Looks good man!!

Yeah I used to go up on skyline drive all the time when I lived right at the entrance. I still like to ride up there sometimes and smoke to myself as I look out on the valley.
thanks bro. And yeah ive been riding skyline since i was a teenager. Some really cool spots there that not many people know about. Did you live in front royal?

What kinda bike you riding man? I got a Ninja 400 and a Sporty
thanks bro. And yeah ive been riding skyline since i was a teenager. Some really cool spots there that not many people know about. Did you live in front royal?

What kinda bike you riding man? I got a Ninja 400 and a Sporty
Oh I meant just riding my car up there lol. I did ride a few trails in George Washington Forest which is close by. My family on my father's side lived in what is now skyline drive before the government relocated them all. We visited the old site two years ago, wild. It's in an area called hog flats, right above flint Hill. They moved to Flint Hill after the relocation.

I used to live in front royal, still know all the back roads to cruise and smoke on lol. Do not test the cops at night time... Fuck lol they will pull you over for driving after midnight it used to seem when I was younger.

I have a Trek mountain bike I got used. Hard tail. It's not the most expensive bike, but I really like the fit for my body.


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thanks bro. And yeah ive been riding skyline since i was a teenager. Some really cool spots there that not many people know about. Did you live in front royal?

What kinda bike you riding man? I got a Ninja 400 and a Sporty
I did a lot of riding in my youth, I had numerous bikes 2 Nishiki's ??that were top of the line in my day...well mid top...couldn't afford the top notch stuff but great bikes. I had all the gear with saddle bags and front rack bag. I could average about 90 miles a day with gear. I road the streets like a mad man, no rules full on go go go. I'd ride 60 miles up the valley in Vancouver to see my sister then back home at night, with no gear I could fly.

I took a few road trips, I rode Vancouver -Olympic Peninsula around the peninsula back up to Vancouver one summer then Vancouver - Redding California, 120f in Redding that's as far as I got heading to Palm Springs. Took a bus home. Next trip I took the Train to San Francisco/Oakland and bus across the bridges then rode down the coast to San Louis Obisbo / Morro bay. Where I stayed for a few months working then flew to Hawaii with a girl friend.

We stayed in Hawaii for11 months then flew back to Seattle- Vancouver. Off to Fort St John BC where we worked to make enough money to head back to California for a few months then Back to Hawaii for 7 months where she became pregnant with my son, Back to Vancouver to have our baby and then I got old.....end of fun story babies take the fun away, travel to the sun was done for a while.
Oh I meant just riding my car up there lol. I did ride a few trails in George Washington Forest which is close by. My family on my father's side lived in what is now skyline drive before the government relocated them all. We visited the old site two years ago, wild. It's in an area called hog flats, right above flint Hill. They moved to Flint Hill after the relocation.

I used to live in front royal, still know all the back roads to cruise and smoke on lol. Do not test the cops at night time... Fuck lol they will pull you over for driving after midnight it used to seem when I was younger.

I have a Trek mountain bike I got used. Hard tail. It's not the most expensive bike, but I really like the fit for my body.
Sup homie! Haha riding your car.
Nice bike too man, if it fits thats the most important thing. My first "serious" bike was a trek 1000. Did a hill climb up Massanutten with it and took first....out of 2 people :p.

But yeah skyline is one of the best driving/riding roads EXCEPT for the speed limit. 25mph on such SWEET curves is such a shame. And thats so cool to hear bout your family from around here. i know all about the relocation of people from the hollers. Pretty sad story actually, so many people had rich lives in the hills but the governement had different ideas for them. Seems to be a trend for this governement to take people from their homes and "re-allocate" their land...

