What's up zombie!?
I sent you an invite on the old site to an event here where I live, I thought you ignored me lol but you were banned probably by then
Wanted to see if you wanted to go to this stag luncheon in Winchester for apple blossom last month. They had a bikini contest for us drunk mofos. Unlimited beer and whiskey sodas, it was wild for sure.
I always thought you were talking about motorcycle riding, then I saw here you like bicycles. Every year I keep saying I'm going to take my Trek out and hit some trails, as well as play more golf, then I get high and forget lol
I like mountain biking but my wife likes hiking, so I hike

I used to ride 20-30 miles everyday when I lived in Richmond and a bike was my only transportation. I had killer calves then lol
Anyways glad to see you again!