Imperium X by Anesia in RDWC - Bud Builders

They look really good.
Week 6 ?
Is this grow what you would consider one of your better attempts? Look like it to me. As @steamroller put it, your going to finish green
Yup, right at the end of week 6, the strain is said to go 9-10 so still quite a way to go here, a lot happens in the last 3-4 weeks if things are going well with the grow and I expect these flowers to get quite a bit bigger. Hoping for 2+ lbs out of this one.

I do think this is my most dialed in grow to date, lovin it. If I had my LST down better, this would be an even better yield.
With you always getting testing, can't wait to see if this gets in the high 30% range as advertised.
Agreed. It looks to be a heavy yielder as well as very fast in veg. I did very little LST to these, in fact none to the clones except topping a time or two and only trained the mom, front-left, to get her down near the canopy level of the clones.
Just got my Imperium X seeds today. Looks like a killer genetic. With you always getting testing, can't wait to see if this gets in the high 30% range as advertised.
You already got yours awesome. I know mine shipped just waiting on the mail at this point. Going to try these genetics out against what I have in my collection
View attachment 31564View attachment 31565View attachment 31566View attachment 31567View attachment 31568View attachment 31569View attachment 31570View attachment 31571Flipped these gals on October 27 and today marks day 31, moving into week 5 and I think these gals are doing well. Been a bit of a challenge leaving for 3 days but I got these gals dialed in before I left last week and they are increasing their intake of nutes, I bumped em up to 725 ppm after seeing a bit of PK deficiency when I got home today, gonna see how that settles in and make necessary adjustments.

Overall, I am pretty pleased with how this grow is going. This is a robust strain and I am hopeful for a bountiful harvest in 5-6 weeks, breeder says 9-10 weeks.

I think I’m raising some holy rollers here!
Neat, lol.

are they begging for higher intensity or extra 30 minutes of light?



genuinely curious.
Honestly, I'm not sure. I've never had a plant pray like this and I take it to mean they are happy. I had bumped the light up to 85% the other day but turned it back down to 80% because of some tacoing on some of the upper fans, that was part of the reason I lowered the light down on the right hand side, to get more light to that shorter one on the right-front. PPFD at the tallest branches is right around 1000 and 7-900 on the lower ones depending on where they are.

I've heard of some growers playing with different light schedules but that is an area I have not delved into, straight 12/12 here.
Figuring about 2 weeks left for these gals, perhaps a bit longer. They are starting to very slowly ripen, some pistils starting to turn rusty and curl up, but not many.

Tons of trichs when you zoom in, some very nice coloring coming in too and the calyx's are starting to swell a bit, they are definitely drinking less, turned the light down to 70%, was seeing some fox tailing and a bit of fan leaf tacoing on some of the upper fans closest to the light.

I expect these to gain a bit more mass in the next week or so, never grown this strain so I don't know how she finishes, bet we're fixin to find out! Getting night time temps down in the mid to low 60's, daytime mid 80's. Going for max THC and terps on this beauty, hoping to shatter all my records with this elite.

Here are a few flower shots from yesterday.

Changed out the res for late stage bloom today, feeding at about 360 and stable in the res.
When I set this res at the new ratios, I mimicked the number, 360, where the previous res was sitting, however, this morning they let me know they want more with these new ratios with the PPM's falling and pH falling overnight. Bumped the ppm's up by 100, now at about 460 and guessing this will get me pretty stable for the next week where they should start to ripen fairly quick, starting to see some of the dark, almost black fade coming in that this strain is known for.

They've slowed down on water intake and many of the pistils are turning color and shriveling up. Have not looked at trich's yet but not that close yet, I expect to go a full 10 weeks here.
Seems I've been thinking I was a bit further along on this grow than I realized, counted back and from what I can tell, I am just at the 3rd day of week 9, not far off but I thought I had week 9 in the books by now. Thinking it might not go to a full 10 weeks from the looks of things but I could be wrong. Peeked at trichs with a loupe and nothing there to suggest they are getting close.

I've been a bit perplexed figuring out this new way of reading the water and working their way to the finish line has been a challenge with pH falling, not terribly out of control falling, but falling just the same and been playing with that ppm number to get them dialed in. Seems the window for balance is very small and I either get it too hot or too weak. I am thinking at the end of this week, I am going to drain the res and just add RO for the last few days which I am guessing is the flush I have read about. Not sure if I should do this or not, wondering what the other experts here think?

