That far into flower could be a bit of a risk. Did you lollipop when you first put them on scrog? I get all of my defoil done prior to week three. Don’t be afraid to take out the excess. After week three I’m more apt to just try to tuck the leaves under.
Howdy there! And thanks for the insight, im technically at 1.5 weeks into flowering. I just checked and did in fact lollipop them before flip but no defol yet. I guess now would be the perfect time to do a defol session. Would one defol now and one like 5 days later be ideal or all in one go is best? Hope all is well, might have a tracking number here soon for you :D
Howdy there! And thanks for the insight, im technically at 1.5 weeks into flowering. I just checked and did in fact lollipop them before flip but no defol yet. I guess now would be the perfect time to do a defol session. Would one defol now and one like 5 days later be ideal or all in one go is best? Hope all is well, might have a tracking number here soon for you :D
I would do it now and then check again at week three. Don’t be afraid to do a good defoil. As a rule I leave the top third alone as much as I can.
I just finished four days of trim jail, just to hang them! Real trim work will be in about ten days. I don’t mind the second trimming near as much as the first. It’s just darn hard for me to sit that long. I did a plant yesterday that literally took four hours. I’m so darn glad to be done with this part of it.
Hope all is well in your part of the world! 🥰
This is my new recipe too!!
Promix bx with harvest hero perlite, and botanicare pureblend pro.

Do i need to get the ryzoblast, silica blast, sweet or hydroplex? Didnt seem important at the time so i skipped buying it.
I used the silica blast for a grow and didn’t see much - not sure I was using correctly- but since have discovered better more available silica versions I’ll try again for sur
Sup! I have heard lots of growers using that promix bx, if I were in soil I'd try it out. I just am in love with the coco haha. Yeah I got a bunch of GH flora trio to go through, once Im done I will be trying some new nutes. Since pbp is so cheap I will get some and try it out vs some others. Im thinking of trying out some Athena, PBP, Crop salt and/or Jacks 321 and comparing results. I dont know about the sweet...seems like your just adding artificial terps?
I ran megacrop , masterblend and the reason I chose pbpg is cuz it’s so easy and fast ! There are cheaper options but just so easy
ahhh there's das Z-Garden 🤗 looookin goooood man wowzer. Subbed meow and on for the ride till Righteous Gemstones fall out of them ladies. That is interesting you use Yucca in coco as I thought of it more as a wetting agent/surfactant for goofs like me with perpetually hydrophobic soil. Now that I look again you may be using cause it helps remove excess salts?
I'm right there with ya on the defoliation/lollipoppin do/don't and when gig now as well. I fell like my "larger plant tent" is pretty much set for week 3 final when I get there and has been fairly easy to tend to but tent 1 "the squatters" oof. I've done very little since it just never felt right to with those 4. The largest one in there is that Greenhouse Seeds Banana Krumble you grew a couple grows ago. It has been the joy of them to grow and is pawning them all with sites but still it is only just over a foot tall 🤣 and the tallest of the bunch. Feels weird trying to lollipop something that short.

Anywho brotha glad to have caught up on your lovely ladies. Going to be a great harvest again for sure. Your thread and CG and Moe's replies are motivating me to pull the trigger on the "vertically challenged" ladies in tent 1. YOLO! and make it a great day over there Z
This last run I let them grow unabated and then did a defol on day 20 of light flip. Didn't seem to bother them one bit. I went in a few days later and retrimmed as the first one I didn't do as thorough a job as I should have.

I agree with CG except for clearing out the top portion of the canopy. She likes to leave everything intact. I like to trim off almost all the water leaves and anything blocking bud sites along with creating channels inside the canopy for better airflow and light through the canopy. I don't like having too much foliage bunched up in any one area as it risks mold growth but then again maybe I'm just being paranoid about it.

Nothing wrong with the way CG does it and I'm sure her years of doing this method have rewarded her handsomely. Really more up to you as far as how comfortable you feel about removing leaf material.
I would do it now and then check again at week three. Don’t be afraid to do a good defoil. As a rule I leave the top third alone as much as I can.
I just finished four days of trim jail, just to hang them! Real trim work will be in about ten days. I don’t mind the second trimming near as much as the first. It’s just darn hard for me to sit that long. I did a plant yesterday that literally took four hours. I’m so darn glad to be done with this part of it.
Hope all is well in your part of the world! 🥰
Hola Granny! Just finished up the defoliation, I took a decent amount off but nothing too crazy. I kind of went against the top 1/3 thing and took whatever was blocking nodes and couldnt be tucked away without blocking something else so anything but the very top leaves was fair game lol. I dimmed the lights down a bit to give em a break and recover from the defol. Do you dim lights for defol or keep em rockin?

