So true. I said it before but I'll say it again. One of the things I've learned growing is that usually the problem isn't a deficiency so much as an imbalance. I've seen people dump nutes into their soil only to see things get worse. They don't realiaze that whatever they're putting in is being antagonistic to what they are "deficient" in. It's not that it's not in the soil so much as it's being antagonized by another ion and not being taken up by the plant.
starting to realize this. Not about changing ratios all the time but maintaining a balanced ratio with the right amount of npk to not have any lockout. I guess the plant just takes the N P K it needs so unessecary to adjust it all the time. Do you flush? Was thinking of just doing a 2 day flush for shts and gigs.
starting to realize this. Not about changing ratios all the time but maintaining a balanced ratio with the right amount of npk to not have any lockout. I guess the plant just takes the N P K it needs so unessecary to adjust it all the time. Do you flush? Was thinking of just doing a 2 day flush for shts and gigs.
Unless it's critical I don't like flushing plants. Whenever I've done it in the past it just seems to shock the hell out of them and it takes too long to really get them vigorous again within the window before flip.
Should have clarified flush before harvest.
I don't like to flush except for in extreme cases where there is no other alternative. I taper my nutes at the end of flower and give them pure water for the last week or so. I guess you could call that flushing but as far as the traditional meaning which is to hard flush the soil of nutrients, I don't.
I don't like to flush except for in extreme cases where there is no other alternative. I taper my nutes at the end of flower and give them pure water for the last week or so. I guess you could call that flushing but as far as the traditional meaning which is to hard flush the soil of nutrients, I don't.
Gotcha. I would kinda call that a "flush". What ppm's do you end up on before the pure water?
Hey Zombie you healed up?
Sup bro, didn't see this until now. Thankfully healed up 99% though still a bit itchy, the jellow jackets are no joke. Thankfully it seems like the nest is gone from our dawn soap attack. On the plus side we got some eggplants, jalapenos, zucchini, basil giving some nice harvests. Tomorrow I'll post an update as its the start of week 9 for this grow. 2 weeks left! Im gonna take em after 10 weeks cuz I like a nice heady high :D.

Happy 4th! 🇺🇸 🖖
Sup bro, didn't see this until now. Thankfully healed up 99% though still a bit itchy, the jellow jackets are no joke. Thankfully it seems like the nest is gone from our dawn soap attack. On the plus side we got some eggplants, jalapenos, zucchini, basil giving some nice harvests. Tomorrow I'll post an update as its the start of week 9 for this grow. 2 weeks left! Im gonna take em after 10 weeks cuz I like a nice heady high :D.

Happy 4th! 🇺🇸 🖖
Happy 4th everyone.
I'm usually around 200 - 300 ppm before I just go straight RO.
Word. Tomorrow is start of week 9 for me. Gonna go from 585 to 500 and then next week 250 then to close-to-RO levels (my ro system doesnt put out enough water to water these beasts lol). Then again I could mix in some RO to lower the ppm's a bit of my well water (like 80-90ppm).
Yo man! Happy 4th to you as well!

Its a chill one out here at the farm, just laying low staying away from the fricken heat. Its been 90 degree weather here last few days.
yeah it's 90's here too. just jammin to some music and smoking me a bowl, while roaming the internet. haha
Word. Tomorrow is start of week 9 for me. Gonna go from 585 to 500 and then next week 250 then to close-to-RO levels (my ro system doesnt put out enough water to water these beasts lol). Then again I could mix in some RO to lower the ppm's a bit of my well water (like 80-90ppm).
My thinking is at least one week before I cut them down I clear water so that the plants can use up whatever salts are left in the soil along with getting them to start using up the nutrient they have in their leaves.
My thinking is at least one week before I cut them down I clear water so that the plants can use up whatever salts are left in the soil along with getting them to start using up the nutrient they have in their leaves.
This is in soil right? Cuz in coco I heard you dont need to flush nearly as long as soil since you can get to 0ppm in the soil pretty quick. Maybe Im wrong but thats what Ive been going off of. I was planning only flushing around 3 days @ lowest ppm I can get.
This is in soil right? Cuz in coco I heard you dont need to flush nearly as long as soil since you can get to 0ppm in the soil pretty quick. Maybe Im wrong but thats what Ive been going off of. I was planning only flushing around 3 days @ lowest ppm I can get.
Yes. Soil.

I'm not a big proponent of "flushing" at the end of the run in any medium. The science doesn't support it nor does my own experience.

