Zen_seeker’s DIY Mixmash

Had to cover the veggies yesterday. Cucumber wasn’t happy.

Took it off in the afternoon when the sun passed. Looks like today will be a repeat.

No need to touch the outdoor plants today. I have one veggie waiting to transplant but not in a heat wave. Think they said rains coming next week but they keep changing it.
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Be careful what you wish for. Every other day weather report said yes/no to rain. The rain we weren’t supposed to get came anyway. With high winds and hail. Thunder with one or two flashes.

Stopped just long enough for me to stake the tomatoes & cucumber. Then a second round with no hail.

Twin2 wasn’t thrilled but G$ assured me it will be fine. The veggies, we’ll wait and see. I had 5 little cucumber with flowers already showing.

Too sore and tired. Humidity is way up lights on or off. Going to need to close off room and plug in dehumidifier.

Whom ever designed this basement with no hallway needs a kick in the ass. Even open concept would have been better.

Twin1 looks good but I think it’s getting that camo green/yellow again. Hope it’s my imagination. Solo is dark green still. Shaking off her last trim and tuck. Looks half ugly so I guess it’s half right.

New clone “Clip” is doing good. For the hell of it I did LST with clips at the first node and then removed all the new growth. A week or more later and she’s doing fine. She’s in a green dollar store soft pot my wife picked up. Idea is to have a small, short, not 5’ tall plant next flower.
I thought for sure the cucumbers would be lost after the hail storm. Happy surprise. Think we only lost one flower.

Twin2 is fluffing back into shape.

Won’t see the Twin1 or Solo until 7pm. Humidity is sticking to high 60%. Can’t find the 2’ dehumidifier. Lent it to a buddy after a flood. 90% sure I got it back. Maybe garage.
Not finding a yes/no answer so far. Anyone care to share? Don’t want to just tag a staff member unless I don’t have a choice.

If I turn the LEDs down yesterday to 50% from 75% and keep them there a few more days will that shorten the stretch without depriving the plants bud development?

Asking after the fact as I only get to see them before bed and have to decide then.

Not finding a yes/no answer so far. Anyone care to share? Don’t want to just tag a staff member unless I don’t have a choice.

If I turn the LEDs down yesterday to 50% from 75% and keep them there a few more days will that shorten the stretch without depriving the plants bud development?

Asking after the fact as I only get to see them before bed and have to decide then.

Nope but a negative differential, blue heavy light spectrum and certain PGRs will. Avoid things that contain triacontanol until after stretch if you have this issue
Nope but a negative differential, blue heavy light spectrum and certain PGRs will. Avoid things that contain triacontanol until after stretch if you have this issue
PGRs seem a worry;

Nothing on the Botanicare website search. But I’ll look some more.
Yeah i dont think you have any unless adding some other products that contain kelp
Not that I’m aware of but I’m reading every label now.

I have a little this and little that I was directed to but mostly Fox Farm and Gaia.

I seem to be learning the scary side of eating and smoking your own. That reminds me...got a cooking question. Off to that thread. 🛫
@Aqua Man

At the other place I sent you a PM about a root issue possibly being my problem with all three clones. You just happened to be away for an extended time and didn’t get to reply until after I started working on it with G$ and/or GNick.

I had waited water/feeding a extra couple days so I could move and SCROG but got delayed.

Other than Twin2 outside the other clones never did seem to get back 100%.

GNick had me do the exact same thing G$ had told me. With the addition to stop epsom and stop trimming.

But now that I’m back to feeding with the new chart I think I see Solo getting darker and Twin1 the camo yellow and greens again.

I’m speaking up now so I can catch it early. Is this still maybe a root issue?

I’ll take close up leaf pics after 7pm. TIA
@Aqua Man

At the other place I sent you a PM about a root issue possibly being my problem with all three clones. You just happened to be away for an extended time and didn’t get to reply until after I started working on it with G$ and/or GNick.

I had waited water/feeding a extra couple days so I could move and SCROG but got delayed.

Other than Twin2 outside the other clones never did seem to get back 100%.

