even the one peat moss run i did was a bumpy ride.

hell, i can barely keep house plants alive. i've killed at least three snake plants, two calatheas, am in the process of successfully killing a palm tree. luckily pothos and spider plants like neglect so they are hobbling along haha
Man idk, switching to peat was the best decision ive made so far.
Its so simple, i just feed them cal mag and 1-4-5 botanicare every watering and the occasional 7-3-1 bat guano and all is good mostly. Deficiencies are easier to fix compared to a precharged soil too.
Man idk, switching to peat was the best decision ive made so far.
Its so simple, i just feed them cal mag and 1-4-5 botanicare every watering and the occasional 7-3-1 bat guano and all is good mostly. Deficiencies are easier to fix compared to a precharged soil too.
It's crazy how some people can't get to harvest using the simplest method but they're highly successful with the most complicated!! 🤣
It's crazy how some people can't get to harvest using the simplest method but they're highly successful with the most complicated!! 🤣
For real dude. I would bust holes in the wall with how often id be beating my head against it trying to grow the @tobh way lol.
It's crazy how some people can't get to harvest using the simplest method but they're highly successful with the most complicated!! 🤣
i was gonna make some dark humor as a response to this but decided against it. tbh, i'm a control freak so more complicated methods are great because i am in control of every detail. soil, on the other hand, puts a whole lot of that control into some kind of weird not-real-until-it-is state and by the time it becomes real, it's too late to fix it with any kind of expedience.
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