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Get a Financial Life should be mandatory reading at 10th grade. Unfortunately, it's not and I'm teaching my 50 year old sister about financial wellness and trying to get her on a fast track to building SOMETHING so in 20 years she MIGHT be able to quit working the minimum wage front desk hotel or gas station manager level jobs.

$20/hr these days is... dismal. Having even $100 extra after everything is paid while living as cheap as possible in a LCOL area is doing good, not the norm, and it has nothing to do with money management. Inflation is fucking people, especially those without high salaries or alternative sources of income, or illicit revenue streams. It's a cascading effect.

I digress.

Even $10/month into SPY would built something. Sure the returns would be laughable at $0.11 or so, but reinvest it and that $120/year will become something respectable, especially when the rebound happens... fuck. those that are getting in now (kicking myself not buying okta on friday... fuck) will get set right. that's the problem though. feast and famine, when it's been famine for a minute and the famine gets worse and you should get ready to feast... no resource to do such.

nah my guy. you got people that are gonna drag your ass to the finish line, in comfort if we have anything to say about it lol. why don't you consider taking some classes while you're down and out? you're smart enough, i'd take you on as a junior dev if I had that power at this moment. come to the dark side. sit on your ass, stare at a computer screen for eight hours, get fucked up after. anyone can learn to write the shitty ass code that runs these "state of the art" platforms we all use these days. it's a multi-trillion dollar pie, get your piece man!

pawned by SRV ibanez and crate tube amp (painted with stencils I cut myself), and barely managed to em both back. Those pawn fucks are fierce... They say 60 days full repayment plus interest but your shits on the floor at day 29. Fuckin sharks man.

Bought some ETH almost a month ago. It finally broke my buy in and I'm $100+ up on price. Hopefully the momentum continues and it hits my sell markup but I don't see it hitting that price for another week or so. I could cash out now and be in the black but more times than not when I've done that I kick myself for not being patient and letting the market drive it up to my markup. It's hard trusting your charts even if they've been successful. The market does weird things at weird times for weird reasons. I can usually gauge an assets movement through news events but lately it's been hit and miss. Next year, with the election, it's going to get super volatile. Perfect for us investors that are looking for prices where they shouldn't be and stock bargains brought on by emotional sellers to add to the portfolio.

Anyone but this guy 🙋🏻🙋🏻
I look at a computer and it stops working. Not even kidding dude. I have a 1300 dollar computer, i watch tv on it....
I'll just say this. You couldn't grow for shit before you met up with this crew. Now your slinging seed pops and advice to newbs like you've been at it for years.

You can do it.

Fear. One of the biggest impediments to success. Be fearless. Go in KNOWING you're going to succeed. If you go in doing it just to go through the motions and see if it works you've already failed. PREPARE for success. Success won't go looking for you. YOU got to go find it. If you fail learn from it and try again. Winners are those that have learned the most from their failures.

Sorry about sounding like a fortune cookie but I learned that lesson from a surf coach that was trying to get me into big wave surfing. Once I stopped being afraid of it I actually enjoyed that feeling of uncertainty because I knew whatever happened I'd learn a valuable lesson that would help me in life and test me to see if I was ready to succeed or I needed to keep training.
I'll just say this. You couldn't grow for shit before you met up with this crew. Now your slinging seed pops and advice to newbs like you've been at it for years.

You can do it.

Fear. One of the biggest impediments to success. Be fearless. Go in KNOWING you're going to succeed. If you go in doing it just to go through the motions and see if it works you've already failed. PREPARE for success. Success won't go looking for you. YOU got to go find it. If you fail learn from it and try again. Winners are those that have learned the most from their failures.

