Yeah brah I had to go dark. My ole handle got nerfed by some petty Black Ops shit. Al Qaeda, Fed Chair Powell, Kim Kardashian, yada yada, and things got a bit hairy. Was best I just come out of the closet about my true self. I am Coco Lopez, proud Foundling turned Din Grogu once adopted by my Mando la familia here 🙏
Yeah it was some real Pablo Escobar stuff with the farm. Oh well, ce la vie.
Sup! Sorry I am ghostin! I have been hella busy but yea man we all got discombobulated with the farm culling. We are all here though, mostly. Anyone seen NinjaDip?
He is lost in space 😔 and all I have is a piece of him. This Black Domina strain he gifted me. I searched EVERYWHERE on my end for his info. Do you recall his RL 1st name by chance? It is possible I stored his info in my phone but I would need his 1st name to check. I sent him beans and he sent me beans and homemade thc suckers. I had to have had his info then.
We must find the Ninja at all costs and I actually saw him get banned. He posted something very brain-fartish like "why am I getting all these DMs about another forum" 🤣 and you can see he was the last to post in CGs Corner before it was locked and he was booted. I'm actually hoping he can't find us vs something like health issue 🤕

Edit: forgot BD pic. I feel he is close when I get close to the plant. It is very much like Poltergeist and the TV. He is out there, and is without his la familia 😔Screenshot_20230531_180636_Gallery.jpg
He is lost in space 😔 and all I have is a piece of him. This Black Domina strain he gifted me. I searched EVERYWHERE on my end for his info. Do you recall his RL 1st name by chance? It is possible I stored his info in my phone but I would need his 1st name to check. I sent him beans and he sent me beans and homemade thc suckers. I had to have had his info then.
We must find the Ninja at all costs and I actually saw him get banned. He posted something very brain-fartish like "why am I getting all these DMs about another forum" 🤣 and you can see he was the last to post in CGs Corner before it was locked and he was booted. I'm actually hoping he can't find us vs something like health issue 🤕

Edit: forgot BD pic. I feel he is close when I get close to the plant. It is very much like Poltergeist and the TV. He is out there, and is without his la familia 😔View attachment 5256
Damnnn I thought for sure he was on here too. He is lost in the void of cyberspace, hopefully he will find us here sometime soon! I feel he's ok but just is lost like you said. That black domina is a GORGEOUS plant man, the stacking like that is a sign of some serious nuggage. Keep the cut, call it the Black Domina "NinjaDip" cut ;(.

He lives in the same state as me, but never did have any contact outside of thcfarmer. Im sure he will show up!
Just a lil update middle of week 4. They're budding up nicely! The two pheno's of Candyclysm smell similar but look quite different so looking forward to that. The Peyote Wifi is the frostiest so far and smells like grape jelly when you run her lil buds :D. The Kings Juice was kind of a slow vegger but smells crazily of lemon and citrus. 348362139_1707652829689312_8390769845639783237_n.jpg351686764_994977121490154_1539588318083675150_n.jpg345248751_983261746422280_4438139750818436770_n.jpg351427538_708884714578285_2161455190521098703_n.jpg352207874_773898524216478_4237236782700395366_n.jpg350883230_112551865194147_5878316214695747832_n.jpg345336568_920440295685934_3843548887741740181_n.jpg


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Just a lil update middle of week 4. They're budding up nicely! The two pheno's of Candyclysm smell similar but look quite different so looking forward to that. The Peyote Wifi is the frostiest so far and smells like grape jelly when you run her lil buds :D. The Kings Juice was kind of a slow vegger but smells crazily of lemon and citrus. View attachment 5716View attachment 5719View attachment 5720View attachment 5721View attachment 5722View attachment 5715View attachment 5718
awesome dude. can't wait to see it finish.
Hiya Zombie. Looking nice.

I don't mean to be picky, but I like to zoom in when I have a big screen to work with. I'm a little worried here


That looks like it could be the beginning of botrytis. Could be nothing too, pics can be deceiving.
Hiya Zombie. Looking nice.

