Kuwl's Deja Vue All Over Again

Frustrating waiting for a seed to germ hahahha
I put a Fruity Pebble og in the soil to see if something will open up.
I got that one free from my order of a few months ago.

Got the shed done except the flooring.
I had Home Depot cut it to fit in the SUV to bring it home.
I measured wrong so I will have to make the final cut.
It's 8' x 10' so it's big lol.
Seen the sun for a short time today but not enough time to do anything.

The plants in the glass house are acting funny.
String beans they are, very tall with 3 leaves and not many of them.
I put them in fresh soil with perlite but still they look mal-nurished.
So I fed them some nutes yesterday and they look a bit better but not right.
I don't know if they will make it.
If they do, I will have a problem with smell as the GH is next to the mailbox on the
other side of the fence and 20 feet from the side walk and street.
I don't have much faith it will succeed.
Ah well, ya have to try.

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Wow, I've never seen plants stretch out like that, You're going to need to tie them in a knot, They look too young to top but MG'd they sprouted up fast...re pot bury them deep???.....Now you need to move your green house where the little storage shed with the ladder is....so mailman can't smell it.....work work work...lol.....
Wow, I've never seen plants stretch out like that, You're going to need to tie them in a knot, They look too young to top but MG'd they sprouted up fast...re pot bury them deep???.....Now you need to move your green house where the little storage shed with the ladder is....so mailman can't smell it.....work work work...lol.....
A couple of years ago I had a few plants growing out there by the lil shed and as I watched
out the front window this guy was walking, on the sidewalk, by my house.
He was walking at a pretty good pace, when he just got past my lot he stopped dead in his tracks,
Looked around then kept on walking lol.
I knew he got a whiff of that flower lol but since he could not see where it was coming from he went his way.
It was a windy day and the wind must have shifted just right for a second and he caught it lmao.

Hell No, I ain't movin nothin' haha I'll lock em in the big shed at night if it gets too smelly.
But first I have to tame em down hopefully. I did top 2 of the 3 and will again soon as possible.
That's why I wanted the Auto's nice n short.
If need be, I will bend the fk out of them and tie em down like I did before.
A couple of years ago I had a few plants growing out there by the lil shed and as I watched
out the front window this guy was walking, on the sidewalk, by my house.
He was walking at a pretty good pace, when he just got past my lot he stopped dead in his tracks,
Looked around then kept on walking lol.
I knew he got a whiff of that flower lol but since he could not see where it was coming from he went his way.
It was a windy day and the wind must have shifted just right for a second and he caught it lmao.

Hell No, I ain't movin nothin' haha I'll lock em in the big shed at night if it gets too smelly.
But first I have to tame em down hopefully. I did top 2 of the 3 and will again soon as possible.
That's why I wanted the Auto's nice n short.
If need be, I will bend the fk out of them and tie em down like I did before.
If they do get big and smelly you may want to take a sleeping bag, cot & air horn out their at night,.......someone comes a prowling at night you let em have it just as they breach the fence.....along with a camera that would be some fun.....🤣🤣🤣
Well after several failed attemps I think I got one or two.
There must by a dozen seeds in there so who knows which one it is.
Then we'll see if it does what the other 3 are doing, which look alot like a re-veg to me.
They got 3 leaves only and no new leaves are appearing, so far.
The last 4-5 seeds I put in there were from either Fruity Pebbles or QC Blue, not sure but who cares haha

Screwing down the floor then staining it so almost done with the big shed, thank goodness.
So hot, rainy and humid the sweat pours off me when working on it.

Wow $100 worth of seeds (20) in the toiilet I don't think I will ever buy seeds again.
I got enough seeds stored for 10 life times, so there's that.

It's Alive!!


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4 germ’ed
I will transfer them to solo cups in a.few days.
The other 3 are stagnant with no growth or
Should be interesting to see how the new seedlings do.
At least the shed is done, now for the cellar.


