Grump's Power Plant Grow.

This poor plant has had a rough start but she's starting to grow out of it. Stressed from the get-go, a new job coupled with a toddler hitting that particular stage have left me with very little time to tend to her particular needs. I'm lucky to fill the humidifier every day let alone stay on top of my recent pH plunges. We're headed to bed early tonight so I was able to snag some pics.
This poor plant has had a rough start but she's starting to grow out of it. Stressed from the get-go, a new job coupled with a toddler hitting that particular stage have left me with very little time to tend to her particular needs. I'm lucky to fill the humidifier every day let alone stay on top of my recent pH plunges. We're headed to bed early tonight so I was able to snag some pics.
View attachment 27633View attachment 27634
Once you get comfortable/in a routine/more familiar, that hydro should make it easier and give you more time for other shit, it'll just need weekly maintenance instead of daily.

I'm trying to get there, I'm done with this daily maintenance for shit about, want to allocate time elsewhere, less on the tedious manual mind-numbing work.
This poor plant has had a rough start but she's starting to grow out of it. Stressed from the get-go, a new job coupled with a toddler hitting that particular stage have left me with very little time to tend to her particular needs. I'm lucky to fill the humidifier every day let alone stay on top of my recent pH plunges. We're headed to bed early tonight so I was able to snag some pics.
View attachment 27633View attachment 27634
Just wait until said toddler is old enough to start getting into things and puts stuff in your res🤦🏻

Still dont know what my kid poured into my cloner a few months back but what a nightmare🤣
This poor plant has had a rough start but she's starting to grow out of it. Stressed from the get-go, a new job coupled with a toddler hitting that particular stage have left me with very little time to tend to her particular needs. I'm lucky to fill the humidifier every day let alone stay on top of my recent pH plunges. We're headed to bed early tonight so I was able to snag some pics.
View attachment 27633View attachment 27634
I've missed your thread.
Imo she's hungry, still hungry
Get rid of those spent leaves
Change the nutrients out, add 300 ppm/500 scale of green brown pink at 3-2-1 ratios.

If she was mine

Edit: calmag to 180 ppm first
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I've missed your thread.
Imo she's hungry, still hungry
Get rid of those spent leaves
Change the nutrients out, add 300 ppm/500 scale of green brown pink at 3-2-1 ratios.

If she was mine

Edit: calmag to 180 ppm first
View attachment 27638
I'm gonna top that last set of leaves coming in and plan on removing all the brown leaves then.

A nute change is out of the question right now, though. I'm sure she'd appreciate it, but I gotta find the time first. This indefinite schedule of 7 12's has been hard on all of us, plant included. Add a wild toddler to the mix and I'm tired boss. I gotta watch her as soon as I'm home because mom has had enough by then. Hopefully I'll catch a break in a week or so.

I gave her an extra dose of Calmag a few days ago. She was at 320 3/2/1 and the extra Calmag brought us up to 420.
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I'm gonna top that last set of leaves coming in and plan on removing all the brown leaves then.

A nute change is out of the question right now, though. I'm sure she'd appreciate it, but I gotta find the time first. This indefinite schedule of 7 12's has been hard on all of us, plant included. Add a wild toddler to the mix and I'm tired boss. I gotta watch her as soon as I'm home because mom has had enough by then. Hopefully I'll catch a break in a week or so.
Once you get comfortable/in a routine/more familiar, that hydro should make it easier and give you more time for other shit, it'll just need weekly maintenance instead of daily.

I'm trying to get there, I'm done with this daily maintenance for shit about, want to allocate time elsewhere, less on the tedious manual mind-numbing work.
Yeah I agree. My last run was a breeze but the baby didn't require this much attention and I had weekends off. Today will be my 8th workday in a row, 3rd 12 hr shift. She's got food so I've been doing my best to just keep the pH under control. She needs a res change, just gotta find the time.

Just wait until said toddler is old enough to start getting into things and puts stuff in your res🤦🏻

Still dont know what my kid poured into my cloner a few months back but what a nightmare🤣
There's a keyed lock on my back room for that reason. I planned ahead for the youngster 🤣
but the baby didn't require this much attention
"what baby?" :sleep:😪😴💤💤💤💤😆
and I had weekends off. Today will be my 8th workday in a row, 3rd 12 hr shift. She's got food so I've been doing my best to just keep the pH under control. She needs a res change, just gotta find the time.

There's a keyed lock on my back room for that reason. I planned ahead for the youngster 🤣
im walking short term memory loss

on my 3rd or 4th?, hell 5th? watering of the night now, lmao

I'm gonna top that last set of leaves coming in and plan on removing all the brown leaves then.

A nute change is out of the question right now, though. I'm sure she'd appreciate it, but I gotta find the time first. This indefinite schedule of 7 12's has been hard on all of us, plant included. Add a wild toddler to the mix and I'm tired boss. I gotta watch her as soon as I'm home because mom has had enough by then. Hopefully I'll catch a break in a week or so.

I gave her an extra dose of Calmag a few days ago. She was at 320 3/2/1 and the extra Calmag brought us up to 420.
If she was mine i would hold off on topping until she recovered some
"what baby?" :sleep:😪😴💤💤💤💤😆

im walking short term memory loss

on my 3rd or 4th?, hell 5th? watering of the night now, lmao

Haha yeah. I'm glad I went the hydro route. No way could I manually water with your high frequency regimen. I would've given up by now.