GNick had me do the exact same thing G$ had told me. With the addition to stop epsom and stop trimming.

But now that I’m back to feeding with the new chart I think I see Solo getting darker and Twin1 the camo yellow and greens again.

I’m speaking up now so I can catch it early. Is this still maybe a root issue?

I’ll take close up leaf pics after 7pm. TIA
Yeah bro take some pics and ill see if i can spot something. Photos help a ton because there are so many moving parts to think of
Solo: More lime looking. Leaves have faded or color blends of yellow to green.

Twin1: She goes darker in patches. But still has light spots.

Both have been fed the same thing. Slightly different amounts with slightly different amounts of runoff. Try to keep it between 500ml to 1L of runoff. Not needed but making sure full watering and was checking PH.

Fed once for veg then once again for bloom since GNick gave go ahead. Was supposed to get further instructions at flip but...

Solo last fed on 27th.
Twin1 last fed on 30th.
Both soft pots have weight still.

Pics look better than real life but it’s not bad. You can see how dark one clone is compared to the other.

Rather than flood you with details I can answer going forward. Only details I can’t find is PH values but if not between 6.2-6.6 I would have remembered.

Ask away.
Solo: More lime looking. Leaves have faded or color blends of yellow to green.
View attachment 5480View attachment 5481View attachment 5482

Twin1: She goes darker in patches. But still has light spots.
View attachment 5483View attachment 5484View attachment 5485

Both have been fed the same thing. Slightly different amounts with slightly different amounts of runoff. Try to keep it between 500ml to 1L of runoff. Not needed but making sure full watering and was checking PH.

Fed once for veg then once again for bloom since GNick gave go ahead. Was supposed to get further instructions at flip but...

Solo last fed on 27th.
Twin1 last fed on 30th.
Both soft pots have weight still.

Pics look better than real life but it’s not bad. You can see how dark one clone is compared to the other.

Rather than flood you with details I can answer going forward. Only details I can’t find is PH values but if not between 6.2-6.6 I would have remembered.

Ask away.
Ok pot size and media and which nutrients used?

Its a transpiration thing. You see how the leaves are not crisp but have droopy edges? Thats a transpiration issue that happens from a chronic condition like watering or humidity being significantly out of balance for some time.

How is your air flow under and through the canopy?
The more i look the more i feel like humidity is high under there… symptoms look like over watering but i dont feel like it is…. That to me says high humidity in the plants… they transpire from the underside of the leaves so you need good air movement to push that humidity out of there. Have a hygrometer handy?

That curl won’t go away but can stop it from getting worse.
Take a look at the video that @Coco Lopez has in his thread. You see the circulation fans he has going on and the wiggle of the leaves? That’s getting rid of all that transpiration thats going on. It also provides more forced evaporative cooling to the plants to help keep leaf temp down. 75-78 is ideal for most genetics to maximize photosynthesis but even some plants show heat stress at 78f and that stress increases drastically immediately above those temps
Ok pot size and media and which nutrients used?
Both are 7Gal but one is short wide and other tall thin.

Media is Sunshine Mix #4 that had some Jobes 4-4-4 and Gaia worm castings added. I don’t recall how many scoops but followed bag instructions.

All nutes and soil pics are listed on post #1 just in case something like this came up.

Its a transpiration thing. You see how the leaves are not crisp but have droopy edges? Thats a transpiration issue that happens from a chronic condition like watering or humidity being significantly out of balance for some time.
Then that’s it. Until today I was hitting 70%RH and not getting below 60% until lights on. Today I could open windows and dropped it to 50% now with tent doors open we are at 45%.

How is your air flow under and through the canopy?
Fine good even. Just checked with cat toy. Feather string stick. Bottom middle’ish and top is good.

Twin1 I can open a bit if needed. Wanted to brace open anyway.

I have enough data to vid if needed.

I’ll post the list and amounts of last two feeds in next post.
The more i look the more i feel like humidity is high under there… symptoms look like over watering but i dont feel like it is…. That to me says high humidity in the plants… they transpire from the underside of the leaves so you need good air movement to push that humidity out of there. Have a hygrometer handy?
Like 2 or 3 in each zone. How about this.