I don't mean to be picky, but I like to zoom in when I have a big screen to work with. I'm a little worried here

View attachment 5723

That looks like it could be the beginning of botrytis. Could be nothing too, pics can be deceiving.
man i couldn't see it. i need thicker glasses. lol
man i couldn't see it. i need thicker glasses. lol
I'm the same way, I can't see any detail unless I am on a full screen. I'm virtually worthless on my phone for diagnosis. Getting old - the first thing that went was my memory, followed closely by vision. Good thing weed helps with glaucoma, I'm really sure I don't have that ;)
Hiya Zombie. Looking nice.

I don't mean to be picky, but I like to zoom in when I have a big screen to work with. I'm a little worried here

View attachment 5723

That looks like it could be the beginning of botrytis. Could be nothing too, pics can be deceiving.
Dayum i will take a look see. The peyote wifi has some purpling going on but didnt notice.
Don't mean to give you a heart attack, could be nothing.
Absolutely no worries. I much prefer the heads up just in case! I have had trouble staying in the low 50% rh this grow cuz of my lack of defoliation. But that plant does have a fan blowing directly on it often, so if i did get bud rot i didnt think itd be that one. However...will post an update after ive inspected the plant.
I'm the same way, I can't see any detail unless I am on a full screen. I'm virtually worthless on my phone for diagnosis. Getting old - the first thing that went was my memory, followed closely by vision. Good thing weed helps with glaucoma, I'm really sure I don't have that ;)
Yeah glaucoma doesnt stand a chance with this crew lmao
Don't mean to give you a heart attack, could be nothing.
Wow you got some eyes to see something that fine......and how did you look at that spot in particular? Like detailing the entire pic to find a suspect spot? wow....Dr. Moe on the scene magnifier in got this mole on my arm I need looking at.....I'll get a pic....
Yeah glaucoma doesnt stand a chance with this crew lmao
I feel for your dog, I may have that fkin bug too. but the Dr. said take these pills call me when you run out.I'm out tonight I called yesterday I can talk to him in another 8 days......Your dog can get diagnosed....I get a phone call saying oh your sick try this. then try to call me to set up another phone consultation...if you can get one when I'm not fking busy....ooopps.....serenity now, serenity now......
He is lost in space 😔 and all I have is a piece of him. This Black Domina strain he gifted me. I searched EVERYWHERE on my end for his info. Do you recall his RL 1st name by chance? It is possible I stored his info in my phone but I would need his 1st name to check. I sent him beans and he sent me beans and homemade thc suckers. I had to have had his info then.
We must find the Ninja at all costs and I actually saw him get banned. He posted something very brain-fartish like "why am I getting all these DMs about another forum" 🤣 and you can see he was the last to post in CGs Corner before it was locked and he was booted. I'm actually hoping he can't find us vs something like health issue 🤕

Edit: forgot BD pic. I feel he is close when I get close to the plant. It is very much like Poltergeist and the TV. He is out there, and is without his la familia 😔View attachment 5256

@ninjadip this was your Black Domina before it detoured towards a Pride parade. Boy was she/he/they a looker 😔
Just a lil update middle of week 4. They're budding up nicely! The two pheno's of Candyclysm smell similar but look quite different so looking forward to that. The Peyote Wifi is the frostiest so far and smells like grape jelly when you run her lil buds :D. The Kings Juice was kind of a slow vegger but smells crazily of lemon and citrus. View attachment 5716View attachment 5719View attachment 5720View attachment 5721View attachment 5722View attachment 5715View attachment 5718
BEAUTIFUL Z! What great lookin flowers and bet they stacking now. Every day probably looks better than the last. Stunning work brotha and love that you got that Kings Juice. I can't tell you how much and often I stared at that GSC pic of it thinking "oh yes someday you'll be mine"
What's up zombie!?