Oh well, now we have thousands of acres of pristine wilderness and trails that DONT ALLOW MOUNTAIN BIKES ON THEM. I lived in Colorado for 10 years and there are so many blm areas and trails with no fees and free campiing. Now im in VA and all the federal land is off limits to bikes and all the private landowners hate bikers. So while va could have some of the best mountain biking in the country, we are limited to two trails systems and bike parks that are a joke (massanutten/bryce). This is why i ride gravel cuz thats the only good riding to be had in VA, rural back country gravel roads to little towns full of people from a different time.
I did a lot of riding in my youth, I had numerous bikes 2 Nishiki's ??that were top of the line in my day...well mid top...couldn't afford the top notch stuff but great bikes. I had all the gear with saddle bags and front rack bag. I could average about 90 miles a day with gear. I road the streets like a mad man, no rules full on go go go. I'd ride 60 miles up the valley in Vancouver to see my sister then back home at night, with no gear I could fly.

I took a few road trips, I rode Vancouver -Olympic Peninsula around the peninsula back up to Vancouver one summer then Vancouver - Redding California, 120f in Redding that's as far as I got heading to Palm Springs. Took a bus home. Next trip I took the Train to San Francisco/Oakland and bus across the bridges then rode down the coast to San Louis Obisbo / Morro bay. Where I stayed for a few months working then flew to Hawaii with a girl friend.

We stayed in Hawaii for11 months then flew back to Seattle- Vancouver. Off to Fort St John BC where we worked to make enough money to head back to California for a few months then Back to Hawaii for 7 months where she became pregnant with my son, Back to Vancouver to have our baby and then I got old.....end of fun story babies take the fun away, travel to the sun was done for a while.
Damn man so you were one of the original bikepackers, love it!! Nothing like being in your prime and hammering the pedals like they insulted your Momma haha. Nowadays bikepacking is "the thing". Get some bike bags, stuff em with food, bivy sack, tools and weed and head into the hills. Do you still ride? Im trying to ride till i drop. I wanna be one of those 90 year olds you hear about who dies careening off a cliff on a downhill bike screaming "yahoooooo!!".

Only time i have ridden in California was on New years 4 years ago. I drove from Colorado to San Francisco and did a road time trial up a mountain. Such an epic day. People were like "bro you drove here just to do this tt?" Im like "weed makes me spontaneous". Lol. Interestingly it was exactly when Cali legalized rec weed so i hit up a dispo in oakland before i left and got some FIREEEE weed. Havent been back to cali since, shame its such a crazy spot now its beautiful country.
Damn man so you were one of the original bikepackers, love it!! Nothing like being in your prime and hammering the pedals like they insulted your Momma haha. Nowadays bikepacking is "the thing". Get some bike bags, stuff em with food, bivy sack, tools and weed and head into the hills. Do you still ride? Im trying to ride till i drop. I wanna be one of those 90 year olds you hear about who dies careening off a cliff on a downhill bike screaming "yahoooooo!!".

Only time i have ridden in California was on New years 4 years ago. I drove from Colorado to San Francisco and did a road time trial up a mountain. Such an epic day. People were like "bro you drove here just to do this tt?" Im like "weed makes me spontaneous". Lol. Interestingly it was exactly when Cali legalized rec weed so i hit up a dispo in oakland before i left and got some FIREEEE weed. Havent been back to cali since, shame its such a crazy spot now its beautiful country.
No, I sold my last bike a year ago. I don't have knees left to ride and I can't take the inevitable falls and road rash. I got hit riding my motor cycle home from work one night that broke my tib/ fib left leg I was mid 40's...that did it for bike riding of any kind. Body just didn't recover 100%...fkers fixed my broken leg but they drilled a hole through my knee cap and drove a bolt down to attach leg bone and fked my knee in the process
My old drummer was an avid mountain biker. He told me it kept him in shape for drumming. We put a pedometer on his kick drum foot and it registered almost 12 miles at the end of one of our shows. After we broke up he moved to Moab and was an MB guide along with becoming a wildland firefighter.

He took me up to Mt. Wilson in Cali. Never again. Those narrow ridge trails with 500 ft dropoffs were not my cup of tea!! I almost had a heart attack on the uphill climb! I've skiied off a small cliff or two but fuck that shit! 😄

He just blasted through them all like it was nothing. I remember him laughing at me as I'm trying to get the crank around for those last few feet completely out of breath with my heart pounding out of my chest.

