Grump's Power Plant Grow.

Im not sure if you're following my recommendations but when i say the ratio's i would use are 3-2-1 green, purple, orca which equates to15ml green, 10ml purple, 5ml which i call a single dose.

Many different ways to the finish line
Is that per gallon? 15ml green per gallon seems way to hot.

I have 321 ratios green/purple/pink. I was just shooting for 4-450ppms.
Im not sure if you're following my recommendations but when i say the ratio's i would use are 3-2-1 green, purple, orca which equates to15ml green, 10ml purple, 5ml which i call a single dose.

Many different ways to the finish line
I see what's up. I didn't add the pink dosage. My mistake. I'll edit that in.

3 green 2 purple 1 pink. 30/20/10ml total.
Is that per gallon? 15ml green per gallon seems way to hot.

I have 321 ratios gren/purple/pink. I was just shooting for 4-450ppms.
That dose (ratios, 3 part 2 part 1 part) would be added to your system.

In my veg room (50 gal system)that one dose of 15ml/10ml/5ml would increase my total ppms by 30
That dose (ratios, 3 part 2 part 1 part) would be added to your system.

In my veg room (50 gal system)that one dose of 15ml/10ml/5ml would increase my total ppms by 30
I've had that wrong from the beginning. 321 ratios still but the doses were wrong. The water got 1.5/1/.5ml per gallon into 20 gallons. That totaled up to 30/20/10ml

I smoked today so I'm a bit fuzzy. Sorry for any confusion 🤣
Hows she doing?
She's still coming along, slowly. She finally started shooting roots out the side of the netpot, so that's cool. She's still kinda ugly though. A few days ago, I added some epsom salt because it looked like she might still have some magnesium deficiency after the res change. I'll snap some pictures here in a bit.
13 days after the resevoir change and she's slowly coming along. I added around 150ppm of epsom salt 5 or so days ago. Bottom res sits at 600 now. Top res is still at 420. Shes drank over a gallon in the last two weeks so that's a nice plus from before. She was hardly drinking there for a while.
13 days after the resevoir change and she's slowly coming along. I added around 150ppm of epsom salt 5 or so days ago. Bottom res sits at 600 now. Top res is still at 420. Shes drank over a gallon in the last two weeks so that's a nice plus from before. She was hardly drinking there for a while.
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looks like she can take a slight increase in PPFD and NPK, or the PPMs are possible fine, maybe a little more mG?

lookin good, im itching to start my 3 gallon DWC again now.....seeing you go
Is she eating grump?
PPMs are fine.
Top-off has had the same ppms until the epsom dose. Ppm hasn't drifted up and she's drank a little more than a gallon. That means she's probably eating, right?

Here in a few days, I was gonna pull some out of the bottom and refill from the top to drop some of that epsom ppm.
I've been busy and haven't had much time to post any follow-ups. I took these pics Sunday before I left town for the week. Wife's kept the humidifier filled for me and that's all the upkeep necessary, just haven't been able to track the plant's progress.

She started shooting roots out the side of the netpot, finally. That same day, ppms dropped 30. 30 more the next day. Upper res was sitting at 440 and lower plant res was at 570. I think I'll keep that extra epsom in there until the next res change. I'll know more when I get back home, but she still seemed to be showing the same magnesium deficiency. I had that same issue with my last grow. I'm wondering if calmag in my RO/DI water just isn't enough magnesium.

She's getting tall. Assuming the new growth in these pics isn't showing the same deficiency, I'll top her when I get home. I've debated whether or not to SCROG this round or to just let it grow. There may be some height constraints with the latter. Either way, here she is...
Sorry to see it’s still recovering, but glad it is. 👍

You need to wait till she’s better before SCROG anyway. Time to think on it. You can always bend her over and SCROG a little later. Or do what i did…little freerun, little SCROG/trellis.

Hope she takes off soon. 🤞
How deep are your pots into your water? I run my net pots an inch above the water level. (y)
Same. About an inch up with plenty of spray. Everything is basically the same from my last grow but I went with 4" pots instead of 6"

How much height do you have to work with - like what's the max planet height you can grow?

