Hey PC thanks, I’ve been adding things to Clips feed as a test for Twin2. 3ml per 3.5L of ProCal has been added the last 3 or more feedings. Also bumped things to 7-14-23.
G$ pointed out I should have acted sooner just at stretch and bumped the nutes to a 7-7-7 or 7-4-2 as examples. Then 7-14-23 after stretch.
(Not an exact quote or numbers)
I have a lot of mailing or travel to do by thanksgiving. One bud can’t drive ATM. Doctor changes his meds again and it takes a while to get used to it. He’s a classic car nut and likes going to the shows. Doesn’t enter them any more, judges aren’t fair it seems.
I read it’s rare to need calmag, or others, outdoors as the environment is usually fine for potassium, magnesium, etc.
All feedback is welcome. Helps me learn.