He told me a story about how he went to the doctors for a complete physical and the doctor told him he was going to need a pacemaker. Mark was completely mystified since he was pretty healthy. He asked the doctor why and the doctor told him that when the nurse had tested him his resting heart rate was 43! Normal resting heart rate is around 70. He had to explain to the doctor about his workout routine before the doctor changed the diagnosis.

One of the things I admired about Mark was his aerobic abilities. He could go from his heart about to explode to super low resting heart rate in a minute or less. That takes a lot of dedication to endurance sports.
Whats up bro! I've been really busy all day so, sorry for the late response. Anyway my first mountain bike was a Gary Fisher HooKooEKoo. Then they got sold to someone I forget (was it Trek?). Now I ride a Giant Anthem and its THE shite. Dual suspension changes the mtb game.

As to your shifting, that is ALWAYS what people need help with, that and tire changes haha. So no worries man. Its usually a simple gear indexing and/or cable tension adjustment. REALLY easy and no reason to go to a bike shop to have it done by someone who barely knows wtf they're doing lol. You also might want to put new gear cables and brake cables on your bike cuz if they are messed up it will always shift like crap no matter how much you adjust them.
fk yeah man thanks much. Going to peep that video now and fix my GF myself. Knowing you had one long ago makes me feel it is worth keeping. bike myself. Hah I actually did buy like some $100+ shit form the bike shop that would give me like 3 years of them fixing whatever. Whelp they couldn't even fix the gear issue, which was the only one, made it fkin worse and then closed up shop and disappeared many years ago. With that video I can easily fix it on my own.

Hellll to the yizzle man, bud rot can lick deeeez nutz hah nice work and you have the frost going on like whoa. I'm over here a week or so behind you sweatin bullets a bit cause the trichs just aren't comin like I'd like. Havin to check myself daily and say it is what it is and back off, the trichs will come if it is meant to be. They are definitely starting and some seem further ahead than others, but I'm still spooked from last grow and how I could go the distance and produce such extremely low THC flower. I don't want that again but also need to Oooosah myself into not trying random dumb shit to increase trichs. I'm having hard enough time not burning them and freezing them, every day all day.
Did notice though you have RH quite higher than mine. Caused me to check VPD and I've been quite far from what it says should be. I legit turned mine off completely and have been hanging in the 35-45 range most of the time, and 50-55 but only for the 24ish hrs around full watering. Because of what you said though, I turned mine back on and am going to try to hover around 50 for a couple weeks then off they go again for the last few.
Keep up the great work brotha. Lookin STUNNING!
No, I sold my last bike a year ago. I don't have knees left to ride and I can't take the inevitable falls and road rash. I got hit riding my motor cycle home from work one night that broke my tib/ fib left leg I was mid 40's...that did it for bike riding of any kind. Body just didn't recover 100%...fkers fixed my broken leg but they drilled a hole through my knee cap and drove a bolt down to attach leg bone and fked my knee in the process
Damn man that sucks man, have you thought ab9ut an ebike? Some of them require very little pedaling effort and haul ass. They are actually pretty fun, if i ever got injured i hope i could still get on an ebike :)
My old drummer was an avid mountain biker. He told me it kept him in shape for drumming. We put a pedometer on his kick drum foot and it registered almost 12 miles at the end of one of our shows. After we broke up he moved to Moab and was an MB guide along with becoming a wildland firefighter.

He took me up to Mt. Wilson in Cali. Never again. Those narrow ridge trails with 500 ft dropoffs were not my cup of tea!! I almost had a heart attack on the uphill climb! I've skiied off a small cliff or two but fuck that shit! 😄

He just blasted through them all like it was nothing. I remember him laughing at me as I'm trying to get the crank around for those last few feet completely out of breath with my heart pounding out of my chest.