Ahh trim jail! I actually miss that...a bit lol. It does become a real chore for us heavy yielders, but were doing the Lord's work so it must be done lol. I do find that putting the trim bin on a counter top lets me stand and trim.
I also hate sitting for so long I end up just trimming the top buds and clumsily shucking the rest off into a turkey bag and into the freezer lol.

4 days + a future sesh, dayum. Do you make any hash from your buds/trimmings?
Hola Granny! Just finished up the defoliation, I took a decent amount off but nothing too crazy. I kind of went against the top 1/3 thing and took whatever was blocking nodes and couldnt be tucked away without blocking something else so anything but the very top leaves was fair game lol. I dimmed the lights down a bit to give em a break and recover from the defol. Do you dim lights for defol or keep em rockin?
I usually trim the day after a good watering. The cuts are going to leak a little so I want to be sure that they have plenty to make up for what evaporates out of those cuts before they heal.
ahhh there's das Z-Garden 🤗 looookin goooood man wowzer. Subbed meow and on for the ride till Righteous Gemstones fall out of them ladies. That is interesting you use Yucca in coco as I thought of it more as a wetting agent/surfactant for goofs like me with perpetually hydrophobic soil. Now that I look again you may be using cause it helps remove excess salts?
I'm right there with ya on the defoliation/lollipoppin do/don't and when gig now as well. I fell like my "larger plant tent" is pretty much set for week 3 final when I get there and has been fairly easy to tend to but tent 1 "the squatters" oof. I've done very little since it just never felt right to with those 4. The largest one in there is that Greenhouse Seeds Banana Krumble you grew a couple grows ago. It has been the joy of them to grow and is pawning them all with sites but still it is only just over a foot tall 🤣 and the tallest of the bunch. Feels weird trying to lollipop something that short.

Anywho brotha glad to have caught up on your lovely ladies. Going to be a great harvest again for sure. Your thread and CG and Moe's replies are motivating me to pull the trigger on the "vertically challenged" ladies in tent 1. YOLO! and make it a great day over there Z
Sup bro! Thanks man!! Hopefully they will be some smelly gals lol. I use yucca to remove excess salts by making sure 100% of the pot is saturated every time I water. KInd of a preventative but they seem to not mind the yucca at all, I think its also a nice source of carbs for micro's (might be wrong about that lol, wishful thinking).
And yeah dude that Banana Krumble is a SHORT girl! Sorry if I didnt mention that to you before. I let her grow a ways above the scrog before flip cuz I saw her squatness. Still a really good smoke though, just didnt make the cuz vs the double fish breath so I didnt keep a cut of the BK. Ce la Vie.
ANd if in doubt, flower it out! Life is too short for slightly bigger yields. Unless your fighting a pest or deficiency, if you COULD flip....FLIP!! :D
I usually trim the day after a good watering. The cuts are going to leak a little so I want to be sure that they have plenty to make up for what evaporates out of those cuts before they heal.
Im in coco so I defoliated them not soon after their first watering of the day. Then watered them shortly after the defoliation. Leaving the lights about 10% dimmed for today and will increase back to my target DLI tomorrow. I didnt end up taking cuts because I realized I already lollipopped them haha. I smoke a lot of weed and have grown lots lately and my grows are starting to blend into each other lmao. I will just reveg the keeper phenos/take clones at harvest. Doing that as per Cannagranny's recommendation and I prefer it atm cuz I have no time for so many clones I would make from these monsters lol.
Post defoliation. Might take a couple more here and there as flowering goes. I took lots of leaves off but it still looks thick lol. Anyway they are cleared for takeoff.🫡


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This last run I let them grow unabated and then did a defol on day 20 of light flip. Didn't seem to bother them one bit. I went in a few days later and retrimmed as the first one I didn't do as thorough a job as I should have.

I agree with CG except for clearing out the top portion of the canopy. She likes to leave everything intact. I like to trim off almost all the water leaves and anything blocking bud sites along with creating channels inside the canopy for better airflow and light through the canopy. I don't like having too much foliage bunched up in any one area as it risks mold growth but then again maybe I'm just being paranoid about it.