As far as coco I have limited experience. I've done maybe 10 - 15 runs with varying genetics. My experience has been that you don't need to "flush" for the reasons you posted. Coco doesn't hold onto nutrient like soil does hence no need to clear water to help the roots pull whatever nutrient is still left in the soil. For coco, I clear water for, max, a week for the plant to use up whatever food it has left in the leaves.
Yes. Soil.

I'm not a big proponent of "flushing" at the end of the run in any medium. The science doesn't support it nor does my own experience.

As far as coco I have limited experience. I've done maybe 10 - 15 runs with varying genetics. My experience has been that you don't need to "flush" for the reasons you posted. Coco doesn't hold onto nutrient like soil does hence no need to clear water to help the roots pull whatever nutrient is still left in the soil. For coco, I clear water for, max, a week for the plant to use up whatever food it has left in the leaves.
Sup! Gotcha, 15 runs damn lol. So i guess we flush to make sure the plant uses up the rest of the nitrogen in the leaves then right?
Sup! Gotcha, 15 runs damn lol. So i guess we flush to make sure the plant uses up the rest of the nitrogen in the leaves then right?
LOL! I sounds like a lot but in reality the runs were done together. I was managing an illegal warehouse grow and we were running five 40 ft flower room sea containers at a time. The owner preferred coco as the medium to run so I went with it. Learned a lot about coco on those runs. 3 runs 5 containers each.

Yeah. The whole idea of "flushing" in the beginning was for smoother smoke. My guess is someone broscienced it and it worked out him/her not understanding that it wasn't the clear water "flushing" nutrient out of the flower per se that was giving you the smoother smoke so much as the tapering down of available nutrient that each successive clear water watering was bringing to the plant reducing the amount of nutrient still in the plant at harvest. At some point in the "flush" the ion balance in the soil wasn't enough to supply the plant with what it was receiving prior so it starts cannabilizing the leaves to continue feeding itself the amount of nutrients it is used to receiving. This also coincides with the genetic markers that the plant has in regards to senescence so since we know this or that cultivar comes to maturity within this timeframe we're helping the senescence along by tapering nutes.

Broscience alert***** I believe that tapering nutes introduces another stressor for the plant helping improve flower production. I have absolutely no science to back this up other than my intuition and the little I've learned along the way.
LOL! I sounds like a lot but in reality the runs were done together. I was managing an illegal warehouse grow and we were running five 40 ft flower room sea containers at a time. The owner preferred coco as the medium to run so I went with it. Learned a lot about coco on those runs. 3 runs 5 containers each.

Yeah. The whole idea of "flushing" in the beginning was for smoother smoke. My guess is someone broscienced it and it worked out him/her not understanding that it wasn't the clear water "flushing" nutrient out of the flower per se that was giving you the smoother smoke so much as the tapering down of available nutrient that each successive clear water watering was bringing to the plant reducing the amount of nutrient still in the plant at harvest. At some point in the "flush" the ion balance in the soil wasn't enough to supply the plant with what it was receiving prior so it starts cannabilizing the leaves to continue feeding itself the amount of nutrients it is used to receiving. This also coincides with the genetic markers that the plant has in regards to senescence so since we know this or that cultivar comes to maturity within this timeframe we're helping the senescence along by tapering nutes.

Broscience alert***** I believe that tapering nutes introduces another stressor for the plant helping improve flower production. I have absolutely no science to back this up other than my intuition and the little I've learned along the way.
Ok well that massive coco run definitely got you an achievement of some sort, learning experience for sure.
Yeah im starting to understand what flushing is and its like your saying more of the cannabilism thing vs somehow washing away nutes.
Im starting to taper off currently, just givig them less calmag let me get 85 less ppm. Will slowly go down to 250-0 end of the grow.
So here are some photo's of the girls at the start of week 9. All these strains take about 10 weeks, so we have 2 maybe 2.5 weeks left.

I cut out half my calmag and left the rest of the nutes the same for 500ppm. I will slowly cut out all cal-mag next few days then start running epsom salt at .5ml per gallon for a week, then run as low ppm water i can for 3 days then harvest.

@Moe.Red @Aqua Man is now a good time to start incorporating epsom salt? I plan to use it when i nix out all the calmag.

Anyway here they are, looking and smelling fricken amazing. The peyote wifi has a strong grape jelly smell that is gonna be amazing smoke if it tastes at all like it smells. There are two candyclysm plants and one is the clear winner, howevee the other one is so different that the other candyclysm im curious as to how it will turn out. The terps on the pretty candyclysm is straight fuel and candy. The kings juice in the back is the smelliest and stickiest but her yield is less. Anyway hope everyone had a good fourth of july weekend. Peace!
Looking great bub. Gonna be a really nice harvest. You should be proud.