He told me a story about how he went to the doctors for a complete physical and the doctor told him he was going to need a pacemaker. Mark was completely mystified since he was pretty healthy. He asked the doctor why and the doctor told him that when the nurse had tested him his resting heart rate was 43! Normal resting heart rate is around 70. He had to explain to the doctor about his workout routine before the doctor changed the diagnosis.

One of the things I admired about Mark was his aerobic abilities. He could go from his heart about to explode to super low resting heart rate in a minute or less. That takes a lot of dedication to endurance sports.
Hell yeah man, I fricken love Moab. The whole enchilada is something anyone who mountain bikes has to do, its in moab and its a MASSIVE descent from a snowy mountain pass into the techy and dangerous moab terrain. I love all that sh!t lol. I lived out of a camper-van for a few years and did nothing but ride and race all summer and work at ski resorts in the winter.
And yeah dude the resting heart rate thing is funny. My resting heart rate is around 50 bpm throughout the year, though it varies depending on my activity level. Similar thing happened at the doc's when i went for a physical but it was in colorado and they were used to fit people and their low-ass heart rates lmao.
fk yeah man thanks much. Going to peep that video now and fix my GF myself. Knowing you had one long ago makes me feel it is worth keeping. bike myself. Hah I actually did buy like some $100+ shit form the bike shop that would give me like 3 years of them fixing whatever. Whelp they couldn't even fix the gear issue, which was the only one, made it fkin worse and then closed up shop and disappeared many years ago. With that video I can easily fix it on my own.

Hellll to the yizzle man, bud rot can lick deeeez nutz hah nice work and you have the frost going on like whoa. I'm over here a week or so behind you sweatin bullets a bit cause the trichs just aren't comin like I'd like. Havin to check myself daily and say it is what it is and back off, the trichs will come if it is meant to be. They are definitely starting and some seem further ahead than others, but I'm still spooked from last grow and how I could go the distance and produce such extremely low THC flower. I don't want that again but also need to Oooosah myself into not trying random dumb shit to increase trichs. I'm having hard enough time not burning them and freezing them, every day all day.
Did notice though you have RH quite higher than mine. Caused me to check VPD and I've been quite far from what it says should be. I legit turned mine off completely and have been hanging in the 35-45 range most of the time, and 50-55 but only for the 24ish hrs around full watering. Because of what you said though, I turned mine back on and am going to try to hover around 50 for a couple weeks then off they go again for the last few.
Keep up the great work brotha. Lookin STUNNING!
Sup bro, sorry for the late response i dont keep up with the forum's too well so if i dont answer for a while dont take it personally lol.

But yeah man im legit scared of bud rot, so i went and put in a massive fan that is moving air from the bottom upwards through the canopy and its niiiice and dry between all the leaves so im pretty sure no humidity spots. Thats the key im hearing cuz your thermometer might tell you its 50% rh but a couple feet away it might be a dead zone with higher humidity aka danger zone for bud rot or mold. So yeah man, good on ya for lollipopping well, next time i will hipefully not forget to lollipop, im such a stoner lmfao.

And man the trichs only come on so fast with certsin strains. One of my candyclysms is behind on the frost department, but its yielding hella nice though. So i would bet you got some frost coming on now, or if not, may not be the frostiest strain, but that dont mean shit really. You can still have good bud with not that many trichs. Definitely genetics man. Trust me, grow anything from lit farms, cannarado genetics, compound genetics and you sill get the frost.

And yeah dude sometimes the plants just wanna be alone to flower so sometimes justblettin it ride is the best option.
Also about the RH: i would DEF run higher than 35-45 most of the time cuz it makes it harder for them to transpirate if they dont have enough rh, aka it stresses em. I am always battling rh here in humid VA so when its hella humid out, my room is more humid. So i am happy if i can stay below 55% rh at night. I start flower at 60% rh first week and lower it to 55% till stretch is over. Then slowly dial it down to 40% average rh last week or two of flower. Right now at week 6 im averaging 50-55% rh. As the plants lose more leaves and the plants get nearer to the end and start drinking less, i think ill be ablemto get it below 50% rh last week or twomof flower.