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I've never had problems popping seeds. Unless the seed bank gave you bunk seeds I'm not sure why you've had such shit luck trying to pop them......
I got them over a year ago maybe 2 yrs idk but they looked light not as dark as a fully mature seed should.
I brought them Auto and fem'ed and was a bogo so I had 20 tries to get one to pop lol.
Even if I was bad at it and had no luck at all, I would think at least one would germ.
I tried moist paper towel in a zip lock, in a saucer, paper towel in saucer, soil, soil w/ gibberellic, shot glass w/spring water, 24 hr float in spring water then paper towel,
Special seed starter soil and also tried using a heat mat.
I threw in some seeds from the last grow that I clean out before rollin' one and they germ'ed in 2-3 days normal.
Eh, it is what it is.
Bugs attack! Seen some holes in the leaves and black spots under them.
Sprayed with Jack's bug stuff.
They still look pathetic with only 3 leaves on a stem and some are wrinkled.
Maybe too much N idk.
No visible growth yet either.

The seedlings are fine and doing well.
They look healthy and are stretching nicely.
I sprayed the top of the soil in the solo cups to stop any bug infestation.

GH is empty now so it would be nice is these plants would grow.


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Bugs attack! Seen some holes in the leaves and black spots under them.
Sprayed with Jack's bug stuff.
They still look pathetic with only 3 leaves on a stem and some are wrinkled.
Maybe too much N idk.
No visible growth yet either.

The seedlings are fine and doing well.
They look healthy and are stretching nicely.
I sprayed the top of the soil in the solo cups to stop any bug infestation.

GH is empty now so it would be nice is these plants would grow.
A whole new set of issues between indoors & out, I've never had great success outside. Wow our weather sucks, loud rolling thunder, dark skies, power outages, rain like arc stuff.......our forecast shows thunder storm steady for the next 24 hrs, although we're in a gap between cells at the moment.....no outdoor stuff for us this year, we don't have a sunny day predicted for the next 14 days all storms and showers....fkin gloomy.
A whole new set of issues between indoors & out, I've never had great success outside. Wow our weather sucks, loud rolling thunder, dark skies, power outages, rain like arc stuff.......our forecast shows thunder storm steady for the next 24 hrs, although we're in a gap between cells at the moment.....no outdoor stuff for us this year, we don't have a sunny day predicted for the next 14 days all storms and showers....fkin gloomy.
That's crazy bad weather you got there Pipe!
Mine's not too bad we get some stormy stuff and then it's gone and the Sun peaks out.
Off and on but doible for growing, it's the street lights and car lights that kill it for me.
So I'm doin it for fun, not expecting any product to come from it.

The cellar is cleaned out and done for the Summer.
I really need those 2 electric outlets put in before I can continue to grow down there.
It's just too messy with extention cords and multi power strips to grow safely in that space.
If I can do it, it will be great!! Not sure of the cost and if the panel will take on the extra outlets.
When we last re-modeled, the city electritions said, I needed a new one (Breaker Panel Box) but since it would cost so much
they decided on a work around and grandfathered in my old panel to the new codes. Somethin like that :)
I mean I am not getting a code inspection but don't want to burn down the house either, lol.
Thinking about skining the 9' 6" x 6' 4" room with some kinda material like the tents are made of.
I would only have to cover 2 walls that way, the other 2 are stone walls.
I have a door from the wood left over from the shed floor.
Also looking at some interlocking rubber like tiles from Sam's Club.
Ah, Summer dreaming ha!

Most of my work in the yard is done so I'm down for some plinking with my BB/Pelet Guns.
I like the Dana .22 cal. the best for handgun use but my Hatsan .25 cal. is my fav break barrel rifle.

I got these plants in the GH by night and outside in the daytime.
They are not drying out as fast as they should.
I poked some more holes in the pots, hope it helps.
Fed one time only and they must by a month old by now.
Only one, the tallest, is doing well enough to survive imo.

The seedlings are doing very well and I have high hopes for them.
I like the way they are looking and hope they do well in the next few weeks.
Got their second set of leaves!
One other seedling popped open in the seed starters but is struggling.

Thinking about skining the 9' 6" x 6' 4" room with some kinda material like the tents are made of.
I would only have to cover 2 walls that way, the other 2 are stone walls.
I have a door from the wood left over from the shed floor.
Also looking at some interlocking rubber like tiles from Sam's Club.
Ah, Summer dreaming ha!

Most of my work in the yard is done so I'm down for some plinking with my BB/Pelet Guns.
I like the Dana .22 cal. the best for handgun use but my Hatsan .25 cal. is my fav break barrel rifle.