I'm not going to answer the epsom question because I need to stay in my lane and not act like I know what I am doing here. I'm not even going to say what I would do in hydro because I want to hear the answers too. If no one helps, I'll give you my opinion.

On another note, I would be very careful about RH at this point. Those buds are big enough to create their own micro climates, and you do not want fungus issues. Air movement and try to keep the RH at 55% or less going forward. How high does it spike at lights out? That would be my worry at this stage. Other than that, you are good to stand back and let her finish.

Seeing quite a few white pistils with a greenish tinge. That may mean 2 weeks is a minimum. Although you have different plants in there that might finish at different times.

Again, great job man.
Looking great bub. Gonna be a really nice harvest. You should be proud.

I'm not going to answer the epsom question because I need to stay in my lane and not act like I know what I am doing here. I'm not even going to say what I would do in hydro because I want to hear the answers too. If no one helps, I'll give you my opinion.

On another note, I would be very careful about RH at this point. Those buds are big enough to create their own micro climates, and you do not want fungus issues. Air movement and try to keep the RH at 55% or less going forward. How high does it spike at lights out? That would be my worry at this stage. Other than that, you are good to stand back and let her finish.

Seeing quite a few white pistils with a greenish tinge. That may mean 2 weeks is a minimum. Although you have different plants in there that might finish at different times.

Again, great job man.
Thanks bro! I am damn proud of these girls for sure :D.

I gotcha on the rh. This grow has been a tough one cuz when i think i have rh down, the temp does something crazy lol. Lately the heat has been crazy high so my window ac unit has been trouble keeping up. So my lghts have been dialed down a bit during the peak of the day to maintain below 75f. As for the RH the past week or so I have been averaging between 50-62% rh give or take. Ironically my rh gets lowest at night and during the day it peaks are around 62%.

I do have hella airflow, a big box fan moving air below, oscillating fan blowing onto the canopy and through it. Also have a fan below the canopy on the table blowing air through the thickest part.

Hopefully i will be able to avoid any fungus this round cuz these girls are gonna be a mega xxl harvest. Smells + yield and hopefully thc will be on point though for me if the flavor is there then everything else is a bonus.
So here are some photo's of the girls at the start of week 9. All these strains take about 10 weeks, so we have 2 maybe 2.5 weeks left.

I cut out half my calmag and left the rest of the nutes the same for 500ppm. I will slowly cut out all cal-mag next few days then start running epsom salt at .5ml per gallon for a week, then run as low ppm water i can for 3 days then harvest.

@Moe.Red @Aqua Man is now a good time to start incorporating epsom salt? I plan to use it when i nix out all the calmag.

Anyway here they are, looking and smelling fricken amazing. The peyote wifi has a strong grape jelly smell that is gonna be amazing smoke if it tastes at all like it smells. There are two candyclysm plants and one is the clear winner, howevee the other one is so different that the other candyclysm im curious as to how it will turn out. The terps on the pretty candyclysm is straight fuel and candy. The kings juice in the back is the smelliest and stickiest but her yield is less. Anyway hope everyone had a good fourth of july weekend. Peace!
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Absolutely beautiful buds in there bro. Gonna be a nice heavy harvest for sure!
The name alone makes me wanna try it lol
Yeah man its a sick strain so far, its Zawtz x Papaya.
Everything ive grown from Cannarado has been super legit. The dude is cool too he sent me a free pack just cuz i thought my order was lost but it wasnt and still got free seeds.
In week 10. Candyclysm is growing freakishly huge colas. Peyote wifi is hella strong smell BUT...what the yell is going on with these calyx's? No hermie's anywhere, opened up a couple and they are just dense calyx's attached to a stem. Kinda sucks cuz i think its genetic as none of the other plants are dojng it. As good as this plant smells and looks, this wierd calyx thing during late flower might make it not a keeper. Thinking about harvesting it early so i dont get more of this stem calyx action. Anyone else ever notice this? 3F971881-6A32-4576-BEC6-47B034E56151.jpeg
In week 10. Candyclysm is growing freakishly huge colas. Peyote wifi is hella strong smell BUT...what the yell is going on with these calyx's? No hermie's anywhere, opened up a couple and they are just dense calyx's attached to a stem. Kinda sucks cuz i think its genetic as none of the other plants are dojng it. As good as this plant smells and looks, this wierd calyx thing during late flower might make it not a keeper. Thinking about harvesting it early so i dont get more of this stem calyx action. Anyone else ever notice this? View attachment 13189
I've had this happen on a couple different strains before. No less potent, just odd as hell looking.
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