Had some foxtailing going on and backed the light off to 65% and raised it a bit and will keep it there for the duration, maybe pull back another 5% for the last week. They are starting to get a nice fade going on, don't think it's too early but do think it may finish before 10 full weeks.

Seems I've been thinking I was a bit further along on this grow than I realized, counted back and from what I can tell, I am just at the 3rd day of week 9, not far off but I thought I had week 9 in the books by now. Thinking it might not go to a full 10 weeks from the looks of things but I could be wrong. Peeked at trichs with a loupe and nothing there to suggest they are getting close.

I've been a bit perplexed figuring out this new way of reading the water and working their way to the finish line has been a challenge with pH falling, not terribly out of control falling, but falling just the same and been playing with that ppm number to get them dialed in. Seems the window for balance is very small and I either get it too hot or too weak. I am thinking at the end of this week, I am going to drain the res and just add RO for the last few days which I am guessing is the flush I have read about. Not sure if I should do this or not, wondering what the other experts here think?

Had some foxtailing going on and backed the light off to 65% and raised it a bit and will keep it there for the duration, maybe pull back another 5% for the last week. They are starting to get a nice fade going on, don't think it's too early but do think it may finish before 10 full weeks.

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Instead of straight water I'd give them a very weak solution.
Got straight on my days, today is day 63 and a full 9 weeks in flower. They are getting close but no cigar. Water intake has slowed, most pistils are brown and shriveled, and the fade is in full swing. Took my first close look at trichomes today and not much amber to speak of, looks to be mostly cloudy though and just littered with more trichomes than I have seen on a strain, I can see why this one has such a high % potential.

I'm not 100% on this, but I have to leave tomorrow for 3 days and I am going to try something new this harvest that I got off the Scynce LED website. I have been looking for ways to utilize the adjustable spectrum to my advantage, something I know next to nothing about, and it's hard to find much on the internet about using spectrum in different ways to improve the final product. Found this-

Screen Shot 2023-12-28 at 10.53.16 AM.jpg

So what I am going to do, is try to time it right, and 3 days before harvest, turn all the red spectrum off to harvest. Looking at trichomes, I do not think I am there yet. It's very hard to tell unless you have grown the strain before, how fast the amber comes in. I have seen it come in rather quickly, and slowly on different grows. To complicate things, I'm going to be gone for the next 3 days so I won't be able to keep as close an eye on it. Maybe Mrs SLG can get that app and look for me??? We'll see.

If these gals go the full 10 weeks, I should be good to switch that red off when I get home on Monday so will be watching for amber closely.


Day 67 of flower, 9-10 week strain and I think we’re getting close. Still no amber to speak of, trying to time it so I get all the red out of the spectrum for the last 3 days of flower to boost the terpenes. I’d like to see a little amber before I flip that switch.

Took another look this afternoon, decided to switch the red spectrum off and start the countdown to harvest so likely Thursday will be the day. I do expect to see amber before then but you never know! Not seeing too many clear trichomes so I think they are close.
So.....not a lot of change in the trichomes over the last 3 days and am hesitant to harvest these gals tomorrow like I had planned. I turned all the red spectrum off for lights on Monday morning counting on them ripening up, but they have not.

Anyone with spectrum adjusting experience care to chime in on whether or not it's a good idea to just leave the red off and go a few more days if necessary to get fully ripe? Love to hear what ya'all think of how these trichs look, I think they need to go longer but I'm concerned about turning that red spectrum off for longer than the recommended time. Got a ticket in with Scynce, gonna see what they say but curious what ya'all think?2024-01-03-08-48-46-327.jpeg2024-01-03-08-48-36-192.jpeg2024-01-03-08-46-41-205.jpeg2024-01-03-08-46-24-909.jpeg2024-01-03-08-45-58-142.jpeg2024-01-03-08-45-29-906.jpeg
I did talk to the tech at Scynce LED and he said it would not hurt anything to keep the red off a few more days if needed. I'm also wondering if this is one of those strains that doesn't show much amber, can't remember which one, but had this happen before.

Did not see any on sugar leaves either, but did not look that close, might take another look and see if I can see any on the sugars.
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