Zen_seeker’s DIY Mixmash


RH 67-54%
Temp 23-21*

They are look pretty good today. Lights out in a few minutes.


The strawberry lemonade up front is starting to get a bit taller than the others.

Just waiting on the droop so I can give a good feeding and soak the pots. Maybe tomorrow.

RH 67-54%
Temp 23-21*

They are look pretty good today. Lights out in a few minutes.

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The strawberry lemonade up front is starting to get a bit taller than the others.

Just waiting on the droop so I can give a good feeding and soak the pots. Maybe tomorrow.
You see there jump once they hit larger pots eh...leaves are getting bigger and looking much better. nice lose soil for the roots to spread out easily...looking good.

Did you buy a set of far red lights? I know a couple members have I'm not sure if you did. I like what they do with just 15 min on at lights out in flower and I'm wondering what they would do for vegging plants with just 15 min at lights out. In Flower it seems to widen the leaves, stretch them out and make them look healthier for some reason. I don't really want too much stretch but widening and the overall look after exposure to the far reds would be a nice boost to our girls.

I'm going to try them next run if my fading memory holds but I'll be on hold starting new plants until mid August when I want to try growing out 10 regs from DFG with maybe trying the banana bag gas on 1/2 them
You see there jump once they hit larger pots eh...leaves are getting bigger and looking much better. nice lose soil for the roots to spread out easily...looking good.
Yes. Some times it takes a bit but always takes off at this point. 👍

Once I see they want water I’ll slowly water until a bit of runoff this time. Sometimes I wait until next feed before flooding. Depends on how big and how they look.

Did you buy a set of far red lights?
No new lights. To many other things higher on the list. My light does have more red light.

My Photontek SQ300w:
The outstanding performance of the SQ Pro line was achieved through a square shape LED bar design built with latest generation top bin White, Red and Far Red diodes and world class P-Tek controllable drivers. The LED bars are covered with a thin layer of Clear Glue, resulting in higher light transmittance of 99% without light loss, IP65 rating, extended lifetime of diodes and extra corrosion resistance.

I know a couple members have I'm not sure if you did. I like what they do with just 15 min on at lights out in flower and I'm wondering what they would do for vegging plants with just 15 min at lights out. In Flower it seems to widen the leaves, stretch them out and make them look healthier for some reason. I don't really want too much stretch but widening and the overall look after exposure to the far reds would be a nice boost to our girls.
Do they add much heat? Otherwise sounds good.

I'm going to try them next run if my fading memory holds but I'll be on hold starting new plants until mid August when I want to try growing out 10 regs from DFG with maybe trying the banana bag gas on 1/2 them
Cool. I’ll be watching. So waiting until after your summer trips? Nice. Good time for a break.

Wife’s heading out to Quebec and a few weeks. She takes this phone so I’ll be offline for a few weeks. Back mid July.

I hope they are drooping by lights on but it’s been 21-23 degrees and humid. Earth could be dry and they would still be fine.
Yes. Some times it takes a bit but always takes off at this point. 👍

Once I see they want water I’ll slowly water until a bit of runoff this time. Sometimes I wait until next feed before flooding. Depends on how big and how they look.

No new lights. To many other things higher on the list. My light does have more red light.

My Photontek SQ300w:
The outstanding performance of the SQ Pro line was achieved through a square shape LED bar design built with latest generation top bin White, Red and Far Red diodes and world class P-Tek controllable drivers. The LED bars are covered with a thin layer of Clear Glue, resulting in higher light transmittance of 99% without light loss, IP65 rating, extended lifetime of diodes and extra corrosion resistance.

Do they add much heat? Otherwise sounds good.

Cool. I’ll be watching. So waiting until after your summer trips? Nice. Good time for a break.

Wife’s heading out to Quebec and a few weeks. She takes this phone so I’ll be offline for a few weeks. Back mid July.

I hope they are drooping by lights on but it’s been 21-23 degrees and humid. Earth could be dry and they would still be fine.
No not much added heat, there's not a noticeable increase in my tent but they are only on when everything else is off and only 15 min so...no heat really
I still don’t see any notable leaf droop. I want the roots to spread so holding off feeding. However what does the Dynomyco need, can it wait as long?

