Grump's Power Plant Grow.

I am still in Coco, affording the true Hydro system is still out of my reach. For now the simple 3 gal. coco & perlite has me around 3/4 1 lb. a light. I want to master this style before I tackle true hydro like a lot of you guys. Fun learning at 64 at any rate or style. SSgrower Thanks for the tips

Plenty of time to learn some thing new. (y)
I am still in Coco, affording the true Hydro system is still out of my reach. For now the simple 3 gal. coco & perlite has me around 3/4 1 lb. a light. I want to master this style before I tackle true hydro like a lot of you guys. Fun learning at 64 at any rate or style. SSgrower Thanks for the tips
I don't have an exact number, but I believe my hydro setup costed under 500. Some totes and some pvc with a pump. As you can see from this grow, there's a bit of a learning curve. I've tried a few things and can't seem to reign in the deficiency. My last grow went by so easy that I don't think I learned as much as I had originally thought, and this grow hasn't provided much of a learning opportunity yet. I've been super busy lately, but I don't think that's contributed to my deficiency. I might just be dealing with a very stubborn plant.
The plants have the ability to put out some nice new growth, so its not the strain, then they seem to hit a wall, got to be some thing they need to carry on putting out new growth, but not getting. I know nothing about your fertilisation so can't comment any further. (y)
The plants have the ability to put out some nice new growth, so its not the strain, then they seem to hit a wall, got to be some thing they need to carry on putting out new growth, but not getting. I know nothing about your fertilisation so can't comment any further. (y)
She's been fed an even 321 ratio of Green, Purple, and Pink. I upped the Calmag after the first couple weeks and then dosed with epsom just a couple weeks ago. This change, I upped the Green and Purple and lowered the pink.
Do you have pics of Green Purple and Pink, Calmag is the devils work, I use drops rather than ml's. I'd use either the Calmag or the Epsom, but not both together, I never did any good with Epsom, alway's seemed to have a problem, so I binned it and stuck with the Calmag. (y)
Do you have pics of Green Purple and Pink, Calmag is the devils work, I use drops rather than ml's. I'd use either the Calmag or the Epsom, but not both together, I never did any good with Epsom, alway's seemed to have a problem, so I binned it and stuck with the Calmag. (y)
It's the GH flora trio. I added the epsom because I initially diagnosed this as a Magnesium deficiency. She showed similar signs to my last plant and a dose of epsom fixed that one right up. I think I started this grow with 2ml/gal calmag and someone mentioned giving her a little more. I start with 0ppm RO/DI water.
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Here's the mix. I'll let it set and circulate, then adjust the pH this evening. I didn't add any extra epsom this time assuming there was still some in the lower res leftovers.
Also... I went back to how I fed before. That's the only change I've made this round. Last grow, I just filled the top-off res with RO after dropping it into the lower res. This grow, I've been adding nutes to the top-off to match the plant res. I didn't amend the top-off after filling the lowers, this time, and it ended up at 100ppm at 5.8pH. So as she drinks, that's what will be replenished.
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You could try cutting your Calmag by half, and spread those reclaimed ppms back up to 600 through your Micro, Grow, and Bloom, seems a high amount of Calmag compared to your other additives, I would expect your highest dose of nuits to be Grow as your in veg. (y) Been a long time since I grew with GH flora trio, good nuits. (y)
The plant really starting eating after this last nute change and I had to add a bit to the resevoir. She was still looking pretty homely on Teusday so I figured "What the hey" and dosed her up into the 900s. She's still eating but she's still got the fading leaf syndrome. I can't tell what's going on but she's coming up on the end of her two week allotment and hasn't improved.

Unfortunately, this plant is coming down. I'm going to cull her today and give the system a thorough cleaning so I can get started on the next round. I'll likely be popping some beans again this weekend. I'm leaning more towards the Raspberry Parfait x Purple Panty Dropper cross.

Thanks to everyone for your help and I'm sorry I dragged this out and strung you along for an extra couple months. I'm still optimistic and expect the next round to be a step up from this go. Keep your eyes open for my next thread popping up in a week or so.
Some plants just have the funk.
I got 17 plants in the room and 1 is acting all unhappy and not growing like the others.
If it was my only plant I might still think something I was doing or not doing was causing it.
Having 16 others doing just fine tells me I have no control over what that other one does. It can't be fixed.
Hope you get a good one this next grow.
No perfectly dialed in yet but close enough.

PPFD is a little high but can't raise em anymore, or turn down and I'll be too low and not adjusting the heighth of panels
i was looking at this one for the 2x4

smaller, 2L, top fill, for the 2x4, wont take up too much space

we do need one for the living/BR though so ill check it out
I don't know how dry it is there, but here I'd have to fill that thing 2-3 times a day. Mine burns through a gallon and a half a day.
I don't know how dry it is there, but here I'd have to fill that thing 2-3 times a day. Mine burns through a gallon and a half a day.
It's 39% outside rn according to a weather app

Usually kinda dry here, dry winters, for the 2x4 Huey sets on low between a balance with vent and exhaust
So we're looking at 6 days and nothing has popped yet. I'm wondering if how I've stored my seeds has impacted my last two attempts. They're in the original packaging stuffed into a dresser drawer in the back room that doesn't get over 60 degrees. Think I might order something new.
So we're looking at 6 days and nothing has popped yet. I'm wondering if how I've stored my seeds has impacted my last two attempts. They're in the original packaging stuffed into a dresser drawer in the back room that doesn't get over 60 degrees. Think I might order something new.
I keep all my seeds in a padded envelope in my cabinet with all my grow stuff, hits 82° in there some days and my beans have been fine so far.

if ordering new, DFG Is running a banger of a sale.
Buy 1 get 5 free, buy 2 get 10 free, buy 3 get 15 free!!!! If i didnt just get cut off on seed buying again, id be getting at least 1 pack from him lol.
I keep all my seeds in a padded envelope in my cabinet with all my grow stuff, hits 82° in there some days and my beans have been fine so far.

if ordering new, DFG Is running a banger of a sale.
Buy 1 get 5 free, buy 2 get 10 free, buy 3 get 15 free!!!! If i didnt just get cut off on seed buying again, id be getting at least 1 pack from him lol.
I saw this mentioned and am absolutely interested. I haven't seen a grow with his genetics go south. Everyone producing some fire buds from his stock.
I saw this mentioned and am absolutely interested. I haven't seen a grow with his genetics go south. Everyone producing some fire buds from his stock.
Definitely dude. Im finally running his genetics for the first time and just in veg ive been impressed. Few more weeks theyll be in flower mode.
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