I sent you an invite on the old site to an event here where I live, I thought you ignored me lol but you were banned probably by then

Wanted to see if you wanted to go to this stag luncheon in Winchester for apple blossom last month. They had a bikini contest for us drunk mofos. Unlimited beer and whiskey sodas, it was wild for sure.

I always thought you were talking about motorcycle riding, then I saw here you like bicycles. Every year I keep saying I'm going to take my Trek out and hit some trails, as well as play more golf, then I get high and forget lol

I like mountain biking but my wife likes hiking, so I hike 😆 I used to ride 20-30 miles everyday when I lived in Richmond and a bike was my only transportation. I had killer calves then lol

Anyways glad to see you again!


  • 20230505_151821-COLLAGE.jpg
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What's up zombie!?

I sent you an invite on the old site to an event here where I live, I thought you ignored me lol but you were banned probably by then

Wanted to see if you wanted to go to this stag luncheon in Winchester for apple blossom last month. They had a bikini contest for us drunk mofos. Unlimited beer and whiskey sodas, it was wild for sure.

I always thought you were talking about motorcycle riding, then I saw here you like bicycles. Every year I keep saying I'm going to take my Trek out and hit some trails, as well as play more golf, then I get high and forget lol

I like mountain biking but my wife likes hiking, so I hike 😆 I used to ride 20-30 miles everyday when I lived in Richmond and a bike was my only transportation. I had killer calves then lol

Anyways glad to see you again!
Ummm just a couple things here.

Sweet pic Ninja :cool:

and @ZombieRider I need your help with my bike 🤣 Gears are always whacked up. It is a trek from that 1st year with Gary Fisher and the damn thing was likely $700 plus and now I see used for under $100 lmfao wtf is it that frikkin shitty? I mean damn I just need the damn thing to not kill me due to gear/chain-slip
Ummm just a couple things here.

Sweet pic Ninja :cool:

and @ZombieRider I need your help with my bike 🤣 Gears are always whacked up. It is a trek from that 1st year with Gary Fisher and the damn thing was likely $700 plus and now I see used for under $100 lmfao wtf is it that frikkin shitty? I mean damn I just need the damn thing to not kill me due to gear/chain-slip
I got to do a derailer tune up myself. they want $100 to do a tune up at my bike shop, i'll prolly do it myself. get that thing flipped and get the screwdriver out and go to town

Sorry @Coco Lopez ! man i still think of you as the perfec(sic) trader or is it perfect rader? lol
I got my used Trek for $100 many years ago, looked brand new, red and white hard-tail.

Funny story about that bikini contest pic, i sent a copy of it to my incarcerated step-bro and of course it got rejected. but what was funny was that he told my mom... who called me and asked what i sent him to get rejected as "nudity".... my mom is like super religious... so i decided to play dumb

"it was just someone in a bikini" -me
"was it ***(wife's name) in a bikini"- moms
"(pause)... okay.. he doesn't need anything to get him excited though" -moms
Moms doesn't understand.. he def needs something to get him excited in there lol
I feel for your dog, I may have that fkin bug too. but the Dr. said take these pills call me when you run out.I'm out tonight I called yesterday I can talk to him in another 8 days......Your dog can get diagnosed....I get a phone call saying oh your sick try this. then try to call me to set up another phone consultation...if you can get one when I'm not fking busy....ooopps.....serenity now, serenity now......
Yeah he is getting better thankfully but it fked him up pretty good. It took a while to get him diagnosed though so if you nip lyme in the bud I hear its not too much of an issue for most. I live in VA and were a hotspot for a ton of tick borne diseases like lyme, rocky mountain spotted fever, etc.
Ummm just a couple things here.

Sweet pic Ninja :cool:

and @ZombieRider I need your help with my bike 🤣 Gears are always whacked up. It is a trek from that 1st year with Gary Fisher and the damn thing was likely $700 plus and now I see used for under $100 lmfao wtf is it that frikkin shitty? I mean damn I just need the damn thing to not kill me due to gear/chain-slip
Whats up bro! I've been really busy all day so, sorry for the late response. Anyway my first mountain bike was a Gary Fisher HooKooEKoo. Then they got sold to someone I forget (was it Trek?). Now I ride a Giant Anthem and its THE shite. Dual suspension changes the mtb game.