Res change will take an hour+ and right now sleep is more important. Gotta be sharp and on my toes at work.
Haha yeah. I'm glad I went the hydro route. No way could I manually water with your high frequency regimen. I would've given up by now.
definitely, gotta get the auto-fertigation set up next run, so i can just chill for a bit, till i feel like doing it again by hand.

Res change will take an hour+ and right now sleep is more important. Gotta be sharp and on my toes at work.
agree, get some good sleep man.
Haha yeah. I'm glad I went the hydro route. No way could I manually water with your high frequency regimen. I would've given up by now.

Res change will take an hour+ and right now sleep is more important. Gotta be sharp and on my toes at work.
On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 is good, howare you liking the new job?
On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 is good, howare you liking the new job?
Man I'd give it at least a 9. It's like an old submarine in there with all the pipes and valves and leaks and steam. It's all really cool.

I wasn't ready for shift work just yet. We hadn't anticipated getting called on this winter so I was looking forward to learning as much as I could before we kicked the plant on. It's a trial by fire right now, learning as I go. The pay is good and the guys are pleasant enough to work with.
Man I'd give it at least a 9. It's like an old submarine in there with all the pipes and valves and leaks and steam. It's all really cool.

I wasn't ready for shift work just yet. We hadn't anticipated getting called on this winter. It's a trial by fire right now, learning as I go.

pay is good

guys are pleasant enough to work with.
thats mostly all that matters, IMO, at a place of employment.

thats all that matters, IMO, on a "job" site
Agreed man. I worked a shit job for 12 years because of the crew we had. I tried a couple different electrical outfits and I just never fit in. I brought one of my old coworkers to this new job so that's another plus. Got a homie on the crew.
Agreed man. I worked a shit job for 12 years because of the crew we had. I tried a couple different electrical outfits and I just never fit in. I brought one of my old coworkers to this new job so that's another plus. Got a homie on the crew.
hell yea.

not the by-yourself-new-guy, trying to adjust into a new environment with new/unknown peeps
I have worked with my buddy for over 20 years at 3 different companies. We worked for ourselves for over 10 years.
We both get that time to go feeling at the same time and end up at the same new place.
Work is work, but who you work with is more important IMO.
I can't spend 8 hours a day around a bunch of assholes and not play the part back for their pleasure.🖕
I've been an entrepreneur most of my life, owned several small independent companies. I Just hope this latest venture, Coastal Custom Canna so to speak doesn't come back to bite me in the ass. It's still Outlaw & always will be. I enjoy your grow, carry on. SSgrower
11/5 Update:
I took off the lower death a couple days ago and today I made up a new batch of nutes and did a full resevoir change. It's been nice finally getting a weekend off.

In the water per gallon:
.75g of Agsil16
2ml - pH Down
3ml - CaliMagic
1ml - Purple
1.5ml - Green
.5ml - Pink
1.5ml - Orca
1ml - Mr. Fulvic

I'll let it sit and circulate throughout the day and I'll readjust pH this evening.

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11/5 Update:
I took off the lower death a couple days ago and today I made up a new batch of nutes and did a full resevoir change. It's been nice finally getting a weekend off.

In the water per gallon:
.75g of Agsil16
2ml - pH UP
3ml - CaliMagic
2ml - Purple
3ml - Green
1.5ml - Orca
1ml - Mr. Fulvic

I'll let it sit and circulate throughout the day and I'll readjust pH this evening.

View attachment 28592View attachment 28593View attachment 28594View attachment 28595
Are you seeing a possible magnesium deficiency also?

Edit; are both the probes from your blue labs in the same water?
Are you seeing a possible magnesium deficiency also?
I questioned throwing in some epsom salts this round...
I used a lot of it last round and threw a bit in before this res change but didn't add any today.

Edit; are both the probes from your blue labs in the same water?
No. One of the meters reads the top-off resevoir and the other reads the plant resevoirs. I added a gallon of RO to the upper res and they're both reading 420.
@GrumpAzz, im curious where you came up with your orca dosing? I think the bottle calls for .5ml/gal. Thats how I have been dosing. This has nothing to do with whats going on with this plant, but I’m wondering if im under dosing my res.
I questioned throwing in some epsom salts this round...
I used a lot of it last round and threw a bit in before this res change but didn't add any today.

No. One of the meters reads the top-off resevoir and the other reads the plant resevoirs. I added a gallon of RO to the upper res and they're both reading 420.
Epsom as a foliar is the quickest way to feed magnesium imo

I don’t spray anything if they are in flower. Maybe during week 1
@GrumpAzz, im curious where you came up with your orca dosing? I think the bottle calls for .5ml/gal. Thats how I have been dosing. This has nothing to do with whats going on with this plant, but I’m wondering if im under dosing my res.
I don't know. I noticed a little browning early on and upped the dose. Before that I've always just added 1ml/gal. I have less filter media in the res this time so I figured the extra dose wouldn't hurt. I emptied the resevoirs with this change so I assumed the more the better.
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