That curl won’t go away but can stop it from getting worse.
It goes away sometimes at least somewhat after an hour or so of lights on and lower humidity. If you mean the dark green upside down canoe...no it stays. Looks like Nitrogen Toxicity by chance?
Take a look at the video that @Coco Lopez has in his thread. You see the circulation fans he has going on and the wiggle of the leaves? That’s getting rid of all that transpiration thats going on. It also provides more forced evaporative cooling to the plants to help keep leaf temp down. 75-78 is ideal for most genetics to maximize photosynthesis but even some plants show heat stress at 78f and that stress increases drastically immediately above those temps
I’ll look at his vid after I answer the posts.

My problem is the basement has been at 75%RH for 3-4 days. Started when my wife was home sick and did laundry in the morning and we only just got better this afternoon.

View attachment trim.97300525-FDA5-4F1A-A349-94B3337D5F24.MOV
Nope save your data… the lower humidity may correct the lime… it will pull more water with a lower humidity and with it more nutrients
What is my highest day/night RH? I can try to keep at least one. I should be good until the next heatwave or laundry day. 🤣

I found the old room dehumidifier. Just need to get it ready for next time. Traffic through the room will be the big problem but doable.

Uploaded already. At least you get an idea. Usually the fans are more than enough. Windows if needed. But not this week.

I think this is the last so I’ll make the nutrients list now.
When your temp and RH are inconsistent you will see some issues. Not that the plant can't handle it, it's just not high times centerfold worthy.

I think RH is too low now. Can you set the fan to come on less to get the tent up to 55% without overheating?
Like 2 or 3 in each zone. How about this.
View attachment 5499

It goes away sometimes at least somewhat after an hour or so of lights on and lower humidity. If you mean the dark green upside down canoe...no it stays. Looks like Nitrogen Toxicity by chance?
Yeah that leaf curl isn’t N its just from transpiration issues.

45-50% is probably fine… 50-55% ideal but make sure you have good airflow through the plants
I’ll look at his vid after I answer the posts.

My problem is the basement has been at 75%RH for 3-4 days. Started when my wife was home sick and did laundry in the morning and we only just got better this afternoon.

View attachment 5500
First plant absolutely fine. Second plant try to move the fan just under the canopy
When your temp and RH are inconsistent you will see some issues. Not that the plant can't handle it, it's just not high times centerfold worthy.
Cool. Veg I deal. Flower I worry. (Just figured out multi quote.

I think RH is too low now. Can you set the fan to come on less to get the tent up to 55% without overheating?
I can try, I zipped doors closed again. But I don’t want to put water back in if I can avoid it. Lettuce is out too.

Yeah that leaf curl isn’t N its just from transpiration issues.
Then that answered an unknown problem. I’ve seen this a few times this grow. So high humidity can look like N T. Got it.

45-50% is probably fine… 50-55% ideal but make sure you have good airflow through the plants
I had to change my settings last week. Usually have max RH 60% and Temp 26/27 depending on how hard fans are working.

55% and 23/25 is where we are most times. Until laundry day.

First plant absolutely fine. Second plant try to move the fan just under the canopy
So Twin1 limey...is okay just getting food up. It’s why she looks better today. Okay.
That’s the camo color csuse. But again tied to high humidity. Cool. Well good to have answers.

I had to kill list twice to keep up to answering. I’ll start again now. 😝
Okay. Had to take journal pics.

After flip.

Before flip.




I’m trying to match last week Veg then first week transition and next feed is second week transition.

I think that’s it. Fish shit wasn’t used just in same pic.

Just checking humidity now. Closing doors and playing with intake fans Ian helping much if at all. Basement is at 21*c RH for basement rooms is 50-55% so it should stay in the ballpark.

Laundry day tomorrow. I need to figure something out. Lights are still at 75%.

I’ll have to have her close doors maybe open windows. The grow room has no windows only a door at each end usually open.

T6 fans just vent into the room from top of tents. The keep pretty even most days.
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