Everything Ninjadip

Adding raw cacao for the synergy.
Getting really good at this chocolate stuff.
Added 4 tbsp cacao powder, 3 tbsp coconut oil, texture turned out amazing. Look at the sheen/reflection on the liquid chocolate!
Eat your heart out
Look how happy those mushroom guys are
Where do i send them? 😂

Going to make two more today. Rather store my whole stash as chocolate, it's easier to dose and the synergy is real. Only need to eat one square to be messed up for a few hours.

I know we have 4/20 but is there a national trip out/fungus day?
those look really good. start calling you DR. Feelgood. haha
you guys... lol
how to send discretely?

I did just find out the perfect micro dose for me, 1/3 of one square which is 1/8 of an 1/8. math, math, math!
3.5g = dosage of entire bar
1/8 = 8 squares in a bar, lets calculate the dosage in one square = 0.4375
1/3 = I split the one square into thirds and one of those thirds

3.5g * 1/8 * 1/3 = 0.1458 gram dosage

crazy small, i know wouldn't do anything to me in raw form, like what it is that half a stem? but in cocao... it's another world for some reason
I just felt high for a few hours, went out for dinner, had a beer, it was real nice. functionable, mellow, able to do stuff, but chill and in the best of moods!
Carefully open Hersey and crunch bars and send em that way🤣🤣
i'm wondering if i could fit them in a DVD case or something, idk.
This is the right weather to ship chocolate though

Interesting, and you are becoming a Choclatier, misspell. SS
I sure did feel like one the other day! It all felt right, like one of those perfect golf swings that occasionally comes to an amateur like me. You know right away when you hit the golf ball, without even seeing where it went, that it was a perfect swing and hit, and you are sitting pretty!
plant help?

i thought this purple gelato auto would be wrapping up now, but it just started spitting more white pistils out... 1-2 weeks ago i cut the hours from 15 to 11 (autos don't need the 12hours of dark to flower) and adjusted the brightness down to 60%. The logic behind this was to help them finish faster, but the opposite has occurred.

WTF? it appears to have re-flowered/re-vegged on me. what is the recommended course going forward for this odd ball?

plant help?

i thought this purple gelato auto would be wrapping up now, but it just started spitting more white pistils out... 1-2 weeks ago i cut the hours from 15 to 11 (autos don't need the 12hours of dark to flower) and adjusted the brightness down to 60%. The logic behind this was to help them finish faster, but the opposite has occurred.

WTF? it appears to have re-flowered/re-vegged on me. what is the recommended course going forward for this odd ball?

View attachment 34805
View attachment 34806
Start of foxtails?? She looks good and done to me man. Id cut and hang it if it were mine.
Are you still feeding?
Sounds like you did the right thing with the lights IMO.
Autos can be fickle?
Stop all N if you are still installing any.
Are you still feeding?
Sounds like you did the right thing with the lights IMO.
Autos can be fickle?
Stop all N if you are still installing any.
that's what i don't get, haven't topped off with anything but straight water in 2 weeks. EC is now at 0.6
Start of foxtails?? She looks good and done to me man. Id cut and hang it if it were mine.
i want to cut it, but have been waiting for amber trichs to show up.

what are the downsides to waiting? if i don't have any amber trichs now, i'm not "losing" anything by waiting right? i'm not sure, that's why i'm asking. I know after they turn amber they will degrade
what are the downsides to waiting?
Im not really sure? Ive always read its hard to let them go "too long"
Id just keep a watchful eye and let it go.
Imo the worst thing would be rot, but if the environment is in check i think youll be fine.
btw @GoodShit97 i've decided on sending you a christmas present. If you're cool with that, i'll look to see if i still have your addy, or maybe you can PM it to me again.

Re: envo
i believe the environment couldn't be better, cold at night and low RH (40% right now) all day. it's been cold as a bitch here lately, and both tents are down to 60-70% power, so not much heat generating from that.

I do remember hearing that, now that you mention it, about you can really never go too long. I don't think i'll get rot, as the buds aren't donkey sized or anything. one of these fucking days i'll have those dreamt about donkey sized buds i see some pro growers on here having. i want to try that big bud strain just for that lol

thanks, i think i'll let it go. i keep speccing it to see what's up. now that i have a little stash pile, i don't need to rush anything. and this will be the last grow until after move.
lemme get a pic here of trics, i hate this damn phone attaching thing.... it's hard AF to get a good pic. the other option is to use the digital scope, but that's just as hard to keep stable for a good pic/movie. for me i just use the hand loupe as that gives me the best picture of the trichs

btw @GoodShit97 i've decided on sending you a christmas present. If you're cool with that, i'll look to see if i still have your addy, or maybe you can PM it to me again.

Re: envo
i believe the environment couldn't be better, cold at night and low RH (40% right now) all day. it's been cold as a bitch here lately, and both tents are down to 60-70% power, so not much heat generating from that.

