New Grow - 4 Site RDWC Maiden Voyage

Hey Guys and Mrs, Thanks for minding the fort while I've been down! I gotta make this post and then off to the dispo and turning things back over to @MrsSweetLeaf. If I need to come home tonight for any kind of emergency res change or anything, I can always do that.

Things of concern for me going into the weekend.

1. PH is on a steady drop and seems to have accelerated a bit downard, bouncing back and forth between 5.3 and 5.2 this morning. Yesterday when I added water, I think it had dropped to 5.6, which went back up with about 3 gallons of the RO water and a bit of PH Up. Today, lights are not on yet but looks to be down about that same about of water, I did adjust up to around the 5.7 range with ph up and will top off when lights come on before I leave.

2. PPM's have been pretty steady and as @Anthem275 had been trying to show me, there is a relation to ppms staying steady in a healthy system, still do not understand it 100% but I have been seeing this since the last unscheduled res change out, was at 500 if I remember right and at 450 now prior to topping off this morning.

The other thing about ppm is that when we reset the res we went 1:1:1:1 rarios and I figure it might be time to get that amended and/or reset? This maneuver definitely took me out of my comfort zone but whatever it did, seemed to work! I figure it's time to get some attention on that?

3. The only other thing that has be concerned is getting this light up and running. It is very possible that the issue is with me and so @MrsSweetLeaf, if she has time, is going to get on the phone with Scynce and see if she can get it figured out with their tech help. The light is sitting at 30% and I know I need to get that up soon.
Heya buddy,

I think you are at the end of your buffer. Remember how you used to add tree truck throughout the whole grow? That is because both the plant uses the silica and the act of buffering PH will consume it. We need to get some silica going back in, which will make your PH go up without the need for PH Up and will help to hold it there.

Have you peaked at the roots lately?

The 1:1:1:1 ratio was in fact a reset to make sure you had everything the plant needed RIGHT THEN. Basically a recovery move. You are right and we need to start moving towards bloom nutes.

I recommend we look at adding both Silica and pink as top off. We can talk thru that live tonight after work if you want, get on the same page there. I know I have been running and gunning lately, but I have time tonight.

That GD light is making me mad! You have been sooo patient, I think I would have sent it back already. But I'm guessing you are stuck because you need a light. Let me know if I can help in any way.
Thanks Moe.

The roots look great.

Yes, I do remember using the silica but also know I was exceeding the K because of that so looking to learn how to walk that line and have backed off a bit on the agsil during flower. Yea, I see what you mean about the buffer being maxed out. Mrs reports the ph continues to drop pretty quickly so I was thinking of having her throw 10 ml of the AgSil 16 in prior to receiving your instructions this eve, maybe stabilize that somewhat and ease the effect if we need to add more. I am thinking it won't need much, that stuff works great.
@MrsSweetLeaf added 10 ml AgSil 16 this afternoon and added about a gallon of water, ph stabilized at 5.8.

Thought I posted this earlier but got interrupted.
@MrsSweetLeaf added 10 ml AgSil 16 this afternoon and added about a gallon of water, ph stabilized at 5.8.

Thought I posted this earlier but got interrupted.

Just to clarify, I added the water first so I didn't dilute the AgSil.
Three hours later the ph was back down to 5.5 . I added 16 ml AgSil to get it to stabilize at 6.0. My phone died, so this is news to @SweetLeafGrow until it recharges...sorry baby!

I need to leave earlier than usual in the morning for a meeting and if possible will need to be gone most of the day. If you have any suggestions @Moe.Red what else I can do, I'm all ears. Thank you!!
Got home this morning and seeing a fairly rapid drop in the pH, over the course of the day down to 5.5 and amending with the AgSil 16 to get around 6.0. I am thinking the buffer is still being established, nothing super crazy that's for sure but a steady downward trend.

I want to amend that res before I go to work in a couple of hours but I was wondering if I need to reset the res again? I can do that if I have to but will have to wait until tomorrow.

If I get a chance, was going to run some math and see if I can figure out how much Brown and Pink to amend to be closer to a good bloom ratio going forward. I'd like to get this done tonight and MrsSweetLeaf can help also if I can get a plan.

Just got a call, might have to go in early, doht!
Taking a break from working on the forum, getting bug eyed 😳

Thanks Moe, seems the amendment went pretty well from what I can tell. PH has been very steady since yesterday, ppm's dropped a bit overnight and they did drink 2 gallons overnight. Not sure how to get that ppm to stay steady with water consumption, trying to understand that concept that @Anthem275 has introduced me to still.

