Buzzking is trying again - 4 site RDWC Apollo XX, Mac Dragon bx1

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Sodium is good.
Maganese is a bit high IMO, but coming from the aquifer I assume.

What causes manganese in water supply?

Manganese is found naturally in groundwater, but levels can be increased by human activities like steel production and mining. Manganese can turn the water a brown or rust color, cause staining of faucets, sinks, or laundry, and make the water have an off off-taste or odor.

Using Chlorine rather than chloramines. That is a little unusual.

At 250 PPM, I think you are OK to mentally call that zero, and add your GH trio to 650 - 750PPM range (500 effective). I would also grab some cal-mag if you can and make it 1:1:1:1 for right now. Cannabis can be a calcium hog, especially when you flip to flower. The stretch causes morphology changes in the plant and it needs calcium to grow that stem structure. Calcium is immobile, so it needs to be readily available in the feed or your plants will suffer.
Dates on that report am I missing something ? 2021 that could explain the chorine - I know I’m in dirt but I would have guessed that total ppm to be on the high side ? I shoot for 180ish little different make up -
Dates on that report am I missing something ? 2021 that could explain the chorine - I know I’m in dirt but I would have guessed that total ppm to be on the high side ? I shoot for 180ish little different make up -
When I googled it that was the most recent one posted.

When you say ppm on the high side, are you saying the nutes mix or the tap water?

So the tap water starts at 250 - but contains virtually nothing the plant wants. So that's a wash.

We generally run a RDWC around 500. Some less, some more.

Add the 2 and you are going to be sitting around 750.

If you follow the GH schedule, you will be over 1000PPM. That's too high IMO. 500 is about right for most plants. YMMV.
So the tap water starts at 250 - but contains virtually nothing the plant wants. So that's a wash.

Yea, I thought it was high when I was having problems with contamination in my RO tank at 150. Doesn't leave much wiggle room is how I am seeing it, sorta riding the razors edge. I always feel much better about everything when my RO is low. If you can do it bro, I would invest in an RO system so you have a base that you know before you add anything.
Yea, I thought it was high when I was having problems with contamination in my RO tank at 150. Doesn't leave much wiggle room is how I am seeing it, sorta riding the razors edge. I always feel much better about everything when my RO is low. If you can do it bro, I would invest in an RO system so you have a base that you know before you add anything.
Agreed, I would never talk someone down off an RO system, but you can get by without as well.

We need to get Buzz a good first harvest, and maybe then we can twist his arm and get him an upgrade.
Yea, I thought it was high when I was having problems with contamination in my RO tank at 150. Doesn't leave much wiggle room is how I am seeing it, sorta riding the razors edge. I always feel much better about everything when my RO is low. If you can do it bro, I would invest in an RO system so you have a base that you know before you add anything.
Wanted to comment on my well water, comes out of the ground around 2300 ppm on the700 scale in summer and was maybe 2000 this past fall and winter. I put in a fairly over kill ro system to get it down usually below 40 and get my waste ratio 1 to 1.

With average" water a ro system wont cost more than a couple hundred dollars and payback will be 10 fold.

Edit for pics
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Thanks all for the replies and Moe for checking out the water report. I went online and the according to the most recent 2022 report they are using chloramines.

I started adding ascorbic acid after filling my batch water and letting aerate for about 12 hours to try and rid the water of that. I suppose I should just buck up and get a RO system just seems like such a huge waste of water so resisted thus far thinking I could work around the city water issues.

I’ve been using the GH Trio nute schedule as a guideline but at 1/2 the suggested amount. It seems to get me at about the right levels.
Also picked up some Cal Mag on the way back from KS so here’s what I added to the 30 gallon batch of water along with 60ml OrcaIMG_2678.jpeg
I pulled each plant and dunked each of the plants roots in a 5 gallon bucket of treated water with extra dose of Orca. Trimmed off 2 large fan leaves from the bottom of each plant but wondering if I should take a couple more of the bigger ones from the bottom to open things up??
Root pic during water change…
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Trimmed off 2 large fan leaves from the bottom of each plant but wondering if I should take a couple more of the bigger ones from the bottom to open things up??

I would say you could go either way on removing those fans bro. They will all be coming off eventually but you want your solar panels as long as you can get them at this stage I would imagine.

One concern is the fans that are actually sitting on the lids. I generally don't like to have that because it can be a point for mold an other pathogens to get a foothold on your plants. If it were me, I would leave them and just monitor closely to see if they are transpiring on each other or the lid until they get a bit more growth. If they are transpiring on each other, I generally will take at least one of the offending parties out, you definitely don't want that.

Do you have plenty of air movement? Fans going?

These short squatty plants have a learning curve for sure.
I would say you could go either way on removing those fans bro. They will all be coming off eventually but you want your solar panels as long as you can get them at this stage I would imagine.