I got these plants in the GH by night and outside in the daytime.
They are not drying out as fast as they should.
I poked some more holes in the pots, hope it helps.
Fed one time only and they must by a month old by now.
Only one, the tallest, is doing well enough to survive imo.

The seedlings are doing very well and I have high hopes for them.
I like the way they are looking and hope they do well in the next few weeks.
Got their second set of leaves!
One other seedling popped open in the seed starters but is struggling.

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Ya, Bandit420 has a room with what look like 2'x8' insulated panels, and some nice art work...I'm not sure what they cost but I think they'd work well here on my walls.View attachment 148851690237806007.png
Ya, Bandit420 has a room with what look like 2'x8' insulated panels, and some nice art work...I'm not sure what they cost but I think they'd work well here on my walls.View attachment 14885View attachment 14884

My panels are 2'x4' sheets of hammered & polished aluminum and will probably be very hard to find unless you have some pals living at Area 51.😋

IDK if Y'all remember bat wing reflectors for HID lights, but that's what's on my walls.
Before reflector manufacturers cut and stamp these things into shape....

bat wing.png

The aluminum stock they use comes in 2'x4' sheets and that's what you see on my walls.
IDK of any place in the American horticulture industry that still supplies these sheets. I got mine as new old stock almost ten years ago so we may be 12-15 years past their availability. My score was pretty much a right place at the right time purchase.
Find them either from China or perhaps in the walk in freezer industry because they look a lot like the walls of a walk in freezer. Or if there's aluminum sheet manufacturing near you would be worth the look.
But yeah, hammered & polished aluminum is what I have. Lasts a very long time, just needs to be kept clean which is very ez, and it offers 95%-99% reflective capabilities. Very hard to find but worth it.

Now take me to your leader :alien:
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My panels are 2'x4' sheets of hammered & polished aluminum and will probably be very hard to find unless you have some pals living at Area 51.😋

IDK if Y'all remember bat wing reflectors for HID lights, but that's what's on my walls.
Before reflector manufacturers cut and stamp these things into shape....

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The aluminum stock they use comes in 2'x4' sheets and that's what you see on my walls.
IDK of any place in the American horticulture industry that still supplies these sheets. I got mine as new old stock over ten years ago so we may be 12-15 years past their availability. My score was pretty much a right place at the right time purchase.
Find them either from China or perhaps in the walk in freezer industry because they look a lot like the walls of a walk in freezer. Or if there's aluminum sheet manufacturing near you would be worth the look.
But yeah, hammered & polished aluminum is what I have. Lasts a very long time, just needs to be kept clean which is very ez, and it offers 95%-99% reflective capabilities. Very hard to find but worth it.

Now take me to your leader :alien:
They look nice but I didn't realize how deep your alien gene's dive into growing. I thought they were simple off the shelf insulated panel, oh know...another misconception by a mere mortal. Hand pounded aluminum by little people in a far off land, imported on the backs of dolphin's across the ocean, then hand carried to your destination of choice. Save no expense get the best, I always wondered on Amzon who clicks high to low for merchandise....now I know............

Just a ribbing man...nice stuff..its called envy....lol
They look nice but I didn't realize how deep your alien gene's dive into growing. I thought they were simple off the shelf insulated panel, oh know...another misconception by a mere mortal. Hand pounded aluminum by little people in a far off land, imported on the backs of dolphin's across the ocean, then hand carried to your destination of choice. Save no expense get the best, I always wondered on Amzon who clicks high to low for merchandise....now I know............

Just a ribbing man...nice stuff..its called envy....lol

If you've ever seen the tv show American Pickers, about guys who go around climbing thru old barns and homes looking for hidden treasure, that was me from around 2009-2018, going to hydroshop going out of business sales and gobbling up new old stock or store used equipment to use or resale.
Some of the scores were ridiculously good like those panels. I paid less for those than for a roll of mylar. I found the boxes all covered in dust and rat poop but inside the panels were still in shrink wrap. I loved making finds like that. Also got a $400 compost tea brewer for only $15 so that's how I hunted down a lot of the more expensive and unique things I use today.
But once the room had everything it needed and I had enough spare things to start up three other grow rooms I dialed all that back and have been slowly selling off and giving away most of those scores. I had about 6 different types of hydroponic systems and lots of lights but finally got rid of a lot of it realizing I'd never use it.
With loads of humidity here in Niagara Falls NY USA.
Yesterday was lightning n thunder rolled in with boatloads of rain.
Most of the time the Niagara Gorge protects us from really bad weather also
this city is between lake Erie and Ontario.
Buffalo and further South gets the worst of it.
Unless there is a Noreastern type storm then we get hammered.