Here are some current photos.


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You look to be back on track. I'd watch it closely every day and post a pic of something comes up.

Before you amend that res again, let's talk it thru. We need to get some Micro in there too. That is where your N will come from going forward.
Before you amend that res again, let's talk it thru. We need to get some Micro in there too. That is where your N will come from going forward.
Sounds good, do you think that micro needs to go in soon? I thought I was seeing a slight bit of light green on the new growth that could be normal or not.
Yes it does look pale overall to me. Very tall too. Might be the strain on some of how it looks. I've never grown Grape Gas, that's what this is right? I also read that you need to continue silica for now. This lanky plant is eating it along with your buffer. Quick gut check on silica is that in full veg you should be able to snap off a fan leaf where the petiole meets the stalk cleanly with a downward jerk. To support a plant this tall you will need a proper stalk.

I'd like a do-over on this grow with a working light. We should have been able to control that morphology better than we did.

Micro also has calcium (quite a bit) and iron. My opinion is that you could benefit from all of these. We just can't overdo it.


There is potash (potassium) in there too.

My gut is telling me that you should add 50ml now. But you are there, not me. I have imperfect data to advise you with, so really it comes down to gut instinct and experience.

Don't forget to always add this last after PH adjustments are done and solid. Look at that last statement on the label. Slight changes in PH will cause the metals to fall out of suspension. Big changes all at once (like dumping it into your 9.0 PH silica start) will render most of this product useless.
My gut is telling me that you should add 50ml now. But you are there, not me. I have imperfect data to advise you with, so really it comes down to gut instinct and experience.
My gut is telling me that it needs this amendment but my experience is lacking, but gaining it as we speak. Going with my gut and yours too, and your experience.

Gonna do as you said and start with 40 ml of the Micro (brown) and see where the ppms land, perhaps add a bit more if needed. The pH has been solid all night last and all day today so should be no problem adding the Micro.

I think I remember IG saying the Grape Gas is a stretcher but yea, in bad need of getting this light figured out. Will have some time this week to get with their support. They are tall and I am almost out of headroom, hoping they are done with the stretch, which they should be very soon.

Will try snapping a fan leaf and see how that goes.
I'd like a do-over on this grow with a working light. We should have been able to control that morphology better than we did.

Yea, it is what it is and I'm sure there are going to be downsides to this light issue for this grow. Facts are I have been buried in health issues, work, and this forum, which are important things to me! My grows are also important but I have not feared anything catastrophic with this grow except when I burnt them with the light, which was fairly quickly figured out. When I have more things to do than time to do them I have to prioritize and that light and app has been low on that list, but moving up soon! I have a work around that is working for now but that time is short.
Yea, it is what it is and I'm sure there are going to be downsides to this light issue for this grow. Facts are I have been buried in health issues, work, and this forum, which are important things to me! My grows are also important but I have not feared anything catastrophic with this grow except when I burnt them with the light, which was fairly quickly figured out. When I have more things to do than time to do them I have to prioritize and that light and app has been low on that list, but moving up soon! I have a work around that is working for now but that time is short.
Hang in there man.
Hang in there man.

Thanks Moe and all, you know I will. Hoping to get some more work done on the forum tomorrow, had to take the time in my garden so did today and still have some to do tomorrow.

So I got in and did a bunch of catch up in my garden today and one thing that got done was a big defoliation and trim job in the 5x5. They definitely greened up quite a bit from the day before after I amended with the Micro. PH has been pretty steady with a slight noticeable drop, not had to adjust it much aside from adding top off which will raise it a bit and ppms holding pretty steady and are about 525 atm.

One thing I have not had a chance to do is deal with Scynce but @MrsSweetLeaf is helping me on this since she is very much gadget lady and I am a gadget ignoramus so the problems here could be me and not the app, phone or any other thing I might try to blame them on ;) For now I have it on a manual timer and can adjust the spectrum when I turn the recipe off. I wanted to check in Moe and see what you think of where I am with the light? I'd have to look to be sure but I think I am about 2.5 - 3 weeks since onset of flower.

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At 2 weeks you are basically just past mid summer. Sun is close to overhead. High ppfd and both blue and red.

Grape gas sounds like a mutt that has lots of genetics in it, hard to say simulate equator or mountains or whatever.