Sorry about sounding like a fortune cookie but I learned that lesson from a surf coach that was trying to get me into big wave surfing. Once I stopped being afraid of it I actually enjoyed that feeling of uncertainty because I knew whatever happened I'd learn a valuable lesson that would help me in life and test me to see if I was ready to succeed or I needed to keep training.
I have this problem where I have a hard time grasping new concepts. Its taken 5 years of growing to get where i am now. Failed, failed, failed, and failed some more until i started all over and told myself i was going to get it right.
You definitely learn the most from mistakes/failures.
I just dont know how to get started into something i know nothing about. So sales and computer stuff is like chinese writing to me.
I couldnt even figure out how to convert iphone pictures and videos so i could put them on an external hard drive... had my FIL log in to my compuer from his house in Maine and he did it all from his couch.
Computer stuff really makes me angry, thats why i use my phone for everything. I even type and adjust files and shit on this thing. If i use my computer i wanna punch and smash it. 😤

I just found out my wife is going to start working overnights 8pm-4am so ill be able to work full time during the week and school wont intefere anymore so im thinking full time warehouse position again, they pay well.
Maybe ill go work a dispensary or head shop lol. They dont open til like 11:00 around here🤣🤣
I have this problem where I have a hard time grasping new concepts. Its taken 5 years of growing to get where i am now. Failed, failed, failed, and failed some more until i started all over and told myself i was going to get it right.
You definitely learn the most from mistakes/failures.
I just dont know how to get started into something i know nothing about. So sales and computer stuff is like chinese writing to me.
I couldnt even figure out how to convert iphone pictures and videos so i could put them on an external hard drive... had my FIL log in to my compuer from his house in Maine and he did it all from his couch.
Computer stuff really makes me angry, thats why i use my phone for everything. I even type and adjust files and shit on this thing. If i use my computer i wanna punch and smash it. 😤

I just found out my wife is going to start working overnights 8pm-4am so ill be able to work full time during the week and school wont intefere anymore so im thinking full time warehouse position again, they pay well.
Maybe ill go work a dispensary or head shop lol. They dont open til like 11:00 around here🤣🤣
Baby Steps. I find solving complicated problems starts with unraveling a small chunk of it and going on until all the chunks have been solved.
Reminds me I have GDP x Wilson photo periods to pop, thanks for the views I enjoy the pic's from my new Samsung phone as it has a 50 mp camera. It's the only way I can upload photo's as I run a Linux PC and can't upload to it yet. SSgrower
Reminds me I have GDP x Wilson photo periods to pop, thanks for the views I enjoy the pic's from my new Samsung phone as it has a 50 mp camera. It's the only way I can upload photo's as I run a Linux PC and can't upload to it yet. SSgrower
Thanks for stoppin by and taking a look man.
I gotta get another 4x4 or get rid of this one and get a 4x8. I need to grow more plants🤣

If it has grep installed that should be enough to save as a new format or reduce resolution if needed.
What flavor Linux? Might be able to assist
I run Debian 11 and can't "Bash" or use the "Terminal" to write code instructions for uploading from my Phone to PC. I am learning more phone skills but Linux has me struggling for "Time" to learn to bash. Thank's for the interest, what ya got? SSgrower
Getting this Mendels Aether x GDP flipped to flower. @SweetLeafGrow 20231119_193958.jpg
This is a clone from the one i seeded and she made some of the stickiest ickiest hash lve ever made. The stuff would turn to liquid when you tried to smoke it.

The entire tent is going to flower, i have clones off the solo cup plant too as its the furst time ive ever grown it so idk if its any good. 20231119_194013.jpg
I will be putting the solo cup green crack and Mendels Aether x GDP on buckets to even out the canopy.
Gonna have to backpedal that idea for a few weeks. I get too far ahead of myself sometimes 🤦🏻

I forgot 2 plants in the 4x4 are coming down so ill have 2 spots in there to fill.

Going to move 2 tallest plants to the 4x4, then transplant Mendels Aether x GDP and Green Crack to 1.5 gallon containers and veg them til December 1 then flip.

Not to mention 4 plants in a 3x3 is a little much when it comes to humidity levels.
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