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Another thought. Since we're strangling them at lights out would that be considered a stressor?
potentially, albeit a minor one. since they're not photosynthesizing i'm not sure the stress would be terribly significant given the acute application of it.

in other words, stress may not be the right term for it.
So stressors are best implemented while photosynthesis is occuring?
imo, yeah. that's when the plant is converting food into sugars, so stressors will have a higher impact during that time than during their dark cycle when they're not really doing anything other than dumping a shit ton of moisture.

similar to how we gain muscle. if we really want to get super lean and strong, we've gotta have a spike in caloric intake then go do something intensive to the point of muscle failure to see results. at least, that's how my logic has aligned it. i'm no horticulturist though and this is entirely bro-science, so take it with a grain of salt. i've not done any research on the timing of stressors with respect to light cycles in photosensitive plants.
er, no direct research. in crop steering the dry back that happens at night is one of the larger levers one manipulates to influence the plant.

dry backs create drought conditions, which translates to a stressor on the plant. but that stressor is likely only actively causing stress during the lights on period. at least, metabolically speaking.
A few things about a scrog.
Your plants need to be four to six inches taller than your table prior to being “on scrog”
You know the answer already to the problem you encountered. Trellis netting stretches. You want that top tight and heavy enough to hold the limb below it prior to stretch.
Never tuck a scrog. You can in the first week stretch it out, meaning taking the limb from a hole and allowing more room for length. Continuing after that only shortens your stretch. The idea is to start with the entire limb stretched below the table top and allow it to find its way.
We are not just making a pretty grow, we are exposing every single node on the limb to become a main cola.
I feel like two plants in a two x two on scrog is just too much, and it will change your growing experience. These ladies get big and heavy.
You must also be able to defoliate to the point that both light and air can penetrate your top.
You more than likely can pull more bud with one plant, than squeezing in two where neither will be able to be at a full performance.
A few things about a scrog.
Your plants need to be four to six inches taller than your table prior to being “on scrog”
You know the answer already to the problem you encountered. Trellis netting stretches. You want that top tight and heavy enough to hold the limb below it prior to stretch.
Never tuck a scrog. You can in the first week stretch it out, meaning taking the limb from a hole and allowing more room for length. Continuing after that only shortens your stretch. The idea is to start with the entire limb stretched below the table top and allow it to find its way.
We are not just making a pretty grow, we are exposing every single node on the limb to become a main cola.
I feel like two plants in a two x two on scrog is just too much, and it will change your growing experience. These ladies get big and heavy.
You must also be able to defoliate to the point that both light and air can penetrate your top.
You more than likely can pull more bud with one plant, than squeezing in two where neither will be able to be at a full performance.
Yeah i think i got this much figured out finally lol. Before i really didnt have a clue and was just 100% wingin' it.
Sounds like its time to put that Mendels Aether x GDP in a 1 gal pot and get her ready to get smahsed.

Sorry for the confusion yall, i have 2 strains here i want to scrog, just one at a time lol. A 2x2 is too small of a space to try and scrog 2 plants, im right there with ya on that lol.

The next one i wanna scrog is the real sour i have cause it grows long soda can sized colas and i think itd produce well on scrog.
Some people get fixated with their top being exact all across the table. I’m not. Three different plants in a 5x5 and all had different heights and sizes of bud. I prefer two in the 5x5. Three was pushing it!IMG_1322.jpeg
Some people get fixated with their top being exact all across the table. I’m not. Three different plants in a 5x5 and all had different heights and sizes of bud. I prefer two in the 5x5. Three was pushing it!View attachment 24302
I have the other half of that screen so maybe ill stick that in there at stretch to catch the top of the buds
bit jealous about that temp and RH. my shit is currently at 71F and 89% RH. gotta figure out where to collect the drainage from the dehuey so it can just keep running and help on both accords. #basementlyfe
bit jealous about that temp and RH. my shit is currently at 71F and 89% RH. gotta figure out where to collect the drainage from the dehuey so it can just keep running and help on both accords. #basementlyfe
Well that 78° is only recent lol. For the last 3 months its been 70-72° and 60-67% rh. But then i shut my ac off cause it cooled off ao now the temps came back up.

I set my highs on the controller and turn the lows off cause if its low in the tent, my lung room is low too so no sense in running the lows ever.