All are getting taller and bushier. ATM front to back is tallest to shortest. Strongest light is in the centre. LUX 14000-16000 but haven’t checked from new canopy.
I still don’t see any notable leaf droop. I want the roots to spread so holding off feeding. However what does the Dynomyco need, can it wait as long?

All are getting taller and bushier. ATM front to back is tallest to shortest. Strongest light is in the centre. LUX 14000-16000 but haven’t checked from new canopy.
When they are young like that you may not see the leaf droop until its past need for water. I notice it on big plants with branches but little one wilt and don't look good after letting them dry too much. If the pot feels light and you don't feel moisture in the top 3-4" water don't wait too long.

I loose leaves when they start wilting from neglect, I hate coming down in the AM and seeing plants hanging over or all the leaves hanging dead like. That's when I panic water without looking at my records to see if they need feed or water & fabric pots are bad for that, specially in the summer, one min big plants look good the next all the leaves are hanging saying help me.

I'll give them a few cups of water at lights out just to make sure they make it through the night then in the AM hit them hard with what ever they need full on saturation and run off.........I think a little droop is okay but that full on dead look scares me. Even though they come back, leaves are lost & some get crispy and that can't be good.
Hell yeah Zen looking pretty good dude, glad these are working out for ya...more Topanga? I didn't catch the strain my bad
Hell yeah Zen looking pretty good dude, glad these are working out for ya...more Topanga? I didn't catch the strain my bad

Thanks. Little better luck this time. Out of four seeds 3 made it GG#4 did not.

Back to front:
1. Jilly Beans fem
3. Purple Diesel reg
4. Strawberry Lemonade fem

All the info is back a bit but you probably know more about the strains than I do. 🤣

I’ll do the last TC seed down the line a bit. We didn’t get along. Pipecarver is running them right know. Apparently he’s better with the ladies. 🤔
When they are young like that you may not see the leaf droop until its past need for water. I notice it on big plants with branches but little one wilt and don't look good after letting them dry too much. If the pot feels light and you don't feel moisture in the top 3-4" water don't wait too long.
I don’t do the heavy full dry back often. Mostly in error to be honest. I know it will come back but I’ve lost a lower branch or two on the last run. Smaller plants I’m more concerned with over watering. I should be okay going forward. This feed is the start. 🤞

If I can catch them when the leaves start to wilt that’s great. Otherwise it’s weight and how many days.

I loose leaves when they start wilting from neglect, I hate coming down in the AM and seeing plants hanging over or all the leaves hanging dead like. That's when I panic water without looking at my records to see if they need feed or water & fabric pots are bad for that, specially in the summer, one min big plants look good the next all the leaves are hanging saying help me.
I hear that. Knee jerk reactions have bit me once or twice.

Summer humidity and heat waves just suck. But I have no better option or location available. 🤷‍♂️

I'll give them a few cups of water at lights out just to make sure they make it through the night then in the AM hit them hard with what ever they need full on saturation and run off......
I get 50/50 results with this. This last time a few days ago it paid off. And they are getting big. 👍

...I think a little droop is okay but that full on dead look scares me. Even though they come back, leaves are lost & some get crispy and that can't be good.
I agree. Seeing them lifeless like a stick or flopped over to the side give me a panic attack. 🤣 A good friend keeps telling me they’re just plants but I don’t want to stress them out in to many ways if I can help it. I screw up enough on my own to toughen them up.

RH 55%
Temp 25*
Day 33 in soil.

First full feeding today.
5ml/g Base 4-0-0
10ml/g Grow 2-6-6
5ml/g Epsom salts

Turned each pot 180* before watering.


Jilly Bean has the bottom four leaves yellow but otherwise seems fine. Each pot was pretty light and dry.

A few nats flying around. Don’t see anything on the plants or in the dirt.

Time to decide what I’m going to do with these girls before next feeding. Especially the Strawberry Lemonade. She’s out growing the other two.

RH 55%
Temp 25*
Day 33 in soil.

First full feeding today.
5ml/g Base 4-0-0
10ml/g Grow 2-6-6
5ml/g Epsom salts

Turned each pot 180* before watering.

View attachment 61542View attachment 61543

Jilly Bean has the bottom four leaves yellow but otherwise seems fine. Each pot was pretty light and dry.