These girls are doing very well.
I believe they are 2 wks old and I'm glad to see new growth and normal growth too.
I will wait another week to transfere them to gal pots.

I am trying to get the others to grow right but only one is on track.
But for the tri leaves, it is doing well, I am hoping for more foliage tho.
Fed once, ProTekt 2.5ml, Foliage Pro 5ml and Zyme 2.5ml
It was a bit high as far as PPM goes, so I added some extra water to bring it down.

I take them out of the Green House during the day and put them back in before night fall.
The wind and air is good for them out in the open and helps dry the pots out better.
Currently, I have no fans set up in the GH.
As they get larger and the pots get heavier, I'll have to put a fan or 2 in there.


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With loads of humidity here in Niagara Falls NY USA.
Yesterday was lightning n thunder rolled in with boatloads of rain.
Most of the time the Niagara Gorge protects us from really bad weather also
this city is between lake Erie and Ontario.
Buffalo and further South gets the worst of it.
Unless there is a Noreastern type storm then we get hammered.

These girls are doing very well.
I believe they are 2 wks old and I'm glad to see new growth and normal growth too.
I will wait another week to transfere them to gal pots.

I am trying to get the others to grow right but only one is on track.
But for the tri leaves, it is doing well, I am hoping for more foliage tho.
Fed once, ProTekt 2.5ml, Foliage Pro 5ml and Zyme 2.5ml
It was a bit high as far as PPM goes, so I added some extra water to bring it down.

I take them out of the Green House during the day and put them back in before night fall.
The wind and air is good for them out in the open and helps dry the pots out better.
Currently, I have no fans set up in the GH.
As they get larger and the pots get heavier, I'll have to put a fan or 2 in there.
Hey, I was looking at our weather map and I pulled back the view to see the storm clouds and where they're headed in a moving satellite display and I saw that band of weather rolling over you.....doesn't look like it lasted too long for you as the band I saw was narrow,. No hail with it? Lucky if not, some of these summer storms can have a lot of damaging hail......We've got bridges out everywhere making travel tough......our regular quiet secondary highway is now carrying up to 10,000 cars a days on it and big trucks that usually stay on the main highway are rumbling past slowly.....its going to take months to fix....a lot of damage to bridge supports. some are free hanging with now rivers underneath the supports.......
Hey, I was looking at our weather map and I pulled back the view to see the storm clouds and where they're headed in a moving satellite display and I saw that band of weather rolling over you.....doesn't look like it lasted too long for you as the band I saw was narrow,. No hail with it? Lucky if not, some of these summer storms can have a lot of damaging hail......We've got bridges out everywhere making travel tough......our regular quiet secondary highway is now carrying up to 10,000 cars a days on it and big trucks that usually stay on the main highway are rumbling past slowly.....its going to take months to fix....a lot of damage to bridge supports. some are free hanging with now rivers underneath the supports.......
It moved thru pretty quick but was fun to watch on the porch.
We had 2 in the last 3 days and I think another is around the corner.
Ya but nothing like what you get.

Worst one I was in was in PA we were living in Clearfield in hilly, Mountain kinda terrain
and glass was breaking everywhere with thunder so loud it scared the crap outta me!
Next morning looking around there was not a window in sight that was not broke.
It moved thru pretty quick but was fun to watch on the porch.
We had 2 in the last 3 days and I think another is around the corner.
Ya but nothing like what you get.