As to your shifting, that is ALWAYS what people need help with, that and tire changes haha. So no worries man. Its usually a simple gear indexing and/or cable tension adjustment. REALLY easy and no reason to go to a bike shop to have it done by someone who barely knows wtf they're doing lol. You also might want to put new gear cables and brake cables on your bike cuz if they are messed up it will always shift like crap no matter how much you adjust them.
I got to do a derailer tune up myself. they want $100 to do a tune up at my bike shop, i'll prolly do it myself. get that thing flipped and get the screwdriver out and go to town

Sorry @Coco Lopez ! man i still think of you as the perfec(sic) trader or is it perfect rader? lol
I got my used Trek for $100 many years ago, looked brand new, red and white hard-tail.

Funny story about that bikini contest pic, i sent a copy of it to my incarcerated step-bro and of course it got rejected. but what was funny was that he told my mom... who called me and asked what i sent him to get rejected as "nudity".... my mom is like super religious... so i decided to play dumb

"it was just someone in a bikini" -me
"was it ***(wife's name) in a bikini"- moms
"(pause)... okay.. he doesn't need anything to get him excited though" -moms

Moms doesn't understand.. he def needs something to get him excited in there lol
Whats up man! Just follow the videos I posted above and fk that 100 dollar "tune up". Bikes are really easy to work on imo.
What's up zombie!?

I sent you an invite on the old site to an event here where I live, I thought you ignored me lol but you were banned probably by then

Wanted to see if you wanted to go to this stag luncheon in Winchester for apple blossom last month. They had a bikini contest for us drunk mofos. Unlimited beer and whiskey sodas, it was wild for sure.

I always thought you were talking about motorcycle riding, then I saw here you like bicycles. Every year I keep saying I'm going to take my Trek out and hit some trails, as well as play more golf, then I get high and forget lol

I like mountain biking but my wife likes hiking, so I hike 😆 I used to ride 20-30 miles everyday when I lived in Richmond and a bike was my only transportation. I had killer calves then lol

Anyways glad to see you again!
Sup bro! Yeah dude I had no way of responding/contacting you cuz I got banned pretty quick. Why? Cuz I had an account on two forums lmao. I should be able to be part of as many forums as I please so yeah thats that.

And yeah I ride BOTH bicycles and motorcycles, but I mostly am talking about bicycles when I mention riding. I ride up to skyline drive all the time its only like 40 miles from my house. Fricken beautiful place. Ive been riding bikes since I was 16, but have only been racing for past 6 years. I ride gravel, road, mountain bikes, time trial bikes, downhill bikes. Only thing I havent ridden is a unicycle or a tandem bike cuz fk that noise haha.

Richmond is dope, there is a Pro road bike race there every year.

And dude looks like I missed out lmao, the stag party looked like a fun time.
So I looked with a loupe on EVERY damn cola growing and COULD NOT find any bud rot. I think what you were seeing @Moe.Red was the purple coloration that is coming out from the peyote wifi. She is covered in trichomes already and its only the start of week 5. However since you warned be about it, I have moved my dehu into the grow room instead of in the lung room to really get the RH down and Im stable @ 50-55% rh.

I also realized that I did lollipop these plants, but decided to veg them for a while longer, and the bottom growth grew back. Then I FORGOT to lollipop. I swear I was high and forgot to lollipop them this round lmao. Oh well, it doesnt SEEM to be having any effects on the bud formation, though Im lacking the nice airflow that lollipopping gives the table. I got fans under the table and next to it moving air around and through the canopy and dont feel any wet spots between any leaves. So hopefully that means there arent any really high RH pockets in my room. Anyway here is a lil photo dump, lemme know if you spot anything weird.
348362139_1707652829689312_8390769845639783237_n (1).jpg
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