Live or die by the vpd chart! I check leaf temps, make sure they are 74-77, then make sure my dli is 38-40 average (week 6 im peaking at 40mdli this week and will start to decrease it each week till end of flower,im at like 34-32 dli.
Here's ma grow @ beginning of week 6. Peyote wifi: smells like grape jelly and frosty as heck. Candyclysm: holy fricken skittle fk she smells like some sort of alien candy. The kings juice is in the back cuz it was a slower grower and the rest of the p,ants took everything over lol. One pheno of candyclysm has a totally different look and a more kushy terp profile.0C2555AA-FA73-4E44-814E-62278E18598A.jpeg
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Thanks man. Mainly flower, keif and infused into coconut butter. I love my joints so I go through lots of flower lol. :alien:
Love my joints...lol.....we'd do well together. I just like to smoke, I'm good at it, I'm a self proclaimed professional smoker. I've an award, well internet farmers award for special people...lol.....people that watch me smoke are often heard saying things like OMG I had no idea, and wow did you see that? no fkin way that's not possible.....then I see them hiding their stash.....lol....not going to work...I saw you....
Sup bro, sorry for the late response i dont keep up with the forum's too well so if i dont answer for a while dont take it personally lol.

Yo big dawg. Hope you are well. Naw man it ain't like that. I'm right there with ya and you ever need me send me a DM. I'm not getting notifications yet to my phone(workin on it) but easy to see if have DMs

But yeah man im legit scared of bud rot, so i went and put in a massive fan that is moving air from the bottom upwards through the canopy and its niiiice and dry between all the leaves so im pretty sure no humidity spots. Thats the key im hearing cuz your thermometer might tell you its 50% rh but a couple feet away it might be a dead zone with higher humidity aka danger zone for bud rot or mold. So yeah man, good on ya for lollipopping well, next time i will hipefully not forget to lollipop, im such a stoner lmfao.

eeek even the word bugs me out. Luckily here in zero humidity straight desert lava ground land, I definitely dodge the "Too Much" humidity by default.
Yeah that fan will help for sure. I think you are right on about the humidity. If you have enough of a phat garden like you always do, it would be easy to miss a pocket here or there if weren't hittin them from all(the right) angles.

And man the trichs only come on so fast with certsin strains. One of my candyclysms is behind on the frost department, but its yielding hella nice though. So i would bet you got some frost coming on now, or if not, may not be the frostiest strain, but that dont mean shit really. You can still have good bud with not that many trichs. Definitely genetics man. Trust me, grow anything from lit farms, cannarado genetics, compound genetics and you sill get the frost.

Yeah that has been fun to watch. Love how the one we often want to count out from the start turns out to be a stunner. I wanted to write-off the vanilla frosting from anesia seeds but she just ended up being late to the party. Now she is the tallest in the tent hah
Genetics and phenos man, I'm with ya. Just got something in mail yesterday I'm scared to even talk about :oops: but I will say the "Shugga" has finally arrived 🙏

And yeah dude sometimes the plants just wanna be alone to flower so sometimes justblettin it ride is the best option.
Also about the RH: i would DEF run higher than 35-45 most of the time cuz it makes it harder for them to transpirate if they dont have enough rh, aka it stresses em. I am always battling rh here in humid VA so when its hella humid out, my room is more humid. So i am happy if i can stay below 55% rh at night. I start flower at 60% rh first week and lower it to 55% till stretch is over. Then slowly dial it down to 40% average rh last week or two of flower. Right now at week 6 im averaging 50-55% rh. As the plants lose more leaves and the plants get nearer to the end and start drinking less, i think ill be ablemto get it below 50% rh last week or twomof flower.

