Zen_seeker’s DIY Mixmash

Looks good man.love the purple colouring….I think the heat could maybe cause the pistils to brown from heat? and the tip burn .maybe when running higher intensity room was warmer and rh was lower that can make them take up more nutes than water.just a thought..

When we had the two(?) week warm and humid spell it mucked me up. But I’m used to BBQs so had an eye on it. Think I got lucky and nothing got ruined.

After a few days drying.

Smells real dank and musky. Trying to leave it alone to dry before testing. 😉
Zen 1 Zone 3: Flower Day 77

Zen 2 Zone 3: Flower Day 13

Colds leeching in at night when lights are on. Keeps temps in the low 20’s and helps keep humidity in the 40RH range.

Not so good for drying. Keeping the shower at 60% humidity is proving difficult.
Tricky trying to post today. Keep it short and sweet. Zen 1 is still going.


Zen 2 tent is going nuts. Need to pull out and trim after stretch.

Trying to keep stretch to a minimum.

A few leaves near the door have this again. Looks like NT but I’m pretty sure Aqua said it was from high humidity and temperature.

Need to search my thread later to see if that’s correct. @Aqua Man 👍
DIY Coffee Can Cloner

I’ve used old red Folgers coffee cans for years. Great for old paint or garden uses.

I started using them in the tents to hold water in front of my intake fans to add humidity. Not long after I started tossing trimmed branches in the water just to see what would happen.

Over the summer I started getting roots in just two weeks. No lid, no hormones, no scraping or preparation. This was in the veg tent just under the canopy. No brown spots or yellow.

In late fall I added a lid with a hole to make things darker. Not sure it helped but didn’t hurt either. I usually change the water every week to two weeks. Keeping the water about an inch or two from the top.

These are from 2 weeks ago. To much light even at lowest setting. Photos are from Wednesday.

This was Thursday after I planted the one with the most roots. IMG_6724.jpegIMG_6725.jpeg

So I made a cheesy cloner yesterday as an experiment.IMG_6714.jpegIMG_6718.jpegIMG_6719.jpegIMG_6720.jpegIMG_6721.jpegIMG_6722.jpeg

I usually don’t use plugs but tried them once or twice before. You just need to cut or melt a side channel all the way into the middle, just big enough to slide the stem out later.

I’m looking for a better spongy material that’s thicker. More like a pool noodle. I’m thinking the white packing foam that comes with things like TVs, but not styrofoam.

Hope this helps someone or gives them a better idea. 👍
I’m looking for a better spongy material that’s thicker. More like a pool noodle. I’m thinking the white packing foam that comes with things like TVs, but not styrofoam.
Neoprene is the only thing that comes to mind, but it sounds like you're trying to DIY.

What if you made square collars? That denseboard won't flake off like that with a nice clean razor blade.
Cloner is done for now.

I just melted a channel. Paper clip was okay but copper 12g wire does a better one pass job.


Neoprene would be great but I don’t have any. I think the white packing foam that comes with some electronics, like swimming noodles, will work well.
Lags been real bad the last two days.

Was hoping to chop the NL tonight but G$ said he’d wait. Pulled the scope out…he’s right.

Some strange fox tails and new growth.

Very little amber yet.

We did get a little bonus after trimming. IMG_6779.jpeg
Not bad from less that 5 ounces. 😍
Zen 1 Zone 3: Flower Day 84 😳

Someone forgot to tell NL she’s only a 9 week plant. 🤔

Zen 2 Zone 3: Flower Day 20 👍

CB & NL2 will be split up after NL is harvested.

Clones are coming along. New cloner surprised me. Now I have to give away a clone. 🤷‍♂️

I’ve been rescuing some of last years garden plants that refused to die.

Chives used in mashed potatoes and last night’s salad.

Hollyhock that I thought was radish.

Strawberry bush, frozen to the stoop. Might not make it. 🤣IMG_6833.jpeg

Warming but snow and rain all week. Think I’m done with winter.
Zen 1 Zone 3: Flower Day 84

Chopped the Northern Lights a few hours after lights on.


So now I’ve split the last two plants.
Both are at Flower Day 20.

Zen 2 Zone 3: CB, last of my original strain.

Zen 1 Zone 3: NL2

Busy busy.
We had three plants from the garden refuse to die. One by one I brought them in starting with the chives in October/November. Each was isolated for at least a month. Okay I forgot about two them. 🤣

Chives came in first as they are easy to look after and I like them in a lot of meals. They came back slower than I expected. But I should be able to harvest once a month once they get happy.

The hollyhocks almost died but came back. In the time I forgot about them a caterpillar found, or was hidden in, the hollyhock. Eggs on a bunch of leaves and it dead or frozen on top of the dirt in a circle.
But after a few more weeks it seems back to normal.

The strawberries had to go back out at Christmas but we still didn’t have snow at the time and it was pretty lush still. Then lazy forgetfulness crept in. I remembered it the evening of the deep freeze. I couldn’t move it. All the top was brown now except the middle. I was able to get her off the stoop by kicking the soft pot when it got +4 a few days ago. She sat in the tub a few days as I took my time cleaning and thawing her out. Then sat in the kitchen under normal lights and whatever sunlight made it in during snow and rain the blast few days. She’s still looking sad. But I did it once so 🤞. Had to move her to a smaller pot. As the old one was breaking up and sun rotted.

So now I’ll see what I can do with them indoors. Just need to up pot the chives. They spread well especially after seeds fall. I’m hoping to move everything to Zen 2’s 3x1x3 sections later. Use it for veggies. Try some of the KNF on them too. Already sprayed with FFJ. 72789829454__9594D1E1-AB3B-4F9E-87B0-BC9F604B4C7D.jpeg

Breaks over. 😝
Northern Lights clone (NL2) is getting some leaf burn at tips and sides so bumped the light back to 75%.

The mother Northern Lights is still hanging after 6 days. Only now starting to dry out. She looks frosty but I fear I chopped too soon.IMG_6997.jpegIMG_6941.jpegIMG_6942.jpegIMG_6944.jpegIMG_6945.jpegIMG_6998.jpeg

Soon my precious. 🤗
Flower Day 29:



Doing a little experiment with the hydro clone. Was going to toss it as it’s a backup but the roots took off. So I thought this might be an opportunity to spray some KNF FFJ around and plant it in a bigger one gallon soft pot.


I sprayed the hole, top soil and leaves. Probably going to burn it… but aren’t clones just perfect for experimenting? 🤷‍♂️🤣
Just noticed that the purple is really showing across the top of CB over the last 24hrs.

I’m not going to change anything. This is the last clone of my main strain. She wants colour so be it.

Northern Lights is still drying, slowly.72850485848__65B47188-6C2C-4C39-8F4F-D8EB74192C4F.jpeg

And another week has come and gone. Turn turn turn…
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