Stacking Up.....
Yep that's my life lol.
2017 1/2 Roof tear off 3 layers and replace shingles with edging etc included = $2400
Which I agree was a bargain at the time.
Est. replacement of other half $2400 if done within 2 yrs then $3500.
Now (2023) Other half of roof = $5400 Oh Well.
Still waiting for electrical guy.
One got sick and canceled, I called and they said he would call back to rechedule, he did, but I haven't re-connected yet.
The other got sick too, mmmmmm..... dif names or I'd think they were the same guy.
He said he was in the process of est. the cost but I get only text from this one.
No voice or phone calls. mmmmmm.......
Last night, he finally calls back to get more info on where I want the outlets etc. and pic's of where they are going to be installed.
So, I said "I need the cost of it before we proceed."
He says "with materials $200"
I say "so you're charging me $200 plus the materials?"
He says "the materials will be covered. That's the price for materials and labor"

I say "ok"
Waiting to hear from him. Sketchy
If that gets done then it's only the insulation boards that need installed and flooring.
with some minor sealing and buttoning up I will be growing!
Back to the GH
Light problems from the house next door.
I think I got it covered but what a pain!
Here are the angle pic's from each end to show what I got to deal with.
The lights are on but no one's home in that back corner center of the pic, above/right of my target range.
View attachment 21097
This is from the opposite direction from window light to shed.
View attachment 21100
The 3 amigo's seem to be female w/flowers and no nuts.
These 3 are the taller "advicado" type plants and are 2-3 weeks ahead
of the other 4 smaller tan 3 gal cloth pot plants.
I took some pic's to see if I can determine if I can see nuts on them btchs.
I seen none so far but something looks out of whack to me.
I can't remember all the terms but found this:
"Note that male plants tend to develop their pre-flowers a week or two earlier than female plants."
These 4 have had pre flowers for at least a week now.
No calyx in the node area but no nuts yet either.
"Female pre-flowers feature a rounded, elongated calyx and a pair of stigma that will one day be able to collect pollen for the flower’s pistil.
Female pre-flowers are rounded at their base and more pointed toward their tip, and they look like they’re sprouting two tiny white hairs.
You can usually tell the difference between female and male pre-flowers with the naked eye.
If you’re having trouble spotting the finer details of your cannabis plant’s pre-flowers,
try looking at them with a magnifying glass."
Being that my eyes are shit, I like to look at these pic's here, to get a better idea whats going on.
I find it strange there is no calyx there, cause I can usually spot them right away.
1st, the female plants with established flowers.
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Now these are the plants in question.
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I can't tell yet, but will keep a daily watch and inspection, "Then I will nuke the whole plan(e)t, it's the only way to be sure" (Ripley quote from Aliens Movie)