Worst one I was in was in PA we were living in Clearfield in hilly, Mountain kinda terrain
and glass was breaking everywhere with thunder so loud it scared the crap outta me!
Next morning looking around there was not a window in sight that was not broke.
We don't normally get them like this last one, they're calling it a 1 thousand year storm....I was watching the weather channel at the time and a steady band of red/ yellow....meaning thunder lightning going directly over us for hours coming from the Bermuda area, then it moved east of us and on past Halifax. Standing outside on my deck watching I thought I might get fried with wet feet with so many flashes and bangs...it was incredible to see
Repotted the 4 seedlings into 3 gal cloth pots
cause I could not find any of my other pots lol.
They are almost 3 weeks old now.
That's the problem when I take down everything and move it.
Might be in the shed but looked twice, guess I'll have to look again tomorrow.
I will repot the larger / older ones into their 5 gal cloth pots tomorrow.
The roots looked terrific on the seedlings but the growth is sucky.
Maybe the new soil ( Mother Earth ) will give them a boost.
I forgot to take pic's so maybe I'll remember to do that tomorrow.
I also blocked off the peaks of the GH incase any light sources peak thru at night in that area.
Growth and leaves are looking better on the 3 older plants so maybe there's hope for them.

I am looking to skin my 9 x 6 room with this stuff or something like it.

White Double Bubble (XTEMP) Reflective Aluminum Insulation Roll Solid Metal Building Vapor Barrier​

Repotted the 4 seedlings into 3 gal cloth pots
cause I could not find any of my other pots lol.
They are almost 3 weeks old now.
That's the problem when I take down everything and move it.
Might be in the shed but looked twice, guess I'll have to look again tomorrow.
I will repot the larger / older ones into their 5 gal cloth pots tomorrow.
The roots looked terrific on the seedlings but the growth is sucky.
Maybe the new soil ( Mother Earth ) will give them a boost.
I forgot to take pic's so maybe I'll remember to do that tomorrow.
I also blocked off the peaks of the GH incase any light sources peak thru at night in that area.
Growth and leaves are looking better on the 3 older plants so maybe there's hope for them.

I am looking to skin my 9 x 6 room with this stuff or something like it.

White Double Bubble (XTEMP) Reflective Aluminum Insulation Roll Solid Metal Building Vapor Barrier​

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I always looked at this https://growace.com/products/4-x-10...hdC4oI1M4zowMPiGBQ264kqNqMe6lA6RoCAgEQAvD_BwE when i was planning to build a room.
Today's Pic's
I guess now that the lil ones are in their final pot with fresh soil
I'll see if they can develop into a healthy plant.
Smaller pots will give me smaller plants and that I need to be stealthy.
Still have to re-pot the 3 larger ones but I'm lazy today so maybe tomorrow.
It's still worrysome that they all have tri-leaves tho.

Hey, those short plants in the fabric pots look good but wtf is with the avocado looking trees? That really weird, There's a chiropractics method that really helps strengthen the stems and those babies are going to need something.......if you haven't seen it done look at Kyle Kushmans video
I don't have the balls to supper crop like he does but I like the snap from his chiropractics and although he does it later in the plants life it can be done as soon as they're big enough.....I say yours are tall enough...check out his video the part I like starts around 18:55
Hey, those short plants in the fabric pots look good but wtf is with the avocado looking trees? That really weird, There's a chiropractics method that really helps strengthen the stems and those babies are going to need something.......if you haven't seen it done look at Kyle Kushmans video
I don't have the balls to supper crop like he does but I like the snap from his chiropractics and although he does it later in the plants life it can be done as soon as they're big enough.....I say yours are tall enough...check out his video the part I like starts around 18:55
Watching now
Never seen that technik before
I am going to try it and also strip them low leaves to give the top healthier ones a better chance.
Idk wtf is wrong with it, but I suspect light leaks at night is disrupting it's normal growth.
It shot up like an arrow and then stalled and did nothing.
I fed it twice since but only the last few days it showing some new growth but still tri-leaves.
I did crop it twice and that's why it has all the foliage on top.
Thanx for the info bud.
Watching now
Never seen that technik before
I am going to try it and also strip them low leaves to give the top healthier ones a better chance.
Idk wtf is wrong with it, but I suspect light leaks at night is disrupting it's normal growth.
It shot up like an arrow and then stalled and did nothing.
I fed it twice since but only the last few days it showing some new growth but still tri-leaves.
I did crop it twice and that's why it has all the foliage on top.
Thanx for the info bud.
Hey I did that technic on the large plant and I heard the crack, damn that was interesting.
I also took some of the lower leaves off as they looked shitty anyway.
Did not affect the plant at all.
I cracked it in 3 dif places, now to see if it helps.
Going for a walk in the yard and smoke one.
Been smokin the QC B and F OG and they are pretty good except for the seeds
I have to clean out. haha I do about an 8th at a time.
Nice day out today!


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