Nothing wrong with the way CG does it and I'm sure her years of doing this method have rewarded her handsomely. Really more up to you as far as how comfortable you feel about removing leaf material.
Actually I do more defoil than you might think. I defoil all through veg and at least twice during flower. If you could see from the top down, you would see that it’s all opened up and you can see the floor through the flowers. I just can’t get atop of them with a cam to show ya. 🙂
Post defoliation. Might take a couple more here and there as flowering goes. I took lots of leaves off but it still looks thick lol. Anyway they are cleared for takeoff.🫡
It would be the top view which I can’t get with mine that would tell the story. Side views from the door of the tent always look too thick.
Yep, trim jail. Four days of it. Currently all hanging upside down in the dark at 61 degrees and 56% humidity 🥰
Actually I do more defoil than you might think. I defoil all through veg and at least twice during flower. If you could see from the top down, you would see that it’s all opened up and you can see the floor through the flowers. I just can’t get atop of them with a cam to show ya. 🙂
OK. Pretty much what I've done as regular practice. This last time I wanted to see if there was any difference in doing just one giant defo vs maintanence defols.

So far I haven't really seen much in regards to dry yield but I'm sure some of it is due to genetics.
Actually I do more defoil than you might think. I defoil all through veg and at least twice during flower. If you could see from the top down, you would see that it’s all opened up and you can see the floor through the flowers. I just can’t get atop of them with a cam to show ya. 🙂
Im gonna take your advice and start defoliating a bit during veg. Cant see how it could hurt and it will gimme a head start for less defoliating during flower. Thanks for the advice! Tried doing a top down view but the table is tall as hell, so i cant exactly get a top down but close :p. Its better than it was trust me lol.


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OK. Pretty much what I've done as regular practice. This last time I wanted to see if there was any difference in doing just one giant defo vs maintanence defols.

So far I haven't really seen much in regards to dry yield but I'm sure some of it is due to genetics.
Genetics will have lots to do with it i think.
Whats up yall! Sorry if i havent shown any love on some of your threads or PM's, just really busy at the moment. My dog gus was diagnosed with Lyme disease so he has to be given antibiotics for at least a month poor guy. I am also giving him some cbd oil so help with inflammation so hopefully he feels better soon.

Anyway on a lighter note: i have added some flair to my grow room. I got tired of CocoLopez having all kinds of character in his garden with mini yodas and elemental healing: so I added some stoned art lol. I used to be an obsessive doodler and sometimes its just good to let loose and just fuck around with a sharpie and see what becomes of it. Im gonna be adding a fk ton of doodles as time goes on.

Entering week 3 of flower tomorrow they be poppin off!


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Whats up yall! Sorry if i havent shown any love on some of your threads or PM's, just really busy at the moment. My dog gus was diagnosed with Lyme disease so he has to be given antibiotics for at least a month poor guy. I am also giving him some cbd oil so help with inflammation so hopefully he feels better soon.

Anyway on a lighter note: i have added some flair to my grow room. I got tired of CocoLopez having all kinds of character in his garden with mini yodas and elemental healing: so I added some stoned art lol. I used to be an obsessive doodler and sometimes its just good to let loose and just fuck around with a sharpie and see what becomes of it. Im gonna be adding a fk ton of doodles as time goes on.

Entering week 3 of flower tomorrow they be poppin off!

Ah mannn poor Gus. Sorry to hear my friend. Mans best friend is just that so I understand. What antibiotic is it and FK yes on the CBD. Double triple, quadruple if have to, worst that happens is he is more comfortable while sleeps through these next tough weeks. I've also heard it can be quite painful joint-wise for them when get LD. I'd consider all the things helpful for joints such as Cosequin DS and solid Omegas are key. If he likes Fish then now is the time to increase intake for joint "lube" so to speak.

Love the doodling Zen-like upgrades to the tent man. What a jungle garden yet again. Happy week 2 to ya 🙏
Ah mannn poor Gus. Sorry to hear my friend. Mans best friend is just that so I understand. What antibiotic is it and FK yes on the CBD. Double triple, quadruple if have to, worst that happens is he is more comfortable while sleeps through these next tough weeks. I've also heard it can be quite painful joint-wise for them when get LD. I'd consider all the things helpful for joints such as Cosequin DS and solid Omegas are key. If he likes Fish then now is the time to increase intake for joint "lube" so to speak.

Love the doodling Zen-like upgrades to the tent man. What a jungle garden yet again. Happy week 2 to ya 🙏
Thanks man. Well right now he is on doxycycline but my vet wants to put him on a stronger one for less time. I will get the name of it and let you know. And yeah dude thats why we took him man cuz he was having trouble walking and was lethargic. After tons of testing and what not, we now know whats uo at least. Word on the omega's and cosequin dc. My sisters ride horses and i think they used cosequin before.
I got him on some Nuleaf cbd oil and double the recommended dose.