Something is not happy with this plant. When you get back let's figure it out.
My tote is about 14" in a 78" tent.

I agree, though. It's not a happy plant. I've been under the impression that the taproot never hit any resistance. I'm hoping that, now that she's actually eating and drinking, she's on the mend. I'll know more when I get home tonight or tomorrow.
Same. About an inch up with plenty of spray. Everything is basically the same from my last grow but I went with 4" pots instead of 6"

My tote is about 14" in a 78" tent.

I agree, though. It's not a happy plant. I've been under the impression that the taproot never hit any resistance. I'm hoping that, now that she's actually eating and drinking, she's on the mend. I'll know more when I get home tonight or tomorrow.
So that leaves you just about 4' for the plant after you figure the lights.

I really think you are going to need to tame this plant. It is time to flip now based on height and morphology of this plant, but it is not really healthy enough to flip now IMO.

I think you will need to top and try to go wider whether you use a net or not.
So that leaves you just about 4' for the plant after you figure the lights.

I really think you are going to need to tame this plant. It is time to flip now based on height and morphology of this plant, but it is not really healthy enough to flip now IMO.

I think you will need to top and try to go wider whether you use a net or not.
I'm with ya. I do wanna top and train some, just might avoid the actual SCROG. It's just a combination of a struggled start with limited time. I'd like to believe that she'll come around now that she's putting out more sideroots.

It still looks like a magnesium deficiency, though. Do you agree with that assumption?

Flipping a small plant isn't gonna hurt my feelings. This strain will supposedly produce a pound growing 12/12 from seed. That, plus I've wasted quite a bit of time trying to get her reigned in that I'm ready for this round to be over with so I can get some more seeds going and start fresh. We're creeping up on 2 months of veg and this thing is still a baby. I think you're earliest assumption about the taproot not hitting any resistance is the root of this plant's issue. Almost like she's just been burning her energy trying to settle in rather than growth.
I don't think there's any deficiency here, the plant is simply not eating and cannibalizing herself to stay alive. She's what 10 weeks old and is the size of a 2 to 3 week old.

My signature says that this may be one of the mostly. Now she is a waste of time. Imo
Everything I see on the strain info wise says it's a sativa leaner from South Africa...that's about it. Wonder if it wants that tropical environment? Little warmer and more humid? Idk just stoned and thinking. Tough one to figure, good learning curve to it I'd say.

Me I'd have a hard time leaving those yellow leafs on there. I'd pluck and top and hope she likes it rough. Give her the ole hiiiya
I don't think there's any deficiency here, the plant is simply not eating and cannibalizing herself to stay alive. She's what 10 weeks old and is the size of a 2 to 3 week old.

My signature says that this may be one of the mostly. Now she is a waste of time. Imo
This makes a lot of sense. I'm expecting a lot more roots out of the pot whenever I make it back home and hopefully a big boost in growth. She has started eating finally. There was a couple week period there where my top-off res level didn't drop.

I'll grow it out for the learning experience and I'm curious how she'll taste and smell. Plus, I have this weird idea in my head that I control the universe. I grew Power Plant because I was hoping to get the power plant job. A week after planting the seed, I got the offer. Now, I feel like if I shitcan this plant now, my job will shitcan me as well. I'm weird like that.

Everything I see on the strain info wise says it's a sativa leaner from South Africa...that's about it. Wonder if it wants that tropical environment? Little warmer and more humid? Idk just stoned and thinking. Tough one to figure, good learning curve to it I'd say.

Me I'd have a hard time leaving those yellow leafs on there. I'd pluck and top and hope she likes it rough. Give her the ole hiiiya
Man I've had the same thought. Maybe she wants it hot.

I've kept the leaves because they still have some green. I think it was Aqua that said to just let her abandon the leaves in her own time. I'm assuming to limit the stress because she's already under some sort of duress.
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