I do remember hearing that, now that you mention it, about you can really never go too long. I don't think i'll get rot, as the buds aren't donkey sized or anything. one of these fucking days i'll have those dreamt about donkey sized buds i see some pro growers on here having. i want to try that big bud strain just for that lol

thanks, i think i'll let it go. i keep speccing it to see what's up. now that i have a little stash pile, i don't need to rush anything. and this will be the last grow until after move.
lemme get a pic here of trics, i hate this damn phone attaching thing.... it's hard AF to get a good pic. the other option is to use the digital scope, but that's just as hard to keep stable for a good pic/movie.

View attachment 34810
Oh damn! Thats wicked nice of ya 👊🏼 ill hit ya with a DM.

I think you should be fine, airflow is important thats all lol.
40% is a good spot to be, i still see some clear in there too so you could definitely let it go imo.
cut and bucked all the photos in the 4x4 yesterday... about 14 hours of work. didn't want to stop once i started.

didn't take a lot of pics, so without much fanfare, the last big grow of the year comes down. don't know when i'll be growing again with all this move stuff coming up.

nonetheless, i have a few diff strains in there coming up
banana blaze:

not sure if this is purple punch photo or All gas OG gelato, as i played plant roulette shuffle with them lol. I think it's the OG, just purple lookin lol

stunk up the whole building yesterday....
don't laugh at my paper grocery bag labels in there lol
filled all 6 layers of the net up, some of them to the brim, with nice lookin, smelling, sticky buds. the strains are sorted by layers and their labels, so i'll know later.

top one is of inside tent
the last one has fallen... my last plant, the odd re-vegging/re-flowering purple gelato auto has been cut. Took quite a bit of pictures to celebrate the last one for who knows how long. going to be giving away all grow equipment except for maybe lights to a friend here. got to minimize everything to prep for the move, and won't be able to grow until i get a long term location assignment which might not be till next year.

it is fitting this is my last one as it is one of my best ones: this one little auto nearly filled my entire trim tray with buds.

purple gelato auto
before trimming:
after trimming:


like this everywhere, frosty1704664028652.jpeg

You being moved to Canada or Colorado? Work is good, sometimes interesting and if lucrative better than snoozing on the couch all day
Yeah I sat on the couch for 2 decades, decided to go back to school 4 years ago, and the offer I got is beyond my wildest expectations... It's all so insane...

I'll be going to Denver, CO, free rent for 8-12 months or however long it takes for me to get enough training to advance the role I was initially going to start at which only had 2 weeks of training. All I can think is that I fucking nailed it on the interview, they need people to fill some higher positions and chose me based on either my interview or the score I got from their proctored Mensa IQ test I took. Whatever the reason I just feel super lucky to start out at 6 figures right out of college with zero professional experience in the field.

I'm looking forward to putting my notice in at current job tomorrow morning. I'm sure HR is going to ask what they can do to keep me, and it will be funny to know they won't be able to even come close to matching the pay

Wife and myself have never been to Colorado, we both love to hike and so excited to see all the natural wonders there! Colorado looks beautiful in the videos and pictures. My cousin joked that I'm just changing mountains for other mountains lol

And thank you for asking
Yeah I sat on the couch for 2 decades, decided to go back to school 4 years ago, and the offer I got is beyond my wildest expectations... It's all so insane...

I'll be going to Denver, CO, free rent for 8-12 months or however long it takes for me to get enough training to advance the role I was initially going to start at which only had 2 weeks of training. All I can think is that I fucking nailed it on the interview, they need people to fill some higher positions and chose me based on either my interview or the score I got from their proctored Mensa IQ test I took. Whatever the reason I just feel super lucky to start out at 6 figures right out of college with zero professional experience in the field.

I'm looking forward to putting my notice in at current job tomorrow morning. I'm sure HR is going to ask what they can do to keep me, and it will be funny to know they won't be able to even come close to matching the pay

Wife and myself have never been to Colorado, we both love to hike and so excited to see all the natural wonders there! Colorado looks beautiful in the videos and pictures. My cousin joked that I'm just changing mountains for other mountains lol

And thank you for asking
My sister has lived in Boulder Lmost 25 years, I really liked tubing on their river, very fun. Telluride, Vail, Aspen all beautiful. Wonder if can still rent horses in Colorado Springs, great day out. Look into the construction of Stapleton airport, there is a giant underground installation (supposedly) and some folklore weird art.
My sister has lived in Boulder Lmost 25 years, I really liked tubing on their river, very fun. Telluride, Vail, Aspen all beautiful. Wonder if can still rent horses in Colorado Springs, great day out. Look into the construction of Stapleton airport, there is a giant underground installation (supposedly) and some folklore weird art.
Oh cool! We are excited to go in some of those hot springs out there too.

Can't wait to check all the stuff out
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