One concern is the fans that are actually sitting on the lids. I generally don't like to have that because it can be a point for mold an other pathogens to get a foothold on your plants. If it were me, I would leave them and just monitor closely to see if they are transpiring on each other or the lid until they get a bit more growth. If they are transpiring on each other, I generally will take at least one of the offending parties out, you definitely don't want that.

Do you have plenty of air movement? Fans going?

These short squatty plants have a learning curve for sure.
Thanks for the quick reply. Normally I would have no problem clipping large fans but you’re right these plants seem to be abnormally short and squatty. I’m assuming this is because I planted a little to low into the hydroton this time. Leaning towards trimming them in a day or two…

Yes have 3 fans blowing down from the top of tent and keep the 6” exhaust going 24/7 pulli g fresh air from 2 of 4 of the vents at the bottom of the GG tent. Think they are getting good circulation in my opinion but do want to upgrade to some oscillating fans at some point, maybe this grow during flower
Hell yeah! Smallish world. I've wired some shit in Hays. We actually have a few projects going there now.

We might need to link up.
Yeah seems like this community continues to bring people together in strange ways. DM me anytime would be more than willing to share more info on my exploits in KS
Buzz, I would hold off on clipping those big fans. You will get there eventually, but right now they are a store of mobile nutrients for your new growth, and it looks in a few places where you might have an imbalance.

I'm not sure which is old vs new, but I'm seeing some spots on a few leaves.


And bottom right


Let's talk that thru before you give a haircut. Are those all old issues, or still going thru it?
Buzz, I would hold off on clipping those big fans. You will get there eventually, but right now they are a store of mobile nutrients for your new growth, and it looks in a few places where you might have an imbalance.

I'm not sure which is old vs new, but I'm seeing some spots on a few leaves.


And bottom right


Let's talk that thru before you give a haircut. Are those all old issues, or still going thru it?
Hey Moe! Yes the plant on the right is the one that started showing those symptoms Tuesday when I was heading out of town so for sure old growth. Didn’t get a chance to do the water change until yesterday morning but added 60ml of cal mag to the 30 gallon batch along with the GH trio. Water tested at 600ppm and at 5.8 ph

Agreed will leave the large fans for now and continue to monitor new growth for any signs of stress or nute imbalance.
So once again letting the work thing take too much of my time and get in the way of growing 😝….

Plants responded well to the cal mag treatment and have gone through 2 water changes so far and 3 of the 4 still looking healthy.

The Apollo in the back left is by far the most vigorous, here’s a pic of root ball IMG_2728.jpeg
All that being said I still have a runt in the front left and they are all short and stocky. I did trim back a few of the really big fan leaves last week and again today to ensure air flow and get the bud sites some light. Going to wait one more week then flip to flower and give them a heavy trimming. Will keep you all posted as time permits. Thanks for looking IMG_2728.jpegIMG_2721.jpegIMG_2721.jpegIMG_2722.jpegIMG_2723.jpegIMG_2724.jpegIMG_2725.jpegIMG_2726.jpeg


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Just wanting to comment. Note the fibrous roots or lack thereof compared to @Moe.Red sample from his fogponics run.
Nothing wrong with buzzking roots imo as i have had similar healthy roots and wanted to point that out. Take it or leave it.

Zoomed in buzzking root picScreenshot_20230508-182703_Samsung Internet.jpg

These roots are from a plant where i intentionally let the ph fall to 4.3, zoom in and notice the lack of fibrous roots 20221103_075849.jpg
Update - week 4 of flower in the books.
Just got back from Jamaica and did a water change and trim. Things were out of control so tried my best to clear away the lower stuff and get some air circulating. The Apollo in the back left continues to thrive and the runt on the front left is finally coming around. Still surprised the 2 Mac Dragon on the right aren’t any bigger when compared to SLG’s recent grow but still looking healthy so that’s all I can hope for at this point.

Keeping my fingers crossed the pests are a thing of the past. I’ve scoured the cuttings for signs of infestations and haven’t found any signs of life thus far.

Thanks for reading and any input or comments are always appreciated! ✌️

Before trim…

After trim…

Roots during water change…

So just a quick update…did an early water change as the wife and I are heading up to the IL river to hang at our cabin and hopefully get the boat out for the first time this year. Things are looking good, had to do another major defoliation and a little knuckling on the Apollo in the back left to get things under control. All are getting frosty especially the Mac Dragon (also seeing first signs of purple). Thanks again to all for the support, here’s to building buds! 😎
Nice looking plants buzzking! You from the Illinois area? I remember someone is but can't remember who...anyway my midwest brethren grows looking good!

Guessing from your title you had a rough last grow? This one looks on point
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