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fwiw i chased my tail for two solid grows on a calcium deficiency. the qb board LEDs i use are overpowered for my space and i thought it was P lockout because I was also having pH issues, but dialed the lights back, it went away and when i bumped up the part A (carries the calcium in my nutrient line) and brought em back up, no more spots. two fucking grows man. at the rate that i run grows, that's like a solid year lol
Don't feel bad bro. I went from running cobs to boards and went kinda nuts waaaaaay overpowering my space. Needless to say that I figured out the difference between deficiencies and just to much damn light. I was amazed at just how different it was from cobs to boards. Took me a whole grow and half of the next grow chasing my tail with what i thought were deficiencies for no reason other than light stress.....
Don't feel bad bro. I went from running cobs to boards and went kinda nuts waaaaaay overpowering my space. Needless to say that I figured out the difference between deficiencies and just to much damn light. I was amazed at just how different it was from cobs to boards. Took me a whole grow and half of the next grow chasing my tail with what i thought were deficiencies for no reason other than light stress.....
same!! haha glad i wasn't the only one. cobs were the shit for a long time, but the qb boards man.... they're a learning curve in of themselves. took a while to figure out "oh shit, dumbass. they CAN'T take that 50k lux you're throwing at them."
Maybe someday I'll get there. I was quick to diagnose my plant early with a Mag deficiency but didn't run into another problem until last week. I just did a nute change and it doesn't seem to have progressed 🙄
Just takes a few runs to start to understand what the leaves are telling you. It gets confusing sometimes because the same symptom can be 5 different things. That's where careful observation and, even better, notation will get you into Dr. Dank territory!
then grow a fuckin sativa and get some patience lol
Ive got a sour thats pushing 14 weeks since flip.
Last Strawberry cough pheno i grew was 16 weeks and i killed it at 8 weeks 2 of the 3 times i grew it cause i didnt have patience for 16 weeks of flower on plants that were gonna yeild maybe an ounce and a half each.
This was the phosphorus deficient plant, the old growth is damaged and the new growth is nice and healthy and the stems are starting to go back to nice green instead of purple. So glad im finally getting a better grasp on my plants.
For shits and giggles. I like the pheno and didnt get a clone some how so gonna try to reveg this View attachment 20494
It should reveg just fine, don't chop anything else and keep it under 18+ light hours.

It'll be a hormonal bush in some weekst

once you see new growth get rid of the buds, they started to rot on me when i had revegged outside once.
You ain't kidding! Nice and healthy!
Was giving it 1-0-0 calmag and 1-4-5 botanicare bloom for a couple waterings cause i had a calmag and phosphorus deficiency but she bounced right back super quick. Its a super easy pheno to grow thats why i keep it around.

i have a different pheno of this same strain and ive had so many issues with it that this is my last run with it even tho its wicked sour and pungent. Plus it has the variegation going on and although its cool to look at, i dont like it lol
What's the official breed? Is it a true sour or is it crossed? I always wondered, with all the crossbreeding done, if the difference between cultivars like that is in the stabilization? I've also experienced what you have where you're using all the same techniques you did on your last successful harvest but, for some reason. this cultivar wants to act like a punk ass bitch being all finicky and dramatic.

Too little water. Too much water. Too little nutrient. Too much nutrient.....

BITCH! Make up your mind!!!

I guess we shouldn't be surprised.....you know how women get....."Ohhhh, it's too cold! Ohhhhh, it's too hot! WAAAAAHHH! 🤣

Just playin' Ladies!🤣
What's the official breed? Is it a true sour or is it crossed? I always wondered, with all the crossbreeding done, if the difference between cultivars like that is in the stabilization? I've also experienced what you have where you're using all the same techniques you did on your last successful harvest but, for some reason. this cultivar wants to act like a punk ass bitch being all finicky and dramatic.

Too little water. Too much water. Too little nutrient. Too much nutrient.....

BITCH! Make up your mind!!!

I guess we shouldn't be surprised.....you know how women get....."Ohhhh, it's too cold! Ohhhhh, it's too hot! WAAAAAHHH! 🤣

Just playin' Ladies!🤣
Its Real Sour crossed with Wedding Cake, i got it from trustfall at the farm...
Seed plant shot balls all over but the clones have been good to me lol.

I kept the first 2 phenos i grew cause i couldn't deside which one i liked better.
One puts out weight, strong sour terps terps, and an ok flavor while the other one puts out strong sour terps, good flavor but less weight. I kept the one that puts out weight because thats really what i need.

Gonna pop 2 more beans soon cause i need to find a stable pheno of it. This one starts to nanner at week 12 of flower out of 14 so its not terrible but i dont like the nanners.
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