Everything Ninjadip

Yeah I sat on the couch for 2 decades, decided to go back to school 4 years ago, and the offer I got is beyond my wildest expectations... It's all so insane...

I'll be going to Denver, CO, free rent for 8-12 months or however long it takes for me to get enough training to advance the role I was initially going to start at which only had 2 weeks of training. All I can think is that I fucking nailed it on the interview, they need people to fill some higher positions and chose me based on either my interview or the score I got from their proctored Mensa IQ test I took. Whatever the reason I just feel super lucky to start out at 6 figures right out of college with zero professional experience in the field.

I'm looking forward to putting my notice in at current job tomorrow morning. I'm sure HR is going to ask what they can do to keep me, and it will be funny to know they won't be able to even come close to matching the pay

Wife and myself have never been to Colorado, we both love to hike and so excited to see all the natural wonders there! Colorado looks beautiful in the videos and pictures. My cousin joked that I'm just changing mountains for other mountains lol

And thank you for asking
Bro...your moving to Colorado? JEALOUS!! I lived there for almost 10 years. If you want some recommendations I got you! One would be to go see Mesa Verde. Also Red Rocks Amphitheatre (good hiking around there too). If you wanna get into mountain biking...NOW IS THE CHANCE. CO is the #1 mtb spot imo and now there are a fk ton of awesome new trails in the Front Range (where your going). Super stoked for you brother, will have to meet up one day over there and go ski/ride/smoke.
Yeah I sat on the couch for 2 decades, decided to go back to school 4 years ago, and the offer I got is beyond my wildest expectations... It's all so insane...

I'll be going to Denver, CO, free rent for 8-12 months or however long it takes for me to get enough training to advance the role I was initially going to start at which only had 2 weeks of training. All I can think is that I fucking nailed it on the interview, they need people to fill some higher positions and chose me based on either my interview or the score I got from their proctored Mensa IQ test I took. Whatever the reason I just feel super lucky to start out at 6 figures right out of college with zero professional experience in the field.

I'm looking forward to putting my notice in at current job tomorrow morning. I'm sure HR is going to ask what they can do to keep me, and it will be funny to know they won't be able to even come close to matching the pay

Wife and myself have never been to Colorado, we both love to hike and so excited to see all the natural wonders there! Colorado looks beautiful in the videos and pictures. My cousin joked that I'm just changing mountains for other mountains lol

And thank you for asking
Congrats Ninja! Your hard work is paying off!!!
I've never had weed coffee. how is that done? is it added to the coffee? or is it infused into a coffee bean?
throw a lil' infused coconut oil in the hot coffee, it adds a unique taste for sure. i like it. I have to be careful where i open the top to my coffee mug when at work though, cause a big wiff of weed smell can come out sometimes when drinking it in inside lol

Add tryptamine/l-trytophan powder

Are you just adding grounded shrooms or making extract?
ground shrooms, i'm all out now. just have 4 made choc bars stashed up now. debating on eating some today, with my time off.. lol

@ZombieRider thanks man!!! yeah, i'm so stoked!!!

@Rootsruler thanks a lot!

Wow, i really appreciate all the thanks everyone!!!! i'm nervous and excited at the same time... it's like "you want me???" lol
Sad ... Saying bye to all the grow equipment...
I won't be able to grow for at least a year.. going to pass this stuff on to a friend. I learned a lot for sure... Not sure if I'll grow again in the future or not at this point, most likely I will


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Sad ... Saying bye to all the grow equipment...
I won't be able to grow for at least a year.. going to pass this stuff on to a friend. I learned a lot for sure... Not sure if I'll grow again in the future or not at this point, most likely I will
View attachment 38907View attachment 38906
Best of luck with the next chapter bro.

Dont be too sad, the stuff you learned will go with you, if you ever wanna start up again it would be like riding a bike.
Once you get at it itll all come back to ya.
Best of luck with the next chapter bro.

Dont be too sad, the stuff you learned will go with you, if you ever wanna start up again it would be like riding a bike.
Once you get at it itll all come back to ya.
Yes, it is good to give. Difficult to give over a $1000 of gear away, but healthy for my soul.

On the plus side I will be able to design the next one from the ground up with previous working knowledge. It would be almost a given to be able to improve upon the existing design now that I know its weak points first hand
Gear comes and goes. The knowledge and experience go with you.

Congratulations and sorry. Congratulations on your job and sorry you have to smoke dispo weed!!! šŸ˜‰ šŸ™‚
Hopefully not for a while lol.
I'm going to have a little smoke break, going to stop after this weekend I think, and wait maybe 2 months untill getting back. I want to make sure my mind is sharp for the job training, I'm nervous and want to make sure I can prove my worth. Might sound crazy... But just really want this to work out, this is a great opportunity
Yes, it is good to give. Difficult to give over a $1000 of gear away, but healthy for my soul.

On the plus side I will be able to design the next one from the ground up with previous working knowledge. It would be almost a given to be able to improve upon the existing design now that I know its weak points first hand

Hopefully not for a while lol.
I'm going to have a little smoke break, going to stop after this weekend I think, and wait maybe 2 months untill getting back. I want to make sure my mind is sharp for the job training, I'm nervous and want to make sure I can prove my worth. Might sound crazy... But just really want this to work out, this is a great opportunity
Rooting for you, quite the opportunity
I'm gonna go throw a nug or two in my coffee filter and brew a pot šŸ¤£
I know I am not up to date with all that weed can do. I wouldn't be surprised if they can't infuse it into the coffee bean. here's a thing, you can brew a pot of coffee and then dry out the grounds and smoke them lol
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