And yeah bro love me the jungle man. Sometimes i just find an excuse to chill in my grow room and tuck leaves, listen to tunes and now doodle lol. Fricken therapy for sure.
Thanks man. Well right now he is on doxycycline but my vet wants to put him on a stronger one for less time. I will get the name of it and let you know.
Please do let me know. I have a vet wizard that owns a pet food store near by named Becky. There isn't much she doesn't know and I can go over there and chat with her or call.
And yeah dude thats why we took him man cuz he was having trouble walking and was lethargic.
His joints are where the demons will go. He will need much help with the lethargy and getting around. I would consider giving him the ole sports massage on all joints before he has to get up for potty breaks and to eat.
After tons of testing and what not, we now know whats uo at least. Word on the omega's and cosequin dc. My sisters ride horses and i think they used cosequin before.
I got him on some Nuleaf cbd oil and double the recommended dose.
Yeah Cosequin in awesome and it was in reference to horses that I found out about it. Ask your sister her thoughts and Cosequin DS(not DC)
And yeah bro love me the jungle man. Sometimes i just find an excuse to chill in my grow room and tuck leaves, listen to tunes and now doodle lol. Fricken therapy for sure.
Keep it going man. You know me. I'm not sayin more is better I am sayin I don't think you can Over-good vibe your tent hah
Please do let me know. I have a vet wizard that owns a pet food store near by named Becky. There isn't much she doesn't know and I can go over there and chat with her or call.

His joints are where the demons will go. He will need much help with the lethargy and getting around. I would consider giving him the ole sports massage on all joints before he has to get up for potty breaks and to eat.

Yeah Cosequin in awesome and it was in reference to horses that I found out about it. Ask your sister her thoughts and Cosequin DS(not DC)

Keep it going man. You know me. I'm not sayin more is better I am sayin I don't think you can Over-good vibe your tent hah
Sup man, thanks a lot for the offer to consult with Becky, i might take you up on that soon.

100% on the massages. I already pet him a ton so i will focus on his lil joints.

For sure am gonna speak with the sis about cosequin and see if its something that could help.

Damn bro i appreciate the help, Gus is my child so it feels nice to have some more things to do/research/ask. Word homie.

And yeah man im just letting them cruise and dont go in there too often. Just keeping the rh and temps good, trying to baby them like im a caretaker to the czars and the plants are the royal family lol. Also REALLY made sure there are no light leaks this time, like went in there during veg dark period and sat in the dark for a while making sure after eyes adjust. Its RIDICULOUS how many things have lights on them. I just found out my ideal air dehu has a green aura from the intake so its not light proof. So yeah those lights are out to get ya haha
Hello All! I am gonna be sharing my grow's on here, as well as my musings whilst smoking doob's. Feel free to follow along as I learn to grow the dank, listen to some tunes and shoot the sh!t with you all.
Here are some shots from my past grow. I will post my current run later this evening.
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looking good Zomb.
Whats up yall! Sorry if i havent shown any love on some of your threads or PM's, just really busy at the moment. My dog gus was diagnosed with Lyme disease so he has to be given antibiotics for at least a month poor guy. I am also giving him some cbd oil so help with inflammation so hopefully he feels better soon.

Anyway on a lighter note: i have added some flair to my grow room. I got tired of CocoLopez having all kinds of character in his garden with mini yodas and elemental healing: so I added some stoned art lol. I used to be an obsessive doodler and sometimes its just good to let loose and just fuck around with a sharpie and see what becomes of it. Im gonna be adding a fk ton of doodles as time goes on.

Entering week 3 of flower tomorrow they be poppin off!
man, sorry to hear about your dog. i've been thinking about given my pooch some cbd as she gets older.
i didn't notice it was you. whats up man.
Yeah brah I had to go dark. My ole handle got nerfed by some petty Black Ops shit. Al Qaeda, Fed Chair Powell, Kim Kardashian, yada yada, and things got a bit hairy. Was best I just come out of the closet about my true self. I am Coco Lopez, proud Foundling turned Din Grogu once adopted by my Mando la familia here 🙏
Just a lil update. I had to turn in some of my forum time for grilling time lol. Have family over so its been a grand ole time with lots of cooking smoking and eating. Anyway here we are week 4 of flower. Starting to cut the N by a lot and letting her bloom out without too much fuss! Put in a second trellis cuz i forsee the need! Next run im gonna start defoliating more during veg to try and avoid this jungle.


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Just a lil update. I had to turn in some of my forum time for grilling time lol. Have family over so its been a grand ole time with lots of cooking smoking and eating. Anyway here we are week 4 of flower. Starting to cut the N by a lot and letting her bloom out without too much fuss! Put in a second trellis cuz i forsee the need! Next run im gonna start defoliating more during flower to try and avoid this jungle.
Fk ya Jungle Ganja de Z looks sweet ass sweet yet again 💪
That's awesome you gettin some great fam time and no better way to live imo 🙏
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