A few nats flying around. Don’t see anything on the plants or in the dirt.

Time to decide what I’m going to do with these girls before next feeding. Especially the Strawberry Lemonade. She’s out growing the other two.
It looks like they are starting to jump in size, you may not notice it seeing them daily but there's quite a difference in just 1 week...looking good.....My GH nutes feed schedule says I need Bloom along with Micro & Grow and depending on how old they are they all get the same percentages....Each product is a bit different I guess but I feed a balanced feed all the way through veg with 2/2/2 -3/3/3-4/4/4/ -5/5/5 ml/gal until 3rd week in flower then the #'s change up a bit
It looks like they are starting to jump in size, you may not notice it seeing them daily but there's quite a difference in just 1 week...looking good.....
Oh I noticed. 😂

Rather than fart around in this zone any more I’m going to move them to one of the 3x3 zones this weekend.

Means more power used but less chance for issues. Still need to decide how I want to grow them.

My GH nutes feed schedule says I need Bloom along with Micro & Grow and depending on how old they are they all get the same percentages....Each product is a bit different I guess but I feed a balanced feed all the way through veg with 2/2/2 -3/3/3-4/4/4/ -5/5/5 ml/gal until 3rd week in flower then the #'s change up a bit

I’m following the chart but picked the week to start at. Think it was veg week 3. I just added epsom.

The base and grow together are 6-6-6. Just different amounts at different weeks. I’ll only be feeding every other watering this time round, unless deficiencies show.

Glad that the Greasy was a good harvest. I was worried I made bad choices for you. Now I have another grow to look forward too soon. 👍
Burned through the data this month. Dam you NF. 🤣

You think it would be easier to find a large tomato can or metal coffee can. Anything large we have atm is crappy plastic or glass.

But I just remembered something I have tucked away we never used…
Is the Purple Diesel a whorled phyllotaxy mutant, triploid, or is it because it was dropped on its head as a seedling?


It just seems to be matured and tighter nodes but idk?
Some cultivars go to offset when mature.
Otherwise clones usually grow offset and not paired nodes.
I like seeing that but it is odd so young.
I couldn't find much about it.
Some cultivars go to offset when mature.
Otherwise clones usually grow offset and not paired nodes.
I like seeing that but it is odd so young.
I couldn't find much about it.

Thank you. Any chance dropping it on it head 3’ could do it?

I figure in the wild it would’ve been equal to a cat or small dog walking on it. Not a great start but survivable. Got lucky after that.

Clones G$ explained last year, when I was curious about mainlining. I’ll practice on my own strain later so as not to waste seeds. This is only my 3rd, 4th & 5th cultivar I’ve tried. (Not sure if the correct use but I’m trying @Rootsruler ) And I don’t know what the Northern Lights was, other than disappointing. So #2 sucked. 🤣
Lights out period.

Lights on period.

RH swing of 8% and temperature 4* over the day. Not bad if I could keep it this way.

Leaf temperatures are all at 23.5-23.7. 👍

Heat wave starting today.
Jilly Bean is really doing well. It’s been slow but steady. No fuss no issues. It’s also happily at 9 fingers already.


If she stays short and tight it might be perfect for an outdoor grow next year. That or an auto maybe. 🤔

RH 58%
Temp 28*
Muggy & humid out. 23*
Light was bumped to 75% yesterday.

Topped SL yesterday too.

Got out the oldest jar. Solo from last August.

Nice. Smooth. Excellent taste. Reminds me of smoking pie tobacco, with a kick. No fade.

Solo was grown to be more couch lock for bed time. Works. 🤣
I found another way to safely remove shells from new cotyledon. I normally just use a steel pick with no support.

Used it on three, two were a little tricky but the oral hygiene tool, toothpick/floss, made it pretty easy. Holding the head or stem without touching it was great.

RH 66%
Temp 27c
Day 39

The Strawberry Lemonade is showing leaf burn. I turned the lights from 75% back to 50%. I really hate these staged controllers.

Pots are still heavy. I’ll need to deal with the burn next feed.


Topping the other two will have to wait until after the heat wave. They have enough stress as it is. Lights out in an hour.
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