Personally I would be experimenting. Start with the basic flower recipe and make a change for 3 days. Take good close ups before and after for comparison.

There are tons of helpful ideas in the app to help you decide what to do. I just sat there for a couple hours reading the app when I first got the lights.
There are tons of helpful ideas in the app to help you decide what to do. I just sat there for a couple hours reading the app when I first got the lights.
We will do that when time allows. I think for now it's best to stick with their default flower spectrum for simplicity. The only question I would have is about overall intensity on the light and where I should be with that? At 30% now and just don't want a repeat of what happened a couple of weeks ago. Hanging distance is about 8-10" from the tallest flowers and I do have a few inches, maybe 4, I could gain in headroom if needed.

Is this a light that will likely not see 100%? This is where my tool bag is lacking also as I do not have any meters to check par and lux. May have to buy an app for my phone if that is a good option.
We will do that when time allows. I think for now it's best to stick with their default flower spectrum for simplicity. The only question I would have is about overall intensity on the light and where I should be with that? At 30% now and just don't want a repeat of what happened a couple of weeks ago. Hanging distance is about 8-10" from the tallest flowers and I do have a few inches, maybe 4, I could gain in headroom if needed.

Is this a light that will likely not see 100%? This is where my tool bag is lacking also as I do not have any meters to check par and lux. May have to buy an app for my phone if that is a good option.
I can lend you my apogee ppfd meter, or take measurements here for you if you want.

They sell an upgrade to this RKII called overdrive that is even higher powered for commercial grows.

Here is the II


1000 PPFD is something I grow at on a regular basis. If your plants are healthy and dialed in, this is where big buds come from.
Thanks Moe. So I went and bought a PPFD meter for my phone and measured at the top of the canopy and its reading anywhere from 400 to 550 depending on how far they flowers are from the light.

Took a few more photos, darker green coming in but still a bit of paleness but my gut says we got this under control. PPM around 520 today after topping off.

So would a good plan be to begin to crank the intensity on the light up over the next couple of weeks? Maybe 5% every 3 days to give a chance to evaluate? I want to start pushing these gals but don't want to try too soon.


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Thanks Moe. So I went and bought a PPFD meter for my phone and measured at the top of the canopy and its reading anywhere from 400 to 550 depending on how far they flowers are from the light.

Took a few more photos, darker green coming in but still a bit of paleness but my gut says we got this under control. PPM around 520 today after topping off.

So would a good plan be to begin to crank the intensity on the light up over the next couple of weeks? Maybe 5% every 3 days to give a chance to evaluate? I want to start pushing these gals but don't want to try too soon.
Sounds about right, but I'd like a pic before I commit.

EDit ok looking at pics now.

Edit Edit - yes,, you are well on the path to recovery. 5% every 3 days until you get to about 800 PPFD then let it sit for a bit and see how she does. If she looks solid, we can go up more. If she is picky - well you know.
Getting time to get caught up on this grow journal and get some much needed rest! I am hoping to get caught up on all the styling on each of the forum templates coming up this week, one bite at a time as they say when it comes to eating elephants.

The Grape Gas grow has seemed to smooth out and from what I can tell, on my way to a great harvest in 5 weeks or so. I've ramped the light up to 45% and will bump that up to 50% on Tuesday of this week, going 5% every 3 days. PPFD sitting between 500-600 using the Photone app I bought. So far, I do not see any detrimental effects from bumping the light up.

I've started amending the res a bit differently. I am now PHing the top off water, then adding the GH trio at mid bloom ratios to get to 500 ppm or thereabouts, then adding that to the res. I am not using Agsil from here on out and adjusting up with PH UP if/when needed to avoid getting too much Potassium in the ratios. Keeping the ppms pretty steady, ph is pretty stable, and I think I am dialed in when looking at the chart that Anthem sent me, thanks for your help bro.

hydro ph ec waterlevel guide.jpg
I am going to, when I have time, make a daily grow log form where I can record these numbers twice a day and keep a better tab on what is happening in the water and what should be done base on this chart and what I am seeing.

Here are some photos of the plants, I was expecting better by now so perhaps this hiccup stunted them, not sure, never grown this strain.


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What's stunting them is lack of photons. If you can work your way up faster without damage, I would. They seem recovered enough to me to go a little faster.

I've seen that chart before, but never internalized it. Let me do that before I comment. Maybe @Anthem275 would like to comment.
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