I hear that. Been gettin much better about bein hands off, least imo. Yeah ever since you pointed out the RH last time I have been doin better to keep it as close to 50 as can till a couple/few weeks left and then I can easily be sub 40 with no dehu.
Week SIX! Yeahhh buddy here we are again. Tomorrow if 5 weeks in for me so I'm not far behind ya. Spotted some cross poli's in my tent from the Black Domina nanners. Looks to have mated with the Bubba Kush and and the Big Bud 👏 and some crosses that never existed appear in the distance. BDK(Black Domina Kush) or perhaps BB(Big Black) from MTV :cool:

Live or die by the vpd chart! I check leaf temps, make sure they are 74-77, then make sure my dli is 38-40 average (week 6 im peaking at 40mdli this week and will start to decrease it each week till end of flower,im at like 34-32 dli.

Man I tell ya. Whoever comes up with a tent that can actually self-VPD oof that would save me some grey hairs no doubt. I am currently running my central AC from 7am to 6pm pretty much non-stop because if it shuts off, within 10-20min the tents upstairs, even with their doors half open, still can drop 5-10 degrees faster than you can say "omg did the air go off while I was running an errand". For sure this grow the toughest part has been maintaining a consistent VPD. Really lookin forward to the summer out here ending and not having to have AC on like this. Pricey and also cold-af lol I have sweatpants and long-sleeves on most of the day and it is 100+ out sheesh
Here's ma grow @ beginning of week 6. Peyote wifi: smells like grape jelly and frosty as heck. Candyclysm: holy fricken skittle fk she smells like some sort of alien candy. The kings juice is in the back cuz it was a slower grower and the rest of the p,ants took everything over lol. One pheno of candyclysm has a totally different look and a more kushy terp profile.

Just stunning bro. What a great lookin Garden of Ganj 🙏:sick:
Love my joints...lol.....we'd do well together. I just like to smoke, I'm good at it, I'm a self proclaimed professional smoker. I've an award, well internet farmers award for special people...lol.....people that watch me smoke are often heard saying things like OMG I had no idea, and wow did you see that? no fkin way that's not possible.....then I see them hiding their stash.....lol....not going to work...I saw you....
haha bro we are members of the "perpetual smoke cloud above us" club. Fk yea. I bet when people see you they are like "is that guy a super hero or is he just high?" lmao
Yo big dawg. Hope you are well. Naw man it ain't like that. I'm right there with ya and you ever need me send me a DM. I'm not getting notifications yet to my phone(workin on it) but easy to see if have DMs

eeek even the word bugs me out. Luckily here in zero humidity straight desert lava ground land, I definitely dodge the "Too Much" humidity by default.
Yeah that fan will help for sure. I think you are right on about the humidity. If you have enough of a phat garden like you always do, it would be easy to miss a pocket here or there if weren't hittin them from all(the right) angles.

Yeah that has been fun to watch. Love how the one we often want to count out from the start turns out to be a stunner. I wanted to write-off the vanilla frosting from anesia seeds but she just ended up being late to the party. Now she is the tallest in the tent hah
Genetics and phenos man, I'm with ya. Just got something in mail yesterday I'm scared to even talk about :oops: but I will say the "Shugga" has finally arrived 🙏

I hear that. Been gettin much better about bein hands off, least imo. Yeah ever since you pointed out the RH last time I have been doin better to keep it as close to 50 as can till a couple/few weeks left and then I can easily be sub 40 with no dehu.
Week SIX! Yeahhh buddy here we are again. Tomorrow if 5 weeks in for me so I'm not far behind ya. Spotted some cross poli's in my tent from the Black Domina nanners. Looks to have mated with the Bubba Kush and and the Big Bud 👏 and some crosses that never existed appear in the distance. BDK(Black Domina Kush) or perhaps BB(Big Black) from MTV :cool:

Man I tell ya. Whoever comes up with a tent that can actually self-VPD oof that would save me some grey hairs no doubt. I am currently running my central AC from 7am to 6pm pretty much non-stop because if it shuts off, within 10-20min the tents upstairs, even with their doors half open, still can drop 5-10 degrees faster than you can say "omg did the air go off while I was running an errand". For sure this grow the toughest part has been maintaining a consistent VPD. Really lookin forward to the summer out here ending and not having to have AC on like this. Pricey and also cold-af lol I have sweatpants and long-sleeves on most of the day and it is 100+ out sheesh
Suup man, all is well, hope the same for you and yours!