I have to run a dehu IN my 4x4 during the spring/summer/fall months or i run 80%+ during lights off so i usually end up running 3 plants in the 4x4 all summer so that hurts too lol.
gotta figure out where to collect the drainage
Any way you could have it drain into an 18 gallon tote outside the tent with a sump pump on a float to carry the water off?
Well that 78° is only recent lol. For the last 3 months its been 70-72° and 60-67% rh. But then i shut my ac off cause it cooled off ao now the temps came back up.

I set my highs on the controller and turn the lows off cause if its low in the tent, my lung room is low too so no sense in running the lows ever.

I have to run a dehu IN my 4x4 during the spring/summer/fall months or i run 80%+ during lights off so i usually end up running 3 plants in the 4x4 all summer so that hurts too lol.
that's always been my struggle too. i just can't sacrifice the floor space for the dehuey. so, they deal and i compensate by making it a fuckin wind tunnel in the tent lol mold can't grow if the air is super turbulent (so says me)
that's always been my struggle too. i just can't sacrifice the floor space for the dehuey. so, they deal and i compensate by making it a fuckin wind tunnel in the tent lol mold can't grow if the air is super turbulent (so says me)
I got mildew back to back so now im terrified of humidity over 40% in flower🤣
Any way you could have it drain into an 18 gallon tote outside the tent with a sump pump on a float to carry the water off?
funny you mention that. i was looking at the res for my dutch bucket system and thought, hmm. i could plus the drain to that, and get another pump and enough flex pipe to run out the door, just have to drain it once a day to avoid the flood.

great minds think alike.
funny you mention that. i was looking at the res for my dutch bucket system and thought, hmm. i could plus the drain to that, and get another pump and enough flex pipe to run out the door, just have to drain it once a day to avoid the flood.

great minds think alike.
I try to make things from what i have laying around and thats stuff i have laying around collecting dust so id put it to use lol.

I've thought about drilling a hole in my closet floor, running a hose down and just letting my dehu drip under my trailer so i dont have to dump a bucket twice a day.
I try to make things from what i have laying around and thats stuff i have laying around collecting dust so id put it to use lol.

I've thought about drilling a hole in my closet floor, running a hose down and just letting my dehu drip under my trailer so i dont have to dump a bucket twice a day.
i would 1000% not do that. you'll end up with a mold factory man. at least put a solid line running out to a short french drain that's not under the trailer. shit, you could easily make one out of 3/4" pipe. just remember to pull it out when you move your trailer haha
i would 1000% not do that. you'll end up with a mold factory man. at least put a solid line running out to a short french drain that's not under the trailer. shit, you could easily make one out of 3/4" pipe. just remember to pull it out when you move your trailer haha
Thats the reason i havent done it yet lol.
I could totally leave whatever cause this thing isnt going anywhere lol. I dont have the title🤣🤣🤣
Just built a "scrog table" View attachment 24142
Used an old camp chair that was busted and half of an old crib frame🤣🤣

Gonna try this shit one more time @CannaGranny

Gotta clean this tent and pop a bean for in here, then a few weeks later ill smash it.
Glad you did it. Get some jarred. Backup plan for when shit goes wrong. Wasn’t sure about the camp chair but now I see it 👍.
I gotta say the lawn chair scrog net is pretty genius! Was it Zen that dried his plant by leaving the scrog net on and just turning it upside down?🧐
Guilty, but stole that idea from CG hanging table.

One of the best things about this site is how we share and modify things to meet our needs. A suggestion that doesn’t work for me might be perfect for another with a similar issue.

I’d love to buy or maintain a perfect greenhouse or lab but I like heat and food more. 😝 The safe and reasonable DIY or substitutions are what really save me $$$.

I’m of the school no dumb questions.
it's doable though! there's no reason you can't with proper environment and plant control.
I keep telling him if I can do it he can. If I’m limping over the finish line he should be able to hurtle it. 🤣
It’s not like he doesn’t have support if he needs/wants it. 🤷‍♂️

This time of year…he’s got this. 👍
I keep telling him if I can do it he can. If I’m limping over the finish line he should be able to hurtle it. 🤣
It’s not like he doesn’t have support if he needs/wants it. 🤷‍♂️

This time of year…he’s got this. 👍
You got a whole lot of faith in this lazy ass stoner.....
This is attempt 4 and im not holding out much hope
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