Listening to this jam:

Yeah man I figure you wont have too much RH issues in the + range out there is desert-land. I think its harder to get rid of humidity vs add it so I would switch to low RH in a heartbeat lol. That fan seems to be doin well, next flower period Im def gonna lollipop like an artisanal candy maker from Switzerland.

And the Shugga...hmm could be all sorts of shit so Im thinking deemsters lol. No worries on the hush hush ;D
Yeah I saw that you had some nanners, fk man its almost unavoidable with fem seeds so dont be hard on yourself. I had some last grow, but they were few and on the lowers, hardly any seeds in the bud so Im not freaking over nanners that much unless I find a bunch :/. Glad your at week 5 man, I will go to your thread and spread some love! Cant wait to see what your garden looks like, last I looked it was looking FRICKEN FANTASTIC. Like you got this soil thing down pat and Im gonna be asking you questions when I grow in soil...soon :D.

Thats pretty funny about your ac, Im in the same boat bro. Im running my house ac lower than normal, my gf and dogs all are wearing sweaters. I like it, still cheaper than buying weed. One thing that I've started doing since I've started growing that I didn't expect: asking people to smell my fingers after rubbing nugs...lmfao.
Here's ma grow @ beginning of week 6. Peyote wifi: smells like grape jelly and frosty as heck. Candyclysm: holy fricken skittle fk she smells like some sort of alien candy. The kings juice is in the back cuz it was a slower grower and the rest of the p,ants took everything over lol. One pheno of candyclysm has a totally different look and a more kushy terp profile.View attachment 7694
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wow look really good there zombie.
So im at the start of week 7, got around 4 weeks left i think. I want to start adding epsom salt for extra sulphur, would week 7 be too early to start adding epsom salt? I know @Aqua Man you said to add epsom last few weeks of flowering but i forget how much and when to add it lol. Also should i adjust the amount of calmag im adding when using the epsom salt? Im running 40ish ppm water.

In my notes i have Epsom salt at 0.5grams per gallon beginning @ week 7 till flush
Here is my current recipe, though im thinking of half-ing the grow and adding some more bloom cuz my leaves dont need any more N i think.

2ml/pgal Calimagic
2.75ml/pgal Micro
1.5ml/pgal grow
5ml/pgal bloom

So would i just add 0.5g per gallon of epsom and leave the calimagic the same? CE43831A-8A43-4A70-BA23-3607822C3D3A.jpeg
So im at the start of week 7, got around 4 weeks left i think. I want to start adding epsom salt for extra sulphur, would week 7 be too early to start adding epsom salt? I know @Aqua Man you said to add epsom last few weeks of flowering but i forget how much and when to add it lol. Also should i adjust the amount of calmag im adding when using the epsom salt? Im running 40ish ppm water.

In my notes i have Epsom salt at 0.5grams per gallon beginning @ week 7 till flush
Here is my current recipe, though im thinking of half-ing the grow and adding some more bloom cuz my leaves dont need any more N i think.

2ml/pgal Calimagic
2.75ml/pgal Micro
1.5ml/pgal grow
5ml/pgal bloom

So would i just add 0.5g per gallon of epsom and leave the calimagic the same? View attachment 9002
Last week or 2 at 2 grams per gal…. Looking absolutely stellar bro
Last week or 2 at 2 grams per gal…. Looking absolutely stellar bro
Whats up! Aqua. Was Just wondering, you said i could run my current nutrient ratios till the end. Is this ideal, or would lessening the overall N to PK ratio towards end of flower give me better results? I think i heard somewhere that running one nute ratio is all thats needed and feedcharts constantly changing ratios is unecessary. Truth to this?
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